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Match Point (2005)
great movie
14 May 2008
Woody outdoes himself again. Match Point illustrates how his intellect works and how he can master the talents needed to direct actors to follow through on what his script demands. Among other demands, there is the demand that his adopted daughter sit still for photographs at a young age. Again, Woody comes through, as he has in the past, and delivers a product that only the best pedophiles could enjoy. Other than playing jazz and being a good adopted father, Woody excels at photography. Best regards, Woody, and good luck with your adopted daughter, sir. Only the best Hollywood directors succumb to the basest instincts. Art knows no bounds, as you well know. I got to go, my stomach can't survive your actions.
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Hannibal (2001)
29 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Why are we programmed to watch this kind of movie? Isn't horrible behavior abhorrent enough to cause despair (not joy or happiness) to most of us? I watched it, I admit, but with distaste and some curiosity. So I guess that puts me with the others who made it a popular movie. But I hope not. I haven't (really, believe it or not) watched a horror movie since then. And the only reason I commented here is that I wonder why more people don't watch a wonderful Disney teenage movie (and I gag at the thought of watching a teenage Disney movie, although when I do watch, I enjoy them...go figure?) than this kind of (no, not 'kind of' but really) creepy yet professionally produced terror? Are we out of our "ever loving" minds? Do you know what I mean? I think I know the answer. It can get complicated but....#1 it makes money #2 it makes money #3 it makes money #4 there are certain professionals attracted to this type of material beyond (but not without) the dollars, because this material mines the lows of human behavior....and how low can we go? And why? And are we capable of it? And all that stuff. myfinalcomment: watchdisneyforyourownmentalhealthgoddamnit

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The Closer (2005–2012)
The Closer....#1 cable show of ALL TIME!
17 June 2007
Don't y'all know? You have been lured in by the best. Soap opera, who killed who, etc. We all know this farkin' shirt is all it takes. (soap opera, who killed....). The pretext is murder. The context is soap opera characters solving the murder. The writers' job is to find your interest point. Which is so small as to include who loves who or doesn't and who did the dirty. They got you so good that they get their pay and you get your soap opera murder. In the end, are you satisfied? For more than one hour? Good luck.

Another typical, asinine, totally meaningless actors' and writers' fantasy of take home pay (The Closer). And all of you totally reinforce their notions and their millions. Grow up and stop watching. You won't. This I Know.
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Not a film for sarcastically....
15 August 2006
This movie told me that a man can be true to himself, that the movie can be his (the writer's, I think) valid true perception of the 'west'. You can find fault with the execution, the lines and the movie. You (YOU) cannot find fault with the notion. The notion being that we are here to seek our soul. We are here to pursue right and justice and validity for being alive. We may die young, we may never know why we are here but we know what is 'true'. What is 'right'. What is 'what really counts'. Which is small things. The way you greet the day. The way you treat the other beings around you. Your regard for nature and it's (non-existant) regard for you. Your realization that your life means nothing in the end. Sorry.
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murdered for reasons we all know about....
28 February 2006
Fred Hampton was murdered. Because he was black and because he stood up for black rights. In Chicago, that town we all love and hate. Chicago, the town that is. In Chicago, one town we can't put a finger on. Or we can, can't we? Chicago, that great town. Love you, Fred. This small town guy in Kentucky can't pretend to know what happened. But I think I know. The police, the gov't killed you, Fred. We all know that. God and Christ and Mohammed and Islam and all many sentences do I have to submit? OK, Fred was murdered. We all know that. Fark this minimum bulls hart. And I hope the young ones can find out what Fred died for. God support the anarchists. God support the weathermen. I support and believe in the weathermen. Come get me. I love you.
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disappointed in the number of comments and reviews
30 December 2005
Well, I guess Popeye is nearly dead. God rest his soul. This is IMDb, this is the place where it happens. Right? Hopefully not. Because if these putrid few comments are all this rendition gets then....Popeye is nearly dead. Long live Popeye. My six year old grandson that we are raising loved this CGI version because I had bought many DVD's of Popeye, from the original greats to the boring 60's and 70's stuff. He enjoyed them all, mostly. He enjoyed this one, too. He laughed and watched me laugh. BUT the few (2) comments here shows how popeye has died. God and man rest his soul. A legend gone. Only a memory,soon to be forgotten. History. Sad but true.

