
14 Reviews
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Insidious (I) (2010)
It was good, but will be forgotten.
1 April 2011
I'm going to go ahead and say that "Insidious" is one of the best PG-13 horror movie of the past twenty years, or at least of the 2000's, only to be beaten out by "Drag Me to Hell."

"Insidious" is really scary. Let me just state that now. It is scary because it takes successful horror movies, what was scary about them, and applies them. I noticed some parts borrowed from "Poltergeist", "Drag Me to Hell", and of course, "Paranormal Activity." All of which were scary on their own by using their own method. Notice how i said "borrowed" and not "stolen." This is only because "Insidious" was not a flop, but rather a hit in the horror industry.

It's true, the first half of the movie is way more scary than the second. Once the actual story starts to unfold, it feels more like a video game. Yes, i know, it is weird to compare a horror movie to a video game, but i felt as though i was in Silent Hill towards the ending. Not that thats a bad thing, but it is honestly how i felt.

All in all "Insidious" is really good, but in the near future i feel it will be forgotten. it doesn't go the extra mile, and isn't an achievement in the horror industry. If you are a horror fan, i suggest seeing it and play a game where you point out what parts are borrowed. If you're not a horror fan, take your girlfriend/ boyfriend to see it, because it is that scary.
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The Roommate (I) (2011)
Effective thriller without all the blood and gore and nudity.
6 February 2011
I just saw "The Roommate" with my best friend, who is not into scary movies at all. Myself being a Gossip Girl and scary movie buff absolutely had to see this movie.

Although this film was not necessarily scary, it was quite... disturbing. Disturbing in the sense that this movie was realistic. Leighton Meester was effective as a stalker obsessed friend from hell, and would have even freaked out Jennifer Jason Leigh. "The Roommate" was not gory, or very sexual, but had enough cringes and off putting parts to make you say "ooooh!" out loud.

my only real issue is most of the best scenes were shown in the trailer, and that by the end i felt sympathetic for Rebecca.

all in all "The Roommate" is "Single White Female" for teens, and is a great PG-13 thriller.
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Skins (2011)
Please MTV, give us season 2!
1 February 2011
Skins US, or as its called AmeriSkins, is a very good show. The characters and issues are germane and relatable to issues real life teens face in modern times. Sure there is some parts that are far fetched, but for the most part AmeriSkins is a great show. I actually care for these characters and feel for them! Not many shows can have that effect.

Sure AmeriSkins is a copy of the UK Skins, but SO WHAT!! If you prefer UK Skins to US SKins then watch UK Skins! You don't have to talk trash about this show, especially when the AmeriSkins cast is better than the original. But thats just my opinion.

I beg you MTV, please let us have some closure to Skins, and grant us one more season!
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Machete (2010)
"Machete" is THE film to see this summer!!
3 September 2010
I am literally stunned on how great this movie is. It combines every element a great movie should have, thus making it a spectacular flick! Blood, gore, boobs, more gore, guns, funny stereotypes, and an actual political message is what this movie is made out of! The cast was absolutely fabulous! Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Steven Segal, Robert DeNiro, Lindsay Lohan, and so many more will absolutely blow your mind!!! The action sequences are thus combined of the Bourne movies and Planet Terror. Yes this movie does get cheesy but that makes it more fun!! (POSITIVES) (+Ensemble Cast +Great orchestrated fight sequences +No shortage of sex +there is somewhat a political message +My idea of a great action movie) {NEGATIVES} {-The stereotypes...although they are funny!! -3D would've made this movie more kick ass -the general plot is a cliché -there is somewhat of a political message}

Overall this movie is worth the money you are paying.... think of it as a Mexican james bond except with a more brutal killer instinct.
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Date night horror film
27 August 2010
I just got out seeing "The Last Exorcism" and all i can say about it is that it was mediocre. I saw it with two friends, both girls, and i was the only one watching the screen without my hand in the way. Not to sound sexist, but i found a lot more woman screaming than men. This movie is basically like "Quarantine" with some Blair Witch in it. Yes you will jump at certain points and yes you might feel scared, but the feeling wares off. The character who is having the exorcist on her is the only one i cared about. Though there is humor in this movie, but too much of it. The ending was pretty well to, but it felt sudden.

+creepy +an inside look to what exorcisms might be like +twist ending +quite disturbing visuals for a PG13

-Sudden ending -you wont care for a lot of the characters -you don't see a lot of what could've made this movie scarier -un-original styled film -blasphemous in some ways

all in all i enjoyed watching others cringe in the theater, but wasn't cringing myself. I recommend either taking your girlfriend to see it in theaters, or wait to rent it for a Friday night flick.
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Piranha 3D (2010)
Gore, boobs, laughs and cameos
20 August 2010
I just got back from seeing Piranha 3D and i was shocked. Shocked that this movie was really done well! Richard Dreyfus in the start was really surprising and enough to make you smile right off the bat! And Doc Brown from back to the future was in here in two scenes which was fun to see. Leading them through the movie was really an all star cast. Jerry O'Connell, Elizabeth Shue, Ving Rhames (without facial hair), and Jessica Szohr (from gossip girl) all play fun and entertaining roles. The only fault i found in the movie was the ending. It was so sudden and left you hanging! There could've been another hour an a half to the movie and i wouldn't complain about it. And the party music was really good to.

