
13 Reviews
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Red Eye (2024)
Great viewing but!
24 April 2024
Great viewing, but so technically inept and full of choreography mistakes it is Pythonesque in parts. Several characters are hopelessly miscast, and anyone who flies regularly will be in stitches over the aircraft protocols etc. The 'secret squirrel' relationships are hilarious too, both personal and international.

I'd love to score it more highly as the series is very watchable, but the failings are so obvious that they cost at least one star. Don't be put off though; suspend common-sense and just allow yourself to be entertained. We binge-watched and I think that's the best way to enjoy the confusion!
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Supreme professional
1 April 2024
Watching a Ken Dodd performance makes me despair for current comedians. It's not just an age-related thing; Doddy is simply head and shoulders above the fashionable modern brigade, with their sarcasm, wokism, and general unpleasantness. Ken's timing is impeccable, and his connection with the audience too. He gives the impression of his act being off-the-cuff, but I feel certain that every word and gesture is perfectly rehearsed.

My home is on the Isle of Man, and Ken's visits to our lovely little theatre (the Gaiety) were the highlight of the year for many of us. He is terribly missed and irreplaceable.
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Above Suspicion (2009–2012)
Getting worse!
9 February 2024
Series 1 was good, series 2 was disappointing, but series 3 is atrocious! A confusing mish-mash of an unbelievable story, incompetent policing, legal and police protocol which is ridiculous, and an undercurrent of sexual innuendo.

Generally poor performances, the very worst from Ciaran Hinds. He is unsuited to his character, and obviously told to be shouty and unpleasant. It makes for poor viewing.

Not intended as a spoiler, but the last ten minutes of the final episode (in Series 3) must be watched. You could drive a bus through the plot in the whole story, but the airfield scene is more Father Ted than a thriller. And the conclusion is perfectly absurd.
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Above Suspicion: The Red Dahlia: Part 1 (2010)
Season 2, Episode 1
Serious failings
8 February 2024
A decent story, but let down by serious failings that reduce its 'star rating' considerably. It needs a complete suspension of the viewer's logic to imagine that the most inexperienced detective would instantly become the 'king-pin' among her more senior and worldly-wise colleagues. Far more likely that her presence and attitude would be greatly resented.

Some good acting, but with the notable exception of Cirain Hinds, who is over-acting to a ridiculous degree. His character is loud and unpleasant, and often perfectly ludicrous. And the suggestion that there would be a simmering of sexual attraction between the young DC and Hinds as the DCI is ridiculous.

Finally, a small but significant point. However tempting it is for lefty writers and producers to denigrate all things 'Tory', it is a mistake to involve a reporter from the 'Daily Telegraph'. Of all the newspapers least likely to ignore police advice on a 'news blackout' the 'Telegraph' would top the list; it is no tabloid and employs real professionals.
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Red Dust (2004)
Surprisingly watchable.
22 April 2023
A good film, unexpectedly so bearing in mind the entrenched opinions among film-makers and the media. There is the usual stereotyping of many characters, particularly those in the 'old' security services, but for anyone knowing South Africa that stereotyping is unavoidable.

Beautifully filmed and well acted, the theme is unusual in concentrating on the Truth and Reconciliation process, which is probably unknown to 99% of Western populations. It was one of the few successes of the 'new' government, and presumably was a Mandela/Tutu initiative. Twenty years on from the process and the outcome and initial euphoria is long gone.
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The Walk-In (2022)
Gripping drama, but --
2 November 2022
Terrific drama, beautifully performed and well-paced. I notice that a previous reviewer suggests that the series avoided 'points scoring and let events speak for themselves', but I beg to differ. There were, in fact, any number of 'right-thinking' lectures in the episodes, which were rather patronising. It is perfectly possible to be proud of established British culture without choosing violence or extremism. The closing titles were a perfect example of Disraeli's 'lies, damned lies, and statistics'. It was meant to reinforce the writer's view that 'far-right' terrorism is a threat greater than Islamic radicalism, but that argument would be shown to be nonsense in a detailed discussion.
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Ronin (1998)
More car chases, unfortunately!
26 September 2022
About 40 minutes too long and ridiculous, boring car chases; so predictable. And far too many helpful 'coincidences' in the plot, hunches and geographical etc. Otherwise it's watchable on a stormy evening, with some excellent performances by the regular pros.

I know many contributors enjoy the car chases but they are a kind of default part of these films, and, in my view, detract from the plot. Those in this film are particularly daft, completely unbelievable with scores of cars exploding and dozens of deaths! A good story though, and a nice touch that the truth is explained in the final scene.
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Blue Steel (1990)
Wasted opportunity
8 August 2022
Real tripe; such good actors and a potentially super plot, but ruined by unnecessary chases and gunfights. So often the way in this type of American film. A good build-up in the first third, then downhill all the way!
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Pure fun
28 July 2022
Exactly what it says on the tin, simple black comedy. Well performed and a good story. Interesting how the 'native Indian' scene has aged over the years; would it be made differently now? Who knows, same message I suppose but more touchy-feely, even in a black comedy?
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Sensitive and original
28 July 2022
Beautifully made and acted; no weak performances. Michael Shannon as John is outstanding. A real study in marriage and aspirations, well worth watching.
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The Mule (2018)
Well worth watching
26 July 2022
Excellent. Clint Eastwood has given many people a lot of pleasure over the years, and he's one of the few actors to have 'aged' gracefully, taking parts in recent years to suit his age. As to 'racist', give me strength! Not even worth a comment.
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Pure tripe, typical of its type
26 July 2022
Wasted a couple of hours watching this; unashamed trash based on a desperately thin plot. At times you wonder if the director has the scenes in the wrong order. Yes, I'm not daft, I realise that it's a young man's fantasy existence but I simply wish I'd switched off after a few minutes. I think the strength of the cast made me hope for something better. Still, a view of Clare Holman in stockings and suspenders was a bonus; would Lewis approve?
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Drive a bus through the plot!
21 July 2022
But, that said, it was well-written and acted, and very watchable. Glaring gaps in the plot but so what; it's entertainment? Slightly irritating use of over-long flashbacks. I suppose that's the fashionable modern technique, but overdone in this case. And a pretty weak final scene, otherwise high scoring.
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