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Glorifying prostitution..
20 March 2022
Awful story that didn't need to be told. Soft core porno and very over sexualized women.. Trying to glorify sex work and say it's a love tale.. Disgusting!
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5 March 2022
Really really sad to enable mental illness in children and not get them real help... No ghosts don't exist and if they did it wouldn't be in the same way we think. Yes abilities exist that we don't understand but you could spend a few days with these families and understand what was really going on.
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Pokémon Legends: Arceus (2022 Video Game)
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's about 5 mins of story,2 hours of tutorial,waaayyy too much talking, switching between your pokemon and the balls is awful, questing? Hey uhh go get me mushrooms so i can make cake..da fuq? Npcs arguing about religion 🤣gawd awful clothing. No online play. No mp. Barely any music. Everything is so low poly. This is a filler game...
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Bad.. But not because of why people say
1 November 2021
First few mins you see a very young girl or young woman with her shirt open, you clearly see her breasts and they are basically keeping her prisoner in a room for "Science" wow great messed up start! But this sort of objectivism is ok because it's a horror movie.. Or what? It doesn't matter if the actress was technically an adult, she's portayed as a child. The rest of the movie is pretty similar and boring with lots of sound jump scares.
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The Outer Limits: A Stitch in Time (1996)
Season 2, Episode 1
31 October 2021
Cool story, way before the minority report too! But god dam didn't they know about bras back then? Like the 16th thing I've watched from the 90s and the headlights are on full beam 😬
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Supernatural: Safe House (2016)
Season 11, Episode 16
Only good part of the show
19 October 2021
Bobby and Rufus were the only really good part of the show and they had to kill the both off so early sad they keep bringing them back and they're the only decent episodes in the whole season really. But still hunters have been a thing for at least 20 plus years and live in a world where there's just all these monsters and ghosts and stuff and yet everyone is still so ignorant as if this stuff isn't real in any sense of the word..🙄 like come onnnn..
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Supernatural: The Vessel (2016)
Season 11, Episode 14
Inaccurate and boring
19 October 2021
The guy on the sub refers to the boat hunting them as a "he" several times they would never have done that ships were referred to as "she." They would have never ever let anyone in the Marines at that time with a scruffy gross face,everyone had discipline and respect and was clean-shaven. They will certainly did not call people girls and boys, it was completely different era and those are modern terms. This show has such lazy immature writing.
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Supernatural: Just My Imagination (2015)
Season 11, Episode 8
1 laugh
15 October 2021
Wow this show gets worse and worse with every episode of this season more childish more cringy more awkward more dumb down more ridiculous. The camera angles the direction the acting is all so bad!! I laughed when the mom speared the blood all over her face because she had no idea what she was doing and the looks on Dean and Sam's faces was funny besides that maybe you think this is funny if you're a 10 year old. Also crossing lines about the whole family showering together and the super creepy unicorn dude.
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Supernatural: Plush (2015)
Season 11, Episode 7
14 October 2021
Wow they really hate women on this show don't they.. Super sexist. It's so Ridiculous. And super cringey! This show really died after season 5.
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Free Guy (2021)
13 October 2021
Great for kids and preteens. Not so great if you have a brain or are an adult. It's mindless over the top ridiculous nonsense. It's not even funny.. everyone i went with didn't like it and wanted our money back. Hard pass on this lame cringe.
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Supernatural: Baby (2015)
Season 11, Episode 4
Hands down the worst cringe
13 October 2021
One of the worst shows of any tv series I've ever watched EVER. HOLY wow this was brain dead and written by a ten year old.. Either that or all the fans turned into zoomers lol. Just cringe.
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Supernatural: Dark Dynasty (2015)
Season 10, Episode 21
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so glad this show kills off all the super annoying cringe characters. I skipped every episode with her in it until this one XD so awkward.
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Stardust (2007)
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Dark humor, silly, goofy and fun. But they literally glamorize a man enslaving a woman, he calls her a cow and toes her around like a savage and then she falls in love with him? Now that's messed up af.. Not to mention sexualizing the older witch and the general theme of women being enslaved, useless and needy. Triston is a pos imo. Good over all, but bad messed up bits throughout.
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Not for normies
26 August 2021
Adorable and wonderful. For all the odd balls and weirdos and freaks out there. 🙃 Loved it!
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22 August 2021
Anndd back to the lame cringe! Is it because of the generally very young audience that they feel the need to make these very childish overly goofy ridiculous episodes that the show pretty much just completely ruin the whole series? Because even when I first watched this when I was 17 it was pretty freaking awful back then too.. also why do they always have people in TV shows and movies that are typing and never ever once hit spacebar 🤔
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Big nope!
