
36 Reviews
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Primer (2004)
The imagination of 'time travel' is flexible
16 May 2024
You can't blame anyone for making the fairy tale of epochal time travel entertaining or confusing. They are not possible and therefore there is never any danger. In physics, there are not even theories about 'traveling' to yesterday or tomorrow.

Epochal time travel would be something completely different from existing relative time travel, which we all do all the time. In her theory of relativity, Mileva Maric explained exactly how this type of time should be viewed. Incidentally, there is a crucial error in today's formula of the "space-time-clearance". Because it does not take into account the 'resistance' of the superfluid. It is therefore only applicable as long as objects with different motions move in the same space. In other words, without having a decisive influence on the superfluid.

The distance between moments is captured by the virtual concept of "time", i.e. The sum of all events from one moment to the next, to the next, to the next. Matter changes/disintegrates from one state to another. This is because we live in an annihilating universe subject to entropy. There is nothing left to 'travel' back to, because nothing is duplicated. The past, like the future, is not an existential place. It never was and never will be. The term 'timeline' is completely misleading because there is only one that shows the changes from the beginning until today. It is also just a virtual representation of how everything has evolved. In other words, time does not exist as an independent physical quantity that can be changed. Time is only a term for the representation of processes, comparative as in "truth" or "performance". Terms that merely relativize something, but do not exist independently and tangibly.

Ytterbium of atomic clocks has 580 trillion moments in the time span we call 'second'. Imagine how many universes there would have to be since 14 billion years ago if the moments doubled. And the doubling moments themselves too. And why? Perhaps just because an individual made a mistake that he wanted to correct? Bindingly to everything in the universe?! I don't even want to ask the question of how you want to find the corresponding universe and start it according to your ideas. However, the question of where all the protomatter for the duplicating universes came from and would continue to come from would be much more decisive.

I don't want to spoil anyone's mood, but this kind of time travel will never happen. However, there is one exceptional case. Which in itself would not be time travel at all, but a memory effect. This refers to the Moebius paradigm. It would also only have a limited influence and would therefore never encompass the entire universe. The smallest unit of influence could be a building, the largest perhaps a solar system. The crux of the matter, however, would be that you would have to determine a starting point with location and size and wait for the period of time that you want to bend in this way.

So time travel to yesterday or tomorrow is only possible in computer simulations and computer games. Perhaps you are lucky and life and existence is nothing more than such a simulation. Then anything is indeed possible. But it would only be illusory and never real.
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Frasier (1993–2004)
Best entertainment from and with Kelsey Grammer
21 February 2024
I really like the series with Kelsey Grammer. Together with Christopher Lloyd, he's my favorite comedy producer. I first saw Chris in the series "Taxi" and Kelsey in "Cheers". Whereby I always noticed, even in other series, that one of the two was responsible for this or that episode.

You have to understand why Germans like me appreciate them so much. It is sometimes difficult to shape the humor in such a way that it is internationally competitive. Grammer and Lloyd have a natural sensitivity for this. Also as actors. Although I have to say that Americans are actually the better actors. There aren't many series that I like from a German pen. Because you always realize that the actors are just pretending. They lack the naturalness of realistic scenes. American actors, on the other hand, always act as if they were born for this or that role.

However, the Frasier series has a decisive disadvantage for me. I buy series and make non-stop editions of them. This means that since I watch many episodes in one go, I cut out the opening and closing themes. Unfortunately, I cut out a lot of the credits from Frasier, because the scenes with the credits are drowned out by a horrible screaming throughout all the seasons, which is probably supposed to be a song. I'm certainly not going to put myself through this torture permanently.
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Genius (2017– )
Fairytale worlds!
16 February 2024
The series should actually be categorized as "Fantasy". Because Albert Einstein really was dumb as bread. He stole the theory of relativity from Mileva Maric. That's why he could never get the Nobel Prize for it. Mileva's father was outraged at the time and forbade his daughter to marry, otherwise he would have exposed everything. If it hadn't been for Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, he would never have won a Nobel Prize. After that, everything threatened to be exposed because Albert didn't want to give any lectures and so he was literally blackmailed by Max. Finally, Planck and Heisenberg recommended that he should work on the field theory, because it would not be solved even in 1,000 years.

