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Why did I not know about this?
25 April 2024
Intriguing and fascinating piece of history. Why did I not know about this? Absolutely fascinating. Well acted and mesmerizing. I'm a diver, so the title grabbed me initially, but the story was so compelling. There are so many covert operations. Made me feel insignificant.

I don't understand why IMDB requires longer reviews. I loved this movie but my review is pretty straightforward. The movie may be uncomfortable for some, but that's only due to your religious/ethic bias.

Sheesh! I need 102 more characters. Some films don't need all that dissection. Just watch it! Totally riveting.

I'm just a normal viewer/reviewer. Give me a break. Blah,,blah, blah.
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A Good Person (2023)
So many layers
28 February 2024
This is an excellent film, deep with deep issues! Of course, Morgan Freeman can lift a mediocre film, but this is well written, well acted and all-around a very good movie. You will be uncomfortable at some points and that's good. It's complicated as it should be and deals with scenarios most of us will never face, but gives us tools to cope with the ones we might. The pain each of the characters is forced to deal with is relatable at some level. These people are real even though the plot line may seem a bit too convenient. We are rooting for each of the main characters to overcome whatever their demons are but we are faced with the reality that not everyone has the success story we hope for.
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Priscilla (2023)
31 January 2024
While I learned some things I didn't know, the movie left me with more questions than answers. I hope the book goes deeper into the relationship between Elvis and Priscilla, especially after their marriage and what led to its demise. And surely her life didn't end when she drove away. The first part of the film is well done, the second (after she moves to Graceland) is a little jumpy but seems to drag a bit in the third part, post marriage--maybe because there truly wasn't anything going on, which seems to be the message. The acting is good, not great, and it's a decent film, but wait for Netflix or Prime.
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Excellent film
18 November 2023
I was afraid this was going to be just another slasher movie where females are stalked, kidnapped, raped and murdered just for the glorification of violence against women. Instead, it's as much or more about the cops that investigate these crimes and the effect it has on them and their friends and families. The twists and turns make for an understated thriller.

Washington turns out a top notch performance as usual, and the other players all pull their own weight as well, each bringing something unique to the story. Contrary to another review, I found the editing above average as well. Highly recommended by me.
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Visually stunning but that's it
26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT. There were some enjoyable moments but the story was completely predictable and totally implausible. The actors have aged well, but the script was tired. I was frequently reminded of "Mama Mia" right down to the arrival of the 3 men.

I was especially mystified and even offended by the storyline of the mayoral candidate. Is the production company trying to prove how inclusive they are? I'm as liberal as can be but this was just an unnecessary distraction and appears pandering. Nevertheless, the photography was stunning and is a good advert for visiting Greece. Wait for it on your TV.
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Edge of my seat
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Although I followed the story in real time, and felt a deep connection to it, knowing the outcome did not diminish the intensity of this film for me. I'm a huge fan of fact-based movies and this does not disappoint. I learned a few things and as a SCUBA diver myself, I was captivated by the rescue. The acting was top notch and strict adherence to the actual events is admirable. The only thing I would have liked to see more of was the boys while waiting to be rescued.
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Mr. Church (2016)
Terrific Movie
8 January 2019
I found this movie accidentally on Netflix. First I love Eddie Murphy most of the time and this was no exception. I am dumbfounded that I never heard about it. My favorite movie genre is "based on a true story" even if license is taken. This is a marvelous story and the acting is top notch. The script is well done, with just the right amount of mystery. Despite the desperately sad moments, it doesn't milk them.

I strongly recommend this movie to anyone with a bit of heart.
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Deceit at this level is NOT funny
3 December 2018
While this film may have some genuine laughs and certainly some "wow" moments visually, the plot and sub-plots are all based on lies. Just about everyone in this film lies, for one reason or another, and it doesn't stop with just the rich family.

Disappointing, depressing and disgusting. Maybe I took it too personally, but I wanted to take a sower after leaving the theater.
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The Prestige (2006)
Do We Like These People?
30 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The answer to that question is "no."

Although I found the story quite fascinating and overall, the film well done--another great performance by Michael Caine--in order for it to really work, the audience has to be rooting for someone. As the movie progresses, we find each of the 2 magicians and the women less and less likeable.

A look at illusions and magic "backstage" was educational, and I certainly was not bored. However, the conclusion that one magician used cloning was a disappointment as it is impossible, at least in the way it was done in the film. But the worst pill to swallow: although I haven't read ALL the reviews here, I haven't found anyone who addressed the callousness of a twin sacrificing his brother's life as one of them did in the story. And do we REALLY know which one survived?
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The Politically Correct Seven
1 December 2016
OK, first you need to know that the only thing I remember from the original is the music--and your reward for sitting through this is that you get that music during the end credits.

