
13 Reviews
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29 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is perhaps one of the worst that i have seen in a long time. When i saw the trailer, i decided to go and see it, thinking that it looked interesting. i was sorely disappointed.

I am well aware that as a movie for children, that it should not be taken seriously, and that it does not have to be be spot on with historical characterisations, but this was a wasted opportunity.

With the cast line up that the movie has, Ben Stiller, Robin williams and two of Britains best comedic actors, this could really have been stellar. Romance is hinted at and then not lived up to. If a films is going to be as predictable as this one was, they could at least have finished off the romance properly.

Did anyone else notice that considering that he was up all night, Larry seemed to be remarkably chirpy during the day? i actually heard a young boy ask the person he was with why he couldn't stay up all night like that. If children of no more than ten are noticing a movies short comings, then it really must be bad.
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what the hell?!
18 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of the potter book series, I'm going to start with my opinion of the movie,and then I'm going to slaughter the adaption.

as a movie this was ALMOST amazing. the special effects (other than the captives under the water) were generally of an excellent standard. The acting of the trio was well above what it has been previously. Especially in the case of Emma Watson, who was initially terrible but has improved with each movie. Bravo i say! Rupert Grint is always a joy to watch. he really is Ron Wealsey for me, despite that fact that hes the same height as Radcliffe. speaking of Radcliffe, i was exceptionally impressed! he was brilliant for the most part, but especially during the scenes with Voldemort in the grave yard and when he returned to Hogwarts. However, credit given to those, i have to say that Alan Rickman as Snape is the best! This isn't just because he is my favourite character but i genuinely thought that he was brilliant, particularly during the scene when Harry and Ron keep talking. dumbledore on the other hand was atrocious. I'm afraid this is where my commentary moves onto slaughtering the adaption.

Since when exactly, has Dumbledore ever lost control and shaken Harry. If this is how he reacts to harry's name being entered, what the hell is he going to do when Harry destroys his office in The Order of the Pheonix. Michael Gambon may be a fine actor but he just isn't Dumbledore.and is it me or did the film lack certain key elements that made the book? such as the fact that Harry has a parent figure now? when the Thing with Sirius happens in OOTP, the audience wont know anything about him. And the scene with the Dursleys at the beginning was one of the best in the book! I understand that for the obvious reasons such as time management, certain elements have to be omitted, but this really did take the biscuit. Why alter scenes which arnt vital to the book, such as the way that the first task played out, and then cut what makes the books great. The two things that really wound me up were the way that Sirius appeared in the fire (why the hell they did it like that ill never understand) and the change in who gave Harry the Gillyweed. Those changed really were pointless.

When viewed as a movie in its own right the Goblet of Fire is as enjoyable, thrilling and down right scary as the book is, but as an adaption, to be quite honest, it was a let down.
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Much Ado About Nothing...i think not
11 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliant! this movie is absolutely fantastic!

i loved the play and loved the film! The acting and direction was amazing and through this, Shalespears best work (only my opinion of course) was truly brought to life.

I thought Emma Thompson and Keneth Branagh stole the show as Beatrice and Benedick, who have always been my favourite characters.

The other main reason for my great loving of this play/movie is that there is a strong female character, who is more than a match for a strong male character. She is not repressed and Benedick does not manage to 'tame' her. Hurrah!

This really is a masterpiece and people would have to be foolish to say otherwise
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9 December 2004
People slagging this film off is really doing my head in!

I've seen it three times, and still say (which i never say?!?!?) that it is better than the first one!

people keep saying that Mark Darcy isn't as sweet in the 2nd 1...but wasn't he an arrogant arse at the beginning of the 1st film?????

And there is no such thing as a happy ending in romance, and those people who think that life is a bed of roses after the rainbow need to wake up...this is reflected very well in this movie.

And people complaining that the characters haven't changed! take a reality check! how much have you and your friends changed in the last year? you want a film about a normal woman making it in the world and then moan when you get it! of course they're the same....its only been a year and they're the same people!

In the 1st film, everyone knows that Bridget is insecure...the dilemma with choosing the knickers for example, so why don't they want to see that now? do they think that as soon as you get a boyfriend you all of a sudden become more confident? she worked so hard to get a decent boyfriend, and had little confidence after the Cleaver incident, so of course shes going to be jealous and nervous!