It was foreseeable that a complete idiot could never become anything. His school grades are clear proof of this. Albert was by no means subchallenged, but was in fact that stupid. In 7 years at the Swiss Patent Office, he had stolen so many ideas from others that he was able to set up his "own business". This is also easy to recognize, because after all the material had been used up, he could only utter cryptic nonsense. He was a living example of what power and influence can achieve through money from his parents. Not to mention the exploitation of a woman who was unable to defend herself in those patriarchal times.
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12:01 (1993 TV Movie)
Wonderful sleigh ride in the spirit of Moebius
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have a very entertaining romance that isn't really SciFi. In itself, of course, because it does not yet occur in reality, but it is a form of "time travel" that is also really possible. Because here no epochal journey is staged, but the Moebius causality. In which a temporal sequence is repeatedly "rewound" to a starting point. Some years ago it was confirmed in an experiment at the 'Russian Academy of Sciences' that this form of temporal alteration is possible. Which also does not include necessarily the whole universe, but can be limited to a solar system. Even only on a planet in it or a limited surface there.

There are many humorous interludes in this SciFi movie, a romance and much crime. I have to admit that I would not have left the Moebius loop so quickly if I had realized how I could finish them. Apart from the fact that you live a lot longer, you could learn a lot from many moments that are always recreated.

By the way, I have to say that I like the original track better than the German sync.
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Timescape - Escape From Time.
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The release title "Grand Tour: Disaster in Time" seems a bit stupid to me, because it gives away more than necessary compared to "Timescape". I wonder what problems the people in charge have to change what was perfect before.

Everyone knows or should know that epochal travels are physically impossible. There are not even theories for it. Because we live in an annihilating universe in which everything is exposed to the entropy. There is neither an earlier preserved, nor a future determined.

If you leave these facts out and concentrate on the SciFi, you have a nice piece of entertainment with many well-known stars. Everyone is convincing in his role, especially Jeff Daniels in his interaction with his quantum duplicate. Very diverting entertainment that leaves some questions unanswered at the end, which is the hallmark of a good SciFi.
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Modern Family (2009–2020)
No more than average!
24 September 2023
No idea how this series could get such a high rating. We in german countries probably have a different idea of "modern". We have an expanded vocabulary and are therefore able to say much more clearly what is going on in this series. And that certainly has nothing to do with "modern". I find it particularly disturbing that a tv-show has been made out of a family, in which certain protagonists repeatedly express stupid thoughts on the couch. Do Americans really like such pseudo-reality nonsense? I, for one, bought only the first season and canceled all the following ones. It's perhaps not the series at all, but me. Maybe I am not developed enough to find something like this nice, entertaining and funny.
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The Conners (2018–2025)
Really very good spin off.
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really nice continuation of the old series with lots of great new characters. The stories are well told and the transition of old actors to the present is smooth. Of course, there are annoying factors for me, like unkempt full beards. Johnny Galecki's affects become dirt on his face and Jay R. Ferguson's is an unkempt lawn. Personally, I look at any beard hair longer than 1cm with a gag reflex. Simply repulsive.

Since I don't have television reception, I buy series online. Roseanne I saw back then now and then in the shared apartment where I lived. I still remember that the family was pretty rich by the end and didn't really exist at all at the very end. Recently, I just found out about the sequel and bought and downloaded the first season online. I was curious about the transition. Why Roseanne Barr didn't want to be in it anymore and therefore had to die is beyond me. After all, the family is just a fiction of hers. The only possible scenario, which would also be logical, is that Roseanne is in fact in a coma in the hospital because of her pill problem and thus continues to fantasize the story. That at least would be a good ending once "The Conners" is also set. So, that Roseanne wakes up from the coma and is alone again. This time without having been there directly.

I only bought the version with the German dubbing track. That's why I don't know if it's the same in English that some episodes unnecessarily mention that "The Conners" is taped in front of a live audience. That's as useless as foot rot. After all, no one cares who blew off the smelliest farts during filming. Not so tragic for me, because I make so-called "nonstop editions" of all the series I buy. That means I cut out opening and closing credits to have smooth entertainment when I watch one or more seasons at a time. So I have to cut a few seconds more. However, once per season I save the "Opening Theme" as e.g. S01E00.

Finally, I would like to thank especially for the casting of the actress Katey Sagal, who has not lost her attractiveness even today. Really great!
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Religious frippery!
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The mini-series starts off very well and initially leads us to expect a good story that reveals when humans officially come into direct contact with life forms from outside. The narrative is kept well neutral at first, allowing you to let your imagination run wild. Which comes to an abrupt end when 'Karellen' appears on the scene. Who, by the way, is played excellently by Charles Dance. But the moronic, religious cliché of the 'devil' is nothing more than a retching reflex. I was pleased to see Colm Meaney and Julian McMahon, who deserved a fuller role. Since I know him since Charmed for a really good actor. Also his German dubbing voice fits very well.

