15 Reviews
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The Strangers (2008)
Achingly dumb
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We're used to seeing dumb characters in horror films, but these 2 take the cake. 3 masked attackers walk slowly around in the shadows for 90 minutes while Liv & the other fella always happen to be looking the other way...over....and....over.... A shotgun is acquired, nice. Barricade the bedroom door they are in with the double bed & whatever else, wait till daybreak then shoot whoever gets in your way as you walk to freedom on a beautiful summer morning. But no. Guess i'll just insist on going to the smashed car outside in the pitch black to retrieve the mobile phone & leave Liv alone to tremble in an unbarricaded, great idea! The scene that finally did it, Liv finds herself in a literal TOOL SHED but thinks it best not to pick up a weapon.....save your time, watch You're Next instead, far better.
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Dashcam (I) (2021)
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of the found footage genre & think it has produced some original innovative stuff over the last few years. Seeing posters for this & having watched 'Host' (a far superior film to this) i was looking forward to watching it. Decent set up & ideas after the introduction of the mysterious Annie character had me intrigued & should have been a much better film. However....the lead character is the most annoying & insufferable person i have ever seen committed to film. If you suffer with blood pressure problems this woman will kill you. I would have turned off but i hung around hoping for her inevitable demise which unfortunately never arrived :(( Other reviews have said she's basically playing herself & if thats true i feel sympathy for anyone in her vicinity. I will never watch anything with that woman in it ever again.
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24 November 2021
This man is so very full of himself its excruciating to watch & painful to hear. 'My' investigation, 'I' have discovered, 'I' have linked, the man is talking out of his a**e. Everything 'he' discovers is information police have already reviewed & investigated with nothing new of his own added. No doubt all information should be reviewed & re-investigated in cold cases, but not by a self important pompous know-it-all like Mark Williams Thomas. Oh & he does refer to himself as Mark Williams Thomas, 'hello John its Mark Williams Thomas here' when a simpme 'its Mark' would do. This guy is infuriating, listen to the reviews here, they are accurate, avoid.
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Heat (1995)
Good but overrated
5 October 2021
Good but overrated & too long, 45 minutes of it is unnecessary. Great action sequences & plot, but too many unnecessary subplots going on that are uninteresting. Great crime drama, terrible soap opera. Val Kilmer driving away at the end by flashing a fake drivers licence, do the police not have a photo of him? Should have been better. All the 10 ratings & 'greatest movie ever made' reviews are obviously fanboys.
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Tenet (2020)
Sorry Chris....
17 August 2021
Nolan is fast disappearing up hos own a**e. I'm a big fan, but Chris just please hit the reset button & start again. As other reviewers stated, massively over convoluted plot made nigh on impossible to grasp due to the terrible sound. Avoid. C'mon Chris, you know better.
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Black Mirror: The National Anthem (2011)
Season 1, Episode 1
Ignore all the 1 stars
18 January 2021
Very funny, entertaining, very well acted. Ignore all the 1 stars saying this & that & blah blah & its offensive & obscene, YAWN! Its a great entry in a great series. Enjoy
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The Larry Sanders Show (1992–1998)
Commiehunter is an idiot
30 October 2020
Review below, by 'commiehunter' maaan, what a fool. Do you judge all tv & film based on how many 'hot girls' appear in them, or whether or not they have 'bodies & faces for radio' stick to Baywatch you fool
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Redcon-1 (2018)
11 May 2019
Terrible plot, acting, action. Do not waste your time, just watch one of those dodgy zombie reenactments, its that bad. Avoid
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The Day Today (1994)
17 February 2019
Chris Morris is God. The funniest man i have ever clapped eyes on. You must rush out now & buy everything he has ever appeared in. Jam, Brass Eye, Nathan Barley, The Day Today, On the Hour, The IT Crowd (which he completely steals from everyone in his brief appearances). Go buy them all. Do it. Now
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The Office (2001–2003)
NOT like Fawlty Towers OR Red Dwarf
17 February 2019
One of the all time Great British comedies. A previous review i just saw stated (i'm assuming for his fellow american imdb'ers) that if you like Fawlty Towers or Red Dwarf you would like this. Nothing could be more wildly off the mark. These shows are complete opposites of the Office in comedy style, & ill still be watching David Brent & Finchy over Basil Fawlty & Rimmer every time
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The Staircase (2004– )
Too long
27 November 2018
A good story kinda ruined by Netflix. Drags on for what seems like an eternity & i lost interest. I just ended up asking a friend how it ended.
