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Zoey 101: Defending Dustin (2005)
Season 1, Episode 4
Don't let a school bully harass you.
20 August 2022
When I first saw this episode, I really felt sorry for Dustin. Having a school bully making him do his homework assignments is just wrong. I've been a victim of bullying in high school and I didn't know how to deal with him. If I were in this episode, I would confront Dustin's bully and say to him, "Now see here Keith, you better stop bullying Dustin right now or you're going to face dire repercussions. So put a stop this bullying now and leave him alone!!"
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Everybody Loves Raymond: Ally's F (2004)
Season 9, Episode 5
Math is only hard if you don't understand it.
10 August 2022
You know, I can understand that Ally had a hard time in math class and was furiously angry at the teacher. Math for me back in high school wasn't my favorite class at all but I didn't have any excuses of not attending and no matter how tough and challenging the math schoolwork and homework, I didn't give up. Why? Because I paced myself and didn't overwork myself. And at the end of it all, I managed to get good grades.
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Pride goes before a fall.
1 June 2022
Of all the characters in Revenge of the sith. There's one character that I found interesting and almost felt sorry for. The character is Anakin Skywalker. As soon as Anakin became a well trained Jedi, there was one thing that he wanted and that was become a Jedi master just like the others. But as the council members rejected him, he became extremely angry and outraged. And felt he felt like that was unwelcomed and worthless. Then he did something that was strictly forbidden and that was making a pact with the dark side and soon enough, he allowed the forces of evil to consume his mind and corrupt him. By the time evil overpowered him, it was too late. He lost his friendship with Obi-wan and his beloved wife. The ultimate demise of him was that he had his legs and arm destroyed and ended up burning in lava. And became the infamous villain, Darth Vader. So if there's anything that we can learn from this movie and that don't let our egotistical behavior get the best of us and don't let evil influences ruin our lives.
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Anything is possible with a positive attitude and faith in God.
1 June 2022
This movie has been an inspirational one. Because it teaches us that anything is possible with a positive attitude and a firm faith in God. And whatever possible goal we want to achieve whether it's a good education or a new future career goal. The bottom line of the movie is that build up your self confidence, good and positive attitude and a firm faith in God and don't let anyone tell you that anything is impossible.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: Meeting the Parents (2003)
Season 7, Episode 17
Don't let the in laws of your loved one dissuade you from getting married.
6 April 2022
When you and your loved one are planning on getting married and the in laws of your loved one don't approve of you and your family. The one thing that you can't allow to happen and that is the in laws dissuade you and your loved one from getting married. They may not like it, but you and your loved one have the right to get married.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: Liars (2003)
Season 8, Episode 7
Lying will only hurt others and get you into trouble.
5 April 2022
I can understand Raymond didn't want anything to do with his mom Marie. But to make up blatant lies and continue doing it?!! That's going too far. Now I myself have lied to my mom a few times but in the end, I managed to speak the truth towards her and didn't hold back. Let this be a valuable lesson, if you ever lie to your mom or anyone else, you better tell the truth. Other wise, your lies will haunt you for the rest of your life.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: Counseling (2002)
Season 7, Episode 2
I think marriage counseling is the best thing to save a marriage from destruction.
3 April 2022
I've never been married before in my life. However my parents went through marriage counseling and it didn't seem to be helpful but my parents managed to get get along. As for Ray and Debra, I think marriage counseling was the best thing for them. Ray may not have liked it but Debra loved the idea.
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Revenge is never a good thing.
30 March 2022