I am ALL for diversity and want to see more actors of color in roles that could be played by any ethnicity, but this movie bends over backwards to be SO inclusive, that the viewer is distracted by that. You've got a black man, a Hispanic, a Native American, an Irishman, an Asian, a fat guy, an old guy, a god-fearing guy (OK, the last 3 are all rolled into one) and a woman! And at least one of these people is probably gay--not that there's anything wrong with that.

It's mostly shoot 'em up, and ....... Oh wait, it's ALL shoot 'em up.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
2 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I'm OLD. Ihave seen the early Bond movies many times but have missed the last few. So yeah, the plethora of characters confused me. I love that the opening sticks to the original formula, big action sequence and then the opening credits. After that, I struggled to stay awake.

Spy films usually take us to faraway, and often exotic, locations, While Bond does jet set, everywhere looks the same--brown, dusty, dry.

I saw none of the suave Bond, no humor, no sexy banter with Moneypenny. The fight on the train is not only unworthy of 007 but totally unbelievable--is there no one else on this train? Even in the kitchen at dinner time? The romance falls flat as well. There is absolutely no chemistry with this latest Bond girl, who makes me think she was cast because she resembles Taylor Swift. The only redeeming character and performance is Q, and we see far too little of him.

A tiresome action movie, a confusing plot, drab backdrop and unconvincing love story. My "5" is generous
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Everest (2015)
29 September 2015
OK, I didn't see the IMAX version, but now I think I would like to. I was a nervous wreck from the moment the movie started, being familiar with the story (Into Thin Air), but this was so more about the MOUNTAIN.

The acting is excellent and although the film does not delve much into the characters' personal lives, it is clear from the start that "Everest" is in charge--no one "coquers Everest. There is compromise, sacrifice, and sometimes the ultimate sacrifice. I will never understand the need to climb this peak, but I respect those who try and those who make it possible.

I would have liked to see a little more about the Sherpas, and maybe even the politics and environmental impact the hundreds of climbers have had on the mountain. But all in all, this is an epic movie. It was fascinating to read (on another site) about the filming.

I will never make it to Everest, so this film is as close as I will come--and it is spectacular and deserving of all the respect it deserves--the movie and the MOUNTAIN.
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No Escape (I) (2015)
30 August 2015
As long as you don't think too hard about some trivial matters, this film gets your attention right away and keeps you on the edge of your seat for the duration.

The acting is superb--Owen Wilson shows he is more than just a pretty face with a flair for comedy. The young girls are especially good, and their characters are well written--totally believable. Pierce Bronsnan's character adds just the right amount of levity to help ease the tension.

I can't remember when I have been so mesmerized by an action film, and wondering "how are they going to get out of this?" and "what's next?"

Although the children play an integral role in the movie, this is NOT a movie young children should see. But YOU should!
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E Ticket All the Way
2 August 2015
If you don't know what an "E Ticket Ride" refers to, you might not enjoy this movie QUITE as much as some of us old folks who spent Sunday evenings watching "Mission: Impossible" on TV.

This latest installment has all the plot twists you'd expect, and then some, good acting, great camera work and a minimum of special effects. It's nice to watch a movie where the thrills and spills aren't CGI.

Cruise shows he's still got it, yet doesn't steal the show. It's a team, as always.

No profanity AT ALL also shows that blockbuster action movies can be written with real dialogue, proving that the f-word isn't needed to sell tickets.

For 2 hours, I was taken to exotic locales with fascinating characters, while my mind was spinning and my heart sometimes skipped a beat. Sheer entertainment. THAT'S how to make a movie!
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Trainwreck (2015)
Go Deep, and it's more than comedy
24 July 2015
I was surprised that I liked this film as much as I did. I was prepared for a lot of profanity, which initially was all over the place. I thought the sex scenes were unnecessarily graphic, but they also contributed to the plot, when Amy realizes there's more to enjoy in a relationship than just sex. Some of the references seemed to play just for that effect, like the discussion over the photo of her mother.

But under this all is a great story, great acting and much more than comedy. Lots of layers. Lots of room to project your own life and emotions. It is NOT just a rom-com.

LeBron James shows great promise, if acting is something he wants to pursue when his hoops career is over. Sure, he'll have millions and can do whatever his heart desires, but if he wants to continue to entertain us, I think he's got a future in Hollywood. He's a natural.

It's also nice to see a leading lady who is cute and sexy and NOT ultra-thin. Except her potty-mouth, Amy Schumer is a good role model for young girls struggling with "body issues." Be smart, be funny, be REAL.
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Ted 2 (2015)
Is this what we have sunk to?
9 July 2015
No spoilers here. I left after about 20 minutes so I couldn't "spoil" it for you if I wanted to.

