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Tom & Jerry Kids Show (1990–1994)
Good Sequel
12 June 2024
This cartoon is a good successor to the original Tom and Jerry cartoons of the 1940s and 1950s, I remember watching it on CBBC in the early 1990s in the mornings and it was fun and entertaining, in my view it was one of the greatest cartoons of the 1990s.

It focuses on the children of the original cat and mouse characters where they use comical antics and silly themes to entertain the audience and it works by this policy of adapting a classic to a new era.

The Music is great the characters and writing are well thought out and we have the dynamism of a variety of classic cartoon characters such as Like and Type, Droopy and Dripple making it more interesting with imagination that maintains its charming humour.

Great memories and very enjoyable.
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End of Empire (1985– )
Old but Gold
31 March 2024
This excellent series with the narration of eloquent standard English explains the last years of empire by each country. My favourite episodes were the ones about India, Cyprus and the Middle East.

The series deals with plain facts and does not take sides but is genuinely academic and makes the last years of empire intriguing and interesting to the viewer, with first hand witness accounts and very educational to a post empire generation.

We learn about were the empire ruled and its legacy in the present era and how this has effected the former territories along with its relations with Britain.

No series about empire can out do this in the present which is why it should be the value of gold and preserved for future generations as nowadays the tyranny of "Woke liberalism" rules and we have reactionaries such as Niall Ferguson preaching a romanticised narrative of empire - The polarisation of society as opposed to past civility and common sense with high standards as epitomised in this series.
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Good memories
26 February 2024
I watched this cartoon in the UK in the early 1990s and thought it was very entertaining. The character of Link is you're average confident but cocky American with a magic sword and Zelda who acts like a Canadian nobility.

The characters and animation are very well drawn and represented though the storylines are slightly wooden it is still entertaining

From what I have read on the Trivia Link was a more sophisticated on noble character committed to his duty, his repetitive catchphrase gets very irritating you would think for such a person with an important job he would have better Sarcasm. Zelda is good as his sidekick as well as the lady protects she is not an annoying damsel in distress with abit of Romance.
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That'll Teach 'Em (2003–2006)
Very relevant for Today
25 December 2023
There has been a heated debate in Britain since the 1970s about the present system of education in the country when the Labour government at the time decided to introduce an American system of education called the Comprehensive with uniforms. Reliable evidence has shown this to be disaster as qualifications are not worth their weight in gold, bad discipline and a more insecure job market.

This reality series across 3 seasons takes present day teens in to the British system before the Comprehensive from the 1950s-60s and to compare the selective system of the 11+ Grammar and Secondary schools with the standards of the Comprehensives.

There is entertainment along the way with troublesome children or children thinking that they are smarter than what they actually are compared to the tougher standards of the selective, a well as the the standards of morale and discipline. Very intriguing and education - the ministry of education can learn quite a lot - though corporal punishment should still be illegal no nonsense yes but arbritary no.
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Good on a rainy day
22 December 2023
This is the odd one out of the trilogy of the Indiana Jones franchise that does not deal with Biblical artefacts.

The film deals with an interesting theme the Thugee cult, which I will get in to, the characters are well executed - the female lead and the small Chinese boy - though the story can drag at times and be wooden.

The film is dramatic whilst sanitised to make us feel intimated by the cult- though its background philosophy is oversimplified. However the story is simple and easy to follow with a touch of the exotic.

Critics have criticised this film for being very Anti-Indian with some to call it a Christian conspiracy and Pro British empire.

Too all these people screaming political correctness, Yes India produced many cultural achievements in Mathematics, the game of chess, Philosophy and the film exaggerates India as out of the ordinary but -

It has a very dark side Suttee, the medieval caste system that keeps the country down and desperate along with superstition, it is also proven to be one of the most dirtiest places in the world with hardly no sanitation - you can't blame the British for that Grow up.

I don't hear Germans or Russians complaining about their representation in the trilogy.
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Spartacus (1960)
22 November 2023
This film is based loosely on the life of the historical figure of Spartacus - however it is based on a novel written slightly before the film was produced and released.

