
11 Reviews
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îha Sheelagh (2014– )
10 March 2021
I am a fluent welsh speaker, and have seen a lot of sit coms over the years. This ranks as one of the, if not the, is worst sit com in any langauge, ever made.
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The Passing (2015)
A DEEP cinematic experience.
11 May 2016
This film must rank as one of the best to come out of Wales, either in English or in welsh....and if you want to know something about Wales please watch this rather than John Ford's How Green Was My Valley (which by the way is surely due an authentic Welsh remake).

Sadly Yr Ymadawiad has had minimal cinematic exposure in its own country, (I saw it at a one off sub-titled screening in my local Odeon, in Swansea, at 11pm on a Saturday night), and the reason for this must inevitably be the pervading attitude in large parts of Wales towards its mother tongue.

Of the handful of welsh language (or Cymraeg) cinematic films in existence this one definitely ranks as one of the finest. It demonstrates a maturity, a depth, and a raw dramatic impact which keeps the viewer glued throughout. Having said that is it a slow paced piece, with only three main characters to keep the story alive, yet the constant twists, the slow reveals, and the mounting tension, makes for a tumultuous climax.

With shades of M.Night Shyalaman, there is something unforgettable here. An incredibly sad film, which in some ways contains elements of many other great ghost films. The characters are completely tied up in their own conflicts, pain, and obsessions. But these somehow come together,leading seamlessly to a tragic denouement.

The ultimate scene is well worth waiting for, and though it works as a stand alone cinematic twist it is especially poignant if you are 'up on' welsh social history of post-war Wales. I didn't see it coming, but it has stayed with me. A haunting, sad experience...which actually achieves something rarely seen in welsh popular art: something deep about the native culture is conveyed from the point of view of the native culture itself.

Overall, this is an accessible, original work, and certainly worth a watch for anyone be they welsh speaking or not.
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5 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was hoping there'd emerge a darker side to this film, but alas not; it had a slushy feel throughout, and terrible anodyne music. The main character was potentially a lot more complex that the script allowed, I mean he could have been a bit insane, or even a pervert, and yet still be a good guy. BUT Oh Nooo! in the world of the righteous quasi-Christian genre things must seem to be black and white. Yes I said 'christian'...weird thing to say perhaps...but it seems to be that there is almost a sub genre of horror film, at least they start out as horror - that come from a supernatural or beyond the grave inspired subject matter (see Frequency or The Forgotten), - that quickly develop into a mishmash of worthy, feel-good crap, with to top it all off confirmation that there is life after death! No really, come on, this film would be much more powerful if at least one of the daft people who didn't initially believe in Danny's mad ramblings did actually die as a result of their scepticism.

In fact the little girl seemed to deliberately place herself in dangerous life threatening situations - how irritating - yet still she survived, while Danny gets it in the heart...bleak as hell. Yeah Danny Glover gets it, no wonder they needed a heavenly epilogue. Even though the protagonist in The Dead Zone also died in the end I found that film a far more satisfying 'premonition' thriller than this Canadian production, I think because it had more balls. Unbreakable is also a superior movie.

The main character, Donovan, comes across as very eccentric, and, in real life I don't believe he'd be allowed around kids at all. Also the girl's mother seems a bit thick; meanwhile her brother is apparently guilty of killing two lots of people in two car accidents thirty years apart, but the thing is his character (or the actor playing him) is obviously not much older than thirty, anyone can tell that just from his young face, ridiculous right?, and yet no one in the film says anything.

There are some imaginative attempts at Donnie Darko style symbolism, but I don't think the film treats them seriously enough, or takes them to their conclusion, and they end up confused, too busy.

The film doesn't seem to have a definite direction, or feel, at least for the first third; and thinking about it, Danny Glover's character is just not very likable.

There were elements of Richard Matheson in here - and that great writer is sorely missed - but powerful ideas were thwarted by boring soap opera.
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Frank (II) (2014)
embarrassingly bad
31 August 2014
I met Frank Sidebottom in 1989 when he was doing a stand up comedy gig. He was nothing like the character portrayed in this film. I know, you say 'well that's not the point, it's based on him loosely'... OK but Frank Sidebottom (real name Chris Sievey) actually invented that false head in real life, it's his creation, his intellectual property, his own life is reflected in it. But this film shows a man from somewhere in the US, a musician only NOT a comedic performer, donning Chris Sievey's creation...which is taking artistic license too far!

