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Ozark (2017–2022)
Dark, depressing American tragedy
30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We really like Jason Bateman, and have liked most things he's been in. This was no exception.

BUT...this show is so dark and depressing...even at its' happier moments, which are few and far-between. I found myself only halfway paying attention in season 2 and 3. Kept up with the storyline without being riveted to it.

I was interested in seeing how it was all going to end, though. Mostly because I hated Wendy Byrde and wanted to see her glorious downfall, and was really rooting for Ruth to get everything she wanted and find some happiness in a crime-free life with a clean slate.

I knew better. A show like this can only end with the tragic hero. And I was right. The good guy (or, at minimum, much better guy) got the shaft.

Despite the dark tragedy and unsatisfying ending, it was a good show. It had a constant feeling of uneasiness. It was unpleasant, yet compelling. I almost had to make myself watch it, but was glad I did.

The actress who played Ruth should win every award. Ever. She was 1000% spot on, and if I didn't know better, I would say she really lived that life in that exact location before they hired her to play in the show. She's phenomenal.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
When you've watched all the good sci-fi...
30 May 2022
Gave this a shot because I've already watched all the good sci-fi series, and was hoping to find a gem. This seemed like a good choice...it ran for 7 seasons, after all.

It had a lot of potential, story-wise. I agree with many other reviewers that the characters were quite schizophrenic in their portrayal. It really was hard to consistently root for any of them for very long. I did find myself actively rooting against a few of them.

The science part of sci-fi. This is a big issue for some, and based on the reviews, this show is not for science people. I'm not hung up on that when it comes to a fictional tv show.

I do, however, take off at least one star for the massive overuse of the phrase "This is not who we are", and every variation of "You've got this". I watched the entire 7 seasons in a month, so I'm sure this was more glaring to me than it was to people watching one episode a week. It did, however, make me want to scream at the sky. It might make a good drinking game, if that's your thing.

All in all, it was on for too long. Things got repetitive. I stuck it out until the end, as I always like to do, but this one just left me glad that it was finally over.

You do get some closure to the series, but it was just kind of...meh.
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18 August 2021
So disappointed. Would much rather watch a show that investigated the locations, history and legends of monsters underground than a fake wild goose chase with a bunch of actors. I use the term "actors" generously here.

So many of the shows in this particular cluster of networks follow this lame formula, and it is so old and done to death.

Stop being lazy. This could have been a really cool show.
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Bambi (1942)
Lessons of Life
10 May 2021
I saw 'Bambi with my Mom at the movie theater in about 1974. As a 4-year-old, I remember being enthralled by its sheer beauty. The scene (and you know which one that is) with Bambi's mother was very thought-provoking for me. The idea that something really bad could happen to a parent was nothing I had ever considered, and while it was upsetting, I was glad I knew. Facts are facts, no matter how unpleasant.

Fast forward to today, 46 years later, watched it for only the 2nd time in my life. I was amazed at all the things I HADN'T remembered, and am glad I took the time to revisit this.

This film is a classic. It is the story of a life and the trials and tribulations of growing up and becoming an adult, and the love and loss that happens to us all. I'm not sure that any other children's film addresses this as well and as fully as 'Bambi'. I feel like Walt Disney created a beautiful medium to convey the joy and sorrow of life itself to children. I feel watching this film as a young child prepared me, at least in some small way, for things to come.

The film itself is an artistic masterpiece. Everything drawn, painted and animated by artists' hands alone. Any screen shot would be a work of art on its own. The use of music to convey the emotions and feel of the scenes was pretty flawless, imo. For those who didn't care for the music, I can only say 'Bambi' was released in 1942, and this was the music of that time.
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Mr. Christmas (2004 Video)
I like the dog
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, I like Christmas movies, I used to visit Eureka Springs as a kid in the 70s and early 80s, and I like movies set in the past. This I didn't care for, and I really wanted to.

The older girl, Carol Ann...I just cringe at the shrieking loudness. The Mom clearly had some sort of imbalance going on...sweet one second, total B the next. The Dad was going to stone little faux Baby Jesus and beat a dog, all in front of a church (to be fair, he DIDN'T, but he wanted to).