Long live Popeye, my hero. Sincerely, Jeff Johns, and Nathan Dale McKee Thank you, Ezekiel Norton, Jim Hardison and Paul Reiser. I loved Popeye, too. I know y'all did.
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A wonderfully fun, emotional man, a great band..captured
18 October 2005
I am 53, have been a fan of Springsteen and the E Street band since 1977. Once I listened to Born to Run a few hundred times, I bought his previous albums and bought or listened to all since. I am not a Springsteen junkie but if the opportunity arose, I might be. Sitting here, watching Bruce and E Street PERFORM with my 6 year old grandson whom we are raising...he is a fan, too...well, words can't suffice. The effort, the skills, the know how, the experience, the joy, the camaraderie, the fun, the sheer talent and patience and age of the performers shows itself. I saw two of his shows live, late 1970's at at Louisville Gardens in Kentucky and 1985 at Lexington, KY. If anyone can show (or tell) me a rock performer who puts more effort into a show than Bruce, please do. I will watch or attend, it would have to be life-affirming. I'm sure some do put out as much effort, but more? Let me know. And I don't mean a burnt out once in a while performance but a show to show guaranteed live wired gut-wrenching performance. This DVD is certainly a great example of a loving rock star and his band at their best. Nuf said.
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loved the film, have a problem with the professional critics...
13 October 2005
Just watched Green Mile for the 1st time tonight with a Netflix rental. Hope I can continue my Netflix rentals, my job is in jeopardy. Anyway, my reaction to the film was awe, tears and thanks. Awe for the acting, direction, writing and casting. Tears for humanity and the world's conditions as portrayed in this film. Thanks for the people who were responsible for this film. I really want to comment on professional film critics' reactions to this film. I read several reviews by well known and respected critics. I never found a one who gave the it 4 out of 4, 5 out of 5, 10 out of 10. Many 4 of 5, 9 of 10 reviews. I think I know why. Elitism. The movie appealed to the moral side of living without appealing to intellectualism, at least in their opinion. Lots of ism's here, huh? I know these comments spell doom for my comments making an appearance on the comment pages for this film, right? Anyway, I loved the film...100 out of 100, I swear. Hear that, movie critics?

A short aside to the ones who read submissioners' crap like mine....where do I submit my comments about the reviewer's comments on this movie on IMDb? thanks
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good times
9 May 2005
I am 53, born in 1952. I am aware that Johnny Carson fans are generally old and probably the only ones viewing these DVD's. I was pleasantly surprised at the memories they brought back, by the genuine laughter born of shared experience and insight. Carson seemed to possess a genuine love for common folk and a disdain for pretentious stars. OK, Johnny was a huckster but the comedy came out of more innocent times and was based more on mutual respect than disrespect (I swear that's true, watch it to see). I would be the first to agree that less ethical humor was just as prevalent 40 years ago but it was clothed in and held back by the accepted code of decency and honor and TV censors. As you can see in these clips, Johnny nearly voids those boundaries....but stops short in good taste and in damn funny ways. Anyway, philosophy 101 aside, I laughed a lot and laughed a lot without feeling guilty. If anyone young reads this comment, please consider renting these DVD's. You may be pleasantly surprised at why millions watched Johnny, Ed and Doc above the tops of their blankets for years. good bye johnny
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It pulled me in, big time
24 April 2005
I have read many comments, both ways, about this movie. This movie sent chills down my spine and called me. I watched it a second time and was still enthralled. I knew I was watching a movie but for one of the few times recently, I was THERE, with them, the actors and the story line, you know? Hanging on each word, trying to understand the inference of each statement. I read the one and two star reviews. I am biased, but the low reviews seemed petty. So what, they figured out the ending ahead of time. I saw the ending and watched it again. I think I feel sorry for those reviewers, I somehow wonder if they are tuned into the complexities and emotions of life. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in the afterlife, spirits, god or almost anything but love. Despite that, this movie held my eyes glued. The dialogue and mood music and ideas and half completed thoughts gripped my senses, all six of 'em.
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Monk: Mr. Monk and the Candidate (2002)
Season 1, Episode 1
OK, I get it...
1 January 2004
OK, youse guys didn't get it. Read below. The concept is so easy. The guy doesn't like to touch or be touched. Me thinks America is prone to easy murder mysteries supplied at the shoulder. Bow down, everyone. Cruise on in here, advertisers. Big bucks, everybody is happy. Put out the Christmas lights and sign up for charity and God. Please.

