
23 Reviews
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Black Sugar (2013)
Be careful what you ask for...
17 February 2022
This short film is about a group of bored teens who decide to eat a treat that sends them to a dark realm.

While I've seen some short films that are made on bigger budgets, I commend the film makers for their imagination. The plot is very interesting and I would like to see a longer version of this film. Another thing I found interesting about this short film is the film makers are Lovecraftians and it shows. They understand the concept behind Eldritch beings from another dimension and the terror they can create.

While this short film isn't the best, I still give the film makers kudos on the concept and the story.
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Infernum (2019)
This evil let me down...
18 January 2022
I was hoping this film would live up to the image that it presents in the poster and the trailer but it doesn't. It falls flat for me. The scenes on the railway car were scary at times but I felt the film makers didn't take full advantage of the eeriness they created, especially with the pockets of darkness that was in the tunnel. There was too much screaming that just didn't make any sense. I kept wondering why does the female lead scream so much? What was there for her to scream about?

The shots of the scenery were beautiful and the railway cars were awesome but that's all this film had going for it. The ending left me flat and let down.
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Cold-Hearted Madness
21 March 2020
Black Mountain Side (2014) is what you get when you combine The Shining with Alien and John Carpenter's, The Thing.

We begin at an outpost in Northern Canada after some scientists discover a mound and from there, total madness as each man descends into madness. I must admit I was tempted to see this after a friend of mine asked me about it. It starts off slow in the beginning but the action picks up by the second act. While it does borrow from the other horror films I mentioned earlier, the film does hold its own as we see what happens to the characters.

For those that are Lovecraftians, this film has traces of Lovecraft's, At the Mountains of Madness, in the story. While there's some gore here, the film's violence is gripping to say the least.

There are some downsides to the film. The main issues I have here is what happened to the workers that abandoned the camp? In addition, what happened to the people that originally built the mound the scientists found and who were they?

All and all, this film is worth the watch, despite the downsides to it.
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Kirk Douglas has his hands full!
9 July 2014
For Love or Money stars Kirk Douglas as an attorney to Thelma Ritter, a very wealthy widow, with three daughters. She wants Douglas to match them with marriageable suitable men. The comedy begins as Douglas tries to be a matchmaker to all three sisters with hilarious results! However, there's a catch...Douglas can never let on to the sisters that he's trying to play cupid for them or let them know the role their mother is playing in the matchmaking.

The reasons for watching this light romp are the screen chemistry between Douglas and Mitzi Gaynor, who plays the eldest of the three sisters and is very head strong. In addition, its a great film to watch for all the Thelma Ritter fans, who are use to her playing maids (All About Eve, A Letter to Three Wives). She plays the role of the wealthy widow like she was born into it.

Another reason to watch is the climax at the end, which I will not spoil, because you just don't see it coming. It made this film a joy to watch.

Now, here's an issue...this film never made it to video or DVD. For anyone looking to watch this gem, you will have to search for it on cable.
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Greer Garson in color!!!!!!
11 January 2005
Greer Garson portrays a teacher at an all boys school in this familiar vehicle from MGM studios. She must be a teacher to her students and a mother simultaneously. In the process, she attracts three suitors.

I love Garson and I'm a huge fan, however,I will also agree this is not her best film. Its only for those who are big fans of the actress. Also, for those who are die-hard fans of Garson, if you need another reason to see it? She's in color! It was filmed in color and is not one of Turner's colorized films. Garson fans like myself know the majority of her films were done in black and white.

While I agree with the previous post stating this film is a familiar vehicle for Garson, I disagree with him on the statement that Garson could have chosen a better film to appear in. I'm sure the previous poster has not forgotten that when this film was made, Garson was still under contract to MGM and the company had been dealing with a shift in power during this period. The powers that be at the studio would not give the actress parts that were fitting of her abilities and range. As a result, she took films like this to avoid being shunned by the film community and to continue working. She also was trying to avoid being sued by the studio for breach of contract. Eventually, she did grow tired of being stuck in films like this so she did what any graceful woman like herself would do...she waited for her contract to expire by taking films like this. When her contract was up, she left.