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Blue Ruin (2013)
Brilliant slow burning revenge flick
10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The protagonist of this film is not badass. He is not a ruthless killing machine. Most revenge pics we see take mild-mannered men & on the spin of a coin they become badass killing machines with an unusual amount of skill & artistry to go with it. In Blue Ruin this not the case. He is a normal guy without murderous tendencies struggling with what he does or is going to do. The act of vengeance plays out fairly early in the film & what we see is the fallout of his act. The grounding in realism is what sets this apart from your average revenge picture. He gets shot in the leg with an arrow & guess what? He doesn't then run around for the rest of the film like nothing happened. He faints from blood loss. He goes to a hospital. He limps for the remainder of the film. An understated & brilliant thriller
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You're not scared of me are you Richard
10 June 2018
A truly unsettling little film & a classic of modern British cinema. I call it a little film because there is nothing flashy, brash or glamorous about this, its a straight forward plot, told in a straight forward way. Toby Kebbells character Anthony aside there are no likeable characters in the film, but who says there has to be? I see many reviews on this site with people complaining 'i didn't like any of the characters or care for them' but why does this always have to be the case? There are a lot of unlikeable people out there & they are portrayed nowhere better than in Dead Mans Shoes. The performances throughout are excellent, even given most are non or part time actors. Toby Kebbell though is sublime as Anthony & the level of emotion & empathy I felt for him was heartbreaking. The film though belongs to Paddy Considines Richard. The unwavering & unflinching remorseless Considine Shows us is chilling & as scary a character i've seen on film ( & he's the 'good guy'!). The scene where the local small time dealer confronts Richard in the bar & the scene where the local kingpin confronts Richard in the street are both superb, his reaction both times chilling. Nitty, gritty, funny & scary, watch it. 10/10
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The Wire (2002–2008)
Best TV Show Ever
10 June 2018
My headline says it all. Hype can only be a bad thing as it can only lead to disappointment, but i can't help myself & the plethora of 10star reviews are completely justified. Read some of the bad reviews on this site with people complaining of boredom saying that nothing happens its overlong blah blah blah, these folk should stick to Arnold Schwarzenegger films. If you enjoy realistic, multi-layered (i hate that phrase but it could have been invented for this show), challenging drama the The Wire is for you
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Shame to see the decline
10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seasons 1-3 (maybe 4 too) made for great entertaining TV. Carrie, Brody, Dar Adal, Quinn & Saul in particular created a good base of characters around which to revolve the show. The 1st 3 seasons where well written keeping you hooked & excited for following episodes, besides some dodgy side plots( Brodys daughter in particular annoyed the HELL out of me & his son might as well not have existed). After this though the show has seen a rapid decline seeing evermore far fetched & non-sensical storylines. As other reviewers have stated 24 had the most overblown & most unbelievable storylines EVER but was pure entertainment you left your brain at the door for. For a show like Homeland which wants to ground itself in reality this doesn't work & becomes all the more infuriating. As for the characters, Carrie has now become the most obnoxious & irritating character on TV. Claire Danes who i thought did a good job earlier in the franchise now trying to out-ridiculous herself & character episode after episode. Mandy Patinkin, who played one of my favourite characters & remains the only reason i keep watching, just now seems to be going through the motions as Saul. I think Mandy must know how bad the show has become but i want to know what becomes of Saul. Quinn was also a superb kick-ass character but was completely ruined with his cripple storyline arc & the character deserved better. Stick with seasons 1-3 but prepared to become increasingly p****d off with Carrie & her erratic notions, overacting & the painful Frannie storyline
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