If any of you are familiar with my reviews, you know I find the liberal use of the f-word incredibly offensive, especially when some form of it is used at least once in every sentence, and seemingly because the writers don't have a very large vocabulary. The opening scenes are peppered with it as well as a few extremely tasteless "jokes." Then the credits roll, with a throwback backdrop of a musical of the Golden Age of Movies, and you think, OK, this could be fun.

Then onto more profanity coupled with supposedly funny domestic violence, and a couple of cameos. The first by Jay Leno is embarrassing, then Liam Neeson makes you think there might be enough vignettes like this to make the movie worthwhile. But then the n-word is used. I don't care if it is uttered by a black actress in reference to a white couple. The second time she said it, I walked out.

What I REALLY found disturbing is that some other theater-goers found several things to laugh at. I live in a small community, and these are my neighbors? God help us.
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San Andreas (2015)
Earthquake Meets Titanic Meets Posiedan Adventure Meets Towering Inferno
16 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first I did NOT see this in 3D. Second, I give Dwayne Johnson a 10 just for showing up. I could look at him all day. And he has turned into a pretty decent actor. In this film , his character shows us not only his physical attributes, but his ability to drive/fly just about anything. I really expected him to commandeer a cable car, but sadly, that didn't happen.

Having lived in both LA and the SF Bay Area and experienced 2 of the biggest quakes in CA history, I can say the film made me a bit uneasy, but it was also fun to recognize so many landmarks (and be amazed how the characters got so quickly from one place to another, defying speed records).

The CGI was terrific--and scary. The opening scene, which has little, if anything, to do with an earthquake, was especially riveting. As for the rest of the film, as exciting as it may be, we all knew how it would end. The coincidences just seemed, well, TOO coincidental. Perhaps the most unbelievable part was zipping around SF in the speedboat--would there not be debris and buildings just under the surface? No one should drive that fast in an area like that, but hey, it's an adventure film.

Oh, and did I mention The Rock is a 10?
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Spy (2015)
Wasted Potential
16 June 2015
Previews for this movie made it look fun and initially it was, as well as a pretty good James Bond spoof. It could have easily been made with a PG13 rating and teens would have loved it. An underlying message could be empowering for women and/or the overweight.

Initially, I thought, OK, I can put up with Rick's constant profanity, most significantly the f-word, because he was such a jerk. But about half-way through the film, it seems the original writers quit and were replaced by illiterate buffoons whose vocabulary is limited to the f-word, and some of its variations. Tiresome and disturbing. The addition of bathroom humor and sexual innuendo was distracting and unnecessary.

McCarthy does a good job and her character is refreshing, except for the potty-mouth. The plot twists are good and the humor is genuine. The film seems to go on a bit too long to suit me, but maybe that's because I got so tired of so much profanity.

This could have been a decent comedy for families, at least those with older children. I don't see why the producers chose to limit their audience (and offend some of the rest of us). The liberal use of the f-word adds nothing to the film and detracts from what could have been a good comedy/spoof that seems to be lacking these days.
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Poltergeist (2015)
Decent Re-Make
4 June 2015
If I hadn't seen the original, I might have given this a 7. Nevertheless, it is better than most re-makes, and I wonder how many that view this film have seen the original anyway.

All, in all, it is entertaining and has some decent shock moments. It stays fairly true to the first, but now with things we'd expect, like iPhones and drones, etc. However, we never really care much about any of the characters except possibly the 2 youngest children, but only because they are young innocents, not due to any real character development.

Within the first 30 seconds of the movie, there is profanity muttered by the teenager and shouted by the pre-schooler. Why? After that I expected the dialogue to be filled with foul language, but surprisingly it didn't. Was that initial usage to be "cool?" I think the hoax and reality TV angles could have gotten more play, as that's what everyone seems to be interested in these days.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
1 June 2015
I loved this movie! The people who wrote such negative reviews are exactly the type of some of the people portrayed in this film, which just proves the whole point.

I saw the previews for Tomorrowland more than once, and can safely say that they don't give away too much of the movie, as many trailers do these days. You ain't seen nuthin' yet! I'll admit, most movie-goers will not experience the sheer joy I felt during the opening scenes, because I was at the World's Fair in 1964, although a few years older than Frank. It was the highlight of my life up until then and for several years afterward. So yeah, I started on a high.

But the film never let me down. It is full of surprises although I DID wonder if it was going to be too long, as some of the haters commented. It seemed like it took a long time to get to what I expected would be the inevitable conclusion, which I also expected to take a while. But again, the wrap-up was over unexpectedly fast, because it was, well, unexpected! Of course there are many special effects, but they do not overshadow the message or upstage the terrific acting. I can't imagine anyone other than George Clooney in the title role. The young actors are also exceptionally good.

