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Dark Shadows (2012)
Um Alice, this isn't your movie.
23 June 2014
I do not doubt the skills of Tim Burton nor his cast of characters, nevertheless I found this film to be very underwhelming. In his normal fashion, Johnny Depp pulled off another semi-creepy but lovable performance that somehow made this film a bit more bearable. The plot was very simplistic in design and a bit too underdeveloped to carry much weight. The other actors were good enough, but they were not important to the basic story. Only Johnny Depp was. As he always is. The jokes were stupid and felt as though they were lacking in the kind of taste normally associated with such films. The worst of it though was that the main character played by Depp, Barnabas Collins, was excused for his behavior as a vampire. It was OK that he was killing people left and right out of thirst. It wasn't frowned upon by the other characters, nor discouraged by the narrative. Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but I think it's a bit rude to go around sucking people's blood when you are thirsty. But that's just me apparently. There were also several appearances that didn't make sense in the film. Like Alice Cooper. Why was he there? Overall, this film was a bit confusing and disappointing in it's presentation. It could have been a comedic view of vampires if it didn't try so hard to be funny and dark at the same time. Sorry Tim, better luck next time. As a disclaimer, I've never really been a fan of his anyway.
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A Time Travel Movie That's Not About Time Travel
2 May 2014
There's something to say for films that give messages without beating you over the head with their mission. Safety Not Guaranteed was a great quirky film that captured the essence of the crazies and undesirables of society today and showed their beauty to viewers. All the characters have multiple levels and stories that don't get discussed, but are definitely acknowledged. No one is just a player, or just a writer looking for experience; everyone is a full person with multiple defects and issues that make them accessible to the audience. Warning- this film doesn't resolve all the issues and questions that come up in the story. If you're looking for a complete story with a happily ever after ending where everyone gets married and rides off into the sunset, this isn't it. But if you're looking for a "hey they learned something and now have the chance to be happy" kind of film, then consider this one. It's well done with a fairly strong cast and deserves your attention.
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Great Content Poor Execution
1 May 2014
There is a lot to be said for the film criticism industry. There is a rich history and a multitude of viewpoints of its impact on modern day cinema. This documentary interviews various critics on the history and evolution of their industry in hopes of understanding its decline as a whole. Each critic lends their part to giving the background of film criticism and each gives more insight to the issue which the internet has caused among print critics. Unfortunately, the editing of this documentary makes it extremely dry and unentertaining if you're not already interested in the topic. The cuts are random and in between history lessons unrelated stories are told from critics. Perhaps these were put there to break up the action, but all they really do is distract the audience. The music is not matched well at all with the film and often plays a distracting role in the overall effect of the movie. I will not be watching this one again, and that's a shame. Film critics are an important part of the movie industry, but I have no interest in learning more about them if all their films are like this.
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A guest at the wedding
26 April 2014
I had no clue what I was getting into when I got into this film, but I must say I was surprised and rather awed by the entire thing. The style used to film can be a little distracting at first, but soon you feel like your one of the guests just observing the crazy lives that this family leads. They're messy, bitter, happy, toxic, and concerned about each other which makes for a very intimate cast of people. Each of them has a story, and each one overlaps to the point where you feel like you too are just there to support the happy couple and celebrate Kym's return to planet Earth. The conversations and actions feel so unscripted and real like the actors are family members dealing with these issues. I cannot explain to you how great their actual performances were. It's not done in a style that is for everyone. It's raw and emotionally charged. It's filled with unhappy stuff, not just the "happiest day of our lives" wedding stuff, and the people are not always perfect. I liked it because it felt real and because I felt like I was one of them. Plus the music was absolutely fantastic!
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Best Man Down (2012)
Its good, but what's the point?
26 April 2014
Do you remember in English class when the teacher would ask you "What is the author's purpose?"; is it to entertain, give information, tell an important story, teach a moral? I think this film seemed to lack an author's purpose. There is no doubt that it is well done and has a great cast. The characters are interesting and the plot could be funny and moving if it just had a purpose. It just feels like a story. "We did this, and then this happened, and then they all lived happily ever after." I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, but I just didn't get anything out of it. There wasn't a moral or a lesson to be learned from it. There was some real potential there. They could've had a very well set up comedy, or a thoughtful romance but instead it just felt like a flat drama with no end game. It sad really. I was expecting more from it.
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The Joneses (2009)
An interesting story with a universal truth- We all want to be better than somebody else.
23 April 2014
I think that as a whole this movie is very well done. It's a good story with an interesting base and solid performances from all the actors. This film can be basically taken (but not limited to) two different ways. Either this film is just plain entertainment; a Friday night filler with the family, or this is a message to the consumers of the world. We have to be careful who we believe out there. Everybody is trying to sell something. A person applying for a job is trying to sell their work ethic. Your blind date is trying to sell their personality. This world is full of advertisements vying for your attention and it won't be long before establishments like the Joneses unit exist in the world. There is a line that Steve uses while trying to sell his watch to his golf buddies- "It's all about who leaves with the most toys." If you want to live that way then fine, that's your choice, but just see what that did to the Joneses and all of their neighbors. It's definitely something to think about. Then again, maybe it's just a movie. It all depends on how you want to see it.
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It'll get better Melvin
19 April 2014
I have always loved this movie. It's a romantic comedy without too much of the sappy love stuff and an overload of the sarcastic, cynical, funny stuff. Jack Nicholson is fantastic as a victim of OCD and love. Every line he spits out is quotable. He's somehow charming and slimy at the same time. Every interaction he has with other characters just makes his character better. All of Melvin's interactions with Simon and Verdell are a riot. Melvin has a sweet spot with Verdell that he can't seem to have with any human, even Carol, and a critical nature towards Simon. He is so judgmental, but can't stand to have the tables turned on himself which is true to life. That's probably what I like most about this film- it's a true depiction of life, perhaps a bit dramatized, but life is never easy. People are never simple. We are all complex. We all have our OCD ticks and our sick kids, but somehow we all have other traits that make us bearable and necessary to the rest of the world. It gets better, because we can't always be low. Unless we are unwilling to change, things will go up.
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I didn't hate it...
12 April 2014
I had heard someone say that this film was supposed to be a modern "My Fair Lady". That had me put my expectations a little too high. Laney is the cliché "unpretty, pretty girl" who becomes the object of a bet in which Dean, play boy jerk, bets senior president, super popular, all that guy Zack that he can't make her prom queen. Like any other predictable teen 90s movie, Zack starts to fall for the out of the ordinary, quirky Laney as he gets to know her. With her help he is also able to deal with his life problems and everything is happily ever after. Many of the films targeted towards teens during this time, during anytime really, all have really similar plots. It's not like this film is a break-through or has a message so incredibly deep that the world would be lost without its insight, but as far as these movies go it isn't the worst ever. It would be good to watch with a group of friends if you're trying to be sentimental, but don't expect to feel moved by the end.
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Easy A (2010)
A for Sarcasm
11 April 2014
I thought this film was absolutely hilarious. And I'm not just saying that because it has literary ties and 80s movies references sprinkled throughout.

