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Roman Holiday (1953)
A royal romantic comedy
5 March 2023
I tend not to understand the whole cult around Audrey Hepburn. I never thought she was a great actress, and she has the same acting in all the movies. You will always find her screaming at something as if someone was killing her, but mostly acting like a teenager fed up with the grown ups around her. And this is how the movie starts, but at least in this one it makes sense. She plays Princess Ann, fed up about her royal assignment, and wishing for freedom just for a little while. And this is why she flees, and encounters journalist Joe Bradley, both having no idea about one another until he goes back to his newspaper for his assignment. And while he tries to get his story, he also shows her around Rome, and she finally gets the sense of freedom that she had been craving. Of course it is a bit of a love story, but you know that it cannot end well as she is royalty and he is not.
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The lady and the rough
5 March 2023
One of the classics to see at least once in your life. Did it hold through times? Yes and no. Some of the action sequences on the water are so clearly made with a bad boat model, that I often laughed when I should have been scared. But this is also the story of a very strong British woman, Rose, enlisting the help of a Canadian man, Charles, and persuading him to take his only possession in the world: his boat, to explode the biggest threat to the British army in West Africa: the steamboat Louisa. The movie starts with a very lady like Rose, sister of the local pastor, forcing "civilisation" onto African people. Charlie is the local smuggler, and is a quite rough man. Their friendship seems quite unlikely, and their love even more, but though diversity and a common goal, they get closer. I quite liked this movie, and I do understand why it was recommended to me.
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Disturbing at best
5 March 2023
Watching that movie knowing about Kevin Spacey's troubles put everything in a different light. While it is already a very weird story full of perversity, seeing Spacey infatuated with a teen, just makes it even worse. Though the movie is quite disturbing, you cannot help but see the beauty in it: how it is filmed, how Ricky sees the world while his family is broken, and how the director shows changes in each character. You cannot help but see the world through Ricky's eyes (and camera), as if he was to tell you, "look through my eyes, I see the world in a better way than you could". I am happy that I saw the movie, as it is a classic for many people, but I will never watch it again.
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Loved it
5 March 2023
Going through movie classics has always been a goal of mine, and that movie had to make the list. This is always so weird to me that within a man and a woman, I am genuinely closer to the man. And in this case, the more sarcastic Harry was, the more I laughed and thought that I would have said the same. And while Harry hated how Sally acted, I mostly felt the same, she too controlling and a bit too narrow for me. I learnt to love Sally at the same time as Harry, and just loved their relationship. Their love for each other was genuine, and full of contradictions, and of course you know how it will end, but the journey is still very much worth it. And let's be honest, laughing that much in a movie about love (even between friends), is always a win in my book.
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The Son (I) (2022)
Very hard movie for mental health sensitive people
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy that movie...Let's start with this: do NOT watch that movie if you have been, or are going through depression before. It could easily have been called "Depression and what not to do". I also need to point out that if you are suffering from mental health, there are a lot of resources online to help you, but you need to let people help, you cannot do this alone. Hugh Jackman plays the father of young Nicholas ("the son"), who is going through acute depression. After going through a tough divorce, Kate has custody of their son, and Peter is married to Beth, who just had a son. Nicholas feels lost, and is quite violent against his mother, and decides to go live with his father, thinking that a change of scenery will help him get out of the numbness he is suffering from. Unfortunately the father is quite absent from his son's life, even while living with him, because he spends all of his time at work, where he is a lawyer, and trying to become director of campaign for a presidential candidate. Nicholas is left mostly unattended, and while he is given all the tools to get better, he just cannot do it alone. And this is where it gets tricky, after a first suicide attempt, he is committed to a clinic, where the medical team understands that he is at risk, and needs immediate care. And Nicholas manages to manipulate his parents enough that they take him out of necessary care. It is very clear that the director/writer has been through some story like this, with someone in his family going through acute depression, and he tries to show what cannot help. It is just not a movie I can recommend for anyone suffering from mental health issues.