It's rarely the case, but I deleted this series from my media library. Maybe next time the producer should research beyond the religious nonsense. Namely, that 'Mica'el from the Mastema' (spelled differently, but IMDB still doesn't allow special letters) mocked as the Devil/Satan/Baphomet/etc. Was anything but evil and a monster. He had liberated the people from the Elysium; gave them a consciousness. It was preceded by the fact that a megalomaniac, extremely egomaniac scientist created slaves from mortal biomass, who had to do menial work for him and worship him. In addition he inhibited the possibilities of mental development. So that it could not rise against him. Tragically is that one worships this criminal in square as the loving savior of the mankind today. Someone who had destroyed whole peoples with women and children only because they did not want to worship him. What shows up last also as such in this miniseries, by kidnapping the children as slaves and exterminating the people.
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Pure boredom!
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, only the first and last episodes are really interesting, entertaining and exciting. The rest can be thrown in the garbage can. Pure boredom. Completely unnecessarily drawn out story that has already been told successfully several times. Presumably someone wanted to improve something once again as part of his arrogance. Someone who can't grasp that less technology can make a film much more exciting. For which, however, real acting performance is required. Here you don't see any outstanding protagonists, just the usual.

By the way: At the beginning there is already a crucial technical mistake. Before the collective fainting, the wind blows out the gas flame, and 24 hours later one person wants to have died from the escaping gas. The problem here: For more than 40 years, there has been a so-called check valve that stops the gas supply as soon as the flame goes out unexpectedly. That's why there is a small spigot at each flame point, which is the heat sensor. That's also why you have to hold the regulator knob for a few seconds after lighting until the required heat has unlocked the fuse. Every child knows this today.
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Not a film you would rush to the cinema for
10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film has good sets and the effects are professional. The story itself reminds too much of Harry Potter at the beginning. Nothing is worse than a cheap imitation. It would have been successful if this beginning had been packed with a bit of satire. The story is partly set up as if children were not to be considered mentally capable, so they would not be able to follow a more complex tale. Gladly the "adults" forget that children have twice as many synapses. Which are halved in the course of time, because one wants to trust them intentionally nothing. Children are deliberately dumbed down so that they fit in with the adults.

The actors' performance is good as long as they are on a fixed set. Standing in a green screen set, one sometimes has the impression that they are disoriented, because real reference points are missing. The film is not a flop because it gets interesting and exciting in the second half. I attended a screening of the film that selected children were watching. You could clearly see the tension in the second half. In any case, this is a movie to watch on a Sunday afternoon with the whole family. The important thing is to watch the first part first if someone in the family doesn't know it yet.
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When the brain is empty...
22 March 2023
Production companies are constantly racking their brains as to what they can offer the viewer any time soon. In itself, this is not a problem, I think, as a European who sees high quality in American film. And that is in the convincing scenes of really good actors and, of course, the set design, that is, the scenery itself. They are always realistic portrayals.

Unfortunately, this does not always apply to the genre and the storytelling. Themes like the musketeers were transported very well many years ago. A remake like this is basically an insult. Because one believes to bring the spirit of the times into the given modernity. Which can succeed, if it is transposed to sci-fi level, for example. Light sabers and light swords are not an invention of George Lukas, they existed in comics decades before. That's what someone like me would like to see. The four musketeers in the year 2500.

This movie is not worth the production costs.
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FBI: International (2021– )
FBI International?!
28 September 2022
The FBI is the national American criminal agency. The US-American 'international' part would be the CIA. If you want to investigate something globally and all countries should be involved, you do it via Interpol, as short for "International Police".

One may be wrong but to sell the FBI as something international is again this arrogance of being not only the guardian but the owner of the planet. On which all other authorities than the owns only represent a meaningless kindergarten.

Please don't get it wrong, I'm more American than German in my heart, but this kind of overconfidence is unbearable.
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Poirot (1989–2013)
Good with any tea on a Sunday afternoon. :o)
22 September 2022
This is a wonderful series, tranquil, reflective, intellectual. Since the series is set in a time when technology is at its beginning, it is easy to concentrate on the storytelling of each episode. Particularly outstanding are the many, rather unknown actors and actresses. Each convincing in his role, no arrogance; realistic scenes. David Suchet very charming and excellent to appear as Poirot as alive as Agatha Christie must have imagined when she breathed life into the character.

