
14 Reviews
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Titanic (1997)
Too long and bad
13 July 2012
This movie was WAY too long and drawn out.

The romance was sappy and creepy to me as Leonard Dicaprio looks like a young boy (so I don't understand why women would go to see this for him) whereas Kate Winslett (who's acting I normally think is great) looks much, much older.

Additionally, I saw the Poseidon Adventure (1972 movie on similar topic of ship sinking) and it was way better with way better acting.

This movie, Titanic was so predictable - I would have left the theatre if it wasn't for the person I was with that was loving the movie who dragged me there.

Really over-hyped.
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Salaam Bombay remake
13 July 2012
Don't waste your time on this movie.

This is an old, recycled storyline; a poor copy of a much better movie - Salam Bombay (1988) - the real deal which had real street kids as actors.

This movie has gratuitous gross scenes and the plot with the lottery was some desperate fairy tale attempt to appeal to the masses which worked, since it got such great reviews.

A lot of people refer to this as a feel good movie but I refer to it as a poor copy.

It's sad that people have to see a movie like this to feel better about their own country leaving them thinking things are so bad 'over there' when worse human rights abuses happen right here in North America.
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Black Swan (2010)
Don't waste your time on this movie
13 July 2012
After reading all the rave reviews about it, this movie ended up being a great disappointment.

Gratuitous fake gore/special effects that were absolutely ludicrous as was Mila cast as her sexy, hot competition - nothing about her is this and she absolutely failed to convince me she was any kind of dancer. Keira has a more dancer type body but there was no dancing in this movie so if you expect that, you will be let down.

Her mother was also over the top in her character portrayal and was more annoying than anything.

Don't waste your time watching this - I regretted losing almost 2 hours of my life to this mess.
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One of the worst Colin Firth's movies I've ever seen :(
19 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
**Spoiler warning**

I give this movie a big thumbs down. It was painfully slow and boring. I saw nothing endearing in watching a man go through his negative memories of his father just because his father is dying. There were no qualities demonstrated in the father to make me care anything for him.

It's not like they go through the memories together. It's not as though there's ANY resolution. It's not as though they healed their relationship at the end. No questions were answered. And I didn't even care to learn of any answers as the entire movie was uneventful and so slow.

The gross scenes of sponge baths and changing sheets and cutting out a pacemaker from a dead body did zero for me - and I don't even fear death so that has nothing to do with it. It was the most hollow movie.

I love Colin Firth and his ability as an actor which I did see rare glimpses of closer to the end but this was the worst movie I've ever seen him in and was a huge disappointment and waste of time.

I can't believe the reviews I've read and that this movie almost got a 7! :-o Come on! I feel my time could have been better spent watching paint dry.
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I loved it!!
19 March 2011
I loved it!! Colin Firth and J Rush gave great performances!! Colin totally deserved to win the Oscar for it and I knew he would! I was happy to see the movie won as well.

I was in tears... and was touched by the fact a King has to take on a role he is raised for regardless of fear, etc.

I liked the humor in parts and the sensitive portrayal Colin gave that pulls at the heart strings. Making a royal seem so human... a side you rarely see.

It's not a Hollywood type movie nor is it fast-paced with action so if that is your cup of tea, pass it by. But it is an endearing, touching, simple movie about a part of history.

Well worth the watch. Enjoy!
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Hope Springs (2003)
I liked it.
19 March 2011
I'd give this movie a 6.5

I thought it was a fun romantic comedy.

I think Colin Firth does a good job as usual.

I don't even care for Minnie or Heather however, I thought they both gave good performances.

**spoiler alert** I didn't think there was any need to show Heather Graham chugging down a bunch of booze on their first date - seemed a bit off to say the least. I get that was the intent but was a bit excessive and off the character I thought.

I liked it. It was silly but not overly so.
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St. Trinian's (2007)
Funny and terribly silly
19 March 2011
Funny and very silly.

But I wouldn't let young kids or young teens watch it.

It might give the wrong idea.

Plus there was some disturbing scenes that were made out to be funny.

Abuse made out to be cool.

I didn't care for the makeover with garters showing.

This is not a message I'd want kids to take on.

I especially liked the relationship between the head mistress and Colin Firth. Ha ha! Good for a laugh.

Pure silly mindless entertainment.
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Becoming Jane (2007)
The worst Jane Austen movie ever made
14 February 2011
This movie was a huge disappointment and was by far the worst movie about Jane Austen ever made.

I saw someone defend in their review that they didn't have much historical information to base it on however that hardly excuses such a complete disregard for the time period and also for such poor writing when portraying such an amazing woman as Jane Austen. Even without a historical basis as to the romance it isn't hard to realize what a character Jane was by her writing.