Yes the chances of a normal London singleton becoming famous are slim...but what you've got to remember that this is a movie based on novel...and ITS NOT REAL!!!!!! shes the same Bridget...she looks the same, acts the same and has the same share of bad luck! and if i remember, she actually started to become famous in the 1st before anyone criticizes from that angle, maybe they should watch the first film again.
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5 November 2004
There is only one word that i can think of which truly describes this film. That word is wow.

Prior to seeing this film, i had herd the reviews on the radio and friends told me what they thought of it. However, when i went to see the film earlier this evening, a friend asked me what i thought, but i was unable to tell her. I just didn't know what to tell her, I was truly speechless. there is no way that such magic could be put into a brief description.

There was no melodrama, no falseness, no "why am i here?". Throughout the film, the cinema was totally silent... no talking or giggling at all. i had a brief look around the screening room and everyone was staring intently at the screen, lost in the magic that is Finding Neverland.

There was not one thing that i could fault from the opening scene to the closing credits. The acting was above anything i had previously seen, the attention to detail was astounding and the direction of the movie was perfect. The actors did not seem forced and the performances seemed to come from the heart...Kate Winslet was Sylvia, dying but wanting to protect her children and not face the truth...Peter was a young boy trying to come to terms with the death of his father and johnny Depp was Barrie.

I have seen many films that would have been a total flop if it had not been for the talent of Johnny Depp and when i first heard of this project i sincerley hoped that this would not be the same. i can honestly say that it was not...taking any of the cast away would have taken the magic and sparkle from Finding Never Land.

I don't doubt that everyone in the cinema today did indeed find Neverland.
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you really need to look at the book and the film seperately
9 June 2004
When i went to see this movie, i had not read any of the Harry Potter books, although i had seen both of the previous movies.

I thought that the film was totally amazing, and thought that so much had improved. Dan Radcliffe seemed much more at ease, Emma Watson wasnt over acting nearly as much and Rupert Grint was as good as in the previous two.

Through out the movie, it seemed much more school like. The students seemed more like students than actors, perhaps owing to the fact that they have grown up considerably since the last two films.

Professor Snape is still my favourite character and i thought that although he was meant to be menacing, Alan Rickman was also hilarious and really seemed to be enjoying the performance.

After seeing this movie, i went out the nest day and brought the first three books, and am planning on buying the next two on Friday! having now read them, i noticed that there are far more departures from the books, which at time does not work that well. However, the most annoying thing is that they totally left things out, like the explanation about the map.

However, having seen the movie first, i believe that you will enjoy each as much as the other if you look at them seperately.

i found both thoroughly enjoyable and cant wait to get on with reading the next two books!
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10 May 2004
I cant believe that this film got such bad reviews....admittedly, i may had only been 8 when this movie was released, and i am biased because i was a massive fan of the power rangers ( i still speak of the original serises very fondly...even now) but it was a brill movie.

Compared to some of the trash that is being released now, i dont see how it could have recieved dismal reviews...

The plot may not have been great and the acting left much to be desired, but so many young people thought it was fab (me included...). to me it was the Thunderbirds of the 1990's.

Personally, i think that they should revive the old serises, the ones before all the new stuff came in.....i know i would be watching it....
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Secret Window (2004)
Actually, quite clever
30 April 2004
Since march, when this film was released in America i had been looking forward to seeing it. Although i am a big fan of Johnny Depp, him being in the movie was not the only reason that i went to see it.

From the reviews that i had read, i was prepared for the worse. However, to my delight, i was pleasantly surprised.

We didnt sit in the cinema and say "Wow. that was the best film ever", but we neither were we left thinking "That was a load of ***t".

The acting was to a reasonable standard, and Johnny Depp was perfect for the role. The script was very clever and to say how dramatic the twist was, i think that it was concealed quite well. Although i knew what the twist was prior to seeing the movie it still took me by surprise.

However, looking at the negatives, several areas were rather weak, and if the acting hadnt stood up so well under scrutiny i dont think that i would have enjoyed it as much. Shooter was truely convincing and as ever Johnny could be relied on to add something that seemed to be lacking.

Additionally, the movie was supposed to be a thriller. Admittedly there were aspects that freaked me out and made me jump, but on the contrary, there were times when i was left laughing. For someone who is easily scared this was quite strange.

