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Hulk (2003)
29 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*******SPOILERS GALORE************ I cannot possible enumerate in less than 1,000 words the many ways this movie p*ssed me off. First of all, the script is wretched. Overlong, sluggish and full of anime-style melodrama with no point. The first ten minutes of the movie presents us with a virtually indigestible lump of backstory that attempts to disguise itself with lots of graphics but is really just enormously dull and unnecessary. Any decent writer could have worked all this in later without boring the life out of the audience right off the bat. Then we are presented with 40 MINUTES of tedious talking heads before anything cool happens at all. And let's talk about the stupid "comic-book" style wipes and frames shall we? I don't like popup on the internet, why would I want a movie full of it? Notice they didn't show any of that in the trailer, and there's a good reason why: it sucks. It distracts you from the movie and half the time you can't even see what's happening because of all blinking, fading, sliding garbage on the screen. Oh, and the CGI Hulk? He looks like a giant plastic booger. A decade after Jurassic Park and nobody but WETA can manage to make CG look real. (And even WETA can't do it every time.) Amazing. I can't believe the studio let this turkey out at all. The script is horrible, the actors (with the exception of Connely) are laughable, and Ang Lee's direction is a total mess. A complete waste of time.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Pain, pain and more pain
6 December 2002
I like a good musical. This was neither good, nor a musical. It was like an extended music video crossed with the worst soap opera imaginable. The very idea that this was nominated for Best Picture alongside 'A Beautiful Mind' and 'The Fellowship of the Ring' is laughable, somebody must have paid big bucks for that nomination. This movie is remarkable in that watching it actually causes physical pain, pain that is renewed every time a character says anything, or commences the melodramatic howling that passes for singing in this mess. A gaudy, overblown and grotesque film.
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Moontrap (1988)
Hilariously stinky
6 December 2002
This truly is a 'so bad it's funny' kind of movie. The ridiculous acting, the terrible (say it again TERRIBLE) special effects, the total disregard for logic or scientific fact. The laughable 'action' scenes starring plastic uzis and star wars action figures. This movie is a laugh riot from scene 1. You don't even have to Mistie this movie to make it funny, it's funny all by itself. Watch out for the alien chick with fake boobs and mall hair, and the self-inflating tent (!) that works in a vacuum. Ridiculous.
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She Creature (2001 TV Movie)
A cool little movie
22 November 2002
With the cheesy title and the horrible DVD cover I was expecting some kind of "Species" clone, but this is an underappreciated mini-classic. A throwback to the Weird-Tales school of horror-stories from the 50s and 60s. This is a moody, atmospheric film with a good cast. Rufus Sewell, in particular, gives a great performance here. The mermaid effects are really good (no knees) and the mermaid girl is beautiful as well as creepy. The film has a polished, classic-cinema look that is extraordinary, considering the whole thing was shot in something like 20 days. My only complaint is that the sound on the DVD is EXTREMELY bad, the mix is such that you have to turn it wayyyy up to even hear the dialogue. Other than that minor caveat, this is a little gem of a movie.
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Brutal, uncompromising, and invigorating
22 November 2002
In an age of Xena-esque fantasy adventure films (al la the tepid Scorpion King) It is startling to go back and see just how good this movie still is. "Conan" is not for the faint of heart, and not just for gore - there are far more bloody movies out there - but for the uncompromising warrior-ethos John Milius infused into his vision. There is nothing PC about this fantasy world. When he is asked "what is best in life?" Conan paraphrases Genghis Khan: "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!" We are not led to believe he is kidding. It is true that Arnold is no great actor, but it is also true he has always stuck with parts he can handle, and he does a fine job as Conan, but the real star here is the director. John Milius is one of the greats, totally unappreciated in his time, and his sweeping scope and epic, gritty battle sequences add a dimension lacking from almost every other S&S film. There is a grim aura of doom pervading the movie that fits the original Howard stories to a T, and I think Robert E Howard would have really liked this movie. James Earl Jones gives a killer performance as the evil Thulsa Doom, rivalling Darth Vader himself. A last point in this film's favor is the score. Basil Poledouris turned out his best score ever for this film: Brooding, powerful and operatic, it lends the film a grandeur Hercules could only dream of. I must have seen this film 40 times and I still never get tired of it.
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