The writer was worried about the Mccarthy era witch hunts and were this could lead violating American liberties, Karl Marx also admired the figure of Spartacus in a similar manner.

Now back to the film, it is produced in a very interesting way with great orchestra music and a good cast though I think Jean Simmons was the wrong choice for the female leader who in the original source was German.

As said it is not based on the actual historical events which is different and can be found in history books, however there are some minor errors in the details of the film.

Thrace was not Greek - Thrace was in what is now Bulgaria and Spartacus himself was most likely an early Romanian, with his fellow gladiators being from what is now France and Germany only.

The film portrays Spartacus almost like a prophetic or philosophical figure akin to Moses and Jesus - something he would never of been but rather like Che Girva or the Bin Laden of his time, at the end scene we see him almost like Jesus on a cross " I pray to a god of slaves" and Varina like Mary Magdalene he did not die for a social or political cause, he died on the battlefield in historical accounts for his own glory.
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Problem Child (1990)
Funny to watch
26 October 2023
This film should not be taken too seriously if you want to enjoy it. The writing is simple but good and the acting scenes are comical so for humour

The story revolves around an obnoxious psychotic child called "Junior" whose origins when born are never revealed.

He ends up in a Catholic orphanage where he is always returned no one wants to adopt him permanently so perhaps this is why he has his name. It makes his behaviour worse with the nasty nuns and the sly manager Mr Peabody.

Eventually he is adopted by a couple who are very well cast one is a sincere man with little confidence and his wife a selfish ostentatious woman. They get in too many comical mishaps that involve children with varying attitudes from spoilt brats to bullies.

Testing his adopted parents patience Ben his adopted father understands that Junior has to be shown love in order for his behaviour to improve and his state of mind to heal.

A funny entertaining film with a deep message. I think the part with the serial killer was irrelevant and instead should have shown him going to school avoiding a sequel and making it more believable.
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Xena: Warrior Princess (1995–2001)
American Media must of been desperate for ratings
27 August 2023
To use its strange but exotic title "Xena" is just a mythological Baywatch as this was the show that set the trend of the time.

The characters and historical settings are completely anachronistic and have no respect for real history or its cultural origins.

If its meant to resemble Ancient Greece it looks tacky with cheap leather clothing and a primitive medieval style culture do I detect budget cuts in the hope for high ratings.

The female lead I take is meant to resemble an Amazonian warrior when she looks too much like a woman of the night to resemble in any way a warrior but perhaps American teenagers because they are lost and lonely fantasise and fetishise to find some temporary satisfaction.

Her female accomplice is typical for Hollywood scripting having a less than intelligent friend as her aid who strangely for a Greek has an Aramaic name. Also if she's meant to be an Amazonian she would have been a Central Asian Scythian not a Greek.

Despite the Anthropological lecture the execution and plots are plain simple, desperate and vulgar that they make a primary school child look talented with wooden acting and exaggerated emotions just like its twin Hercules which is the male equivalent of this.

To conclude it shows how television was declining in the 1990s with a few good programmes here and there that today it's embarrassing. Uncouth production that thinks its culturally refined.
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Barbarians (2006– )
Good - but spoils itself for being too Anti-Roman
24 July 2023
This attempted series by the renowned and Oxford educated comedian Terry Jones to show that the official history is too pro-Roman because historians have relied to heavily on them and Jones attempted to take a balanced view with what scientific evidence can tell us about the so called "barbarians", which is why at times he can be Anti-Roman because they had the last word in History.

The first two episodes were good but he tried to present the Celts as being too advanced for what they were. In fairness them and their German neighbours had culture but no civilisation like Rome or its advanced technology and infrastructure and absorption in to Rome gradually seemed inevitable no matter how long or the policy hard for the Celts and Soft for the Germans.