Further, the film is not funny, not a comedy in any way, it plods along. All the characters are unpleasant, and the young outsider accepts all the insults given to him. It is very unrealistic in the sense that many of the events portrayed are unbelievable. e.g. the car crashes: the first one Frank conveniently escapes, the second our young hero conveniently (for the script writer) ends up in hospital. I do not believe this movie explores mental illness, rather, it shows us some people who comment on mental illness, who mention it. Neither the dark nor light side of mental illness is shown with any conviction, possibly because the direction and editing of the film does not allow us the viewer any time to dwell on such matters.

It spoon-feeds the viewer, from one scene to the next....and what was that scene with the box of food all about? were they trying to eat a tin of cocoa powder or what??

This film was a cheat. In my opinion it would have been a better and funnier film had it contained more of the actual Frank Sidebotom, the Frank from Timperley north England, the comedian Frank Sidebottom. As it was i found this an empty experience and a waste of good money Although a couple of scenes almost approached something pertaining to good cinema, overall it did not entertain.
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A Separation (2011)
16 April 2014
a great indeed excellent film full of idea that keep the film moving and grips the (i.e. this) viewer. It has a twist in every other scene, -- quite unusual as one associates 'twists' in film with the horror/thriller genres - But this is a brilliantly told story, as realistic as it could be, and like I say, rolls along like a dynamo. Some of the critics on this site seem to expect more from it because it's a foreign language production or a 'world' movie; but that's subjective. If I was Iranian, and I went to the local cinema and saw this I would be very proud. Also, I disagree with those who say it's sexist; the male characters portrayed are flawed to say the least.

When I say it's 'realistic' I admit I can't say how accurate the portrait of the Iranian justice system is, I have never been there, but I was left with an indelible insight. Not just into that but also human relations
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Goldrunner (1980)
where's the action?
29 March 2014
I was expecting some good car action at least. but I didn't find any. Nor any redeeming features in this boring film. the score is over done; the stupid romantic flashbacks cannot be taken seriously; the car 'action' is badly filmed, mainly from a very long shot, and anyway there are no proper car stunts here, no rolls, no jumps. OK there's a car race but the cars that take part in it are so obviously not as fast as a Porche, from the get go.

I admit that the copy I saw is apparently a bootleg called Ransom Runner - BUT even if parts of the original are missing from this I am nevertheless certain that the official version will contain pantomime villains with silly moustaches, mad cackles and wandering gun barrels; and will contain bad acting and some unbelievable events. like when the guy doesn't bother locking his car door even though he's got five gold bars on the back seat!!
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a very rare kind of film
23 March 2014
For a concise summary of what to expect from this film I can't do better than direct you to Rooprect's review.

When I saw Tree of Life I think I was fortunate in that I knew absolutely nothing about it beforehand. All I knew was the title, and I'd briefly seen the enigmatic poster for it. But who was in the cast or who directed it, etc, I knew not. So I went in completely open minded.

I also timed the cinema visit so I missed all the ads and trailers - I'm not saying this necessarily improved the viewing, but the nature of the movie is at a polar opposite to all that commercial stuff, and it was good not to be distracted by that crap.

Turned out: It really was a memorable film, and I won't forget that couple of hours in the cinema watching it, it felt like a rare treat. Very enjoyable experience, but a film completely outside the usual Hollywood fodder of an Odeon or Vue.
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am i or am i not?
14 March 2014
a bizarre concoction that I kind of hated, though it had enough visual depth to keep me attentive. I hated it because it lacked any real pith. apparently it gave us a quasi philosophical middle class bourgeois take on why a man starts loathing everything yet on the surface looks like he's comfortable. Oh great, but is that entertainment?

