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Human Target (2010–2011)
Great show! **A few potential spoilers.**
8 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't think that I'd like the addition of two new characters although it makes sense because it might have been too male-centric. I was hopeful however when I saw that one of the new cast members was Indira Varma. She was terrific when she was a constable on Bones. She was tougher then though and she's a little wishy washy here. I'm hoping she toughens up.

As far as Ames goes. I was prepared to dislike her however, once they set up that she wasn't a love interest for Guerro and in fact made a point of noting the difference between their ages (ok, pops) then I could sit back and enjoy her. She adds a nice touch of light hearted comedy to the show.

The action is still fantastic. And even though I've read a lot of negative reviews about the episode with the "amazing assassin" I loved the over the top action that happened. Jumping between the garage floors, landing gracefully. They didn't cheapen it with horrible special effects and it was fun.

How many shows are there where the hero is always just chasing the bad guy? Or is able to put the cuffs on someone after a cursory scuffle? These fights are well choreographed, particularly the last episode and it's like watching a mini action movie every week.

Love that there's more Guerrero now. I'm glad that Jackie Earl Haley is back on the scene. He has so much presence, even when he was a little kid in Bad News Bears but he really left an impression. Good to see him featured more. And I like that he's a take no prisoners, do whatever it takes to get the bad guy, character because I'm so sick of everyone doing "the right thing" all the time. He's unrepentant and maybe not someone you'd want to hang around with but you know he'd always have your back. And thank god someone finally asked him why his last name was Guerrero but he didn't seem Spanish! Chi McBride. He's terrific as the world weary boss who complains about everything but will jump in and assist in the missions even though he might protest all the way. I also like that they make sure that the audience is aware that Winston is a bit over weight and running full tilt isn't his best asset.

Mark Valley! Perfectly cast. Found him on Keen Eddie, really enjoyed him (briefly) on Fringe. He's mature but not too old for the action scenes. They don't give away his demons even though he had a chance to during the end of the Christmas show. I like that we're slowly being doled out the story of how he became what he was. I was a little disappointed that one episode that showed in his past that he had killed a seemingly innocent man who turned out to be a bad guy because that takes away from what he's working on: redemption.

I hope that the ratings get better or that they at least give the show another year to gel. And, yeah, Ames shouldn't have taken that kid to the party but she's not a professional and she's young. I can see her thinking there wouldn't be a problem.

That is after all why she was given him as an assignment: seemingly low risk. If they'd made her this amazingly perfect spy right away, well...she needs to learn and she's very reckless. I think that what happened fit perfectly in with her inexperienced character. She's a pick pocket without any idea what she's gotten herself into. You can say that the other characters should have known that and acted accordingly but people make mistakes. Things don't always go according to plan.

Here's the main problem: Fox doesn't promote the show enough. Not really. I have friends who haven't even heard of it. They might consider advertising the show on other channels, like Spike, where they'd surely pick up an audience.

Maybe I'm in the minority but I like this show. Look forward to it every week. The action, the fight scenes, the characters, the writing. They're just a little different from what's out there right now.

Give it a chance. They're only in their sophomore year and last year wasn't even a full season.

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The Marriage Ref (2010–2011)
Shaky start but the second half got better...
5 March 2010
Who's the sound person? The canned laughter is louder than the commentary. Several times I couldn't hear the joke. It might have been funny, who knows.

And who's in charge of the editing? Some of the conversation was actually going somewhere and all of a sudden it was just over, queue the host. Huh?

Also, two many couples. The results definitely felt forced. Just when everyone hit their timing they were on to the next couple. Maybe three but more than that? Send it to Short Attention Span Theater.

It has potential and seems like the hosts are giving their real opinions not what they think the "popular" answer should be. Not to mention that Seinfeld is bringing in A-list guests. Where would you see Larry David, Ricky Gervais, and Madonna discussing relationships? I want to see that.

First things first: fix the sound and editing and try again. It might be actually be a good show if you can hear it and potentially funny parts aren't edited out.

UPDATE 3/16/10: Saw the Larry David, Ricky Gervais and Madonna episode and laughed my butt off! What a great combination of people. And I could hear what they were saying besides which really helps.

I think that the guests will make or break the show. Put the the three above together and they've struck gold.

Now I'm waiting for the third show because that's a potential tie-breaker. Right now though? Love it.
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Bones: The Gamer in the Grease (2009)
Season 5, Episode 9
Too much Avatar not enough Booth
5 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This must be the episode that David Boreanaz missed time from due to the flu. Not only is he white as a sheet through out, he's barely in it which was really disappointing.

