
24 Reviews
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Surprising and worthy movie
7 April 2024
This third movie in the series is by far the best yet and it would be hard to equal it...though I'd love to see some more attempts on this line.

Not just light, irreverent and offensive content like the first one and to some extent the second. This is an epic movie of substance and gravity.

The action scenes are unique, gritty and leave the viewer not knowing how they will turn out...quite wonderfully done!

Enjoyable, moving, enlightening and so clever in its tie-in to true world history.

Give us more of this please.

Rasputin was a special delightful part. The fighting scenes, again, were so well done and such fun. The choreography was spectacular.
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One for the older guys
16 September 2023
Some memorable moments.

And Scarlett Johansson - enough said.

A bit dated now in the 2020s. Great old music and good acting.

Great food for thought as a father and a great reminder of the place of mentoring and what it really is vS the corporate ladder progression. And getting older in a works that is rapidly advancing.

It's not that engrossing - falls a bit short of being really great : the components don't quite come together to make the great movie that it might have.

Some totally fun and enjoyable moments that all us can relate to that are parents and have spent some time in the working world.

If you are in this category then it is totally worth a watch if you can get your hands on it.
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Amsterdam (2022)
Truly outstanding, totally hilarious. A keeper!!
5 August 2023
How do you take something that is an authentic (and nearly unheard of) historical conspiracy that had the power to change the face of the world, and produce it into a ridiculous, clever, witty, totally funny movie? It is genius, & these guys did it awesomely!!

Why hadn't I heard of this movie? Must have been covid that pushed it aside on release!?

The cast is truly incredible! The 3 main actors: Margot Robbie, Christian Bale and John David Washington are mesmerisingly good, and the top class layers of support actors that are weaved through the story are crazy-amazing. De Niro is totally classic, & perfect fit in his role. Chris Rock is hilarious, Mike Myers and Michael Shannon are brilliant. Zoe Saldana's appearance was like a beautiful surprise gift and just perfect.

The movie is able to spin a tale that keeps you guessing, while you're laughing and conceals and twists delightfully.

If you are besotted with Margot Robbie then this is your movie: she just sucks the air out the room and slows down time in every shot she's in!

But Christian Bale as an injured comic war veteran, slightly on the crazy side is something that will keep me coming back to watch this movie over and over. Yip: this movie is a keeper. Going on my "top shelf"!
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Heroic, overcoming sci-Fi with amazing mobilising heart-message
16 July 2023
What a great movie. Sci-Fi meets military action and winning against all odds with great humour weaved all through and a massive heart-message!

This movie rocks to the core and stirs into a different outlook on life: a positive one; a motivating one; a loving one.

The end credits music was the only bad side of the movie...why put the heavy, suspenseful music at the end after everything ends so well and all is resolved...can we please do a do over with some positive, we just conquered music with a touch of "I'm gonna go and take hold of my life right now and not throw it away and not miss it"...that will hit the spot.

Loved Chris Pratt and the female leads; Simmons is always an endearing legend and the male co-stars were awesome.

Great movie.
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Touching. Feel-good but not incredible
14 January 2023
Such great acting by Ewan and Emily. So sensitive, so real. The directing and cinematography was incredible. The use of camera work as well as the artistic composition of the frames was like sweet soul music.

The story was touching and stirring and hope-inspiring, tinged with inevitable sadness and grief of a human drama of which this is in part.

I enjoyed a good laugh at times and the heart of the movie was always sweet and light while it weaved the human tale and the movie plot.

A good one All in all.

Kristen Scott Thomas plays a good role and there is some detest- edged comedic moments that she brings. Some good fun too.
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The Counselor (2013)
What? How can it be so bad?
20 September 2022
The first few minutes are classic sub-standard fare...& you think: it has to get better! But like every case in the past, it never does.

Ridley Scott is brilliant but he also has some bad misses, & this movie, with all its stellar cast is one such a miss. Disappointing!!

The lead guy just doesn't work for me: his acting in this film irks me, and the others are not far behind. Brad Pitt comes over as classic Brad Pitt, but his role is far too inconsequential to redeem this Titanic failure. Penelope Cruz is such a good actress but caught under the eighteen wheels of this disaster the way she is caught under the sheet in the ridiculous opening scene. Eish!
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The 355 (2022)
Worth watching
16 June 2022
A solid movie, that mixes action and shoot up with the more real human side of life. A solid girl-power theme. I love the heart and the themes of trust and team, in the midst of the all-too real-world reality of corruption and rottenness in "the system".

Solid and good. All the ladies did an outstanding job. Best one yet for Jessica Chastain.
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14 June 2022
Great acting by the 2 kids. Reese Witherspoon was perfect too. But the movie was a weird, crazy object lesson in the package of someone's weird time-spirituality worldview - that I'm just glad I don't share.