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Mental health well done
5 March 2023
This movie by Sam Mendes is set in the beginning of the 1980s, and starts Olivia Colman as Hillary, a manager in the Empire cinema on the south coast of England, and Michael Ward as Stephen, a young black guy starting as an usher for the cinema. These two characters slowly get closer to each other because they both are struggling with finding life worth living to the full. Hillary, who was just out of the hospital because she suffers from schizophrenia, is felling numb because of the Lithium that she is supposed to take. Stephen is a young black man, in the middle of the skinhead movements that were preeminent in the early 1980s, fuelled by Margaret Thatcher as prime minister. Their unlikely friendship will help both of them in the end, though with some wrong paths in the middle. It was kind of refreshing to see mental health well represented for once, while still showing the kindness coming from everyone, the mentally ill, as well as others around. The movie is also a piece of art, somehow showing Hillary through colours, as well as letting actors show their art in the best possible way. I absolutely loved the movie, and would recommend it without any doubt to anyone.
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The Fabelmans (2022)
A movie for cinephiles
5 March 2023
Ever since missing it at the Festival Lumière last year, I just couldn't wait to see it in the cinemas, and oh boy did it deliver. The movie is semi-autobiographical, and based on Spielberg's own life. You meet Sam Fabelman as he first watches Cecil B. DeMille's The Greatest Show on Earth, and falls in love with movies. While his dad is very much down to Earth and fails to see that Sam's "hobby" is much more than this, his mom Mitzi lets him live his passion, letting him borrow cameras, and helping him fulfil what she understands as his destiny. If you do not already love movies, this is the movie to watch, as it lets you see how movies are made and edited. But most of all you follow a young man, falling in love with cinema in all its glory, helping want-to-be actors be their best selves, in front of a camera. This story is also about family, its complexity, its deterioration, and how someone can love others in very different ways. Though the story is very hard at some points, with antisemitism and violence, this is not what you get out of the movie with. To me, this is a love letter to cinema, and to an extent, to family. I had a smile on my face for most of the movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed all the aspects of filmmaking that were shown. Add to this great actors that were well chosen, a director like Spielberg, and you are sure to enjoy yourself. I also loved seeing a few scenes reminding me of other Spielberg movies, like Super 8 right at the beginning. This for sure is a movie that I will watch again.
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Great actors, ok story
5 March 2023
This is an M. Night Shyamalan movie, so I will reveal very little of the story to keep any spoiler away. This is based on the 2018 novel "The Cabin at the End of the World" and is more of a thriller than a horror movie (you see very little happening). The movie starts when Wen meets Leonard, a giant man kindly talking to her, while her 2 fathers Eric and Andre are enjoying their time on the terrace on the other side of the house. And then it goes wrong. That's all I'll say. All the actors are absolutely perfect. I absolutely loved seeing Dave Bautista in a different role than I am used to seeing him in, where his hugeness is not used to be a force of nature, or comedy relief. I loved seeing Rupert Green appear when I didn't expect him in the movie. You get through a whole movie in the living room of this house lost in the middle of nowhere, without ever needing to see anything else. Their performance is that good, that you get attached to these characters very fast, and you do not know who you are rooting for. This is very much an M. Night Shyamalan movie, where you need to talk about the ending with someone as soon as you get out of the cinema, so get yourself time for a drink with your friends right after.
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Marlowe (2022)
A parody of a movie
5 March 2023
The movie follows Detective Phillip Marlowe, investigating the disappearance of a woman's lover. Let me get this straight, this is not the kind of movie I usually enjoy, but I couldn't pass on Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger, and Jessica Lange all together in a movie. But the movie very much felt like a parody, the kind we have all seen in TV series, on that one episode where everything is in black and white and people are over acting. I wasn't invested in the story, I never actually liked a character enough to care about their safety, and the story was very much known from the moment Diane Kruger arrived in that office. I would say though that if you like that kind of movie, you get great actors in there, and old Hollywood (it seems like a trend lately). Would I recommend it? No, but you might really love neo-noir movies.
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Till (I) (2022)
Very lengthy
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Emmett Till was a 14 year old boy from Chicago, Illinois. While visiting his family in Mississippi, he was lynched by a group of men, because he looked at a white girl in a wrongful way. After his death, his mother tried her best to have the murderers brought to justice and failed. She then spent her last years trying to make lynching a federal crime. 67 years later, in March 2022, lynching became a federal crime. The movie is the story of this little boy, having lived his whole life pretty free to be whoever who wanted, and visiting the South of the USA where segregation was still very much the norm. His mother being quite anxious, and trying to make him understand how he must act in front of white people. You basically see Emmett being a confident kid, proud of who he is, and showing it to others. Which gets him in troubles when he tries to woo a white woman. Her family as well as some black men come to kidnap him in the middle of the night, mutilate him and shoot him in the face. And this is where the problems in the movie start. Rather than recounting the story with the trial, the director decided to get you through the story first, and have the witnesses as well as the mother go through the same scenes again. I get that the idea was to press on the matter, but the result is a very lengthy movie, that is more than 2hours long, and that could have easily been made shorter. The movie lacks rhythm and it makes it hard to stay interested in the characters, no matter how good they are played by the amazing actors in the movie.
