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Red Dawn (2012)
Better than being water boarded
11 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
With a bunch of stuff happening around the world (as shown by the movies opening montage of news footage taken out of context) something has happened and North Korea can afford to invade the US. But they aren't invading any part particularly important, they are invading a town with a population less than a back alley in New York.

So what is the good old boys of that town supposed to do? Well, read the Al Quaeda wiki article and follow suit of course. Those silly Koreans who are perfectly willing to starve millions of their people to death and execute thousands for no apparent reason don't have the nuts to track down and kill some teenagers with AK47s. I mean, torturing a few residents might actually get you the info you need but throughout the whole movie the Korean occupying force seems more gracious and hospitable than Sesame Street during a block party. Oh no, its a checkpoint, oh no, some guards drinking a latte with Americans who are also drinking a latte. Oh no, everybody is going about their day to day lives like nothing ever happened. Oh the humanity. There is even a prison for political prisoners but it looks even better than the prisons the US has now. "March in line to your tent of you won't get your moca latte and porno you lazy American prisoner!".

Where the hell is the US army? Where is that one F-35 they need to end the war? I don't get it. So we have an extremely half-ass invasion on the worst possible target by some relatively pretty nice North Koreans and there is not one US tank anywhere...

Eventually, it came time to kill some collaborators and blow up some buildings downtown. But it is cool, they didn't show any kids getting killed in the crossfire like what happens in Iraq when you blow up a building in real life. Because after all, if you actually showed the downside of "freedom fighting" AKA TERRORISM the irony would be too obvious and the main characters would look like assholes. So no armless toddlers and babies hit buy stray bullets during one of their many gun fights with NK soldiers in the middle of busy city streets. Nothing to see here folks, fighting back is not alright for Iraqis, but super cool for Americans because American terrorists don't accidentally kill kids with indiscriminate bombings and gun fights. EVER Maybe next time the North Koreans can tactically strike major cities and Army bases, land an amphibious invasion force on the coast and strafe across the country like a real invasion force would do. Maybe.

Maybe next time the producers can pick a movie to redo that wasn't already stupid and ridiculous to begin with.

I suggest this movie to anybody that wants a mindless action flick.

I also suggest this movie to really really really stupid people that use pseudo-political movies like these to base their entire political ideology on.
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Pyramid Head might face-palm.
11 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Silent Hill is back and this time it will not bore and confuse you with story. It also is really like a video game. You get characters looking into mirrors talking to themselves, magical items that can open portals and boss fights. It also has a crazy homeless man on a bus.

Several Years have passed since the first movie and Heather/Alessa and Harry are hiding from the evil religious cult (or regular religious cult) trying to find them. Basically, Rose sent Alessa back through a portal because she found half of a seal. Rose couldn't find the other half so she couldn't come back as well. I guess she didn't search the Library and fought the boss because that is totally where you get the other half. According to the strategy guide.

It is Heathers first day at a generic movie high school but it isn't going so well. Heather starts to see weird visions like evil clowns, children eating food and a really baddass knives-for-hands lady in a halter-top. She gets teased at school by some cool girls who are about 30 years old. They say "nice jacket, what are you, a character from a video game released 10 years ago?" She befriends a guy at school who she totally likes but she is playing all mysterious like, "I have all these issues and I can't get close to anybody" but he is like, "it's alright, my family is crazy too so we should totally hang".

So Heather's shabby apartment is ransacked with a note inside saying come to Silent Hill written in blood or maybe ketch-up. So Heather and he new boyfriend go there. They stop at a hotel for some shut eye (and maybe something else) but the boyfriend is kidnapped.

So Heather gets to Silent Hill and not much has changed. Still creepy, still foggy, Pyramid head is operating the Carousel now. Good for him. Union job.

They toss in a cameo of the crazy woman who is Alessa's mom, pyramid head does some fighting and Harry stays in Silent hill to find Rose. Heather also has a Harry Potter duel with the evil Alessa...who apparently no longer likes Heather.