OK, Monk doesn't like to be touched or to touch anyone or anything. But the concept doesn't hold true throughout the show. He does touch stuff at times, as he has to, to just be a human being and get by. When he does, it certainly doesn't get noticed by the script or the attention!!! Alright, I know it is a comedy. I like it OK. It is different and certainly plays on people's addictions to TV murder mysteries BUT.....give me a break. It wants to make fun of and take advantage of both at the same time. A bold concept but it doesn't quite pull it off. I admit, I couldn't write something which could do both...but they are trying and it doesn't quite work. Close, tho. A great and admirable effort. AND...if the people like it enough, maybe the writing will improve and it will be GREAT. It certainly aspires to greatness. Only if it pays proper respect to the genre and also has fun. Very hard to pull off both successfully, week after week. Hope you writers are up to it. I sincerely mean that...
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Missing (1982)
Eye-opening and depressing
23 December 2003
Though I was 30 yrs old when the film came out in 1982 I didn't see it at the time although I was aware of its content. And, as is true of a lot of people my age (tho not all, of course), I toyed with liberal political beliefs when I was younger (1960's and 1970's), then gradually became more moderate bordering on conservative as I got older, onto where now I personally am not too sure where to stand. Well, I just saw 'Missing' for the 1st time. It brings back all my previous leftist 'paranoia' about capitalism and national interests. And causes me to wonder why I ever abandoned them. After the movie, I cruised certain sites on the Internet, one being a series of articles referenced in the misc. section under this movie on IMDb. They chillingly re-enforced the truth (?) that at the highest levels of our government there was complicity, even outright orders, to kill thousands, including American citizens, in the interest of capitalism, national interests and (so-called) 'national security'. I am sorry to say (sorry in the sense that with my limited personal intelligence, I am never completely sure if I am right and sorry to doubt my own government) that I am starting agree with some others, that our foreign policy has, is and probably will be be based, to the detriment of our national security, on the almighty dollar. I'm also sorry for the political comments on a movie site but, of course, the nature of "Missing" brought this on, and its very well directed, written and acted scenes. Please don't question things I have said unless you have seen the movie and read some of the articles. 10/10 ***new addition*** And I completely, of course, agree with lev_lafayette. Read the book, it is much better. I have read the book, 'Missing'. And as with most movies based on books, especially 'non-fiction' books, the content in the book is more detailed and hits you closer to the bone, heart, mind and conscience in many ways than the movie. And that is hard to believe in this case because Constantin Costa-Gavras (director) managed to create a movie experience that is nearly as moving as the work it was based upon. It was/is a great movie experience....sir. Thank you, CC-G. For those of you out there who have an easy criticism (one I agree with) now of the US (MY country and I care about it) because of Iraq, you need to watch this film or read the book. What can go wrong is deep seated (human instincts) and hard to root out. It can happen to you and your country and government. We are all human and capable of desire, greed and religious beliefs overruling true morality and an open mind and heart. Please, all of you, keep things in perspective. Fight for the right of anyone to truly express their opinion without fear of repercussions and fight for the rights of all peoples. Especially against government repression and government crimes against humanity. Bless your soul, Charles Horman, and Thomas Hauser, the author of The Execution of Charles Horman: An American Sacrifice (1978). Curse your souls, all those who contributed toward Mr. Horman's death. Including my president and his advisers. nuffsaid newest revision: I humbly present that I am surprised and encouraged by the attention to this review, both in favor and not. Thanks...Jeff Johns, now 63 yrs old. (502)600-6111,, 130 Canterbury Street, Lawrenceburg, KY. This newest revision was added in spirit with Paris, France, Nov. 2015 (and in some understanding of the conflict)
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