The other tribal peoples covered the Dacians and Huns were generally summarised based on archeological findings and Roman perceptions very informative but nothing extraordinary

The only episode that really makes an extraordinary difference is the Greeks and the Persians. It shows correctly that the Greeks were apart from the Romans and should not really be grouped with them in a single category.

Persia has always received a negative reception in the west and Jones refreshingly demonstrates their unique tolerance and lasting impact on knowledge to this day. It does not deserve the anathema it has got and he puts the record straight in this episode.

Terry examines in the final episode that the Catholic Church kept the Roman perceptions alive after the fall of empire. This is a slight exaggeration. The Catholic Church preserved Roman writings because they were readily available and were of value as it Christianised the empires remnants after its end the only exception to this was Atilla and his Huns whom they had direct conflict with.

But as an independent offshoot the Catholic Churches medieval relations with both Orthodox Christianity and Islam certainly was a continuation of Rome's conflict with Greece and Persia.
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Excellent program and presenter
10 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The renowned and multi-talented historian Bethany Hughes does a detailed documentary on the "Moors" of Spain. She is very neutral in her presentation and also follows empirical archeological and historical evidence to back up facts about the Muslim presence in Spain from historians who have graduated from respected institutions.

The rejuvenation of intellectual life is well known as well as new advancements in knowledge that would much later fuel the scientific revolution in Europe as well as cultural achievements in architecture that have become universally renowned as well as the beginning, the end and legacy of Muslim Spain.

To rectify the hateful critics with accusations of "spin", "propaganda" and "Arabism"

1. The program has nothing to do with 21st century politics she just makes a famous Kipling quote to show that it is purely an anecdotal cliche

2. The "Moors" as the Berbers were pejoratively called were next to Spain as it is a land bridge between North Africa and Western Europe so they were locals not foreigners like their Roman predecessors.

3. The Muslims of Spain were indigenous converts not colonialists who "oppressed" Christians. Yes, they had limits put on them but compared to the 19th century at the height of European imperialism Christians were bullying others to convert Muslims, Buddhists and Confucians can make the same accusations.

4. The "Reconquista" started as a land grab a demand of the European feudal system that gradually became a holy war - the famous inquisition until the Muslims were finally driven out of Spain in the 14th century.
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Saved by the Bell (1989–1992)
Fun to watch
8 March 2023
Saved by the bell was a fun children's programme to watch when it aired here in the UK on ITV in the early 1990s. It was very good to pass the time and enjoy yourself with the intriguing characters and the actors who played them well.

The characters are well thought out with a set of boys and girls to match each other with fun storylines though some can very over the top and exaggerated it does not spoil the series.

The programme also touched on release life issues and other teenage related problems that had to be referenced though it was sanitised to appeal to a universal audience.

I feel this would of been better if it was an American Grange Hill were you have interesting characters, school politics, and a clash of the old and new worlds.
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Baywatch (1989–2001)
beyond idiotic
26 February 2023
This so called "series" should not be classified as entertainment for tangible reasons

The storylines are wooden and poorly executed that make it look like a boring soap opera written by people with a primary school education

The actors cannot act and just pose as sex symbols most notoriously Pamela Anderson, they give the impression that they have had no artistic training or class.

The only person who saves this series is the lead David Hasselhoff because of his fame in Knight Rider - but even by then he like many 1980s stars had expired and was associated with his original role.

The series just drags for ratings and sex appeal no substance, limited potential and just reality television with a script in short it is uncouth and a waste of money and time.
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Bir Zamanlar Kibris (2021–2022)
Fact not Propaganda
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An earlier reviewer dismissed this programme as rubbish well it is not it is a sincere telling of the genuine suffering of the Turkish Cypriots under the government of Archbishop Makarios III and the once terrorist now nationalist movement EOKA wanting to achieve the aim of unification with Athens either by ethnic cleansing, assimilation or annihilation.

The series gives the Turkish Cypriots a voice equal to that of their Greek counterparts.

The story starts in 1960 when Cyprus got its independence from Britain and follows a group of Turkish Cypriot characters well known politicians and ordinary people until the partition of 1974 - I say partition because an invasion would mean Turkey occupying the whole island including the Greek majority areas.