The kid thing was an issue because, as another reviewer mentioned, the way the older girl acted...spoiled, ignoring her parents when they told her to do or not do something, and being SO LOUD...I just don't think kids acted that way in the 40s, because parents didn't put up with that $*** back then. Her behavior in the movie made me glad she didn't get her freakin' bike for Christmas. None of the characters made me feel any empathy at all.

I'm an Arkansan, so I enjoyed pausing and reading the reproduction Arkansas Gazette headlines from 1941/42. And the dog was good, as most dogs in movies are. That's pretty much it.
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Christmas Lodge (2011 TV Movie)
They're not playin'
29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They're not playin' around when they refer to this as a Christian or religious movie. One peck on the lips from a newly engaged couple is as racy as it gets.

And I'm good with that. They reference scripture in relation to things going on in the movie, but don't just randomly smack you in the head with it. Ok with that, too.

Little things irk me more than anything. It annoys me that the main female character's mom looks like her grandmother while at the same time her dad looks the appropriate age. It also bugs me that we see Nattie the dog shortly after the first of the movie, then are left wondering where he is...his absence is noticeable until he pops up again randomly. Note to movie people: please don't make me worry about an animal in any way. Had to shut down 'The Walking Dead' for fear of Darryl's beloved Dog. But Nattie seemed to finally be around, so I'm okay with the outcome there.

All in all, this is a no-bones-about-it Christian move that I, as a conservative agnostic, really appreciate. Good values, loving family, sweet story that combines memories of the past with hope for the future, and all at a G rating for the kids, to boot.

I consider this conservative media, and to those who make it, keep on keeping on. Aside from promising movies like this, I don't watch anything that just "looks good" after 2014...I won't go into a rant about modern movies and TV. I will just say this is a very sweet and touching film that is perfect for Christmas and great for all ages. Very impressive feat in today's world.
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Pretty emotional
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tore my heart apart into little pieces throughout and slowly put it back together again. Not a super-happy Christmas movie, but don't despair...it gets there in the end. No person or animal dies. You just have to decide if want to be brought down in order to be brought back up again in a Christmas movie.

I thought it was very good, and had a lot of real-world situations in it...i.e., not a Hallmark fairyland. I'm also pretty sure young children would not be okay with this...too emotional and takes some maturity to understand what is going on. Not sure I would watch this every Christmas, but it is a good story.

I will say I found the boy of the family to be a potential psychopath if they don't get him under control. I know. It's a movie. Still true.

People who aren't sensitive, aren't animal lovers and don't have empathetic tendencies will probably disagree with my take on this. As I always say, to each his own.
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Like it less and less
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie when it came out. The novelty of the animation captured my attention at the time, and I found some attachment to the characters of Hero Girl and Billy (especially Billy).

This film has not aged well for me. Completely aside from the animation. I always found it a bit dark, but it seems to get more-so every time I watch it. I see it in ways that bother me more and more. The conductor really is more off-putting than not. I just don't care enough about Hero Boy to be super stoked he got his belief back. The elves are pretty creepy, and Santa is not the jolly happy soul one has come to expect. The North Pole doesn't seem much more inviting than the actual North Pole.

I do feel like Hero Girl was an admirable, kind character who learned not to doubt her instincts, i.e., herself. Poor Billy got the shaft, in my opinion. If I were him, I don't know that I would have been so kind and forgiving to Santa. Billy went how many years without getting a gift from Santa on Christmas? And he comes to find out this guy was real all along? So not only does Billy come from a poor household at best, an abusive one at worst, but to find out Santa didn't give a crap before this point really takes the cake.

Santa in 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' really is an ass, as well, as I have seen more clearly with age...an aside, but dislike of one Santa made me think of the other.

I personally like the action scenes that some others don't.

I would have hated this if I watched it as a kid...way too dark and scary...it would have given me endless nightmares. With the plethora of Christmas fare out there, there are much better choices, especially if you have very young or emotionally sensitive children.