In conclusion: Nothing much really happens in this movie compared to the first. The movie is aided by flashbacks and monologues explaining everything that wasn't explained int he first movie. I especially enjoyed the fact that I really didn't need to pay attention at all to fully follow the film. They also tossed in some boobs. I am hoping if they do a part 3, they make it good.

All in all the movie is worth watching as long as you aren't paying money.
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The Collection (II) (2012)
11 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Collector is back, this time, with a few billion dollars to spend on elaborate and rusty traps that always work 100% of the time. I tired hard to enjoy this movie, but I have a thing against killers that drink invincibility kool-aid before each movie. I don't know what it is, maybe I just don't like kool-aid.

The Collector sets up a cool happening party but what the guests don't know is they are about to fall victim to some ridiculous and highly unlikely kill scenarios. The collector has hired several thousand people (you would think) to retrofit this party with many elaborate traps and machines that would make Pee Wees Playhouse look dull. All of them worked too. A 100% execution rate is pretty good considering the death traps were operated by steam, rusty wires, corroded ball bearings and levers and dominoes and magic.

The rich girl at this party finds a guy in the trunk and it is the guy from the first movie. The only person in the known universe that can kill the Collector. The chosen one. But we don't know that yet. The rich girl gets caught, but the guy from the first movie manages to escape the Collector...for some reason. It appears that the Collector controls time and space and could have made a jumbo jet crash into the guy as he ran away. Why the Collector didn't shoot death rainbows or caused a ridiculous trap to spring up to stop the escaping man, I don't know.

So worried about his rich daughter, the rich father recruits the guy from the first movie, the guy from OZ and easily killable mercenaries with automatic weapons and years of training to find the collector, save the girl and then return her. But they were no match for Collector, who aside from having billions of dollars to spend on traps and an electricity bill for an entire warehouse (which everybody thinks is abandoned BTW..including the electric company?) he also can kick anybodies butt in hand-to-hand combat because he is super strong and can dodge knife attacks and bullets and any other form of corporeal matter. He also appears anyplace at any given time. One second he is stalking somebody on the tenth floor, the next he is on the tail of somebody else on the other side of the building. Add telleportation or time-stoppage with a build in GPS system to his list of magical Collector abilities.I would really place the Collector somewhere between Chuck Norris and God when it comes to being super awesome and everything.

Eventually, because the movie needed to end the guy from the first movie somehow caught the Collector while his force-field is down and lands a knife to the leg which makes the collector weak to regular people attacks. The collector is tossed down a garbage shoot and is lit on fire.

The guy from the first movie goes outside, and looks in some luggage and sees a smouldering Collector's mask meaning the collector escaped. Of course he did.

So the guy from the first movie tracks down the collector, now working as a janitor or something and confronts him, he babbles some back story to give the movie a plot; like the collector worked at a museum as a entomologist or something and is mad or crazy or something... then kicks the Collector in a trunk where he will surely escape in part 3 because he can't die.

Oh yeah, and all the relatives of those millions of people the Collector had slaughtered in his giant factory can rest easy now. I am not sure, but I think he killed the population of California. Or maybe even all of the US.

The end.
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I couldn't stand it - One of the best movies ever.
28 March 2013
Throughout most of this movie, I had a bad taste in my mouth. OK, I hated it. The constant music was driving me nuts, the characters were increasingly becoming more and more annoying and I just wanted to see what was at the end of the road. PLEASE SHOW ME! The movie became painful to watch and I just wanted some closure. After it was over, I popped on some Everybody loves Raymond on Netflix and I sat there, just thinking about the film. I found myself desperately trying to make sense of it, over and over, trying to figure out the point and why I disliked it so much.