Oh, and did I mention GIRRRRL power? Very refreshing!

Humor is generously and subtly spread throughout the film without minimizing the message. This is a great film for all ages, and those of us boomers can really appreciate the graphics in the credits at the end (as well as the "antique" store). In my opinion, you will come away not only having enjoyed a film, but hopefully with a deeper conviction to work towards a better tomorrow.
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Hot Pursuit (2015)
Flatfoot Falls Flat
17 May 2015
Having seen the previews of this movie, I was really looking forward to some good laughs. Sadly, the previews show nearly all the high points. The reason I rated this 6 instead of 5, or even 4, is that it is pretty much devoid of profanity and sexual innuendo, which is a welcome development these days. It seems more filmmakers are either realizing they can make more money appealing to a wider audience, have hired writers with more than a junior high vocabulary, and/or (gasp!)are growing a moral backbone.

I didn't expect Thelma and Louise, but hoped for a little more originality in the plot. I actually wrote a similar story in 5th grade. There is not much chemistry between any of the characters, and the romance seems to come out of nowhere.

There is no reason to see this on the big screen and no reason to spend the big bucks to see it on the big screen. Wait for DVD or TV.
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Nice Fantasy Romance
6 May 2015
I am not fond of fantasies--which seem to be all the rage in film these days, but this one is different, because aside from the eternal-life premise, the rest is very believable. Two romances are intertwined artistically and the acting is very good.

An acquaintance had the same reaction I did--where is Harrison Ford? And when he appears, you will be pleasantly surprised.

I was also pleasantly surprised that there was little or no profanity or gratuitous nudity and sex, proving that good movies can be made without those inclusions that so many producers these days seem to feel is necessary, and add nothing to the story, and actually turn some of us off. Maybe they are finally getting the message.

While the premise is "out-of-this-world," the love stories are down-to-earth, and something all of us (hopefully) can relate to.
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Little Boy (2015)
Should become a classic
6 May 2015
This is an absolutely wonderful movie. At times I was reminded of "Stand by Me" and "A Christmas Story." This film belongs with those classics. Although it specifically will appeal to baby boomers, its overall appeal should be relevant to everyone. Children may need a little history on WW2 before seeing it, but the theme is universal.

It's a period piece, so that there are no African Americans is somewhat understandable, and one wonders why the single Japanese resident chooses to stay in O'Hare, but the main message transcends all time.

I hadn't done much research on this film in advance and was pleasantly surprised. "Shocked" might even be appropriate to describe my reaction when I saw that it is a Roma Downey/Mark Burnett film. It is not preachy at all.

I think I would have preferred a different actor than Kevin James (too familiar) in the role of Dr. Fox, but he provided levity along with MANY other moments in the film, which is part of what makes it so unique and special. I HOPE this film becomes a classic (and a money-maker) because it certainly deserves to.

Go see it--and take a hankie.
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Close, but No Cigar
20 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a very good movie--in fact, part of it was excellent--the story of Ira and Ruth. First, the good stuff--almost no profanity--so refreshing these days. But the director felt the movie HAS to have some, though limited, nudity which added nothing to the story. In fact, the story would have resonated better without it, focusing on love instead of sex.

OK, SPOILER!! The film parallels 2 love stories, Ira & Ruth's, which spans many, many years, complete with highs and lows and challenges. On the contrary, Luke and Sophia know each other for about 6 weeks, yet develop a passion that is hard to believe is as enduring as Ira & Ruth's. Also in that span of time,Luke rises to near-world champion in bull-riding, and Sophia develops a deep friendship with Ira (more believable, but still, where does she get all that time?) Within days of Ira's death, his art is auctioned off, complete with a hardbound book of all the artwork. While it is plausible that this could have all been arranged ahead of time, it's just another of many implausible coincidences. And the conclusion is just TOO happily-ever-after.

Yes, this is an enjoyable movie, and it's great to see Alan Alda, as well as his younger counterpart, if you put aside any thoughts of logic.

Also your opinion of bull riding being inhumane or not may change, or be confirmed, by this film.
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It Follows (2014)
16 April 2015
While this movie has some good "shock" moments, it jumped around a bit too much. There was not a lot of character development, except perhaps for Paul. The film's primary purpose seemed to be to pose the (mostly) females in skimpy underwear--or less.

The main redeeming feature--for me, especially if you have followed my previous posts--was the lack of much profanity, proving that good--and bad, as in this case--movies can be made without resorting to some form of the f-word in every other sentence.

I couldn't determine what the setting was--everything points to the 70's or 80's except the kindle-type "compact" Kelly has. I never understood the mom's presence or absence, or how Paul and Kelly got to take so much time off work.

Just too jumbled, but you might enjoy the shock values (and the nudity) if you just take a lot for granted.
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