Olive has a bad reputation, but it's not really true. She's trying to do the right thing, and like everything else, it's spun out of control. Instead of trying to be honest with people about her actions, Olive chooses to roll with her new image and go all Hester Prynne on High School. She looses sight of why she said what she did to start with and actually believes what people say about her.

The best thing about this film is the excellent sarcastic nature and dialogue that it possesses. Olive is played by Emma Stone who has like the best attitude and sense of humor ever. If Olive were real everyone would want to be her best friend, rather than ostracize her. Her humor comes honestly, because her parents are like the coolest people ever. Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson are absolutely amazing as Olive's parents. Though the "bad guy" is really just Olive's reputation and rumor, Amanda Bynes plays the good Christian girl to perfection. Sometimes irony is the best form of comedy.

I like it. So you will like it. I promise. Unless you don't enjoy laughing or fun films which show the hypocrisy of our society. Then you won't like it.
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Austenland (2013)
A Lovely Addition to the Austen Empire
10 April 2014
I loved this film from the very start. It has an amazing sarcastic tone and is chalk full of Austen references. The over-dramatic nature of the setting and dialogue makes for a satirical manner which is very similar to Austen's original novels. The characters are all well developed and presented in a relatable way which makes it even more interesting. Miss Charming, for example, is absolutely ridiculous in her performance and each line just adds to her character. Jane Hayes, played by Keri Russell, is a really great lead in this film and gives an honest performance which helps the viewer sympathize with her. This film is based on a novel and there are several discrepancies between the novel and film, but if you love the book as much as I do, you will adore the film for it's own quirky style. For fun- look for the hidden peacock. He's hidden in a ton of scenes just off to the side.
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