Then it hit me, I experienced the point. The point of the movie got me hook, line and sinker. The movie is about mood. The movie is about putting you smack dab into the narrative. I found myself feeling the same thing as the characters trapped on the road and a movie has never done that to me before. I have been spooked by horror films but I have never been affected on a subconscious level.

The movie as a whole was well executed. It is like "Eraserhead" but with a normal and easy to follow plot. You really start to feel anxiety when watching, to a point where the movie is almost unbearable to watch.

This movie is certainly not for everybody but I thoroughly enjoyed it or at least in hindsight, I thoroughly enjoy it after the fact.
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Pretty crappy
27 June 2010
I am going to start off by pleading to independent film makers. Buy fake blood and learn how to do special effects. CG blood is so lazy and lame, especially when you render it on an iphone with only the most beta version of 1997 adobe premier. As soon as I saw the mallet come down and the horrible bright red computer rendered blood and guts splattered , my eyes rolled so much they became dispatched and landed in my coffee. Fake blood is like 5 bucks, retail, during halloween when the demand is at it's peak..... so if you plan ahead, buy it wholesale at say...Christmas, you can probably get it for one dollar. Plus, if you go the real blood route, you won't have to use those 12 year old AV club students to do the special effects...because 1) they have a computer , though it is from 1986 and 2) they accept chucky cheese tokens for payment.

okay, now for the plot, where to start. People are getting murdered and a guy is trying to solve the mystery. Apparently, nobody is missing these people even though whole trains of people are getting wiped out. OH well. If you can stick the movie out to the end you are in for a treat. That's right, a nonsensical and ridiculous twist that will make you realize that the West no longer has anything meaningful left to contribute to the world and we should just bow out and let China and India take over completely. The ending is will leave you saying "man, I have to go on IMDb and bash this movie senseless".

Anyhow, enjoy watching this movie....suckers.
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The Suite Life on Deck (2008–2011)
decent for Disney
4 January 2010
This show is my guilty little pleasure and I don't admit this to many people since I am 28 years old. No, I am not a creeper, I just enjoy the dynamic of the show and the twin's antics remind me of the stuff I used to do when I was younger. The show is sort of a nostalgic piece for me, a modern show of a more innocent time of moral family programming. Although my girlfriend despises the show and protests fiercely when she walks in and I am watching it, I find myself apathetic to he pleas. I guess I am just immature.

The dynamics between the characters is entertaining. Brenda Song is excellent and as soon as she figures out how to remove that Disney exploding neck collar and branch out, she will do well . The show is pretty funny as I did mention before I am pretty immature.

Another thing that makes the show great is that Brenda Song is hot. Not a very important production element or plot device, but important nonetheless.

The show as whole, like all Disney shows, does not entirely relate to young people. Everything is kind of clean cut and outrageous, but Disney executives rarely ever hit the mark when it comes to understanding real life situations. But that is alright, because Brenda Song is hot. That is all.
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The Fountain (2006)
artsy yawn fest
29 December 2009
This is probably the worst movie ever made. It is like an emo kid that keeps cutting himself, but never goes all the way with it. It was pretentious beyond all measure - reminiscent of spoken word night at the coffee shop down the street. The movie looks like it was made by arts graduates, with below average IQs and armed with an over estimation of their own intelligence.

I rented the movie because the back of the case implied there was going to be some Spanish conquistadors pillaging stuff, and there was, for 2 minutes. Deceiving. The synopsis mentioned conquistadors, a fountain of youth and cancer so I figured this movie must be kickass. In the future, I am officially red flagging all movies with the word 'fountain' in the title. The movie was so obvious, I felt confused at the end because I figured that I must be missing something. I wasn't, the movie is so bloody pedestrian there should have been a 'don't walk' sign over my television. The slow narrative and obvious symbolism made me yawn so wide, I almost swallowed my head. The stupid and lenghty emotional sob sessions made me want my kitchen to catch on fire, just so I would have an excuse to drag my ass from the couch and away form my TV.