I understand that Bud Bundy was humiliated by a girl in the 6th grade and wanted revenge very badly. However, I completely disagree. Revenge is never a good thing at all. It only cause more pain and suffering. I myself have been treated badly a few times and never thought about getting revenge. Instead I turned the other cheek. As for Bud Bundy being humiliated, he could've dealt with the girl in a better and decent way like tell her what she did was wrong and tell her that she should apologize for what she did to him. As the old saying goes, "What goes around, comes around." In other words, Karma!!
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Pandemic (2007)
Be prepared for any future pandemic.
23 March 2022
Regardless of whether if this movie is only fictional or not. The bottom line is any dangerous pandemic like Covid-19 should be taken seriously. When the Covid-19 pandemic began escalating out of control, some people fortunately managed to recover. And the rest unfortunately died of the pandemic such as my primary health care physician. Now don't think of this movie as entertainment. Think of it as future preparation. Fortunately I myself have taken extreme caution by wearing a mask and sanitation plus I've been fully vaccinated.
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iCarly: iPsycho (2010)
Season 3, Episode 17
Never attend a birthday party that includes a crazy person.
19 February 2022
I myself have attended a number of birthday parties in the past and none of them had a crazy person. As for Carly, Fred, Sam. They should've known better not to attend a birthday party hosted by a crazy person. If I did attend a birthday party hosted by a crazy person and held me hostage. Here's what I would do. I would quietly take out my tranquilizer gun and shoot the person more than once and watch the person collapse on the floor and I would immediately cuff the person and immediately call the police and let them deal with the crazy person. Lock the person up.
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Valentine's Day (I) (2010)
Valentine's Day. Like it or hate it.
21 January 2022
There's some people who enjoy celebrating Valentine's Day because they're in a relationship and there's some other people who are single like myself who don't want to think about the holiday because it emotionally hurts them including me. I don't know how people who are single on Valentine's Day handle it.
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How I Met Your Mother: Where Were We? (2006)
Season 2, Episode 1
I know exactly how Marshal felt about breaking up with Lily.
15 January 2022
Breaking up with your loved one. Husband or wife, girlfriend or boyfriend is no easy thing to go through. So I know exactly how Marshal felt. This past October, I called off the relationship with my girlfriend now ex-girlfriend. After breaking up with her, I was in a emotional mess and at different times I started crying. But you know what helps me get through the emotional pain? My friend Gabriel. He went through a break up himself. So he knows how I feel. And till this day, I often feel emotionally hurt and start crying. But eventually in the future, I'll move on. Marshal moved on and so did Gabriel and so will I.
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Roseanne: David vs. Goliath (1994)
Season 6, Episode 15
Always try your best to be honest.
13 January 2022
My philosophy about being honest with others goes like this, "Honesty is the best policy." And for Roseanne and David, they did a lousy job of being honest with Dan. There should be no excuse for being honest.
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iCarly: iMove Out (2009)
Season 3, Episode 7
Marissa Benson is a overprotective and controlling person.
4 January 2022
I'm really glad that Marissa Benson isn't my mom. Because if she were, she would be controlling me 24/7. I mean no disrespect towards her but she's a controlling, overprotective manipulative person. If I had to confront her. I would say to her, "Mrs. Benson, I mean no disrespect towards you. But you're obviously a controlling, overprotective and manipulative person. You still think that Freddie is a little child. You want to make sure that he's safe and sound and nothing bad will happen to him. But the truth is, he's not a little child anymore. He's growing up and you have to accept it. And you have to quit being controlling and overprotective and manipulative as well. Please, let him go. He can take care of himself."
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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: PSAT Pstory (1991)
Season 2, Episode 4
I never took a SAT test before.
27 December 2021
I never took a SAT test at all. But even if I did, I would never cheat on one at all. I sincerely did my best with my schoolwork and homework and sometimes i got good grades.
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Confirmation (2016 TV Movie)
Sexual harassment is no laughing matter.
20 December 2021
There's a number of things that I would like to say about this movie.

