
17 Reviews
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Dexter (2006–2013)
Simply amazing
10 June 2007
This show is so perfectly done that this review will sound extremely biased, but I can't help it - it's simply that good. The characters are all incredibly deep and well developed. Even ancillary characters are given compelling story lines, you really get a feel for the people that surround Dexter's life.

Then there's Dexter himself. I've never seen a character so simultaneously expressive and emotionless. His constant struggles with himself and his life are all beautifully played out on screen.

All in all, you figure it must be a good show if you're rooting for a serial killer. enjoy
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Like 2 Bad Movies Combined into One Really Terrible Movie!
6 May 2007
First, let me say that the fighting sequences were EXCELLENT. Better than the first two combined. With that said, the plot is fraught will HUGE plot holes, the acting is atrocious (James Franco & Thomas Haden Church) being the only two watchable actors, and the dialogue was ridiculously bad.

The Plot - it really seemed like Sam Raimi was trying to combine 2 movies into one. The fact that he tried to cram so much into such a short amount of time ends up hurting the movie more than anything else. No storyline is developed properly and the audience is left wondering why most of the action is happening.

The Acting - I'm a huge Topher Grace fan, but he's a terrible Venom. I'm not entirely sure why he was chosen to be Eddie Brock, maybe because Sam Raimi knew that most of his viewers wouldn't know the comic book version of Eddie Brock, but honestly Toper Grace was just a terrible choice regardless. Kristen Dunst is one of the worst actresses in Hollywood. I don't know why people continue to cast her in movies. Mary Jane Watson is supposed to be a supermodel. Kristen Dunst looks like a horse. Barbaro would've done a better job. Everyone else, however, did a great job.

The Dialogue - It was just cheesy and terrible. Like everything else in the movie, it felt rushed and forced.

Sadly, this movie will go on to break box office records when it really shouldn't. It tricked me into watching it and I'm sure it'll trick millions of other people. If you MUST see it, wait until the DVD and get a bunch of friends together to make fun of it. Terrible 1/10
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Arrested Development (2003–2019)
Best Show (that used to be) On Television
18 April 2007
This is has so more depth, wit, and humor in one episode all sitcoms on television today. It's on par with Seinfeld, Cheers, and every other famous sitcom in terms of its use of story lines, on-going "inside jokes," and character development. Just fantastic.

Every character has their strengths and weaknesses. You simultaneously root for and against all of them (save Michael). If anything, watch for the developing relationship between George Michael and his cousin. Instant classic comedy.

I can't really say more about this. This show is ridiculously amazing and it's a shame that Fox canceled it and instead shows shows like "Are you smarter than a 5th grader." Watch it and love it.

I'm going to stop writing this comment and re-watch the series.
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So bad it's good
16 March 2007
This movie is a perfect example of the "bad horror movie" genre. It doesn't take itself too seriously, like its sequel Return of the Living Dead 3 does, and instead has fun with the premise. The jokes almost always hit, the plot moves quickly enough and the characters are extremely likable. Return of the Living Dead 2 knew what it was - a bad horror movie and it had fun being one.

If you're looking for a jump out of your seats type of movie, this isn't it. If you're looking for a Shaun of the Dead-esquire romp of zombies, brains and guts, you've found the perfect movie. Enjoy it with a lot of beer and some loud friends.

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Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
25 January 2007
I'm not exaggerating. There is no redeeming value about this movie. Jessica Simpson is HORRIBLE. She has no chemistry with anyone (not that any of the other actors do, but she's definitely the worst), in the minimal lines that she has she still manages to come off as vapid and pointless.

Dane Cook, not matter what you feel about his stand up (I personally like him, despite the fact that he steals all his material) is annoying and comes off pathetic. All of his jokes all flat and are, for the lack of a better word, stupid.

Dax, who I usually like on Punk'd, gets no character development and acts the same throughout the entire movie.

I'm not even going to review the plot. Needless to say, it's stupid and pointless. For the love of God, please do not watch this movie. It'll suck 2 hours of your life away. We need to send a message to Hollywood to stop producing garbage like this.

Some people may have liked this movie, but if you want to watch a comedy, watch Zoolander, Anchorman, or Borat, don't watch this. It's unequivocally terrible.
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Casino Royale (2006)
18 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Craig has the brawn, but definitely lacks the charisma to be a true bond. His scenes with every girl are very flat and lack chemistry. Eva Green is a great bond girl, but Bond's "lines" come out uninspired. Whereas Brosnan was all flash and little substance, Craig provides the gritty, tough fight scenes that have been missing but isn't able to exude the same level of charm that James Bond requires.