For more inside information of Garson, the poster above should read her book, "A Rose for Mrs. Miniver" to get an in depth understanding of this great actress.

Also, on a sad note, this is one of Garson's films that has never gone to video. :(
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Greed to an all time low...
20 February 2002
Another Part of the Forest tells the story of a patriarch of a very wealthy southern family & the constant powers struggles he endures within his own family.

There are some very interesting elements of this story that keeps one guessing. For starters, how did the family make their money is one. Two: why does the matriarch of the family keep herself locked away not only from the rest of the world but her family, too.

Another interesting plot is the relationship between the father & his only daughter. There are some incestuous overtones there.

I love this film. Screen writer Lillian Hellman was very good at dealing with human emotion, interaction & confrontation. For those of you that enjoyed "Little Foxes", you will enjoy this film because its the prequel to it.

This film has a very strong cast which is headed by Fredric March. All the cast members hold their own very well. Even though this film is play, it translates to the screen very well.

Now for the bummer:This film never made it to video for some odd reason. I only have it because I recorded it on cable one night. For those of you that have cable, I would check with your local listings.

If you love good drama, you won't regret it.
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This house is full of darkness...
21 January 2002
The film opens with a man who decides to visit a house that has reputation of being haunted. He's frighten away & later learns of the manor's history.

It seems many years ago two men fought over money & the ownership of the house. One thing leads to another and one of them is murdered by way a heart attack. The ghost of the dead man comes back to haunt his murderer.

While this genre has been done before, I still recommend this film for its atmosphere & haunting music score. Its the kind of film you can watch with the lights off, still be entertained & not have nightmares about it. This is one of actor Laurence Harvey's earlier works & he shines in this film although some may think his acting is over-the-top. It works here because his character is slowly being driven insane.

When searching for this film, try rental stores that specialize in non-mainstream films. I found this gem by accident in a rental store that actually has a section for British films.
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Scarlett (1994)
Rhett still doesn't give a damn...
19 January 2002
The is the mini-series that was inspired by the novel written by Alexandra Ripley.

The story begins at Melanie's funeral in Atlanta, GA. Rhett has decided to proceed with the divorce that he threaten to get from Scarlett. Poor Scarlett has schemed to get him back but to no avail. Eventually, Scarlett decides to visit her relatives on both sides of her family & we are whisked away to Ireland, the home of her father's ancestors due to a secret she's carrying.

Many plots take place in this mini-series. So many that the viewer may need a score card: 1) Scarlett's attempts to get Rhett back. 2) Rhett's attempts to forget Scarlett. 3) Scarlett's Irish branch of the family and an impending revolution. and 4) Scarlett's attempts to hide her secrets(she's got a ton of them!).

And that's just the the surface! There are two things that make this wild ride problematic: Too many sub plots and characters. When I first saw this on TV, I would get confused at times because there where so many new characters created just for this story. At times it would seem the writers would just draw plots out of thin air. Many of them are never resolved and are just left hanging.

For those of you that have seen "Gone with the Wind", I only recommend you see this film for the very same reason I did, I wanted to know what would happen to Scarlett. I also recommend you see "Gone with the Wind" first, then see this film.

The cast is top-notch, a who's who among TV & film actors alike spanning over three countries and so are the locales. You will travel from Atlanta, GA to Charleston, SC to London, England then to Ireland. The scenes that take place in Ireland will take your breathe away.

I will admit that this sequel does read like a soap opera which is why I only would recommend it to fans of the genre.
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Here we go again...
18 January 2002
While some sequels can't live up to the first film, Hellbound isn't one of them.

Set to pick right up from the first one, the story takes place a few hours after Kirsty's ordeal with the Cenobites. She ends up in an Institution for the Insane. Her doctor, as irony would have, is a mad doctor & hell bent on learning & unraveling all the mysteries of the puzzle box.