The guys waiting in line for a movie was a funny idea - if it hadn't been a shameless (is there worse word than that? Prostitution?) plug of Avatar. It felt so forced and there was WAY too much of it. It actually changed my interest in seeing this movie which was guaranteed until I saw this episode.

I liked the woman with the tattoos. She was pretty funny and I'm glad that they didn't go with the tired old ploy that she would steal the tickets. She added a lot to what was otherwise a tedious promotion.

As an aside, either Cam never changes that blue sheath she was wearing or they discovered the body and solved the case in the same day. And why was Angela mad at Hodgins for having that tattoo? She should have been apologizing for her crazy father - profusely.

There wasn't much of Bones in it either. More of a supporting cast episode and while I do love the supporting cast, the best part of the show is the constant banter between Booth and Bones. Since that was so painfully lacking, I'll stick with my thought that this is the flu episode. It makes me feel better.

Although I have all the seasons from iTunes via season passes and have watched all of them over and over again - more than I care to admit - I don't think I'll ever watch this again mainly because of the hour long Avatar commercial. I'd rather have seen a ten minute commercial for the movie in the middle of the episode than all the pandering to James Cameron. I don't think he needs the help on this one.

I didn't think that anyone could force product promotion more than Kay Jeweler's and Jane Seymours Heart Pendant when they spent an entire night last year on NBC shoving it down our throats in every series (including My Name is Earl with Crab Man giving Joy the necklace) but this is pretty close. I hope that this trend gets nipped in the bud before it ruins otherwise perfectly good shows.

You know what? I had given this a 7 but I'm changing it to a 6 and after today I shall never speak of this episode again.

Love Bones other wise and can't wait to see Emily's sister, Zooey next week - Finally!
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Film made me suicidal
30 December 2008
This is the worst movie I've seen in a long time. I'd rather they'd killed Evie than give Maria Bello the part. She was SO wrong for it and that "English" accent? You're kidding me, right? That was a goof.

So how could a movie that had more people in it that I like rather than hate suck so much? Just lucky, I guess.

Love Brendan Fraser but apparently this was his "son's" movie. I liked the son in the second movie and I had a hard time believing that Rick O'Connell had an adult son. What kind of crap is that? The kids closer to 30 than 20. I'm supposed to believe he's Brenda Fraser's son? WHA? The Yeti were pretty interesting. Probably because they did a better English accent than Maria Bello.

The horror! The horror! I'm going to have to hope that Riff Trax made fun of this movie. That'll be the only thing that would make it worth it.

However bad you think this movie might be, it's worse, so much worse than that.
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CSI: NY (2004–2013)
Did Anyone Else Think That "Pat" Resembled Gary Sinise?
31 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
On the "drag queen" episode. I think the character's name was "Pat" and he was supposed to be either a southerner or from out west. He was the one involved with the drag queen portion of the episode. Anyhow, he looked like Gary Sinise so much at times that in the long shots I thought it was him. If he isn't related or his stunt double, he should be. I tried to find him in the credits but he wasn't there. Does anyone know who that man is?

Regarding the episode: I really enjoyed it. It was nice to see transgender actors who you could actually believe were females. Most times they'll put someone in a dress and you're just waiting for the DAH, DAH, DAH! wig to come off. Candyce was great. I don't know her but she really sold the story.

This show just keeps getting better and better. I haven't checked their ratings for a while but I hope they're doing well. I love Gary Sinise anyhow, great actor.
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Clerks II (2006)
The Moral of the Story
23 July 2006
Well, I can't tell you that because it would be a major spoiler but I will say that it has a lot to do with being satisfied with yourself and what you have.

Just a really good movie! Although I love Kevin Smith, I was a bit nervous about seeing his first official "sequel". No worries, it stood up fine on its own although there were a lot of inside jokes that would have been extra funny had you seen the other movies. Kevin didn't go back to the well again in the sense that he didn't try to recreate the manic pacing of the original's dialog or the surprise statements ("that's why I manually masturbate lab animals") from characters. It was a new movie that allowed you to reference the old without feeling like you'd seen it all before.

His wife (Jennifer) has a major part in the movie and I was surprised at the liberties that he allowed the hero of the story to take with her. I was also surprised at how alarmingly thin she's become. She was too thin in J & SB but now she has to weigh under 100 pounds and if it's more than that it's only because her bones already weigh 100 pounds. Ignoring the distraction of her weight though, her acting was fine and she was certainly enthusiastic when required to be. And that was pretty darned enthusiastic!

What a great cast. Loved Rosario Dawson. And be on the look out for the new kid on the block, Trevor Fehrman. His character was funny and original.