18 August 2021
So utterly bad and cringe that i had to just skip the whole episode.
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Supernatural: The Girl Next Door (2011)
Season 7, Episode 3
16 August 2021
Did they really force the 15 yr old actress to wear a shirt with her boobs hanging out? You they are did.. absolutely disgusting! It's one thing to have a consenting adult with their cleavage out the entire episode which I always think is awful and the show is full of it but to do it to the little girl and I'm pretty sure she was actually 15 at the time. Repulsive.! Shame!
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Supernatural: Hello, Cruel World (2011)
Season 7, Episode 2
So boring
16 August 2021
"mangled to death" dats dem dares sum gud witing! Jesus this show really got bad after season 5.
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Good production, horrible story
31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Here we go, another moaning groaning victim story. The second half of the first episode and the second half of the second episode were hard to watch. Not because of the subject matter but because of how they did it and how it was badly written. She's literally crying every other scene. Its so depressing and it's not even done in a way that i feel sorry for her. The character development in this is bad.. it would have been much better if it was a longer series. First main guy in it is clearly disgusting creep it's not even tried to make out like he may not's just there and it's very apparent and then she acts totally lovey and cute and nice towards him after he forces himself on her several times via childish and cruel actions to get what he wants?? That kind of behavior would be disgusting today and it most certainly would have been disgusting and vile back then. Then she knows this other guy for two weeks"omg I'm madly in love" The women in the story act way too young, like they are 13-15 but are clearly grown responsible women. Yes times were different back then but that also meant that you grew up faster and even if you didn't quite understand the world you didn't have blatant bizarre conversations about all marrying the same man and ogling him and wanting to kiss him.. It's not funny or cute it's just strange. Would have made sense if they were immature and young girls who had never done anything but they're clearly out partying drinking in the bar kissing men they know about life to some extent. And the actor does not suit the role. He's thin, freckled,thin lipped and gangly. Not exactly the sort of guy everyone would call handsome..Later in the story when her husband learns her secret he suddenly has a completely different personality and turns on her in a split second,even after confessing his own guilt? What? From what they showed he was very kind open understanding and had changed a lot from the way he was taught and actually did love her. You don't instantly turn into someone else because you have bad news.. it would have made sense if he was more cruel and more religious and petty from the beginning. Yes, men were allowed to get away with stuff that women couldn't back then because of how cruel and ridiculous the society was. But still.. instead they went out of their way to show how he was changing for the better and he wasn't stuck up snob and he was down to earth and kind and sweet. Lmao the writing is really all over the place! And what is the point of it you may ask? To make her cry and look all pathetic and once again be the victim.. Jesus Christ. It goes on and on. What is the point of this movie exactly? Old man are evil and horrible and all women are pathetic constantly crying victims??
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Saw IV (2007)
20 July 2021
I didn't realize 55 year old women could have babies XD pig movie? More like sheep. Bahhh.
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A Discovery of Witches: Episode #1.2 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
12 July 2021
I think it's a really odd choice to have Matthews friend as a chubby actor playing a demon who isn't evil at all. They should have made him a human so it would make more sense that he had sympathies for Diana. Or how about a witch? Maybe he gave himself long life using magic and has been with Matthew for centuries. Would have made even more sense because then his sympathies and attraction to Diana would be more logical and natural. But no.. Pick a chubby actor and make him concerned about his friend and this witches well being. Because as we all know, demons in history and lore are such kind caring little things?
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Made for 12 year olds
7 July 2021
Forget logic or sense or reason, just cringey action and jokes and over the top characters! Boom! Pow! Kaplow! I'm so tired of brain dead shows.
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25 June 2021
The lead actress was really bad, annoying very bratty and i felt no sympathy or interest in her scenes. Overall the story was decent and watchable but I've seen better tv mini series from the time period.
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Cruella (2021)
29 May 2021
Stop milking and ruining my childhood Disney!! I loathe Emma Stone and she's so bad as this character.. Omg stop remaking stuff from the 90s.. It's complete garbo!!
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15 May 2021
Not a great start.. Really wierd audio that sounds muted, then super loud excessive music. Then characters are brought in with no names and we never learn them and their role in the story is vague and uninteresting. Stuff jumps around from here and there and everywhere and no idea what's happening. Excessive brutality for the sake of brutality?? There's no real story going on and the only engaging characters barely have any dialogue or screen time. I hope it gets better.
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