The plot line is also bad. Without revealing too many spoilers, is the audience really supposed to believe that the big, bad plan of the main villain is a poker game? This isn't a WSOP episode on ESPN, this is a Bond movie.

In conclusion:

Fight scenes good Everything else bad

Was this a good action film? Yes, it was; it was probably one of the best action films that I've seen in a while. But that speaks more about the low quality of today's action films than Casino Royale's high quality. Was this a good Bond film? Yes, it was better than Brosnan's worst (Tomorrow) but not near his best (Goldeneye). I like Daniel Craig as an actor, but he doesn't seem comfortable in the Bond role.

Watch The Prestige instead.
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Scrapbook (2000 Video)
Just Not Very Good
10 April 2006
It's true: this movie is disturbing and will shock you with some scenes of depravity and torture that you've never seen before, but despite all that it's still just not very good. Among my main complaints: - Some people extol the fact that the production quality was very low, giving it a grim "snuff" film look to the movie. But seriously, I thought it just made every scene look that much worse because of the image quality, shaky camera movements, and muffled sounds.

  • The acting, though pretty good at times (the female lead whose name I forget must've gone through hell to make this movie) is still suspect throughout much of the movie. They try hard but in the end... it's just not very good.

  • The special effect. I know a movie with such a small budget can't be expected to have Hollywoood quality special effects, but seriously, a lot of the corpses and body parts looked like discarded parts from Halloween costumes.

The premise of the movie was great but the execution was just bad. Blame it on the small budget, the neophyte actors, or whatever, but in the end it boils down to this movie just not being very good. There are much better, scarier, gorier, "shock-ier" movies out there. Don't get taken in by the hype.
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Even the nudity is bad
25 March 2006
This movie has no redeeming values. I LOVE bad horror movies, but this movie insults the entire genre. It tries to take itself seriously when it should have just embraced itself as what it is: a terrible, terrible, terrible movie. So instead of a typical nudity/gore filled comedy/horror, we instead have a horrifically acted, disjointed, convoluted, slow moving, and just overall horrible movie.

It tries to follow in the steps of classics such as Slumberparty Massacre and such, but it fails miserably. If you want a "bad horror movie," watch Santa's Slay, not this.

Avoid it like herpes.
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Red Eye (2005)
Made Me Lose All Respect For Wes Craven
11 February 2006
Absolutely terrible movie. It's so full of Hollywood clichés that you can predict the ending step by step. The only thing you can't predict is how disappointed you're going to feel after watching it. It's almost as if no one on IMDb has seen a good suspense film. How can this movie possibly get a 6.6? Watch The Game for a good suspense/thriller. Red Eye is a terrible, dreadful movie.

The only bright note I'd say is that both Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams do a good job with the material that was given to them. Too bad the material was the most unimaginable, inane script ever.

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The Title Says It All...
5 May 2005
With a title like Shaolin Challenges Ninja... how could this movie not be amazing? With excellently choreographed fight scenes, a decent storyline (horrible translation... but that just adds to its reputation as a classic), and a great assortment of fighting styles and weaponry, this movie is amazing.

And there's not that much more to say. Watch this movie if you're a fan of classic Shaw Brother's martial arts mayhem. The only disappointment would come in how easily the hero defeats each villain. But his reasons for non-violence fit the storyline and thus, can't be avoided.

A non-violent action movie? Yes it is... and it still rules. Enjoy.
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Xun bu fang (1980)
Flawed, but it's still good
31 January 2005
Tiger Over Wall has several seriously flawed battle scenes where you can noticeably tell that actors are falling over before actually being "hit." Though I guess you shouldn't watch any karate movie with a sense of absolute reality, the poorly choreographed fight scenes do detract a lot from the viewing experience. Overall though, the movie is still good.

The plot is inane and I'll spare you the details. The dialogue is poor and the character's poorly developed. All in all you're supposed to feel sympathetic towards the Ko and hate the police chief (I forget his name). The entire movie is a built around the final fight scene between Ko and the chief... and this scene along saves the movie.

How does a movie with a nonsensical plot and bad fight scenes garner a 6 vote? Who knows... but it somehow does. A good film 70's martial arts film... but not a great one.
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Funny Games (1997)
A rollarcoaster of boredom
25 January 2005
What everyone says is true, this movie takes a new, non Hollywood perspective of violence, it pushes the boundaries on what we find acceptable and definitely does exceed the threshold of a "disturbing" viewing experience.