The only objection I have is that the road to1974 started in 1924 not 1960 I say this because colonial rule had a significant role to the partition. The Turkish Cypriot cultural institutions were abolished and impoverished the Greek institutions were given all the benefits of colonial rule.

Also during the second world war the demographics were altered the Turkish population was halved to 18% with an intake of mainland Greek refugees - and the series could of at the beginning of referenced this.
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A simple overview of Turkish Cinema
15 February 2023
This German made documentary is about the classic Yesilcham cinema in Turkey whose heyday was from 1960 - 1990. Yesilcham started out with a limited budget with rudimentary technical equipment to compete with Hollywood cinema where only the Westernized elites could afford a ticket and to have a national cinema to call its own.

Despite the crude productions, crass effects and copying of Hollywood films as central in this documentary, Yesilcham did produce some good, organic films in its own right in collaboration with musical artists such as Orhan Genchebay and talented actors Tarik Akan, Kemal Sunal, Hale Soygazi, Filiz Akin and many others but this does not get enough attention in this documentary - for a budgeted film industry that is quite an achievement.

However with hindsight they could off been better thought out and written with common sense, non pretentious with copyright laws and good basic training similar to Greek Cinema despite this the films will always be classics and stand the test of time.

The demise of Yesilcham started slowly in the 1980s and by the dawn of the 1990s due to the privatisation of television and with this the focus to making television series not films Yesilcham extinguished and the actors had to find new careers, however it marks a great era in cinema.
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Great book, Tolerable film
7 January 2023
This film is based on a book about a convicted American drug smuggler, William Hayes in Turkey who at his fourth attempt is finally caught by airport security and put in to jail.

To begin with the film does not show Billy Hayes as innocent but rather morally guilty of a crime that is illegal everywhere but after the first half an hour of the film it takes a negative and corrupted turn to which I will now talk in detail about: -

A. Mr Hayes did not personally suffer badly in anyway as this film portrays although he did see inmates suffer and that Hamidou (Paul Smith) was one of the prison bullies he did not bully Mr Hayes.

B. Mr Hayes comments that although prison was hard he had nothing against Turkey or its people in anyway he just regretted what he had done and had been caught - drug smuggling where in other Middle Eastern / Muslim countries would off resulted in the death penalty.

C. I can understand they stereotype and portray Turkey as a typical Middle Eastern country - for what it is despite its westernised facade though this gets elaborated in the film. But what is hurtful is that the Turks are not portrayed as ordinary people but as ugly, hostile and medieval. In the book Hayes generally got on with them he never had fights with them as one conspicuous scene shows.

D. I am surprised Kojak did not save him or that it was not filmed in his home country of Greece or Cyprus as no doubt they might of funded this film from which they greatly benefitted just like Israel did in "Not without my daughter"

E. The film should off scrupulously of followed the book just with some tolerable orientalism to attract the audience and make it interesting.

After watching this popular film read the book and watch the interviews the real Billy Hayes gives about the film and the country Turkey.
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An alternative viewpoint
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Many good things happened in the 1960s such as greater tolerance and a questioning of deference, however progress and change was not all good as this documentary states.

Society became a nation of consumers obsessed with fashion and avarice as opposed to appreciating what people had and living within their means.

The Arts industry was decimated from one of decorum and high refined culture to one of nihilism and outrage that has lead to the woke music and celebrities we have today. The sexual aspects of this rebellion are being felt to this day with no sense or sensible guidelines.

Selective Education and rail transport was another factor that was dilapidated through a myopic trend of "modernity" were something that worked as fine was it did should of just been left and maintained.

The money wasted to build concrete towers that were depressing and isolating lead to a social and mental breakdown we are living with to this day when the Victorian brick architecture was fine the way it was in British cities and towns.