All in all Piranha is a horror movie remake that was done really really well and deserves to be up in the ranks of Jaws.
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Catwoman (2004)
It isn't bad if you're open to the idea!
24 May 2010
Not only did i see this movie, i bought it. Why? Because it is good! The different take on CatWoman is really nice, and never does Patience call herself "CatWoman." In fact, a lot of times she's talked about as a woman looking like a cat. SO STOP SAYING SHE Isn't CATWOMAN!!

The story plot was in fact quite entertaining i thought. There is even a twist! a good one! I really want everyone to see this movie, and instead of pointing out the flaws, point out the positives.

1. Plot 2. Smooth scenes 3. A history of all the cat woman 4. A better understanding of catwoman (though it is a different catwoman) 5. HALLE BERRY HALF NAKED.....AGAIN! Sure you could just go see Swordfish or monster ball but she is hot in here to
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a musical for macabre
22 March 2010
As a "metal head" i can honestly say that this film was great! Great story, great music, great character development! Yes the movie may start off a little bit rocky and boring, but by the end you'll like it.

The acting i felt went really well. Each actor portrayed their character really amazingly! Even Paris Hilton did a good job! then again her character is a druggie obsessed with plastic surgery, so it must have been not all that hard. Every cast member shines more importantly.

The music...WHERE DO I BEGIN! AWESOME! its not your typical Hairspray stuff at all. Quite the opposite. Awesome riffs compliment the actor's singing voice, and every song has a form of punk or metal to it.

Overall, see this movie if you like Gore, Metal Music, and/or a good movies!
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Saw VI (2009)
This movie is for the die hard fans of the SAW series
26 October 2009
It feels to me that the SAW 4, 5, and 6 have nothing to do with the original trilogy. This movie proves my point quite clearly.

I liked in the original trilogy the fact you had to see them all to understand what was happening. SAW 4, 5 and 6 each introduce new characters that have nothing to do with Jigsaw, and they suddenly become the protagonist. In each film of the new trilogy, you are slammed with flashbacks, so every time there is an "OMG" moment, its more like a "heh, that makes sense." kind of moment. In the first 3, there were plenty of "OMG"s, especially at the ends.

These movies are all about the gore and the "What would I do?" thoughts that come to your head. In my opinion, don't give us a stupid plot in SAW 7, all we want is blood
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District 9 (2009)
Not as great as you've heard
22 August 2009
Everyone has been flipping out about "District 9" an I honestly don't see why. Sure the movie was good but that's all it was. Good. The acting was good. The characters were good. The If you thought this movie was going to be about a war between aliens and humans than your sadly mistaken. There is an actual plot. Not that that's a bad thing, I just wanted more than an average movie. I was becoming bored, and wanted more!!

Some of the special effects looked fake to me, though most were awesome. But what more can you expect on a low budget film? The character development was very good. Peter Jackson did a good job overall.

"District 9" is a breath of fresh air in Hollywood, but sure enough there will be "District 10".
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Obsessed (2009)
This decades "Play Misty for Me"
22 August 2009
In the 70's there was Clint Eastwood's "Play Misty for Me". In the 80's we had "Fatal Attraction." Now in the, we have "Obsessed". "Obsessed" is nothing more than a stalker film for only teen's to enjoy. I personally thought this movie was a rip-off of "Play Misty for Me" and "Fatal Attraction". If you've seen either, then you've seen "Obsessed".

The movie started good and as it progressed I seemed to lose interest, waiting for something exciting to happen. If you wish to see action, skip to the last 10 minutes of the film and watch as Beyonce and Ali Larter get down.

A lot of the acting wasn't very convincing, though the major roles were just barely.

Bottom line, "Obsessed" is a a good film to watch with your spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend. I wouldn't buy it. RENT!
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
i wasn't bad, but not good either
12 August 2008
The whole movie were people going up to the hotel room one by one and getting killed. It was also predictable. Those are the main bad reasons. Some good things i liked was the suspense. it was jumpy. Also, it kinda makes you think of what you would do in this situation. I haven't seen the original PROM NIGHT so i don't know what to compare it to. My best is that if you saw and liked I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER then you would probably like PROM NIGHT (2008), butPROM NIGHT (2008) is more of a cat and mouse kind of movie. What else can you expect from a PG-13 horror movie? Fits my standards an overall was a decent movie that we all could have lived without.
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Epic Movie (2007)
funny depending on ur sense of humor
12 August 2008
i don't know why people don't like this movie. it was a normal funny spoof. you just got to have the right sense of humor. my brother only regonizes one part of the movie that was funny to me, but not to him. when you go see these types of movies, everyone in the theatre laughs no matter how corny the jokes are. this is because the only people who want to see these kind of movies understand them. this film was WAY better than date movie, and meet the spartans. im not saying thatit is the best movie in the world...but it was funny and deserves a lot more credit than most people are giving it. go see the movie yourself and decide what side you are on. those who like these movies, and those who don't. i like these movies.
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May (2002)
See this movie. period.
11 August 2008
How can i explain what is such a great movie?!?!?! first, let me say, the acting was excellent. diverse characters that spreads across the spectrum of differences. You know get to know each character and understand them! Every little thing the character does adds to themselves, and helps the watcher understand their choices! Sure some parts you might prefer to cover your eyes for, but that only takes away from the experience. But if you do have a weak stomach, then you probably want to watch Adam's film in the movie.

May (the character) is so interesting and fun to watch. She is one you fell sorry for, and cheer for her by the end. I'm not giving any spoilers on what though.

All in all, one of the best movies you'll regret not seeing!
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