Another defense I saw in a review was the lack of a sex scene. I've seen numerous period pieces that do not have sex scenes and that has nothing to do with the movie not being sexy enough. The build up in other period pieces such as Persuasion or Pride and Prejudice... the restraint... these are common for the times and still lend a great sense of sexual tension... which is partially relieved when they finally kiss or confess their love. Sex isn't needed to get this point across. This movie lacked it all - there was no sexual tension, no chemistry... it was a big yawn in all ways.

It is bleak, boring and depressing. They make out that the man she was interested in was much more than she ever was yet that isn't saying much as I found him anything but lovable. He is arrogant, a womanizer, etc... and she is bland and boring.

The other inaccuracies in this movie are astounding. E.g. Her reaching for a kiss first and then asking if it were good enough? Please! This would never happen. Or showing her playing a man's sport with her pantaloons showing as she runs about. Her treating the man courting her so badly. There are many more - far too many to list.

Save yourself the time and trouble and watch a movie worth watching such as one of Jane Austen's.
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Excellent - the best P&P version out there!
27 October 2009
This is by far the best version of P&P out there.

I have seen all of them but the old TV versions before 1940 (although I did see the 1940 movie which was ludicrous and so far from the truth) thus I wouldn't waste my time on it nor the comedy version = yikes!

I just checked the ratings to compare and am shocked to see that the modern Keira Knightley version is rated higher than this one! It must be for those who prefer Hollywood as that version is much father from the book and what Jane Austen wrote or ever could have intended.

Even the Colin Firth version was better than that and again, I am surprised to see that version rated higher than this one. Colin Firth is a great actor but he was much too open to be a good or authentic Mr. Darcy. He would have been considered improper back in those days (as would have the Mr. Darcy in the Keira Knightley version).

This Mr. Darcy portrayed by David Rintoul is most definitely the closest anyone has come to the true Mr. Darcy. He is handsome and appears haughty and arrogant as he should initially. He is rigid and barely betrays the passion that he feels... making it all the more powerful when he finally discloses his feelings. I loved this version and have watched it many times.

If you are a true and authentic Jane Austen fan then you must see this version that is well cast, well acted and goes above and beyond any other versions.
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Amélie (2001)
Great movie! :) I loved it!
27 October 2009
This is by far one of my favorite movies.

I love how it shows insight into the human soul. How quirky people are. How lonely. I like the colorful imagery and unique storyline.

I got so much into the movie that I didn't even notice the sub-titles.

This is a story about the human heart and about love. This movie is cute and sweet. It warms your heart.

If you haven't already seen it - see this movie! :)

If you want to impress your girlfriend, rent this movie and plan a cozy night at home together and she will see that you do have a sensitive side.
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Lost Highway (1997)
The worst movie I have ever seen
27 October 2009
This has got to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

I made myself sit through it and watch it until the end in the hopes that it would connect and make some sense.

Alas, it did not.

I would not wish this movie on anyone.

The movie is all over the place and never comes together or makes sense.

I have heard the theories, had discussions, etc... and I keep reading about the genius of Lynch but I have to strongly disagree. I could make a better movie because my movie... although being a bit out there, would make sense. I think he ran out of time and just created an ending that he felt like.

Don't see this movie... you will regret that you did.
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Bad movie - I walked out of the theater
27 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I can honestly say there has only been one or two movies that were so bad I left the theater and refused to watch them. This was one of those movies.

I stayed as long as I could but I couldn't bear to stay until the end. I like Jessica Lange and Robert DeNiro and consider them both to be good actors. Thus this was a real disappointment. They have both made much better movies than this one.

She's a waitress and he is a lawyer. I thought it was depressing and their first sex scene was carried out with wooden acting. I was on a date so that made it even worse.

Don't waste your money.
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A wonderful adaption
27 October 2009
This is a great movie. I have watched it many times.

I am a big fan of Jane Austen thus I was thrilled when I heard that this movie was coming out. Great cast of actors. Well acted. Good costumes. Seemed authentic for the times (unlike Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow). I loved Hugh Grant in this movie - he is so good at playing a humble, polite man. The times back then were so restrictive and conservative. The notion of romantic love was quite outrageous and almost everyone married for money or status and this was expected. Women did not work thus they had to marry or become old spinsters. This movie provides a good example of what it was like back then. I loved the book and the movie comes pretty close to matching it without too much being altered for Hollywood.
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Not a comedy - expect a drama
27 October 2009
I picked up this movie to watch based on a reviewers comment on the back cover that this is a comedy thus I was disappointed. It is not a comedy... it is a drama and a rather depressing one at that. Although there is good acting in it.

Had I been prepared to watch a drama, I would have liked it better.

It is not predictable like most Hollywood movies and it shows the quirkier side of people. I think this is the first time I have seen Hugh Grant portray a rather mean spirited character as he usually plays more likable roles. I think he acted it very well as did Alan Rickman... but they are both are great actors, thus no surprise.

Twist at end.
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