These are most of the points for which the side effects of the sixties have affected the western world to this day and have lead to its decline in the 21st century. One subject that they should off mentioned but did not was that of Leyland Cars, which later extinguished to British car industry.
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Journalism NOT Propaganda
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have read many of the reviews on IMDB about this documentary of accusations of being Pro- Chinese and Anti- American well its not its just information no one wants to hear and America needs a worthy critic like Pilger rather then a sickaphant.

Pilger starts by talking about the martial islands now this could off been a seperate documentary in its own right and this spoils the original thesis of the title.

When he talks finally about China he does so in a balanced manner he does not eulogise the regime but talks about its achievements and its problems such as a class system in a post Mao China and the massacre of 1989 in Beijing.

Pilger also explains the history of tension between China and the Western powers since the Opium wars in the 19th Century and how this expanded to include America in the 20th Century and the Americans general unpopularity in East Asia, more details about this would of been better at the introduction then the Marshall Islands.
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Storm from the East (1993– )
The only documentary that is valid on the Tatar empire
28 September 2022
Before I begin my review you will be wondering why I used Tatar instead of Mongol this is because the Mongols themselves and their contemporaries used this as the national term for them - Mongol first came in to use 500 years after Genghis Khan.

The documentary with its authentic representation of the Tatar empire tells their history well with their conquests and the nature of their rule starting with the rise of Genghis Khan to Kublai Khan they dominated the 13th Century without being wooden with general knowledge and coherent duration of he empire.

It's minor faults are that the Huns and Uighurs should have got a background reference as these were the predecessors to the Tatars and in the post Tatar empire Timur and the Ottomans should have been mentioned.
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Charlie's Angels (1976–1981)
It's not jingle TV it's - pure - Rubbish
8 July 2022
Calling Charlie's Angels Jingle TV is a pilot and respectful way of calling it pure rubbish for these reasons.

  • The scenario of the show is in its own right rubbish and cannot be in any way b respected non the less serious

  • It's very nature is tongue in cheek that it tries to act seriously making it dysfunctional and laughable

  • Wooden and over the top storylines that act more like comedy or exhaustive soaps then a thriller or genuine action series

  • Relies too much on looks where we have Barbie and Sindy dolls trying to be agents or any other kind of law enforcement. They always changed the actresses every season to boost ratings no doubt because it was that bad.

Final verdict from this fair evaluation it just did not work and got charged with the label of jingle TV becoming a cult series brand name rubbish product.

This series caught of worked under a different name if it had been an American version of the Avengers and its sequel the new Avengers with Kate Jackson taking the female lead .. but another Hollywood tragedy and a lost opportunity.
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A much needed documentary especially now
15 June 2022
Trevor Phillips is the man who with good intentions like Karl Marx wanted to justly change the world for the better and defeat the prejudices of Post World War 2 Britain and he has succeeded - at a heavy price.

People and Communities now use the Race Relations Act of 1976 as an excuse for entitlement, exceptionalism and Impunity were any criticism of their actions and attitudes is seen as Nazi like persecution.

Mr Phillips was brave and heroic to expose some of side effects of his Act for which he deserves credit. He talks about the truth behind stereotypes, segregation, nihilism and that certain crimes have an ethnic trait - these are points that have to be admitted and talked about openly but can't for fear of being accused of Fascism.

He also talks about how such an act that has had these side effects has led to the Alt - Right and the rise of Popularism. I think the best way to achieve integration and cohesive tolerance is to guarantee Religious tolerance only a basic right in the form of a bill with a few amendments and treat accepted immigrants as fellow citizens, like this I think there will not be a manipulation of the law for someones advantage.
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Timeshift: Rover: The Long Goodbye (2007)
Season 6, Episode 12
Good overview of the notable Car brand
7 June 2022
When the motor car came in to existence Rover was the genesis of the car industry in Britain .. so why did a notable car become extinct.

It starts with its birth in 1904 and explains how it became a great and distinct car and engineering brand notable for innovation and quality which allowed it to grow.