While he deceives others into thinking he's a caring person, underneath he has a very malevolent nature just like Frank Cotton from the first film. Actually, he's more evil than Frank. Case in point, he keeps his un-treatable patients in the cellar of the institute & uses one of them in his twisted plan. As the film moves along, you learn very horrible things about the doctor, not only in the present but in his past as well.

There are several plots going on in this film. For starters, Kirsty trying to get to hell to rescue her father (boy, this girl needs a serious bible study lesson! She's really convinced she can do it!), the return of Julia, and Dr. Channard trying to take over hell are just a few plots we see. One very interesting thing about this film is what I call the "Battle of the Cenobites! Watch if you dare!

While I like this film, I found some flaws in it. There a few special effects that look as if someone needed to go back to school. The battle of the Cenobites needed some more "bite" to it & it was too short. Some of the elements that I did enjoy are the plot that never stops and some of the special are quite good, especially Julia coming back.

I was also glad that many of the original actors & their characters were brought back for the sequel. Also I liked the script which helped the viewer to understand some things which occurred in the first film, sort of an "update".

For those that have never seen this film, take a few pointers in mind:

Like the first one, this not for the faint of heart! See "Hellraiser" first because in that way, some of this film will make sense to you.

And above all: ENJOY!
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Hellraiser (1987)
Hell was raised!
18 January 2002
Of all the modern day horror films I own as well as those that I watch, this film by far is one of the best. Next to "The Exorcist", its one of the few that really scare me.

Hellraiser tells the story of a very selfish & greedy good-for-nothing name Frank Cotton. This man has got to be the sorriest person ever! He squanders his inheritance & even has an affair with his brother's wife on the eve of the wedding.

Frank is not only bored with life in general but he's also a very malevolent person which makes him a prime candidate for the Cenobites. When he opens the puzzle box, he gets more than he bargained for. Upon his brother moving back into the family house, when blood is accidently spilled into the floor, Frank comes back. He & his sister-in-law start killing men for their bodies to bring Frank back so he can deceive the Cenobites.

This film is good for several reasons. For starters the plot & the special effects which will blow you away! Its also a thinking man's horror film. I believe this film has a moral in it as well as a social commentary on how we as humans think we can control everything in & of this world. Just about everyone in this story pays a price for what they do.

For anyone that loves gore, atmosphere, good acting & writing as well eye-popping special effects, this one has all these elements & then some. True horror buffs consider this film the creme ala creme of horror films.

Don't miss it!
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Can he control your fate?
15 January 2002
I saw this film recently & boy was I end for a shock. It keeps you on "pins & needles" (excuse the pun).

Its the story of a wealthy man that inherits the duties of running the local cemetery from an elder in the family. One day the man removes one the pins by accident & the owner of the grave plot turns up dead. Of course this doesn't go un-noticed by him. The cops never believe him & by the middle of the story the guy is out of his mind with fear because it keeps happening.

Due to Richard Boone's good acting & the good writing of this film, you too will be convinced of Boone's powers over the living & the dead. However, without giving the ending away, I was a little disappointed. But I let that go & allow this film to stay in my collection because underneath this film is a good whodunit.

Its the kind of film that takes you for a ride, plays with your powers of deduction, has you thinking you're right when you're wrong. It scares you & un-nerves you which is interesting because by the time the story ends, you realize you've been going through the same pathos that Boone goes through which is kind of fun.

Oh, for you lovers of classic TV characters, be on the lookout for the actor that portrayed the father of Denis from the show, "Denis the Menace".
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Three's not a crowd...
15 January 2002
I saw this movie as a child & loved it. As an adult, I think its way over the top for a horror movie but for some reason it works!

It tells the story of an evil scientist that wants revenge for being sent to prison. When he escapes with his partner-in-crime Igor, he goes forth with his plans which involve the following cast of infamous characters: the Wolfman, Frankenstein's Monster & Dracula.

While this can be a bit much for some, its enough for the rest of us. The only one missing is the Mummy. This film is classified as a horror picture but feels more like a comedy/action/parody picture. I don't even think the major principles in the film or even studio took it seriously & neither should the viewer.