What the hell was with the bubble, flying towards the nebula? Did the director actually put that in there? Seriously, this movie tried to hard to be art-house intelligent, that at least 10 well read and emotionally retarded Starbucks baristas must have been consulted during filming.

Anyhow, this movie is pretentious, obvious nonsense made for that part of society that likes to stretch 4 sentences of plot into 2 hours of ridiculous pseudo intellectual posturing. I have no idea why this movie has not been banned yet.
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Scarce (2008)
Future psycho redneck classic
15 December 2009
I did not know this was a Canadian film until I read some of the comments on this page. This is rather important since you can usually smell a Canadian film from a mile away. This movie was well executed with all great staples of crazy redneck genre. It has rednecks, blood, torture, gore, fear, a chase scene, a creepy cabin, cannibalism and much much more that will keep the genre fanatics satisfied.

The acting was rather imbalanced but pretty good with the villains being rather talented and the victims being kind of amateur but all is fine when most of their lines were replaced with screaming and pleading. The setting was creepy, a remote cabin surrounded by snow and forest.

The film doesn't really bring anything new to the genre but very few of these types of movies do. Settings might differ between forest and desert or the sanity of the rednecks in different films might be varied but all these movies follow the same, but entertaining, formula. The formula works. If you like crazy redneck films or you are just looking for an evening of depravity, watch Scarce.

Just to note, I have noticed that people who give bad reviews for these types of movies on IMDb almost always say ' I am a huge die-hard fan of exploitative horror but....' (or something similar) and then they start analyzing it like you would analyze 'The Red Violin' or 'The Notebook' . Please stop bashing movies just because you wanted to see a drama or a romance. I don't go and review 'Finding Nemo' saying stuff like 'not enough entrails' and 'unrealistic, fish don't talk'.
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Amusement (2008)
Not as bad as people claim
15 December 2009
This movie was pretty good, regardless of what other people on IMDb claim. There wasn't many plot holes, the acting was pretty good and the 'clichés' people complain about are about as cliché as cop movie containing cops and guns, not really clichés but more like necessary genre devices.

In my opinion, before claiming there is an abundance of plot holes and inconsistencies, one should first pay close attention to the movie before making incorrect statements, otherwise, one might look like a twit. I can see why some people might get confused during the movie, some explanations are suttle, sometimes, the plot isn't fully revealed with big billboards and 'plotlines for dummies' pamflets. I conpletely grasped everything that is going on; i had no issues understanding what so ever.

The story was original and the sequence in which the events unfolded was different than most linear horror movies. The gore was pretty good and the killer was believable, even with his 'cliche' laugh.

The cinematography was good, it didn't have that handy cam feel that many indie films do. In all, the film was well put together and worth a watch, just pay attention.

I was kind of hesitant watching the movie due to the excessive poor reviews I read here but I learned a long time ago to pay little attention to what other IMDb users say. Just from reading some of the reviews you can clearly tell that many aren't even real horror fans, just upset people who were expecting something more formulaic and Hollywood.
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Wow. I am officially disturbed.
22 January 2009
Wow what can I say? This movie is the most disturbing, graphic, putrid, disgusting, rancid, troubling and vile piece of cinema I have ever seen. I am impressed. The Guinea Pig series had little affect, The Psycho Snuff Reels had little affect, Lucker the nercowhatever had little affect, this movie blew my mind - it affected me. When stacked up to some of the most disgusting movies of all time this movie blows them all out of the water.

The atmosphere was chilling, done handy cam style as sort of a serial killer diary, this movie follows a couple of deranged (probably the most deranged ever) sociopaths as they take you on a tour of their killing house.

Here are some of the fun times on Mordum: Raping the corpse of a very young girl in a bathtub, a dead baby in a garbage can which is fully bloated, decapitated and fully equipped with maggots. Sick pervert vivisections, weird meat located all over the place.... The list seriously goes on.