That is until it was coerced to being merged with BMC (Austin, Jaguar) and Triumph to form that now historical lame duck British Leyland in 1968 where for the next 20 years it was corrupted with the rot of BMC and so began its decline as other foreign car brands grew in stature. Despite the unions and management one factor that it did not mention was the decline of apprenticeships and how Comprehensive education also contributed with engineering skills declining, no wonder the British education system has become dilapidated.

At the dawn of the 1990s it was hastily sold off as a subsidiary to foreign brands but as a result had become an anachronistic and laughable imitation or copy of those brands from Honda to BMW becoming irrelevant until its inevitable extinction in the early 2000s.

The wisest strategy to have done was to sell what was left of BL and the rest of the British car industry to mid range foreign conglomerates for domestic production especially since Brexit where the average person could afford and outright but a car and keep the Industrial heartland flourishing.

The only major criticism I have on this episode is it is unfair to the Rover SD1 a great car in its own right. It was once our family car and lasted for 6 years. They were produced for 10 years and were popularly used by the Police so they were not that bad. The SD1 series 2 remains my favourite car ever to this day.

The end line of this episode is the people mourning the loss of Rover. It makes you wonder what if BL was not formed could it have survived to this day in its own right as a universal brand - probably as I read in an article that it had high quality, innovation, simple engineering and modern styling - very poignant and dearly missed.
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Splash (1983)
a comedy that tries to be a drama
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The idea is good but the storyline is very nuanced. If it was going to work it should off been a light hearted comedy like its deprived sequel Splash Too.

The film leaves too many loose ends when it finishes to a conclusion that does not make sense. The actors are good and I especially like the BMW Allen drives. I do feel hat Daryl Hannah was the wrong girl but reading the trivia Diane Lane, Michelle Pfeiffer or Tanya Roberts who seem more elegant, feminine and attractive were better suited for the role of Madison - who I think should off been called Samantha a more refined name.
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Only Fools and Horses (1981–2003)
Simple but effective
20 May 2022
Many Hollywood comedies try to be funny but come out as wooden and exhausting. This series starts as a basic idea and with the right characters in a real life setting in south London that evolved in to an enjoyable funny series about a con man salesman and his aspiring brother.

My only complaint about it is that it should of concluded in 1990 and not 1996/2003 so it would not be so excessive or bloated but set in its own era with a reassuring finale.
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Friends (1994–2004)
The one with a Stupid idea
7 May 2022
This program is absolutely overrated. I think initially the writers did not know what they were thinking, planning or doing and came up with something just to sell to a network.

* The storylines are infantile, repetitive and exhausting with no real humour or purpose *The characters are plain irritating and wooden with no depth to give an example they are inexcusably stupid (Joey) or brattish (Rachel) to the point that you hope tragedy strikes them all down - which would be entertaining *The characters of no chemistry and the program has no orientation to the point that it does not know what its about it only works on the brand of Central Perk and the good looks of the actors - but hey brand and image sells to teenagers not art

To conclude I don't understand why it's popular it is like most Hollywood television either overrated or very overrated that use the same formula. Think of what the program is going to be about with a start, middle and end come up with your characters to make it interesting and then execute with good looking actors that can act with talent.
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Splash, Too (1988 TV Movie)
Corny but Fun
10 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Many reviews give this film a negative rating taking the film too seriously when I think it should be taken as light hearted fun

In many ways I think it is better then the original Todd Warring and Amy Yasbeck have a cuteness about them that makes the chemistry work and in my view are far better then the formal and inelegant leads of the original 1984 film. On a further note reading the trivia of the original Michelle Pfeiffer or especially Diane Lane would off been better suited but Yasbeck compensates for this. The filming locations and setting is better.

The storyline is daft but the characters, cast and chemistry save this film making it fun escapism with better music. Had the original film had been more lighthearted like this one with a basic but introductory plot it would off been better without the formalities.

How can they return after 4 years in the same business and names without the American government not knowing and not pursuing them for scientific research.

It's not great but it's an enjoyable sequel that thankfully did not get made in to a TV series but as a successor film.
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