Its one of those strange pictures that was made to make a quick buck for the studio. To bring my point home, look at the actors & sets, hear the dialog & listen to the film's score: its all rehashed from the studio's classic horror movie archives.

Despite all that, its still an enjoyable movie. Its better than this junk of today.
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The Watcher wouldn't watch this...
13 January 2002
I just saw this film & I'm very disappointed. I remember when this film was released & all the so-called mystery, suspense & hype that Disney tried to muster up to make this film seem good. Unfortunately, they failed big time. This film is a rip-off of other films we horror fans have seen before.

It tells the story of a family that move to a very isolated manor house in the English countryside. As time goes on (very slowly I might add), the two girls are being haunted. Bette Davis plays the owner of the house & she lives in the cottage just opposite the house. She had a daughter that disappeared & the teenage daughter of the new tenant seeks to find out how & why.

Well, girlfriend should have asked me why: Davis' daughter in the movie knew just had bad this film is. Everything in this movie is a let down-even the climax doesn't help it. Not only that but Holly Johnson is one of the worst teenage actresses I've ever seen. Her nagging & yelling alone started making me wish the Watcher or anybody would take her away!

Oh, to all Bette Davis fans out there: Do not rent or buy this film! Instead, wait for it to come on TV. Poor Bette, this is one of the worst films she did later in her career. I liked her in "Burnt Offerings". As a matter of fact, see that instead of this bomb.

This egg was rotten from the beginning. Even the script was bad! My advice to Disney Studios is simply this: NO MORE HORROR MOVIES!
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Don't go in this Vault alone...
13 January 2002
I've seen & own many horror anthologies & this by far is one of the best!

It tells of five men who gather in the basement of a high-rise building & relate stories of nightmares, or could they be visions. The stories that are told here are weird & for a 70's film, are kind of very scary. Of the five, I would say my favorites are the one about the Indian rope trick & the town of vampires (Don't go there after dark!).

If you like a little campiness, some gross out as well as plot twists & over all good directing, this is for you. For those of you horror buffs that have yet to see this little gem, its directed by Roy Ward Baker & next to Terence Fisher & Freddie Francis, is one of England's best horror movie directors.

Don't miss it!
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Dark Waters (1944)
Is she mad or sane?
30 December 2001
A shipwreck survivor, trying to re-cooperate from a horrible experience, visits her relatives in the bayou. While there, she begins to see & hear things that make her question her sanity. Along with the help of a doctor, she begins to investigate all the weird goings on at her family estate.

For those of you that have seen this genre before, you won't be disappointed. Oberon does a good job here. I've seen her in so many period pieces that this film was a breath of fresh air for me. Also, Thomas Mitchell plays her uncle. You may remember him from "Gone with the Wind". His character is a very ruthless man. So ruthless, he'll stop at nothing to get the result he wants. The contrast between his character & Oberon's are very disturbing & fun to watch.

This film is full of suspense & will leave you guessing as to if our heroine will get out of this one.

Watch & see...
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You will scream again and again!
21 December 2001
This has got to be the wildest Price film ever. I saw this film for the first time recently and I was just blown.

This film tells the intricate story of an organization that's trying to take over the world by way of a superhuman race of people that are literally created. Think "Frankenstein". If I could rename this film, I'd call it "Frankenstein Meets James Bond". As a matter fact, that's the best way to describe the plot.

When you see this film, don't turn away from it because you will find yourself missing a lot. There are several plots going on simultaneously (I kid you not!). You have the crazed serial killer will a thirst for blood, the runner who keeps losing limbs and the secret organization that's afoot.

For those of you that are looking for action & horror in a fast-pace setting, you got it!
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Unreal & surreal...
20 December 2001
Next to "The Whip and the Body", this has got to be Lee's weirdest movie.