If you can get passed the fact that this movie is utter trash, exploitative and pointless in plot, you can see that it is in fact a masterpiece. The movie will make you sick, utterly hate these people and will leave you laying in bed, questioning the morality of the human race. The special effects are realistic to the point you would suspect this was a reel snuff film if it didn't have credits.

I would only recommend this movie if you are absolutely prepared for it. Do not watch it with children and do not go into it thinking that it is another over-hyped independent slasher. It isn't. It will screw with you.
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One of the better horror movies I have seen lately
31 August 2008
Wicked Little Things appears to have been targeted by the "we expect Hemingway when we watch a horror movie" IMDb crowd. People cannot get it through their heads that horror movies aren't supposed to be visual literary masterpieces. They aren't supposed to give you social commentary, they aren't supposed to insight academic debate and they aren't supposed to follow all the laws of the known physical universe. It is easy to criticise genre movies like horror or thrillers because they often deviate from realism and concentrate on scaring you. With this said and done, here is my take on Wicked Little things.

******'Sort of' SPOILERS*******

The acting was pretty good for an indie film. When the Older daughter ran into the house after witnessing her friends being killed, her panic and fear was enough to convince the mother that it was actually happening and enough to convince the audience that the mom would be convinced that zombie kids are hacking people to death.

The atmosphere was spooky. Dark woods, fog and strange sounds. People call this a "stereotypical horror device " but I bet you that they were slightly covering their eyes or turning on a light in their living room when the mother was venturing close to the mine entrance.

"The kids were not scary" seems to be the common opinion from other users here but I thought they were adequately creepy. They didn't have bone and flesh exposed and they did no walk around moaning "braaaaains" but they were ghostly, with blackened eyes and darkened lips. They looked like a bunch of "Ringu" antagonists. They also appeared to have an agenda and be able to pick and chose who they kill, sometimes leaving a would be victim unharmed. They weren't just mindless killing machines. There was no monologue about how they are tormented souls, but you got the feeling that they were by the way the tragedy was presented and by their actions.

******End of 'Sort of' Spoilers*******

All in all, I suggest watching this movie. It is worth 90 minutes of your time. It isn't the most shocking movie out there and it doesn't introduce anything new tot he horror genre (and what horror movie has in the past 10 years) but it will entertain and scare you enough to probably agree with my assessment.
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Hostel (2005)
Cool and realistic movie.
18 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A group of over-sexed college students go on a party fest through Europe wind up at a hostel that seems too good to be true. Or is it? See, I can write corny tag lines too.

Anyways in all, this was a good movie.

I will break it down into positives and negatives.


1)Realism. This could seriously happen. small eastern European countries are shady at best. These backpackers would probably never be found. Trust me, if you have witnessed the lack of power that embassies actually have, particularly the American and Canadian you would fall into psychosis. Travellers are utterly helpless in these situations and by the time the family members report their missing kin, no traces of them will be found. The villains are not superhuman meaning that they don't magically reappear in front of the fleeing victim like say, Mike Meyers or Jason. They are regular people and are killed like regular people. The lead character (what's his face, the one that doesn't die) reacts appropriately to his situation. His survival instincts kick in and for good reason, he isn't an uneducated numb-skull teeny popper. He is on his way to graduate school.

2)Dialogue. I can seriously see me and my friends behaving and conversing like that. Drunken debauchery as such but when the shizen hits the fan we would rationalize the situation.

3)Restraint. They could have went way farther with the violence but they didn't which is good. They showed what needed to be shown in order for you to grasp the utter brutality and indifference their captures and "customers" behaved with.


1)This might knock a little bit out of realism but the "coincidences" that occurred near the end. The lead manages to run into all the people that did him wrong and murder them.

2)I had a problem with the fact that they were able to recruit that many into an organization that kidnaps people so others can murder them. I mean, how many sociopaths can they interview for a job before somebody goes and tells on them. In reality, I doubt there would be so many people involved.


