
8 Reviews
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Hostel (2005)
15 January 2006
This is perhaps the worst horror movie to come out in a long time and that's saying a lot. Even the promised gore really only filled a small portion of the film. The direction made almost no sense, the dialogue was ridiculously bad. It made Saw look like an Oscar worthy film. People are comparing it to Don't Look Now or The Wicker Man...It can't even hold a flame to either of those. The characters aren't developed at all...Except for a few sentences of backstory that were really irrelvant in the long run. I found myself laughing more than anything. If you've seen the previews you've pretty much seen the whole movie. It's an absolute waste of money and an absolute waste of time.
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It's Not the Book, But Don't Panic!! (Spoilers Most Likely)
29 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a fan of the Hitchhiker books for a long time, but I had never seen/heard an adaption till now. I really enjoyed it, but in the context of it as a stand alone film. It isn't the book. There are a lot of changes, but none of them really distracted me and Douglas Adams had been involved in the writing of the screenplay up until his death so a great many of the changes were his. I put it on book/film adaptions up with Interview with the Vampire: Both really, really good, but with differences from the book. The one complaint I hear the most is the Humma Kuvula subplot. My feeling is that their intending to tie up that subplot in a sequel if one is made (when you see it you'll find the possibility of a sequel isn't even subtley hinted at so much as blatantly said). I think people who will dislike this movie with be die-hard fans and those without any familiarity with it. Since I'm in the middle of that (a fan, but not a die-hard one necessarily), I loved it. The look fit (for the most part) what I had always envisioned and the casting was pretty good. Definitely worth seeing.
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A Fun Movie for a Boring Night
6 November 2004
When I finally found this movie, I had been looking for it for quite some time. I have been a very big Eddie Izzard fan for a long time and also a FRIENDS fan, so it was definitely something I wanted to see. And I think it met my expectations. No it isn't an Oscar-worty movie or anything like that, but it is throughly enjoyable. It is the best thing aside from Friends that I've ever seen Matt Le Blanc in (I know that isn't saying a *lot*, but he does give a decent performance). The stand out as many people have said is obviously Eddie Izzard. The fact that he is a more polished comedian and since he is a transvestite in reality he seems pretty comfortable in the plot. He also has the best timing of them all. The only true complaint I have about this movie is that on the DVD in order to have subtitles for the few German lines you have to have the subtitles on the whole time, but that has nothing really to do with the movie as a whole. It isn't a movie that takes a lot of concentration to watch, but that isn't always bad. I really hate that so many people have written comments basically praising everyone in it and then calling the movie awful. There are some very touching scenes especially one between Izzard's character and his boyfriend who have been apart for a long time. So I would definitely recommend this movie to a friend.

** 1/2 stars out of four.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
What Film Making is Meant to Be
31 October 2004
I hate to hear people say that this movie is boring or that it isn't as great as everybody thinks. The fact of the matter is that this is a film made by following all the rules of film making. Not only is the acting superb, but each shot is carefully planned out. Character position and lighting goes from beyond showing peole what the film makers were able to do and instead shows deeper meanings. Height and screen position are used to dictate dominance etc...Welles was a genius who was able to work with people that helped to take the way he saw something in his mind and make it reality. Tolland's cinematography is unbelievable and the use of deep focus lighting is very effective. All of the actors give amazing performances especially Welles and Cotten. It should not be missed and it truly is the greatest movie of all time.
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An Unexpected Good Time!
27 October 2004
I had never heard of this film until today. In fact, I had no intention of watching this movie at all. Peter O'Toole was being honored at the Savannah Film Festival and they had scheduled to show The Lion in Winter. That being one of my favorite flicks I immediately bought a ticket. Due to some kind of problem though they changed it and showed this instead. Well, all I can say is I'm glad I stayed for this movie! It was so funny and very witty. Peter O'Toole's delivery is unabelievable especially since I don't usually associate his name with this kind of comedy. It was hysterical! A lot of those in the theatre were college students like me and hadn't seen the movie either and everyone was rolling with laughter. I highly recommend this movie for a great time and an excellent performance from O'Toole!
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Crossfire (1982–2014)
In the words of Jon Stewart, Partisan Hackery!
21 October 2004
"Crossfire" like many other politically minded shows tries to make itself off to be a debate show and as Jon Stewart pointed out in what will no doubt became one of the most infamous incidents on the show: It isn't. It is theater. The hosts work under this false pretense that they are showing opposite sides, but really they represent their parties and not the viewpoints of the people. While, it is a little more two sided than say the O'Reilly Factor, it really doesn't debate the real issues anymore than a newsreport does.This show is again in Jon Stewart's words, "Hurting America!" They represent the politicians and the corporations that already have shows like Crossfire worked into their strategies. The people's viewpoint though plays little to no part in the show.
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Broken Lizard Classic
6 October 2004
This flick highlights the comedic skills of the broken lizard troop and is a must see for any fan. It is my personal favorite of the three films the troupe has made and it is every bit as funny as Super Troopers if not more so. Steve Lemme is excellent as the romantic lead a different role than he has played in the other films. Erik Stolhanske is also incredibly funny as the trippy Freaky Reaky. The story is simple, but the writing fully makes up for it. It is incredibly dialogue driven and original. An excellent debut film and it must be noted that without they probably wouldn't have been able to make Super Trooper so all of their fans owe a big debt of gratitude to this little scene indy.
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Showing a Different Revolution
6 October 2004
People are very quick to make movies about the 1960's and how much that changed people. This is clearly a valid point and many movies have dealt with different aspects of that decade. Velvet Goldmine though shines light on a very different era of change that may not be as well known to people especially younger generations such as myself. The film centers around glam rock and it's Bowie-like star Brian. Gay themes are prevalent and sexuality is played up. This movie is definitely not for everyone, but Todd Haynes's remarkable story telling and writing helps is worth a viewing in my opinion. I was fifteen years old when I first saw this movie and now I am eighteen. With the exception of David Bowie who I really knew only by name and maybe a few songs, I knew little about glam rock and what it was all about. This film supplies the viewer with a mixture of history, music and lessons on human nature. If you watch this movie on a superficial level you'll probably be shocked depending on how conservative you are, but take another look. The themes are poignant about finding out who you are and about society and if you look closely you can see a little bit of yourself in the characters in their dreams and vulnerabilities. It shows you another time that is not as well documented and it does it with Todd Haynes's fast paced flair. A personal favorite of mine 9/10.
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