There are some good timeless truths esp about accepting and loving ourselves and forgiving ourselves and love conquering all evil.

Not the worst movie but certainly not the best for me.
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Three Kings (1999)
Great movie
24 March 2022
This is a great movie: displaying how love and regard for other humans trumps the biggest selfish desires. Recommend it; though it has plenty blood and guts. Great cast with top acting.
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Enough (I) (2002)
Gripping! Terrifying! Moving!
28 January 2022
I went in to this movie expecting it to be fairly light and fun "victim gets her own back" vibe. But that is not what this movie is: it is so much better!

We are sucked right into the victim's world, and it is all heart and all real; we share in the giving of trust and the great times...and this sets us up to fully feel the sucker-punch of betrayal.

I haven't been in this sort of predicament so I cannot tell you that it is factual...but I sure as nuts believe it could be. This movie was able to immerse me into the abject fear for one's safety and desperation for escape and...just a life!

I feel like I got a close-up education on abuse and violence in relationships.

I don't know when I was so terrified in a movie (or in real life) - to my credit I do not purposefully put myself through horror movies for kicks (ie I do not watch them). This movie had me shouting and kept me up at night out of angst and it made me cry because of the realness of this type of abuse in the real world, which I got to taste.

Great, positive ending - which it did need, sending out a note of hope.

I have kept comments fairly vague so as to not spoil the movie for you.

Acting was superb, esp by J-Lo!, music score was amazing and added richness, editing and the way the movie was put together was a little quirky in my opinion but it worked! Filmography brought you right in, as it should have in this thriller.

Kudos to the team behind this and I'm so glad I discovered it many years later.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
16 January 2022
Creative. Interesting. But also very gruesome, dark, cold and depressing.

There is a deeper undertone here that I didn't have the inclination to mine: a statement about our current life and the "track" that we are on and the way the world works which isn't a positive critique.
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The Bag Man (I) (2014)
Interesting, surprising twists but pretty dark
30 December 2021
Reminds me of PhoneBooth - almost the whole movie plays out in a single set and keeps you guessing. Made for stage!!

So it is quite memorable and worth a watch.

But it is dark and pretty gruesome - not something I'd even show to my family.
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Oh my goodness! So good
8 December 2021
Guy Ritchie, together with all the creatives that put this together, is a genius! He is my new favourite director.

Ground-breaking, so perfect!

Full of fight and extreme imagination elements; add to that an insane musical score and sound effects; add to that special effects and movie elements unlike any I've ever seen before: and what you have is a spectacular masterpiece!

Memorable and watchable. Over and over.
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1917 (2019)
Great. Gripping. Moving. Beautiful
11 November 2021
Such a good movie. The story grips you and great buy-in to the characters with tremendous acting and great emotional sell (moves you and makes you feel like you could have been there).

The camera-work and the editing and cinematography are absolutely top-top-class. This is a great and memorable movie. So good!!
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Great...but aargh
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great acting. Great sound track. Great filmography. But not enjoyable.

It all depends on what you want to get out of a movie. This one promises profundity in every third scene...something amazing, but ends up being a romp through space experiencing the grossest aliens that Ridleys team could come up with. So disappointing.
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Phone Booth (2002)
Quirky! Great!
7 November 2021
So different. So good.

I can't think of many movies all based in one set with almost only 2 characters. This is a classic and an amazing achievement.

So good to watch.
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Bandits (2001)
So enjoyable
7 November 2021
Great viewing. Fun, exciting, a bit of mystery ... some of the best acting I've seen from this cast. Billy Bob's greatest moment on film (for me).