The positives out weight the negatives greatly. As you can see from my negatives I am just knit-picking. I strongly suggest you see this movie.
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Battle Royale (2000)
Pretty good but a little too out there.
5 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My friends and I got together and watched this movie and had a blast, of course liquor was involved.

You want more? Well sure...

I will start with the positive aspects of the film.

1)Originality. Teens killing each other in an ultimate death match with all sorts of weaponry 2)Takeshi Kitano, he is awesome.

3)The action. It has pretty good special effects.

Now for my favourite part, the negatives.

1)It was so unrealistic it isn't even funny. Nobody would ever let such ridiculous legislation pass. I swear, if you can get past the big "no way!" that will be plaguing your brain for the duration of the movie then you will probably enjoy yourself.

2) The corny dialogue between the students or what my friends and I have labeled the "Battle ROyale Love Fest". Every several minutes the movie stops so two people can tell each other how much they love each other. "You are my best friend"..."remember that time" (cuts to some flashback)......but don't fear, those students are usually brutally murdered after this form of warp-speed character development.

3) Kitano's motivations...OK we get it, teens suck. I have a feeling it was sociopath tendencies that led him to commit these heinous acts...not just being fed up with teenage behavior problems like we are led to believe. Nobody goes that bonkers...except for the nut job villain in Battle Royale 2.....which I will comment on later.

4) The cliquing. OK, teens clique but when faced with ultimate demise wouldn't it be more efficient to work together instead of remembering the fact that girl number one called girl number 2 a skunk a few weeks earlier in gym class. Just a thought.

In all, it was OK, like I said.

Worth a watch.
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Bad Taste (1987)
17 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Entertaining, interesting and original.

Peter Jackson is amazing. He has made some cult classics in the past and Bad Taste is possibly the pinnacle of his early endeavors.

I would give this movie 10 stars, except for the fact that the movie doesn't cover any important issues...except for alien invasion. Not all movies need to tackle say..racism, bigotry, aids, genocide, discrimination but if this movie did, it would be a perfect work of art acceptable for hanging in the Louvre thus garnishing it a 10.

I kid you not, you might look at the DVD cover and say "What a piece of crap this appears to be" and you would be completely wrong. So very wrong.

1) The movie had a super low budget but it fools you into thinking it doesn't. Peter Jackson made the film at his parents home in New Zealand. He got his buddies to act in he film and he also played a couple of roles himself. I remember watching a short documentary at the end of the movie, it showed just how much effort he put into making his cheap independent movie appear like a high budget, Hollywood blockbuster of its time. He made all the firearms out of pipes and wood to the point where they look and function (to a point) like real guns. He make the masks and costumes himself, using his mothers stove to bake the plaster and plastic. Watch the movie and see the special effects yourself. Everything in it was concocted with ingenuity and duct tape.

2) The movie was funny. Great dialogue and outrageous but believable characters.


There is one scene where an alien shoots a rocket launcher at the house. He misses his target and if goes through the front window and out a rear window. You see a goat grazing in a field and it looks up and lets out a "ba'aaaaa" right before the rocket eradicates it. My friend and I kept on rewinding the scene laughing our heads off. It doesn't sound like much when I type it but it was super funny. That scene right there earned at least 1 star for this movie.

****************End of spoilers*****************

3) - Originality. Can anybody say Solent Green? The concept is similar but....just watch. - The visuals are good and I would expect nothing less from New Zealand. - Camera shots are very professional

I seriously could write for hours about this movie but I prefer to complain about movies rather then praise them.

Check this one out. You won't be disappointed.
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Wolf Creek (2005)
16 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Note, I clicked that there will be spoilers but not until farther down. I will warn you before I quote/unquote SPOIL this masterpiece for you.

This is a bad movie. Not "bad" in the sense that this is a bad but "entertaining" movie but just pure unadulterated badness.