I can only say if I had been a child when this came out, maybe it wouldn't have come across as a disturbing flick to me. Kids of the 2000s and on were exposed to media that was faster, louder, and darker in general. I give it a 5 because my husband still likes it pretty well. To each his own.
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The Maria character killed it for me
8 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really love a lot of movies from the 50s and 60s, in every genre. This one seemed promising...great ratings, the whole Oscar thing, etc..

Let me just say that I liked the 2 older secretaries as well as the Italian interpreter. Their characters interested me. But as I watched, I slowly lost interest and became bored with the premise and the pace. The character of the youngest secretary, Maria, made me throw in the towel. I suppose they succeeded in character development, because with each scene I hated her more and more. She was a single-minded airhead with a bad haircut to boot. When she ratted out her co-worker to their boss for fraternizing with the Italian interpreter, I was done. When she acted as if she had no idea that she had done anything wrong...ugh...

Everyone has their own opinion, of course, and this just happens to be mine. I thought this film was a huge waste of time, and that one character made it that way.
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Peeper (1975)
Caine is the only good thing
30 March 2020
I found this movie to be incredibly boring. The characters and dialogue were over the top in a bad way.

I did enjoy the character of Anglich. I watched, though, purely for Michael Caine, and as usual, found his acting and character to be entertaining and endearing.

He was way too good for this one.
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Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
Love/hate relationship
4 January 2020
Rarely have I run across a show with which I have had such a love/hate relationship. This was one of those shows.

It's supposed to be a little quirky and funny mixed in with sci-fi weirdness, detective work and action, and it manages to marry all these ideas in a really entertaining way.

I totally loved the characters of Pete, Artie and Mrs. Frederick. I didn't dislike the others...they just drove me nuts.

Seriously, if this combo of people were in charge of something like Warehouse 13 in real life, we would have all been dead a long time ago. To have agents who are supposed to be uber-intelligent and the "best of the best", they sure did turn their backs on the bad guys a lot to consult with each other...letting the bad guys slip away or allowing them to perform another nefarious act. Made me want to scream. However, if the warehouse had been staffed with real pros, there wouldn't have been a show, or at least not an hour's worth.

Also want to add that you could make a drinking game from this...every time Myka says "Peeete?". There wouldn't be a sober person left in the room.

I don't know how they did it, but they managed to successfully make a super-irritating, super-likeable show, and I watched every season.
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2 January 2020
Good documentary on the identity of Saint Nicholas...the real person, not the character most of us know as the modern Santa Claus. Gives good insight on who he was, where he came from, and some of the historical events surrounding him.

He is actually mainly known as the patron saint of sailors and fishermen, but is also the patron saint of children and too many other things to count. There is a complete list of it all at the end. Really very enlightening and interesting, especially when you think about all the variations of characters around the world that developed and evolved out of this one person's life.
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Portrait of an artist
1 January 2020
This is a nice little film about Tasha Tudor, an author and illustrator of children's books, most which seem to have a Christmas theme. She lives on a farm in rural Vermont, and I have to admit she has the kind of life many only dream of...even if there are daily farm chores involved. Nothing about her life is rushed or frenzied, she has time to do her illustrations, make her own Christmas gifts, bake, spend t I'll me with her dogs...you name it.

As an artist who had to give it up to survive in the real world, I truly am envious...her life is a dream come true in my view.

Not sure it would hold the interest of kids, but it's totally suitable. Very relaxing and enjoyable look into her life.

Saw this was made by Scholastic, so I knew it would be a good story.
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The real thing!
1 January 2020
I didn't see this whole Christmas Cartoon show as listed in the title...only the Gumby and Pokey half-hour special. So I saw some of the shorts in the 70s with Gumby and Pokey. I really had no idea they came from a real stop-motion animated show. Very cool to run across this type of stuff.

Gumby and Pokey go through several different segments in the 30 minute show. I found it interesting to see the characters as intended, and the short format of each segment kept my attention. Not the most exciting thing I have ever seen, but better and not quite as cheesy as I expected. I really enjoyed it, and appreciate that some streaming services have started to offer older shows, too.