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Nice try, but huge fail
5 February 2023
This is a very weird movie, in that it takes South Korean actors, playing as they do in South Korea, but in a movie done the European way. Once you get through this, you get to know Freddie, a woman that was abandoned by her South Korean parents and adopted by French people. Her introduction to South Korea doesn't go smoothly, she is self centred, toxic and manipulative, but also very loud, in a culture where all this is more than frowned upon. She makes everyone around her very uncomfortable, and by extend she makes you uncomfortable. The movie takes you on her journey to find herself, over 7 years, from the first time she arrives in Seoul. She tries to meet her parents through the foundation that allowed her parents to adopt her. She finds out that the foundation protects parents a lot more than she protects the kids, allowing her to send only 3 messages to her birth parents, before all contacts are cut off. She meets her father very fast, but struggles for years to meet her mother. In the meantime, she gets more and more toxic, and manipulative, hurting everyone around her, but putting it all on Seoul rather than herself. The character is extremely unlovable, which takes you away from having any feeling for what is happening to her. This is too bad, because the exercise of a European movie filmed through the eyes of South Korea would have been very interesting.
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What a great movie
5 February 2023
What an amazing movie this is. Tom Hanks being the actor that he is, I went to see that movie without any doubt that I could love him. But all actors are amazing in the movie, from Mariana Treviño playing his neighbour Marisol, to Mack Bayda playing Malcolm, passing by Truman Hanks (Tom's son) playing a younger version of Otto. This movie is all that I love in a movie, it is sad, happy, fun, heartfelt, and genuinely good in all aspects, from decor to story. You meet Otto, an old and grumpy man, on his last day of work. He is that old man that everyone knows about, angry at the world, and showing it in all the possible ways he can find. All his neighbours hate him, and no one actually wants to hang out with him. Enters Marisol and her family, just moving on the other side of the road. Not knowing Otto, they are kind and welcoming to the old man, who ends up helping them a lot more than he has anyone else for a while. While trying to end his life, he relives his past with his wife Sonya, and you get to know this grumpy old man, starting to love him even before he learns to love himself. Marisol helps him warm up to others, and the duo brings you a lot of funny situations. I genuinely laughed out loud multiple times, and I cried a lot too. That might be one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time.
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Divertimento (2022)
What Tár should have been
5 February 2023
This is the story of how and why Zahia & Fettouma Ziouani created the Divertimento orchestra in France. Zahia and Fettouma are twins, from the working class city of Stains in Seine Saint Denis. Fettouma plays the cello and Zahia plays the Alto, but dreams of directing an orchestra. In their last year of high school, they arrive in a bourgeois high school in Paris, where they are insulted and ill treated by most of the class, not willing to let them integrate into their class. Both Zahia and Fattema are prodigies, but also very clever girls. They are top of their class, and try to integrate into a world that is not theirs. While giving a lecture to the class, Sergiu Celibidache, a maestro, discovers that Zahia has what it takes to become a maestro, and gives her the opportunity to learn in his private class, where she also takes her sister to play in the orchestra. Zahia clearly loves music, and in her own words, music is what makes her feel happy and whole. However she is coming in a world where only 6% of maestros are females (only 4% in France), and from a world that is not accustomed to. This is where Fettouma gives her the idea to have an orchestra of her own, that resembles her, young, and diverse. With the help of her sister, Zahia requests a room from her city Stains, and recruits people to play in it. From students in their Parisian high school, to the Stains music conservatory, they ask everyone interested to join the orchestra. The idea of the orchestra is to bring together people, and use music as a way to elevate everyone, from the inhabitants of Seine Saint Denis, to the kids having a shared purpose. This movie is basically what I would have wanted Tár to be, showing all the struggles of a woman trying to go into a male world, purely on talent alone, as she doesn't have anything or anyone able to help her in. The actors are great, and the story well made. I fully recommend, especially if you love classical music.