With that said, it is still a boring movie. The action is slow and the violence (for you gore hounds) is non-existent. The acting is superb... but the script itself is flawed. The characters are far too passive and the lack of dialog definitely restricts the audience from developing a picture of what is happening, who it is happening to... and most of all why they paid to watch a movie with such a slow moving plot.

There is a 10 minute stretch in the middle in which nothing happens at all. This movie needed major editing.

Will people find this to be an amazing movie? Some will and I do suggest that you watch it. However, don't go in with high expectations, you might be let down like I was.

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Versus (II) (2000)
Zombies vs. Yakuza
19 January 2005
You can't beat that combination, unless you add in ninjas, or samurai... or Godzilla, but zombies and yakuza alone make a very compelling film, even if it has no sensible plot.

The storyline is simple enough - prisoners escape, get double crossed, then find out they're in a "forest of resurrection" full of zombies that don't like yakuza very much. That's all you really need to know.

Sit back and relax as you watch hilarious gory and impossibly bad acting. The movie is based on its visual appeal alone, forget the plot and the characters, watch the fight scenes, the strange standoffs, bad monologues, and hideously bad acting.

There are parts, however, where the movie drags on a bit. Killing zombies, even though enormously awesome, does become monotonous after an extended period. But these lulls are few and far between them. The action definitely keeps you hooked for most of the film.

Overall? Great action film.

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Bio-Zombie (1998)
Hilarious zombie movie
18 January 2005
With the two main characters characters named Woody Invincible and Crazy Bee, and the love interest named Rolls... how can a movie fail?

A lovelorn zombie sushi chef, a neglectful husband and a spiteful, yet faithful wife, two bumbling thieves, and a couple of beauty salon workers, Bio Zombie's cast is full of great characters; all that are played convincingly. Combined with a great script, Bio Zombie provides ample entertainment.

A hilarious spin on an age-old premise, Bio-Zombie is a comedy disguised as a zombie movie. Amazing dialog, impractical events, and great lead actors, this movie definitely delivered. The perfect bad horror movie.

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18 January 2005
I think Jason fans boil down into two categories - the ones that watch for actual horror and the ones that watch for unintentional humor and shock value.

For the former group - this movie is worthless. The change of scenery from the dark, foreboding woods of Camp Crystal Lake to a luxury cruise liner completely ruins Jason's mystique. Jason is a killer made for stalking around the ominous woods, not sauntering through hallways and crosswalks. The kills are numerous and bloody... but don't compare to some of the other installments. Overall, this movie is simply not very scary.

For the latter group however, this movie is a gem. Packed full of stereotypes and inexplicably idiotic characters, you can't help but laugh as each one is picked off, Jason-style. With Asian valedictorians, black athletes, and white party girls, the lack of effort that the writers put into the film is clearly evident. It's almost as if the writers got together and tried to figure out how to fit the maximum amount of gratuitous violence and nudity into an hour and a half movie... sheer brilliance.

For me? 8/10, one of the best comedies I've seen in a while.
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Séance (2000 TV Movie)
Not your mainstream horror film... or a horror film in general for that matter
17 January 2005
As far as being a horror movie goes, this movie leaves much to be desired. More of an atmospheric thriller than a horror movie per say, Korei is The Sixth Sense, minus the scary scenes. As in accordance with modern Japanese horror movies, Korei relies mostly on increasing psychological intensity rather than the Hollywoodized method of striking visual effects in order to achieve its chills. In this movie, you don't see any gore, or anything "scary" in that sense, but there is the constant pervading feeling of dread... which does keep the audience hooked. It's oftentimes reminiscent of Cure, with just as slow a plot.

The storyline is well developed and you can't help but feel sorry for the characters. Engaging and provocative, if you're into Japanese horror movies I'd suggest giving this one a try. If you're new to the genre, go watch Ringu instead. Overall, a good film... just not a good horror movie.

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Cheonsamong (2001)
Poor Man's Matrix
17 January 2005
Decent action scenes, but the movie is saddled with a slow, convoluted storyline, nearly non-existent dialogue that leads to minimal character development, and a seriously horrible storyline...

Did I mention that the storyline made no sense? But, in its defense, the action scenes were impressive enough, even if they leave you scratching your head as to why they just happened.

There's not much else to say about the movie. It's a slick, mindless action adventure that makes no sense whatsoever. It's like watching a worse version of the Matrix and skipping all the storyline and dialogue.
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