If anybody here has seen Texas Chainsaw Massacre(the cruddy remake) or the much better Devil's Rejects then you have already watched this movie..Well, the retarded little brother of those movies.

Here is why I think the movie was pretty crappy.

1) No story. Was I supposed to be expecting one? YES. I don't care how campy and outrageous a movie is, (Last house on the Left) even the most intentionally brutal serial killer movies have stories. I will spare you a synopsis, but I will give you a simple mathematical equation that sums up the entire hour and some odd minute plot: 1+1=2 (Note I considered giving it a "a+b=c plot" but I figured the use of variables would be giving this movie too much credit.)

2)One dimensional villain. The beautiful thing about serial killers is their striking and interesting inner turmoil and intricate unemotional personalities but all the villain in this film did was show up a few times, taunted the girls like he was a drunk at the strip club talking smack to the dancers. The movie is apparently based on Ivan Milat, and if you go read the clinical and academic essay about his escapades at you will be more frightened and effected by his heinous acts-- which completely proves that this movie is bunk, I mean, you will be troubled by an essay more then this movie. This movie failed to deliver and demonstrate the true misogynistic nature of the man. Perhaps it wasn't long enough but they could have cut out the boring attempt at character development at the beginning. The director needs to take advice from novelists and incorporate character development into the action. After an hour of "talking" and "partying", much of the audience has lost interest in the characters so the writers/directors futile attempt at us attaching ourselves to the characters has failed, thus we cheer the 2 woman and what's his face die or don't die....the point is, who cares?. WHich leads me into number three, you guessed it........

3) ....The pedestrian attempt at character development. Grab your camcorders kiddies, apparently anybody with 2 million can make a movie! You might think I am being harsh, I mean, there are some pretty cheesy and poorly made movies out there but I can't stress character development enough in a horror movie. Some directors go for shock, meaning we don't have to connect with the characters or their pending doom because the movies purpose is to frighten us with gore and demons that jump out of closets, not to make us attached to the characters. Other directors go for the character development, but never achieve it ala this movie. This movie not only doesn't achieve "CD", it makes us watch it's attempt at "CD" for almost an hour and then ultimately fails at the end.

4)Dialogue. I swear. One line: "this is what I call a head on a stick" Watch the movie and you will see why i hate the dialogue. Actually, don't watch the movie. Just take my word for it.


5)The ending. OH NOOOO, They never catch him. What a surprise. You mean, he is still out there, murdering idiots and spouting corny dialogue to his hearts content. How unsettling. I feel sorry for anybody who runs into him. You will be begging him to make you a head on a stick rather then having to witness the cliché events that will surely unfold in front of you.

************END of SPOILERS**************

Do yourselves a favour and watch devil's rejects. If you are looking for something to disturb you emotionally it would be a much better choice. The dialogue is better, the acting is better, the imagery is better. Why do I compare this movie so much to The Devil's Rejects??? Watch both movies and see why. I am not sure which movie was made first but for the most part the imagery and the themes of both movies are copies of each other, except Wolf creek is as poorly Xeroxed as a communist newsletter.

In conclusion, I predict you will watch the movie even after reading this and who can blame you, I am a fan of cheesy horror films as well. I have seen almost every Japanese monster/rape, slasher, indie slasher, low budget, monster, gore, exploitation, Nazi exploitation, zombie and depraved movies on the planet. The difference is, I walked into them all with low expectations knowing full well that the change in my pocket adds up to twice their budgets. Wolf Creek was different, it failed to make me think or feel anything. It did make me jump at one scene but my girlfriend hiding behind a door and leaping from behind it when I pass garners the same it is free and doesn't waste a couple hours of my time.

BTW, it is not that graphic compared to other slashers/murder films. Don't let the hype get to you. There was controversy in Australia because some backpacker killer was on trial at the time....not because the movie is uber gory.

BTWx2...Those aren't spelling mistakes IMDb, I am Canadian. We add vowels to words for fun.....
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