It was a sad inevitability that the film itself was 80 per cent surface, superficial beauty, pretentious visual imagery used as tokens, as symbols of life, and why it is like the way it is. Fellini's 8 and a half had the same obscure surrealism. annoying. should have been trimmed down. Why did the tragic love story of his previous love actually matter to the main character? after all, nothing else did!
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15 Minutes (2001)
some off beat elements
11 March 2014
I'd say a lot of the reviewers here focus too much on the 'message' of this film i.e. the idea that it's satirising the media's exploitation of violence blahblah. Thing is, the film never states anything about that directly; it's a thriller; and the first half (at least) is really well scripted and directed ,with great 3-dimensional characters, characters who speak to each other in a refreshingly likable way. One IMDb critic has stated, after seeing this film, that ' Niro is now reduced to playing cardboard cut outs of himself...' What does that mean???? de Niro is an actor, playing different people - who exactly is 'himself'?

Anyway, in 15 Minutes de Niro, with a bit of fire in his belly, does anything but a cardboard cut out of a Scorcese anti hero. He is mercurial in this role, and reminiscent of the detective he played in Midnight Run.

I love it when de Niro plays a character you can trust, an ordinary but heroic man who does not have a psychopathic sting in the tail. He seems to take on a strange aura, in this role, being extremely watchable - as strange as it sounds, and maybe I am hallucinating here, he does on occasion have some vague John Wayne quality, and I would love to see him in a remake of e.g. Hondo!!!

With a bloody good script, and good direction, this film seems to bring that something extra out of the great actor's performance.

And inevitable this quality infects and lifts other aspects of the movie....
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Hell Baby (2013)
came across as confused
10 March 2014
what I saw really bored me, and annoyed me. As I did not know anything about the film, I had no preconceptions, and initially the first scenes made me think it was a genuine horror film. Then the quirky dialogue and characters encouraged me as I thought it's a horror film but an unconventional one, left field horror. Then the scenes with the exorcists in the Vatican annoyed me - and it gradually dawned on me that the film had skipped genres, perhaps unintentionally, from horror to indy anarchy, to crap attempt at comedy.

Yes it was original to begin with, the quirky humour almost elevating the fright element - but soon the comic ideas were going around in a loop. e.g. the neighbour kept popping up, essentially the same joke again and again....but why was the central male character not questioning this?? There was a certain lack of logic and realism that went against the initial visual style and ' horror genre' present in the film.

Horror comedy is notoriously difficult to get right - perhaps Bob Hope's The Cat and The Canary may be the best attempt at it - but see that long roster of weak Abbot and Costello horro-coms, and patchy Scary Movies. This did come across as weak version of Scary Movie. The comedy in it demanded more originality - as in the brilliantly delivered gags in that ultimate spoof Airplane - and a bit more realism (the lead actress in my opinion was wrong for the part). The relationship between the couple broke down early on but the husband barely questioned it.

Though I am sure the film makers would defend this film as a pastiche or fond tribute, I saw it as a mixed up jumble, often relying on clichés of the horror genre, and therefore disrespecting that genre, and lacking substance as a comedy. Sorry.
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Frances Ha (2012)
Not a comedy in any way
26 July 2013
Allegedly i.e. according to the hype on the poster outside the cinema, this film is about comedy, laughs ,and a rite-of-passge. In my opinion, this is a film about superficiality and denial. (It's maybe even IN denial).

I guessed, from having seen The Squid and the Whale (2005) that this new film by the same director would probably be a 'gentle' affair. However, while the former had some tension, and some tension-bursting scenes, Frances Ha, in contrast, is an hour and a half (or so) of monotony.

Some of the time it comes across like an indulgent Dogme film advertising bit after bit of boring life packed with meaningless characters; some of the time it's like a Woody Allen film from the seventies that never takes off; there's one scene in a college party where the film almost descends into farce, and i so hoped it would just elevate itself in any way, but it didn't and i was disappointed.

Clearly a low budget movie that tries hard to avoid clichés and yet is choc-a-bloc full of them: the dopy effete score (apart from the odd hit from the 70's), the dopy superficial friendships, weak attempts at humour.Sorry, but it's not a comedy, it's a drama with some whimsical but everyday people. I should have guessed!!! The lead character is beautiful, kooky, but annoying.
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