The series is particularly suitable for quiet Sunday afternoons when it's time for coffee or tea. In this crime series, the emphasis is not on exaggerating with violent scenes of crime, but on confronting an atrocity in a highly intellectual manner.
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Eureka (2006–2012)
When the time travel nonsense came, it was over....
16 August 2022
This was a really good SciFi series with all its inventions and of course the stories of the inhabitants. But when the nonsense with the time travel came, the end of the series was marked. In an annihilating universe there is no possibility to travel to a living past or nothing can come from the future. There are not even theories for it. All existing 'time travels' refer to the relative time according to Mileva Maric. That is something completely different than epochal time.
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CSI: Cyber (2015–2016)
Doomed to fail
7 August 2022
A thoroughly entertaining series, which is diverting for me because Patricia Arquette is one of my favorite actresses. This could give the impression that I am biased like most users here. Who rate movies/series well solely because they vote a) for their favorite actors or b) for the movies/series of their favorite genre. So not questioning at all if the stories told are good or bad.

This series also could not be saved by bringing in Ted Danson, who is also one of my favorites since 'Cheers'. Once because the technology portrayed in 'CSI: Cyber' is too much sci-fi and basically everyone is walking around with invisible Superman cape. Unlike in the familiar CSI universe, hardly anyone loses here. Llife doesn't work like that, there have to be defeats above all. It is through them that we develop further. In many places you are reminded too strongly of series like 'Medium' or 'Scorpion'. The interaction of the characters is missing, they are much too self-sufficient; they mostly want to see themselves confirmed as individuals, not as a team. The respective story of the episode is often overshadowed by pointless scenes that could have been left out in order to devote more time to others.

As already mentioned, the series is overshadowed above all by the sometimes excessive exaggeration of the technology. It's a strong manipulator, because everything else in the CSI universe is hard on reality. So through the title 'CSI' is made to believe so it would be in reality. Apart from the fact that computer technology is not as vulnerable to hackers as shown, it is also much less communicative in real time. WiFi or Bluetooth require handshakes until the connection is established, this is not possible in real time like: switched on, bang logged in. WiFi takes place on many different channels besides frequencies. Fast or synchronous infiltration is not possible. Just to name a few.

The series should not have been set in the familiar CSI universe. A title like "Cyber Scene Investigation" with an allusion to it would have been okay. For example, by putting the initial letters in bold. This would have given a higher flexibility, so you wouldn't have had to show corpses, murder and manslaughter in every episode. Then one could have also accepted the given SciFi much better. As I said, the series was quickly doomed to fail, because it had no place in the CSI universe.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Not a good entertainment
1 June 2022
The "Theme: Superman" has long since become hackneyed. This series, which will hopefully be finished after the second season, shows how badly it can be rehashed. It's not just the poor realization, but the actors. Someone must have been in a drunken stupor when casting the kids. If you want to be entertained with this genre, then you expect pretty characters and not yogurt faces. In my opinion, this series is a kick in the butt to this once great idea.
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SurrealEstate (2021– )
Harmless series with no twists worth mentioning
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Although we are facing very sympathetic actors here, they can't build up any real tension. Someone who would deal with abstract incidents on this level wouldn't be so carefree and exaggeratedly cool.

The stories themselves are unconvincing and the "shock interludes" are sometimes unintentionally funny. All right, the series is still in its infancy. If this is to last, the 'quietness' needs to be taken out. And if someone tells a 'scary' anecdote from their past, it should appear as if they are speaking from memory and not reading a text from a blackboard.
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SurrealEstate (2021– )
Harmless series with no twists worth mentioning
5 May 2022
Although we are facing very sympathetic actors here, they can't build up any real tension. Someone who would deal with abstract incidents on this level wouldn't be so carefree and exaggeratedly cool.

The stories themselves are unconvincing and the "scary interludes" are sometimes unintentionally funny. All right, the series is still in its infancy. If this is to last, the 'quietness' needs to be taken out. And if someone tells a 'scary' anecdote from their past, it should appear as if they are speaking from memory and not reading a text from a blackboard.
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This has nothing to do with Kingsman anymore
22 April 2022
The budget should have been invested in a sequel to the first two episodes. This is a completely pointless movie that only has the name in common. It's hard to understand why really good film series are driven against the wall with utter nonsense.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Much earlier unbearable!
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What are you doing?! While they didn't start destroying the show until the start of season 8 of TBBT, it starts here in season 5. It's almost unbearable to see them try to embed injustice into comedy to make something perfectly acceptable out of it. It's especially unpleasant for a good person like me to see a babyface with a glued-on beard brought onto the show, who you'd think every minute was being immoral about the kids. First, though, he makes an inappropriate approach to Shelton's mother, the leader of the church congregation. I'm not a religious person, but this is totally out of line, you have a role model function!!