1. I was 4 years old when this confirmation took place and the allegations against Clarence Thomas.

2. I came to realize that sexual harassment is no laughing matter and it should be taken seriously.

3. If I were a US Senator and heard about the allegations against Clarence Thomas, I probably would take sides with Clarence Thomas.

4. This confirmation of a supreme judge reminded me of another person who was nominated to the Supreme Court as well and had allegations against him. Brett Kavanaugh. His accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accused him of sexually attacking her. And like Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh denied the allegations and said that he didn't do anything.

5. I've encountered false accusations. It wasn't sexual harassment or sexually assault. It was something else. Despite the accusations, I moved on.
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Jesus Christ is indeed the messiah.
4 December 2021
The messiah, the promised one sent by God who will redeem the world and the human race. Whether you're Jewish or Christian. When you have a firm belief in that Jesus Christ is the messiah, you got to hold tightly in your belief about him and don't let anyone tell you different. Look at what miracles he has done such as giving sight to the blind raising the dead back to life life and so on. But of course, you're going to have to friends of a different religion who'll disagree. Such as the Jewish people. The Jewish people themselves have their own views and beliefs on what the messiah will be. They don't want to hear that Jesus Christ is the messiah. Because they believe that he hasn't fulfilled any of the prophecies promises of the messiah. But I still believe that Jesus Christ is the messiah.
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The Wonder Years: Who's Aunt Rose? (1991)
Season 4, Episode 13
The loss of a family member or a friend isn't easy.
19 November 2021
I've been to a lot of funerals in my past life. This past February, I lost a member from the Knights of Columbus. And this past March, I lost another one and this past April as well. And the one thing that I learned about going to funerals is that when you attend one. Don't be disrespectful or disruptive. Be respectful and kind.
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The Wonder Years: Denial (1991)
Season 4, Episode 12
Quit denying the break up of your loved one.
19 November 2021
I understand that Kevin had to go through a break up with Winnie. Believe me, it's not easy to go through it. But instead of denying he broke up with her. Accept it and move on. And take a look at me, I managed to get over my breakup. And I met a new girl. She's not my girlfriend yet.
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The Wonder Years: Little Debbie (1990)
Season 4, Episode 6
I wouldn't mind if a friend of mine asked me to take his or her younger sister to a formal dance.
19 November 2021
I understand that Kevin didn't like the idea of taking Paul's sister to a formal dance event. But he didn't have to be a jerk or a ass hole. He could've been more gracious about it.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: Blabbermouths (2004)
Season 8, Episode 20
Keep your mouth shut.
19 November 2021
When a certain person tells you a secret about himself or herself or someone else. You're supposed to keep your mouth shut. Nobody and I mean nobody likes it when someone gossips about anyone else.
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Keep your mouth shut.
15 November 2021
When you have a certain friend that tells you a secret about him or her, you really should keep your mouth shut and don't leak out the information. And even if other people try figure out the secret information and leak it out, still don't say anything. And if your friend finds out that you leaked it out even though you didn't say anything and refuses to accept your apology, give it time for your friend to accept your apology and hopefully your friend will forgive you. No friendship is beyond repair.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: Let's Fix Robert (2001)
Season 5, Episode 21
I don't need women to fix me.
14 November 2021
I can understand that Robert has relationship issues with women. But I don't think it was a good idea for Marie to get Amy and Stefania involved. Marie and the two women should've minded their own business and let Robert deal with his issues himself.
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Unplanned (I) (2019)
Abortion is wrong. Pro life is the right decision.
21 October 2021
After watching this movie, I came to realization that killing a unborn child is wrong and it's better to be pro life than kill the unborn children. As a Catholic Christian and a knight of Columbus, I cannot and will not be silent. If I could have President Joe Biden and his running mate to see this movie, the movie itself would convince them that abortion is wrong.
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A magical Christmas journey.
21 October 2021
I've read the book, the Polar Express and later on, saw the movie. I myself have always visited Santa Claus when I was a lad and so did my nephew. I did in fact did a search on the real Santa Claus. He was originally known as Saint Nicholas of Myra. A Eastern Greek Orthodox Bishop. My nephew knows very little about the origins of Santa Claus. But eventually he'll learn the truth and know the true meaning of Christmas.
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