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Plane (2023)
Exactly what I expected
5 February 2023
That movie is very much what I expected it to be, which is not that great. This is still a watchable movie, one where you can (and need to) unplug your brain, and enjoy the action. Mike Colter (best known for Luke Cage) is undervalued in this movie, he basically saves it from being a very bad movie. His duo with Gerard Butler is an unconventional one, where on is a captain, and the other one a criminal. To redeem himself, Colter helps the captain (Butler) to save everyone on the plane that landed on Jolo, in southwest Philippines. The movie is very much what you would expect from that kind of movie, something stupid makes the plane lose all its electricity, they have to emergency land somewhere. Of course they arrive close to an island exactly when they need it, of course there is a wide enough road to land on right away. They calculate where they could be, and of course the only island where they say they shouldn't be is where they landed... An abandoned building is of course close by, and the abandoned building obviously has a working landline... There is zero surprise in the movie, as I said earlier, just plug out your brain, and enjoy the action. Fun fact, if you think the country doesn't look like the Philippines, it's normal, it was filmed in Puerto Rico, only 17,200 kms away.
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Tár (2022)
Unlovable characters, great music
2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with what is well done. Cate Blanchett is amazing in the role, but there was no real doubt about this. She embodies Lydia Tár, a conductor and composer, working with the Berlin Philharmonic. I absolutely loved hearing classical music being played on the cinema's sound system, allowing you to feel the vibration as close as possible to a real orchestra in front of you. You also get to experience what it is like to be hyper sensitive to sounds around you, as it is experienced by Tár during their sleeping or composing times. And it was kind of fun to see the arrogant or superior look that you often see in some conductors. However, Tár is not a good person, they are in a relationship with the first violin, which already seems like such a cliché. Together, they have a child, which seems close to them both, but at the same time still calls Tár by their first name. Tár's personal assistant Francesca seems to have a very weird relationship with her manager, at times scared of what they could do to her. It transpires early on that Tár was in a relationship with one of her assistants, and started to blacklist her from every orchestra as soon as the relationship ended. Tár uses their influence to manipulate everyone around them, basically taking away a chance to solo from the first cello, and giving it to their new "love" interest. At one point, a lecture done at Julliard resurfaces, being cut to make Tár say awful things, which makes them lose their job. And I would love to find anyone who could have felt sorry for Tár at this moment. After seeing them being so nasty to a lot of people, they kind of deserved to be put down a notch. Would I recommend it? Not really, unless you really love classical music, and can ignore the characters and the story.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
A beautiful love story
2 February 2023
Let me give you the keys to understand the movie right away. This is a love story. Not between two people though. A love story between a director, and its art, the cinema. The movie is messy, a lot is happening at the same time, and it is filmed like a Damien Chazelle movie (very fast camera moves). I spent most of the movie trying to understand what was happening, until the very end, when I finally connected the dots. The story has been done multiple times, it is about how the cinema went from silent to the talkies. But also about Hollywood's drama, and excesses with drugs and parties in the 1940s. The movie is funny, heartfelt, and sad. If you have seen Damien Chazelle movies before, you know that love is never the big winner, as art is always higher in the eyes of the characters. Though I'd argue that this time, the love story does win, with Chazelle showing us exactly what made him fall in love with the cinema, and giving us all that we need to actually fall in love with it too. The images are gorgeous, over the top and colourful. The actors were well directed. And if you actually go through all the mess, your patience will be rewarded with a cinematic sequence that will probably make you smile up until the very end of the movie. It might give you an urge to watch another movie, starring Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor, and Jean Hagen ;)
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Cringy but cute
20 January 2023
What would happen if you put a pessimistic introvert close to an optimistic extrovert? This movie tries to answer that question. And as a realistic introvert, I understood one of the character a lot more than the other. Blandine was left by her ex husband, who chose a younger woman to get married and have a kid with. Trying to make her feel better, their son decides to contact Magalie, her best friend in high school, hoping it will help his mother get through her depression. Thirty years after, it is very clear that they have nothing in common, Blandine has a job, a very tidy life, and seems quite dull, and on the other side, Magalie is still living as if she was 20, without a job, in a small room with a roommate, smiling, screaming and living life as if there was no tomorrow. Through lies, they end up going together on a trip to Greece, where nothing goes according to plan, which makes Blandine very unhappy and snappy, while Magalie always find the good in everything. The story is centred on Blandine going through a journey on herself, and slowly opening up to the world, thanks to someone she thinks she hates. As I said earlier, I am an introvert, so Magalie is very much the type of character that I would run away from, but the duo does work quite well together. And even though a lot of moments were cringy to me, I do think that was also the point of the movie.