I especially liked that we didn't come back 10 years later to see that everyone had taken these huge leaps in their personal lives that you often see in other "now they're all growed up" movies. Life's just not like that. Everything was completely believable...maybe that ONE thing wasn't...naw, I totally know people who would have been into seeing that if not just out of morbid curiosity so even THAT was realistic.

Characters were allowed to care for each other deeply even if it was as perfectly "hetero life-mates". You just don't get to see same sex friendship without all the innuendo that goes along with it - witness Oprah and Gayle. It was touching, sweet and real. I hate these mushy kinds of reviews but there it is. It's not a life changing movie but it sure was fun. And they all lived happily ever after...
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18 June 2006
I was excited by the premise but worried about it being a remake. There are some major plot holes but the movie's just so darn good that you don't mind. This was the most romantic movie I've seen in a long time - and that includes the torture of waiting for these two to meet! I wish that I could tell you more but you've got to see it yourself. Keanu Reeves is terrific, no flash back to "Bill" or "Neo" as you might sometimes see from him in other movies. Just a great performance. I really enjoyed Sandra Bullock and they have great chemistry - they'd have to otherwise the premise wouldn't have worked.

So, turn off your brain, take your main squeeze and prepare to loose yourself in the moment. I know you can do it if you try. Besides, we get real life every day. What's two hours of romantic fantasy going to hurt you?
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OMG! Absolutely Amazing
13 March 2006
OK, I only went to see this because of the Wachowski brothers involvement. I went totally expecting to hate this movie about a terrorist but it was so much more. I'm amazed to say that it's AWESOME! While not an action picture there's plenty of action and at least one funny homage to The Matrix. You've gotta see it. It's very inspiring, believe it or not and it didn't make me want to blow up buildings either. It just made me appreciate freedom even more. Hugo Weaving is terrific and Natalie Portman leaves Princess Amadala far behind with her performance as Evey. Everyone's great. Stephen Rea is terrific too. I just can't believe I liked this movie. I'm still in shock.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spidey Really IS Amazing
29 June 2004
Saw a sneak preview last night. OMG! Awesome! Great story, great writing. Someone was paying attention when they wrote this. If you're a comic book fan, you'll be amazed at the closely followed storyline(s) from the Spiderman comic. Not lots of action in the beginning, but it's interesting all the same. When the action starts, it doesn't stop. I was so stressed out by the end of this movie, but in a good way. There's always at least one problem with even a 10 rated movie - after all that action it goes to credits playing an incredibly lame song. It's just, it just doesn't fit. I know that seems petty but a pounding beat would have suited far better than the slow song that they chose.

Tobey acts his butt off. His character is in a constant state of upset through the entire movie and you just feel for him. Alfred Molina is GREAT! Perfect casting. Everyone else is good too but they're not the focus of the story.

A few surprises, especially at the end. Very cool. Gotta see it again. It's definitely worth paying full price for - you'll be glad that you did, Tiger.
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Van Helsing (2004)
Oh So Bad!
9 May 2004
Incohesive, confusing (and I use the word loosely) plot, poorly edited, obnoxious female lead, Bono is Bela Lugosi, and Frankenstein's Monster apparently has a Harvard degree! Don't get me started on the "Romanian" accents. And vampires in daylight? What gives?!

I expected so much more from writer/director Stephen Sommers. After all, he gave us The Mummy which was a great flick and even The Mummy Returns, while not great, wasn't that bad. But this is horrible. The only reason that I gave such a high score (4) was because Hugh Jackman is actually good in it. Kate Beckinsdale (Underworld) is woefully miscast as the female lead. What acting!! No, really. I mean WHAT acting? There was a lot of over-acting though so if you're going by quantity and not quality she was perfect! And her character has no where near the cool she thinks that she's projecting. Besides, should she really be doing two vampire movies in a row?

The actor playing Dracula (Richard Roxburgh) looked like Bono from U2 which was distracting enough but that poor man's Bela Lugosi accent not to mention another over the top performance. UGH!

The jokes were funny, especially the reference to Jackman's famous role, Wolverine. Only problem is that there were a lot of unintentionally funny things as well. And I never could work up any deep feelings for the characters. Look for Kevin J. O'Connell (The Mummy) as Igor. He's really funny although unrecognizable.

Van Helsing is a great character and I especially liked the Vampire Hunter D outfit. I'd take a chance on another one because it's too good of an idea the screw up the second time...right?

OH! Almost forgot! The special F/X were great! And that's one of the reasons that the movie is so horrible. The effects pointed out the terrible, and I use the term loosely, plot. Still, I think it's worth a sequel if the script is right.
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Great Flick!
12 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Really romantic and old-fashioned. Many reviewers are saying that it's pandering to what women want. So what?! As if action movies aren't directed at men first and women second.