The scene with Cate in the kitchen is nothing short of spectacular and completely memorable!
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Ad Astra (2019)
Very good - this is a movie about journey: into space and inside oneself
24 January 2021
Journey, exploration, discovery, resolution. That is what this movie is about. It is impacting, it is brilliantly scripted, acted & directed. Great visuals and sound. Some unique and brilliant editing (messing with the movement of time). It'sa good one if you want to go slow, go far, and go deep.
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Worth the watch but not worth much more
30 December 2020
I love Freeman, and he brought excellence to this role as always. Other acting was solid and generally believable. The story, though it did keep you engaged and had its twists was just not that great. Too loose, too sloppy, too little. The movie just missed the wow factor.
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Falling Down (1993)
a 26 year old Masterpiece!
17 September 2019
It has been 26 years since this movie came out. I saw it finally yesterday after desiring to see it since it was first advertised on circuit all those years ago. And what's my synopsis of this semi-vintage movie?...brilliant! So worth it! So much better than I ever imagined it could be! And not outdated at all! I expected it would be a novel, fun, action-packed movie about a guy who's had enough; with something of a pointed statement/indictment against our modern urban society. And it is that...but also so much more! This film is a masterpiece; it is beautiful and poignant art. There is not a scene or a shot or an utterance that is not absolutely intentional, loaded with depth and/or intrinsic to both the unfolding narrative and to its poetic depiction of humanity and the state of the world. It's a film that makes me feel robbed for having watched dozens of mindless one-dimensional action movies over these years. The writer (Ebbe Roe Smith), the director (Joel Shumacher), the awesome actors Douglas and Duvall and everyone involved with this production do not deserve a tinselly Oscar...they deserve a medal! And this movie deserves a shelf at the Louvre! And it most certainly deserves to be watched! As for me, I will be grabbing my shovel and go tracing the seam of movies from these great artists in search for more undiscovered gold. Last words: know that the language is not toned down and the very hard, very real issues that it deals with are weighty, so it's not for every audience or every occasion. But it couldn't have been any other way for being a look on real life. Phenomenal though that there is such hopefulness, joy, inspiration, overflowing humour and clever wit in this story. It is not at all a dark or depressing or ugly movie while it deals with matter in our society that is just that. It is like a great red wine that has the sweet and the bitter and the dry just perfectly balanced ... you take a sip, savour it and sigh out, in deep satisfaction!
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Robin Hood (2018)
Fun. Lots of fun. Go and enjoy it; forget the critics.
2 January 2019
This is not a movie to critique and pull apart for technicalities... there would be plenty! But this is a really fun, fun ride! Made me feel like a kid again and watching an action flick like the original Superman's or Rambo when I was young and impressionable and believed anything was possible. I don't know what the magic ingredient is that can do that!? Aquaman nor Mortal Engines could do this at all, but this movie gets in and sells itself on an emotional level and it is fun and super-worth it! Come on, go be a kid again, you know you want to!!
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Wonder Woman (2017)
An iconic movie; a reference point for all future action movies. A Must See!
4 June 2017
Phenomenal! Breathtaking (I'm warning you guys, it's true! Gal Gadot as Diana sets the ultimate standard of the perfect heroine - in beauty, fierceness and heart)! Believable (in its mythical way)!

I've seen numerous other super-hero movies (though I missed Superman vs Batman and think I'm glad for it, to have first discovered Wonder Woman in this primary story) but this one is on a whole other class and level. Never has a hero or heroine been elevated to such a level of purity and perfection … which is all the more staggering that: never has a super-hero been as believable as this one. Phenomenal! Talk about buy-in: from the opening scene I was totally immersed and lost in the story … and what a trip it was!

The film-makers (all of them, all together) have made Wonder Woman come to life - in Diana! Ingenious setting and background; spectacular heroine; beautiful film-making, stunts and visual effects (this really is one to see in the best 3D you have access to). I cannot wait for the next Wonder Woman movie! I will watch everything they can throw at us - provided they can somehow keep the standard and integrity of this monumental movie!

This is one of those movies that changes everything moving forward; iconic; a reference point, of which there have only been a handful in my lifetime. So I would have to rate this as one of the most amazing movies I have experienced.

Go see for yourself - in big screen for the first time you watch it, and in 3D if possible! My only regret is not to have seen it in IMAX 3D! Much praise to all the film-making team for this gem.
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Well made, great delivery, worth watching
27 November 2016
I don't think this is my wife's kind of movie. I watched it alone, and I think it would have been a little agonizing for her to watch it because she hates stories where things go wrong and it's tense, and even worse when people MAKE things go wrong for others. So I'm not going to give anything away; no more than the movie's poster's byline, because I want you to see this movie - if you are not in the same category as my wife - and I am assuming that you are like me and don't want the whole thing given away before you get to see it: rather let it unfold and go on the intended journey with it; not knowing what's around he next bend. So why do rate it so highly? It is one of those movies that when it reaches its conclusion, makes you appreciate the journey and revel in how you got to where you did. This movie went far deeper than I expected: it probes and challenges as we live through the character's respective struggles, torment, anguish, and just generally, EMOTION! Not quite fully identifiable personally, but extreme, high level, and wholly the thing that one should "enjoy" experiencing as the viewer, being able to identify with as it strokes chords, without it feeling like they are talking about you (which crosses the boundary from entertainment and goes into something more like psychology or sermonising). A good ride!
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Go enjoy it! It's fun!
4 July 2016
This is a worthy follow up to the first movie (coming from someone that as a rule doesn't believe in follow-on movies). It's fun, it's got its twists and hidden surprises, & ends up being a well put-together, bit of entertainment. I went to see it with my my teenage daughter and we both really enjoyed it! It's a great, light, holiday movie, that leaves you with a smile on your face and "oh, gee, I didn't see that coming". It is a good mix of slight of hand that admittedly are fun to watch, good action and some rolling humour. Do yourself a favour - if you saw the first one and enjoyed it then go see the follow-on. Don't be put off by the nay-Sayers. Listen to the Inspector!
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