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L'immensità (2022)
No likeable character
20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Set in 1970s Rome, this movie follows a family going through a lot of things at the same time: gender questioning from Adri (one of the kids), cheating from the husband, depression from the mother. Though I get that going through all this would be hard for any of them, none of the characters are likeable. Adri is putting every kid in danger, because they decided that they were grown up enough and that their siblings and cousins should follow their every steps. They have a very bad temper, and just seem to want to watch the world burn. The bad temper could easily have been inherited from the father, who is violent, and seems very much to put the whole family into a bad mood as soon as he arrives home. He wants his kids to behave at all times, and his wife to be ok with him cheating with his secretaries. As for the wife, she came from Spain, and has a lot more "joie de vivre" than her husband. She tries to bring happiness and to show that life is a party to her children, so that they do not end up like their dad. She is extremely unhappy, and feels alone in a country that is not hers, surrounded by people that are very different from her. She is the only character I was able to feel anything for, and even then, she was not able to hold the movie enough for me to like it.
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Broker (2022)
Good movie
20 January 2023
This is a Korean movie, about 2 men, acting as brokers for kids they "stole" to be sold. Why stole in quote marks? Because these babies were abandoned by their parents in a baby box they are in charge of. The baby boxes were put into place so that the parents wanting to abandon their kids, would be able to give them away anonymously, but still in a safe manner. Translated from French, the title reads : "the lucky stars", as if these two men were actually doing something good. And one of them truly believes he is doing it so that the kids will have a better chance at life. In his mind, and because he was abandoned this way as a kid, the babies will have a chance to grow up in a loving family rather than in an orphanage. On the other hand, the second man is clearly acting as a Broker, just trying to get money for the kids he stole. Too bad for them both, the latest baby they stole, had his mother change her mind, and wanting to get her baby back. They decide to talk to her about the plan, and she follows them, to get part of the money, and see what parents her baby will end up with. The mother is also followed by a couple of detectives, who find out the plot, and try to get them all arrested. The movie is well made, and you end up rooting for most of the characters, even though they are in a situation that shouldn't push you in that direction. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.
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Living (2022)
A touching movie
20 January 2023
This is a remake of Ikiru, the 1952 Japanese movie directed by Akira Kurosawa. It stars Bill Nighy, who plays a London based bureaucrat in 1953. Mr. Williams is a very dull man, quite serious, and doing his job as he is supposed to in the county Public Works department. Multiple times, he takes folders that are given to him, and put it on his pile of papers, stating that waiting a little bit longer will not harm the project. He then gets a diagnosis from his doctor, telling him that he is terminally ill, and that he will die in a few months time, which sets Mr. Williams on a path to find meaning to his life. He stops going to work, and goes on an adventure. He meets multiple characters, who will show him that not everything needs to be grand, and that life is seen in small things in life. When he comes back to work a few months later, and on his very last days, he sets his mind to help a group of women who have been coming to the Public Works department for months, trying to make them build a playground for children, where a destroyed factory once stood. His stubbornness makes everyone in the council work with him, and the playground becomes his legacy to the world. The movie starts a bit slow and dull, but it is very much in line with what the main character is living through. It picks up once the diagnosis is made, and you go through the journey with Mr. Williams. Fun fact, the movie is showed in 3/4th, with images that would suggest that the movie was indeed done in the 1950s.