All the actors are great. Especially Diane Keaton. Weird stuff though - I'm an admitted Keanu-holic so I love almost everything he does, but this guy acts his butt off in this movie. He actually has more chemistry with Diane Keaton than Jack Nicholson. It's probably his best performance ever. Nancy Meyer's is a great director for him. Hopefully they'll work together again.

At first, I'll admit it, I was kind of squirmy when Keanu Reeves is kissing Diane Keaton but then I told myself that I was a hypocrite and that I was only trained to accept older men w/younger women as a possibility. Once I got over that, I realized that they really clicked. They actually had great chemistry and it left me wanting to see them together again in more scenes. They weren't together enough.

The only bad thing is that the ending is so predictable that you know what's going to happen just from the previews alone. It's so out in the open that all the reviews are talking about the ending as if they weren't giving spoiler info - they aren't.

Even though this is a movie about an older woman being attractive to a younger man, the ending was a cop-out. It wrapped up to a nice little bow fast - that was actually the unbelievable part. You felt that Diane should have agonized over her decision for longer than it took to take a cab to her hotel back to a bridge. And it would have been refreshing to see her make an opposite choice.

Anyhow, it was still great. I like the old-fashioned movies and this was well cast. Not to mention the fantastic acting! I'm pretty sure that at least Diane Keaton will get nominated for an Oscar - if not for the crying scenes alone.

You have to see it! Highly recommended!
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OMG! Awesome! Vague Spoiler
8 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I still hate the ambiguous ending, still hate that the movie's main character is missing through half the movie and there's barely any kung fu but someone here suggested that if you weren't sure if you liked it or not to go see it again. Excellent recommendation!

I can see why people think it's better than the second now. And alot of questions that I had were answered upon second viewing. One of my questions being why didn't the dock use their own EMP? Well, because they didn't have one and they mention that fact during the coming battle.

It's just a really good movie. Sure, it's corny but somehow it works. I don't know why. And Keanu still breaks my heart when he's crying. If that wasn't real then I don't know what is. Most actors when called on to cry don't sob they sort of whine. I'd be amazed to find out that he was just acting and hadn't pulled some horrible memory up for the moment. The scene wouldn't have been so sad without his actions.

Hopefully the stupid critics won't cause people to drop off from viewings in the coming weeks. I haven't seen any movie that made me think as much as this trilogy did. Anytime you're affected by a story so much that it stays with you even after the movie is long gone is a movie worth watching.

So, give it a break, go see it again and remember, the Matrix has you and that none of this stuff can really happen - at this time at least - it's scifi/fantasy. IT'S NOT REAL!! Once you can accept that, you can begin to enjoy it for what it is, a fantastic story!

My first vote was an 8 out of 10 but I'm giving it a 10 now even though I can't go back and fix my choice. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
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Great Movie - Wish Keanu Was In It
6 November 2003
If you're going to see Neo, get used to disappointment. If you're going to see cool action, this is the movie for you. The battle scenes are awesome, literally, the group I was with were actually on the edge of their seats. I read reviews that said that audiences laughed at the dialogue but the only time anyone laughed when I was there was in the right places.

You can expect to see Keanu in the beginning, middle and end. I'd estimate that he's in the movie for a total of 35 minutes. Questions were answered but the ending didn't tie it all up. I felt like I was left hanging for no good reason. Especially since everyone involved in the movie has already said they won't do a sequel. Why make the ending ambiguous? I don't get it.

All three movies are different. If you can accept that, then you can enjoy the movie. In spite of what they're saying, barring the ending, you'll really like it. It's visually beautiful. BTW, Keanu's acting wasn't wooden and the one scene that he's upset in is VERY convincing. Actually, too convincing. It seemed real. No hard feelings Wachowskis, although I didn't like the ending too well, I enjoyed all three movies. Thanks for giving me something to REALLY ponder for the past four years. It was GREAT!
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The Animatrix (2003 Video)
7 July 2003
I really did enjoy this film but it some of the shorts were weird or felt unfinished. They shouldn't have opened with the Final Flight of the Osiris. It was so amazing that it made all the other films pale by comparison. Also, disappointed to see Keanu Reeve's credited with his Neo character but it was really disappointing that he only said about 5 words. Still, worth the purchase. And watching it with Commentary is the only way to go.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Loved It!
7 July 2003
I saw Event Horizon in the movies when it first came out. I was disturbed by it for days afterward. It's great sci-fi. Highly recommended if you don't mind gore and disturbing images. Laurence Fishburn is awesome and Sam Neil is scary good. Great flick!
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