Useless fact: Gumby's last name is Gumba. Ha! Who knew? :)
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The Cinema Snob: The Magic Christmas Tree (2016)
Season 10, Episode 47
If you love nostalgia
1 January 2020
If you love nostalgia as I do, you will find this fits the bill. Retro, funny, ridiculous and even cringe-worthy at times...truly good for those who have an appreciation of anything from "back-in-the-day".

It even has a witch and actual magic tree. So there you go.
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Holiday Wishes (2006 TV Movie)
7.5, really
31 December 2019
I've learned, at least as far as Christmas movies go, to never pay attention to the overall reviews if it is something that sounds interesting to you.

I went in not expecting a lot from something that rated a 5.4 overall. I was pleasantly surprised. It is a very unlikely plot with with an equally, if not more, unlikely ending. It is a Christmas movie that embraces the disenchantment of the season as well as the magic, the sadness as well as the gladness. It overall has a good ending. It made me smile as well as shed a tear. Any film that can move me in some positive way deserves my positive review.

It is in no way a classic, but I would watch it again and would recommend others try it if the plot sounds like something they would enjoy.

Seems like a lot of the bad ratings for holiday movies come from die-hard realists who rate based on how believable the story is. You really can't do that with a Christmas movie...you end up with 95% looking like they're not worth watching.
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Not for everyone
31 December 2019
Yes, this is old, circa 1970 as am I. This was never my favorite, but I always watched it and enjoyed the story.

I will just echo the feeling of nostalgia this film brings to me and say that no, in 2019, kids will probably not like this. It is too relaxing and slow-paced to hold most kids' attention, given the changes in children's programming over the last 30 years. I, however, will watch it every year it is available, and that's okay.
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Yes, Virginia (2009 TV Movie)
Very good and true
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this because it is based on a true story. I thought it was entertaining and well done, though yes, it was sponsored by Macy's and does contain some non-verbal references to their store. I don't have an issue with that.

As I recall, this originally aired immediately after the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade years ago, but I'm not sure if they still air it on network TV. I ran across it on Tubi this year.

Another reviewer mentioned a version by Bill Melendez...a king of holiday specials in the 60s and 70s...that they said was better. I will definitely look for it since I'm a fan, but for now, I think this version is worth watching and I appreciate the story being told.

There was mention of this being a bit too dark in both ambience and story, but I found it fit fairly realistically with what 1897 NYC would be like. While Virginia got upset at the prospect of no Santa, she regains her belief and spirit, and so do her friends...so it does have a happy end.
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The Very First Noel (2006 Video)
Wise men's journey
30 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this DVD because of the great reviews I read on various sites. It also caught my eye because the graphics make for just about the cutest characters I have ever seen. I found myself making comparisons to Fisher-Price Little People a lot. I grew up with the Rankin-Bass stop-motion animated specials, so I have a big appreciation for a well-done holiday show, even when the stop-motion has been replaced with CGI. Good is good.

I'm not a traditionally religious person, and I don't have kids...I watched this because I enjoy the medium of animation. The music is not what you would traditionally expect, but I found it really enhanced the story and was very uplifting and happy.

So, your narrator is Andy Griffith. The show opens with him (as Melchior) seeing a very bright star while researching the skies. He seems to recall a prophecy associated with just such a thing, and next thing you know, he's on his way to find this new king. He runs into Balthazar and Caspar (or Gaspar...whichever you prefer) along the way and they become traveling companions. Meanwhile, Mary and Joseph are given an angelic "heads-up" about what God has in store for them. Herod hears about this new king coming and orders the census/tax collection in hope of putting a stop to this promised king. Mary and Joseph make their required journey, ending up at the stable where the little king is born. The three wise men make it right on time, having picked the little drummer boy up along the way. The two shepherds with their flock were also in attendance, having earlier been invited by an angel. They had been worried about their shabby appearance, but were assured that this king was not just for rich or poor, but for everyone.

All in all a very sweet story with characters to match. Not a lot of dialogue, but it wasn't needed for the story to be clear.

I'm sure there are those who won't like that this is religious, or those who won't think it is religious enough. To each his own...but I do think it's a really nice story that kids would like. I highly recommend it.
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This is awesome
29 December 2019
This film is absolute crap and I love it. I am a nostalgia junkie, and I do not care that the film itself has degraded or that the audio is sometimes unintelligible. I do not care that some of the Santas are a little creepy.