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Nostalgia (I) (2022)
A really good movie
20 January 2023
This is the kind of movie that is very strange to me. Don't tell that to anyone, but coming from a Sicilian family, anything that happens in a city where the Napolitan mafia scares everyone, looks very familiar. Felice left Napoli 40 years before, and comes back to a city that looks like what he remembers, but feels completely different. He first comes back to see his dying mom, and spend some times with her before going back to his wife in Egypt. After 40 years, Felice has become Muslim, and has troubles speaking Italian (he usually speaks Arabic). He comes back to a Catholic Napoli, where the Catholic priest is leading the war against the Camorra, and its boss 'O malommo' (the bad man). Felice reminisces about his past, about an 'Oreste' that was his best friend, who defended him and helped him in every way, and you wonder what happened to him. As you go through his childhood in Napoli, the parallel is made with current Napoli, with the Catholic priest showing Felice that not everything is great, but that he is trying and giving everything he can to the kids of the neighbourhood, so that they get out of the Camorra's influence. The actors are great, and the story all too familiar to me, and I really liked that movie. Yes, the ending is expected, but it couldn't have been any other way.
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Way too slow, but good actors
20 January 2023
Another "awesome" moment of the French history... Not only did we colonise countries that didn't need us there, but we also kidnapped their kids, forced them into our armies, and sent them to the French front during World War I. "Fun" fact, we had promised them French nationality and help with their life later on... Which we never actually did. And to add to all this, we of course never talk about it in our History books. The movie is based on this premise, how a father, followed his kidnapped son, to a training camp, where he saw his son being manipulated into thinking it was his fight, and sacrifice his life for the greater good of a France he only saw to be weaponised. The story is a very sad one, but most of all, a story that needs to be told a lot more. Omar Sy is incredible in this movie, a great actor, with a depth that we are not used to see him play, as he is usually a lot more in comedy movies. His son is played by his nephew, which helps a lot in the relationship that you see on screen. All actors are very good in the movie. However, the movie is very long, and very slow, which is a shame for a movie with a great story and great actors. Do you need to see it? Yes, it's a piece of History that tends to be forgotten. Will you like it? No clue, but I came out of the cinema being quite disappointed.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
What a movie
5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You can never see a movie for the first time again, and this one would deserve so many first times. The movie is almost only the 12 jurors, trying to condemn or not a kid accused of murder.

While 11 jurors have decided they want to leave the room as fast as possible without any discussion, Henry Fonda's character, David, seeks justice. He starts as one against all, and will get every other character in his pocket by the end of the movie. If you know Sidney Lumet, you know that he doesn't spoil any imagine in the movie, and all of them are powerful in 12 Angry Men.

I was blown away by the way Lumet showed bias, conscious and unconscious, and took them out one by one.

With I think the most powerful scene in the cinema since its beginning, when a juror goes on a racist rant, saying that the boy obviously did it because that's what they all do. Jurors stand up, one by one, turning their back on him, until he is all alone, and is faced with his own bias, and is just shocked into silence.

All this is only made possible with the genius of Lumet, directing amazing actors into a one in a lifetime movie that everyone should see.
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M3GAN (2022)
Laughed way too much
5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
M3GAN (Model 3 Generative Android) is a doll, using artificial intelligence to become the best companion for children. From the first moments of development, you get an awful feeling about it. It seems like Gemma is just looking for a way to deal with her new burden, her niece Cady, who just lost her parents. While she thinks she is giving a friend to her niece, she is actively replacing herself for everything in her niece's eyes. The biggest flaw in her programming? Not putting any boundaries into place, nor any of the three laws of robotics, while telling the AI that her mission is to keep Cady safe emotionally and physically no matter what. What happens after, is very much expected from the very beginning, so much so that nothing is surprising, not even the bad jump scares (no sound, nothing happening > SOUND, something jumping on the screen). In the same genre, I would largely recommend Ex Machina (2014) rather than M3GAN. I did laugh a few times though (from bad horror movie vibes), and the actress playing M3GAN is very impressive in her flexibility.
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Good actors, THE VOICE, scenario to redo
5 January 2023
This is the biopic on Whitney Elizabeth Houston (that's how she introduces herself), done by the same screenwriter who did Bohemian Rhapsody. It starts with Whitney Houston singing in a Church, accompanied by her mother Cissy Houston, right before she is discovered by Clive Davis, her producer, until her death. Naomi Ackie's transformation is quite impressive, with some moments where you could easily confuse her with the real Whitney Houston. If you know a bit of Whitney Houston's life, you know that you are not going to see an uplifting movie, that the traumas, the drugs, and the bad relationships will make you cry even more. But the actors are very good, from Naomi Ackies, to Stanley Tucci, or Tamara Tunie. And if you never had a change to hear Whitney Houston sing live, hearing her voice belt on her biggest successes is sure to give you a few goose bumps.
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