Lee plays Count Regula which is a very fitting name since he "regularly" frequents the local village & steals away young girls to his castle. He tortures them & uses their blood for his "life elixir". His final victim manages to escape to inform the local authorities and he is executed for his crimes (check out how its done). He manages to come back years later to exact his revenge on the descendants of his last victim & the judge/magistrate that sentenced him to death.

Among the actors you've got to check out is the guy who portrays the Count's butler/servant. He's really wild. In some scenes, he actually steals the scenes from Lee!This guy takes the phrase "loyal servant" to a whole new level! If the average household of today had a madman like him in service, we'd all be in trouble!

Lex Barker is the Count's adversary/good guy here. Sometimes Lex acts as if he's sleep-walking through his scenes. His voice also never seems to change its tone. The other performers are good.

The locales are incredible. I believe this film was shot in Germany.Very beautiful & peaceful but don't be alarmed horror fans. You will love the scenery around the Count's castle. Can you picture a countryside littered with dead bodies everywhere? You will once you've seen this movie.

For those of you that love a little ham in your horror, this one's for you! Its very hard to find in mainstream video stores so you may want to check the ones that cater to specialized genres. It will be worth the search.
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Oliver Reed, the true "Phantom Menace", does it again...
14 December 2001
I saw this film years ago when it used to air on independent TV stations in the afternoon & haven't seen it since. Pity because this is a good film. Unfortunately, it never made it to video.

In the early years of Reed's career he did mostly horror films where he was the "true Phantom Menace". He had a distintive glare that became his trademark. Well, he shows all that & then some in this film. This story centers around insanity, murder & family skeletons in the closet or in this case, in the shuttered room.

If you like "Jane Eyre", I think you will like this one.
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Paranoiac (1963)
Reed does it again...
14 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this film a few weeks ago & all I can say is wow! Reed plays this part without going over board the way some actors do when their playing a role like this.

The story is regarding a young wealthy woman who see a man whom she thinks is her brother. Only one problem: he died many years ago. Once he enters her life, her other brother, played by Reed, doesn't take to kindly to this intrusion, especially considering the fact that he could lose out on his inheritance.

If you love thrill rides, you'll love this one. Just make sure your seatbelt is fastened.
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Very intriguing...
14 December 2001
I just had the opportunity owning this film on video & I'm glad I jumped at it when I did. This film is very rare & hard to find.

This is a story of a family curse that threatens to wipe out every last member of the Karnstein family. A count seeks out a historian to help him search into his family's past to disprove the curse.

As a child this film scarred me but as an adult it intrigues me. It has elements that horror films lack today: atmosphere & mood. It grosses out but not that much. I enjoyed it a great deal. Since its so rare, any Christopher Lee fan should grab it if they ever find it.
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A man discovers he has the gift or the curse of forseeing the future.
14 December 2001
I've seen this film only once & loved it! It shows just how versitile of an actor Robinson really was.

It tells the story of a man who discovers he really has the ability to see into the future. He becomes a recluse out of the fear that his predictions always come true. That same fear brings him out of reclusion when he seeks out the daughter of a woman he once loved to warn her of impending danger.

The only thing I dislike about this film? It never made it to video. For anyone that would like to see this film's plot, I recommend "The Clarivoyant" with Claude Rains.
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14 December 2001
I saw this film years ago on TV & enjoyed it.

This is the story of a young navive woman whose about to learn just how dastardly her uncle really is & how he'll stop at nothing to satisfy his greed.

The only thing about this film I don't like: never went to video. However, the BBC did a remake of it called "The Dark Angel" with Peter O'Toole.
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They seek him here, they seek him there,
14 December 2001
Above was the beginning of a poem Sir Percyvel wrote regarding his "other self". The Scarlet Pimpernel is the story of an English nobleman who secretly rescues French aristocrats from execution during the French Revolution.

This is one of the best "spy" films I've ever seen. James Bond can't hold a candle to The Pimpernel! This film flows very nicely and is practically flawless. The only thing that could be improved is Raymond Massey's accent. His character is French but Massey's Irish accent is very strong at times. Still this is a great film.
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