It is the whole feel of it, however cheesy it may be, that I love. This was filmed only slightly before my time, but I too enjoyed the brand new indoor shopping mall...the whole Santa spectacular in all of its glory. It's so bad, and it is so, so very good.
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The Twilight Zone: The Night of the Meek (1960)
Season 2, Episode 11
One of the best
29 December 2019
The Twilight Zone is one of the finest shows ever aired. That being said, this may be its finest episode.

Art Carney is simply amazing in his role as a down and out department store Santa...especially if you have only ever seen him portray Ed Norton on 'The Honeymooners'. This actor was far more than a great comic sidekick. John Fiedler (the voice of Winnie the Pooh's Piglet) is also a joy to watch. Great cast overall.

This episode is one of those rare gems that depicts the true meaning of Christmas. Much like 'A Christmas Carol', it is a story of one man's redemption due to a miracle. A true classic, this is one I always have to watch every year.
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29 December 2019
The Ed Sullivan Show went off the air right around my 1st birthday. Knowing it is an iconic part of television history, I was happy to run across this holiday special so I could see at least a little bit of what I missed.

Like any other variety show, there is really something for everyone. I didn't expect a masterpiece, but it did give a good idea of what a viewer could expect if they were watching one of his original shows through the years. Nice bit of nostalgia, but if you are expecting every part of it to be holiday related, you may be disappointed. I love Bob Newhart, and I really thought he was a good choice as host given the "buttoned-up" nature of Ed Sullivan.

It fits the bill for those who miss the original show, and those who never got to watch but are interested.
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Great version
28 December 2019
I have often heard that this is one of the best versions of 'A Christmas Carol'...'The Muppets Christmas Carol' topping the list. I actually agree with The Muppets being considered the best. It is true to the story while the presence of The Muppets makes it a little less scary and more accessible to younger kids.

I haven't seen every iteration of 'A Christmas Carol', but this 1951 version with Alistair Sim did not disappoint. He is a fantastic Ebenezer Scrooge in every way. The entire cast, actually, does a stellar job. The film manages to transport you into the story before you realize it has done so, and that is the mark of a fine movie.

I would highly recommend this version, especially for those who would prefer a more realistic take on the story that The Muppets offers. Again, I haven't seen every other version, but for right now, I can't disagree that Alistair Sim is the greatest Scrooge of all time.
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Prancer (1989)
I tried
27 December 2019
I tried to like this film. So much so that after watching it 20+ years ago and not liking it, I tried it again today. Unfortunately I came to the same conclusion. And I really do love a good Christmas movie...but this is not it for me.

Sam Elliott is always great, as is Cloris Leachman, who was grossly underused in this film.

The beginning of the film has a classroom full of kids singing. You hear one loud, gratingly annoying voice in the crowd...this is your child heroine of the whole film, and this scene sets the tone for her throughout. Possibly the most annoying child character I have ever run across in all of film. She's loud, interrupts people, doesn't get out of the way of oncoming cars, hardly ever does what her Dad says, has an attention span of about 2 seconds and is not the sharpest tack in the box. Her character is incredibly hard to like.

It's unfortunate, because this really did have potential, and I suppose it was played as it was written. Had the little girl been more endearing and less "fingernails on a chalkboard", it would have been a much better movie.

It felt like Prancer was tentatively grateful for her help, but couldn't wait to get out of there, and I couldn't blame him.

Like it or not, I do always attempt to give an honest and thoughtful review, so if this earns a downvote, it is nothing but a difference of opinion.
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Simple and cute
22 December 2019
As a postal worker, I had to try this movie. It was a really simple plot...a sweet romantic story with a happy end. It won't win any awards, but I liked it. The lead actor and actress were cute in their roles, and the added "mystery" of who this new girl really was made it more interesting.

It clearly was filmed in a postal facility, but it was super-unrealistic. The lack of mail at Christmastime was astounding, and there were way too many other things to list. It made me laugh, though, and realism certainly isn't required, especially in a movie like this.
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