49 Reviews
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Total Waste from Hollywoods Wasteland
30 May 2024
Wow, Watched this with my son and 2 brothers and their sons. We brothers have seen all the Max movies and they have only seen the one prior to this- which none of them thought was better than a bad episode of Dexter( yes, my nephew said that). We hoped this would at least be an okay watch but no it was just plain bad and by 20 minutes in my son and nephews had left saying they could stand no more, while we three tried to find something in it to like. Well, we made it to the end and were disappointed in the bad acting, worse script and the time we lost and how this diminishes the awesomeness of the first three Max movies. There are no spoilers in this review because you just can't spoil a movie this bad because there is nothing to really good to mention. Avoid this as it will probably be the nail in the coffin for the Max series, but if you do want to torture yourself, wait till it's on DVD or some late night cable channel and watch it alone- but close your blinds first, and lower the volume-you don't want your neighbors to know what you are watching.
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Interstellar (2014)
pretty good movie but very few understand the ending
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pretty darn good movie with some of the best and most realistic depictions of actual space that I know of. While it's pretty straight forward until they encounter Mann. He is found stranded with his damaged spacecraft on a world that may be situatable for Humanity. It's at this point Mann start explains the movies ending. The clues are pretty obvious and a lot of people picked up on this while watching the moving at our local theater. About 6 of us went out for dinner after we saw the movie together and we picked up on it from Mann's speech to Cooper was very telling and as the story progresses it all falls neatly into place, with a pretty incredible ending. After Coop is killed after ejecting from his ship as it crosses the event horizon, his final thoughts in that split second before death are thoughts of his family, completing the mission and saving Earth. His final moment of life his mind has him entering the black hole to search for Brand. Sad ending though since Earth dies, with only Brand and the embryo's surviving on a new world.
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Better than you think!
16 December 2023
Of course most everyone knows this story but this retelling of it is amazing! My family and I got to watch it last evening and it was a very fun and watchable movie, Acting is solid songs and singing is fantastic, I mean Antonio Banderas gets to sing. Antonio gets to sing! If you have never heard him sing, just wow- saw him in Phantom of the Opera, and can't say enough about his singing. This movie is one the entire family can enjoy and the songs will stick with you, it makes for a really fun evening, make some popcorn-get some chips and dip, lean forward in your seats because you don't want to miss this!
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Don't get the Hype
27 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, ...... I only tried to watch this because my wife and sister in law said it was great. My brother in law on the other hand, said it was garbage( oh, and by the way, he is a cowboy, ranching, horses, cattle etc as is my uncle). I grabbed some snacks a couple bottles of water and started the show- boredom and bad acting(okay in some parts) and it hit me like a wave! I tried for 6 episodes to like this show even a little bit- couldn't do it. I like the actors, but not in this=they are not giving it their best, I understand perfectly why Kevin Costner quit the show- too boring, and none of the characters they portray are likable in any shape or form. It's the definition of rich white trash== this show is not worth your time.
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Still better than La La Land!
20 November 2023
This movie is a comedy, a cheap one yes, but it still as some good laughs. We had a good time watching it, while the directing and filmography was weak at times( I hate static cameras shots), along with the acting( I blame this on the directors) I have seen a lot worse on movies with multi million dollar budgets. This movie is a good way to have a little fun without having to invest too much brain power and if you have to take a bathroom or popcorn break it's no problem- you won't miss anything crucial! Although this movie will not win any rewards (or make any money) and I will certainly never buy a copy, but would watch again!
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Alien Planet (2023)
Better than you think!
23 September 2023
This movie has a very 1980's feel to it, and is a fun movie to watch. While they were not able to spend millions of dollars on it, they did great with what they had. The story is very engaging and the actors also do a really good job. I would compare it to the movies that came out when I was a teen in the 1980's and this would have been great to see at the movies on a Saturday night with the gang! You can find movies that have spent tons of money on special effects, sets and a high dollar actor or two that aren't as good as this is. Yes this isn't a Hollywood masterpiece, it is still a good effort and is still better than 'La La Land' - now that's a turd of a film! LOL.
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Fun movie
28 April 2023
I started watching this with low expectations but was pleasantly impressed. The acting while not being great, wasn't that bad-better in fact than some (J. Leto). It did have the 1980's feel they were going for and I believe this would have definitely filled the theaters in the 1980's. While it didn't have the polish and shine some films have it didn't take away from the story. It was raining and blustery outside on the night we watched this and we forgot about the weather and had fun watching with homemade popcorn, lots of soft drinks from the fridge and no lines at the bathroom. Give this movie a chance, it's better than you think!
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
barely watchable
3 April 2023
Great Book, great story but its different from the book series. This would have been fine because lets face it- the book is all ways better than the movie or the series, but I thought and hoped it would be good anyway, just different. Well, it started with a great first episode but it quickly became just a boring mess. The actors were all great and gave life to their roles, but the story is such a mishmash with parts of numerous books just clumped together. I found that I didn't care about the characters or even the story- it was very watered down to meet todays new standards; I really tried to like it, but quickly forgot about it and stopped watching.
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Better than expected!