I have not yet managed to watch the 12th season of TBBT, here will be already after the 5th season for me end.

Important: The main crew are really super pleasant actors. Now they are all being driven to the wall bit by bit. You could have really made a lot out of this series, but the people in charge don't seem to understand that. This spin-off will implode just like the main series.

--- Regarding the Golden Girls context at the beginning of the series (YS S02E09): It was not Blanche who was rejected by the jewish Lilliputian, but Rose (GG S01E015). :o)
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Moonfall (2022)
Rarely seen such nonsense!
16 April 2022
There would have been a much better theme: The Pole Shift. First noticed in the late 1960's, it has now almost reached the breakover point. What was concealed until today behind the "climate change". In late 2022 or early 2023, the dipole will collapse and trigger chains of events that even a Roland Emmerich could not imagine until today. That would have been a good topic, because it would have immediately tuned the masses in to the reality that stands before them.

--- Tja, mein guter Roland, der Zug ist nun leider abgefahren. Meine Bewertung betrifft alleine die gute und überzeugende schauspielerische Leistung der Akteure an sich. Welche typisch für amerikanische Filme ist. Den Rest musst Du leider in die Tonne treten.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
Strange series of disparagement
15 March 2022
In the last few days I have been watching the series from the first episode. Including the pilot, which was never broadcast. The first ten episodes are extremely good because there is no direction set for the protagonists to develop. Unfortunately, it was the wrong direction in the end. I didn't get to the final season 12; had thrown in the towel.

I'm surprised today that the series lasted as long as it did. She is full of narcissism, arrogance, smugness, chauvinism, humiliation and control compulsion as well as injury of peoples of different pikmentation and ethnic background (the term "racism" is not correct, because all humans are solely one race). Embedded behind laughter, which is supposed to lull the simple-minded viewer into the illusion that it would be okay to transport this kind of contempt through a comedy.

Particularly disturbing in the series is the display of a scientist "Sheldon Cooper", who has only condescension for others as if he were the center of the universe and the sun shines only because of him. He also calls this "gold" that comes out of his mouth. But just his presented knowledge is full of mistakes, which are supposedly brought in by real scientists.

Who thinks this series would be based on real principles of physics, is mistaken. Einstein was demonstrably stupid like bread, would have achieved absolutely nothing without Planck and Heisenberg; was only a plagiarist. Especially the time rafft neither in, nor outside of the series there anybody. Travels into an existential epochal past or future with return possibility are completely excluded in an annihilating universe; there are not even theories for it. Who studies the works of Mileva Maric, the discoverer of the relativity, exactly, he will find quickly. I also recommend the original works of Burkhard Heim.

I would like to say that the protagonists in front of the camera have nothing to do with it, because they only play their roles. But experience shows that they gradually, i.e. With increasing popularity, also have a massive influence on the development of their played characters. Fortunately, the series is over. I hope "Young Sheldon" will also be canceled soon, because she has been comparatively degenerating since the 5th season.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Entertaining but no longer groundbreaking.
5 March 2022
Since the death of Gene Roddenberry, the true Star Trek universe has collapsed. There is not much left of the actual philosophy. Which is not particularly surprising, if one recognizes today around which kind of humans it concerns with Hollywood & CO.

Patrick Steward is an acceptable actor, but his time is over. You can clearly see that the increasing shortcomings of age are compensated with modern special effects. So one tries to maintain Star Trek around a man who has grown old and to reinvent it in the process. The old-established Trekkers gratefully accept this, but Gene was never primarily interested in inspiring the fans, but in drawing a world as it should be, but is not. Star Trek today is therefore without him no more than an expensive video game.
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Thank you for not continuing this!
17 February 2022
In itself, the idea behind it is not a bad one. Unfortunately, it was not put into a convincing context. I honestly ask myself why a development to a good cause must be inspired by violence and madness. A series should appeal to the intellect and not the willingness to use violence. The story writer can't really imagine what it would mean for a normal person to become a superlative.
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An impressively good sequel.
6 January 2022
Due to the very high quality of the top actors and the star-studded lineup, the narrative is not beaten down by the special effects. I can only hope that there will be many sequels.
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