On the whole, this was not the best adaptation of a Steven King novel, but it did not deserve the dismal reviews that it got. I found the film to be entertaining and interesting. the fact that johnny depp stared and performed so well was a bonus. Over all, i think this film easily deserves 6.5 out of 10.
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pretty cool
27 April 2004
This is a feel good movie which anyone who wants a quick pick me up should see.

It may not bee the best film that you will see but it is most definately worth watching, if not for the plot (which im still confused about) then for the brilliant acting of Marlon Brando and Johnny Depp. Two of the best actors to have graced the silver screen in one brilliant movie.

By the end of the film you really feel for the characters and want them to find happiness.

If the plot does not interest you, still see it, simply for the fact that there are a lot of open top shots of johnny depp.

I loved the ending but the only problem is that i am still confused....was he or wasnt he Don Juan DeMarco.....?
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Ed Wood (1994)
How does a man who looks so good as a man look so good as woman?
26 April 2004
This film truely is a master piece. There is something for everyone...comedy, romance, Drama.

From the onset of the film you can tell that it is a Tim Burton Movie. Its dark, its funny, its tense..... and it has Johnny Depp. Who else could play the legendary Ed Wood? its a little confusing can a man who looks so good as a man pull off a convincing woman...i know women who look worse than he did in stockings...

Aside from that, the script was brilliant and the acting was some of the best from the whole of the 1990's. Bill Murray was great, Geoff Jones were impressive as ever and band of misfits were hilarious. However, i must say that the credit has to go to Martin Landou and Johnny Depp. with other actors cast, it wouldnt have been the same. and Marin definately deserved his oscar.

It was nice that the movie did not make fun of Ed Wood. It was very sensitive on the way that it portrayed his love fir the art of Directing. It gave him the respect that he deserves.

Personally, i dont think that he deserves the title of the worst director of all time. I have seen the Bride of the monster and Plan 9 from outer space and they're not that bad. it would have been interesting to see what he could have done with a big budget. there are worse films being released now.....
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The best film of 2003.....
22 April 2004
Pirates of the Caribbean was easily one of the best films of 2003.

The story was brilliant, the acting was amazing and the characters were some of the most interesting and creative to have graced the silver screen.

It was about time a pirate movie was made that didnt disappoint. there was action, comedy, romance...there was something for everyone....even my step-dad liked it.

Personally, i dont think that the casting could have been much better. Geoffrey Rush and Johnny depp, two of Hollywood's most talented could they go wrong?

Johnny Depp more than deserved an Oscar nomination, although the other nominees were equally deserving, and i think that its a shame he missed out. he has played so many interesting and challenging roles so well that i think he truely deserves one.

Overall this is an amazing film that will hopefully stand the test of time, and in ten years time i will be able to sit down with my children and they will enjoy it as much as i have.

However, the only think that worries me about it standing the test of time is the graphics. the speed at which technology is improving that will look awful in a matter of years.

Other than that, i give this movie an impressive 10/10
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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
I had the time of my life
18 April 2004
As far as i'm concerned, the movie dirty dancing is one of best movies to be made. it might be sad, and extremely cheesy, but that is what makes it so good. Patrick Swayze is amazing and both he and Jennifer gray looked amazing. from when i first saw it years ago, i have rated it as my favourite film. the plot is simple but good. its nice to see that people can care about others so much that they will risk their feeling and reputation for someone else.I dont think that there are enough films that do this and it shows that relationships can work, whatever the circumstances. not only did Baby look after herself and johnny but she also protected others, showing that not all teenage girls are annoying little fools. one of the best films of all time.
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Benny & Joon (1993)
One of the sweetest films i have seen.
15 April 2004
this may not have been one of the best films to have been produced, or one of the best films that Johnny Depp has been in but i thought that it was extremely sweet and i also thought that it was nice to see a mentally unstable person being able to lead a relatively 'normal' life. mentally ill people do love and want to do things like every one else, and i thought that this film did an amazing job of showing that. And it wasnt until i saw this that i realised how funn johnny depp can be! the plot was good, the acting was good the directing was good, and i thought that it was quite funny. Anyway. what happened to Mary Stuart Materson? i havnt seen her in anything much after this.
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