8 January 2023
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. My son suggested it and since it was a rainy Sunday I decided to watch it. At first I was skeptical but as I continued watching I started to really get engrossed in it, It was a great suggestion by my son. While it won't win an Oscar it's definitely worth watching and I can easily see a possible remake or sequel in the future. . . .The effects are pretty good, and the mood and tone is creepy, my wife jumped at few of scenes, plus just being alone on a lighthouse is even to make you jump at a unusual sound, the acting is pretty good-better than some big budget films out recently give it a try!
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20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is based on an autobiography type novel that the authors claimed was real to increase their book sales. It worked and movies have been made based on the book. The Authors confessed years ago(like in the 1980's, on many TV talk shows and magazine interviews) that it was only a work of fiction with a mishmash of ideas thrown in for good measure, and that it did make them a lot of money! Success! The story is pretty interesting until one of the aliens appears in WW2 German officers uniform, then the story gets dumb and silly and eventually fails. If you have some time time to kill and don't care how you do it, give this a watch-trust me, while it's bad, there are far worse shows out there!
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Okay, but don't expect much
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a dumbed down movie compared to the original, this looked like it was made for Nickelodeon. There is no urgency in their quest to banish the Sanderson Sisters. It's almost as if the people that made the movie saw the original but didn't actually watch it. There was no real danger and the characters were almost cartoon characters. The best part is the young actress that plays young Winnie- she is incredible! The beginning gave me hope that it was going to be awesome, then after the story returns to the present it gets slow and goes into Sesame street mode. Also the three main stairs don't seem like they really care about their performances- the were very wooden, the movie-after the opening seemed like it turned into a so-so indie movie.
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Echoes (2022)
starts slow, speeds up. then runs over it's own foot
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Started off very interesting-even though most the supporting cast aren't very good actors, then around the midpoint-episode Fire, it starts down hill and picks up speed as it goes.. The writers tried to get in a lot more twists and turns then this show needed or could handle. For all the stuff that happens in and after the Fire episode it needed at least 6 or so more episodes, too much, too fast twists and sideway subplots made a jumbled mess out of it.. It's an okay watch on a rainy Sunday and the actress that plays Gina and Leni does a fantastic job, as well as the actor that plays Leni's husband and the Sheriff and her deputy.
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so so bad
18 July 2022
I knew it wasn't going to be anywhere close to being as good as the previous movies, but I didn't expect it to be this bad either...The story is weak--very weak, but even with that a few half way decent actors would have made this watchable and midly entertaining, but nope- bad actors, bad script, bad director equals one mess of a movie. The unreleased version from back in the 1980's is stellar compared to this...
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almost okay
7 July 2022
This movie was almost okay- up until Shawn Roberts appears as Wesker--Roberts is such a bad actor the movie isn't worth watching after he skows up. So the only reason to watch this one is for continuity, everyone else in the film are great but his performance is just so bad and funny in a bad kind of way.
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Morbius (2022)
14 May 2022
Whyis Leto hired to be an actor? Why was the director and screenwriter hired? Why was this movie even made? It gives C movies a bad name. This won't even make it to the Dollar Tree one dollar movie bin.
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Better than you think!
21 October 2021
Definetly low budget but It has more than one laugh out loud moments! We really liked it and added it our Halloween movie line up! Go ahead and check this one out, you won't be disapponted!
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Greenland (2020)
23 August 2021
No excitement, no sense of urgency to be felt- very SyFy channel like. A movie that if you watch it, you will never watch it again-ever.
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Awake (III) (2021)
Sharknado is lots better!
31 July 2021
Wow, just wow----not so good, bad story, and acting.
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Better than Suicide Squad
17 July 2021
Cheesy acting, weak special effects but still better than Suicide Squad- better story, better acting(anybody can act better than Leto), more fun. Couldn't watch Suicide Squad straight through without wanting to harm my self-- watched this in one go and even laughed.. a lot of times! Cheaper is better!
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not good, but not that bad
9 July 2021
Watchable, not great acting CGI is meh, but still better than La La Land!
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17 June 2021
Godawful movie.. Dark comedy? Nope-no comedy at all. My unit tried to watch this while we were deployed- it was so bad we left the movie tent- it was better to go out into the desert heat and watch the temperature of the sand rise.
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Laugh out loud funny!
24 May 2021
Really funny and enjoyable! I swear they must have got the idea of some of the characters from my local bowling alley! You won't regret watching this, lots of fun!
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The Covenant (2017)
A hell of lot better than La La Land!!
23 May 2021
Not bad at al, acting is little weak here and there, sound production needs work(sounds like it was mixed in a bathroom at points), but good story, kept me interested. Nice rainy day horror flick! Oh, and it's better than La La Land!
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16 May 2021
Saw this when it came out, the theater was half full during an afternoon showing and within the first half hour the crowd was down to about half of that-the movie was so slow. Mykids asked to go see something else and I had no problay doing just that.. Avoid this movie, even if it's on free tv.
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Deep Rising (1998)
A lot of fun! Definetly a must see!
2 May 2021
Went in expecting little but was handed everything including the kitchen sink! Lots of fun, lots of jumps and even laughs! Perfect for a Saturday night....and the line,.....'It's the Girl from Ipanema' ,---had us laughing out loud.. we had to pause the movie to recover.
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