
6 Reviews
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Full of Nice Moments
7 December 2001
This is an underrated western. I saw it a couple of months ago, and it's stayed with me. It has everything: suspenseful plot, interesting action sequences, and terrific performances. As for the performances, Nicholson and Brando seem to be in two entirely different movies, but it still works. It's probably one of the rare times that Nicholson felt he had to defer to anyone, so it's pretty funny that he surrenders center stage to a bloated Brando, mimicking an Irishman. Also, look for a shining supporting performance by Harry Dean Stanton -- he gives a show-stopping speech about avenging the murder of his dog. Overall, this movie is well worth your time!
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Dillinger (1973)
Warren Mania
23 November 2001
My review might be a little biased because I love Warren Oates and will watch anything he appears in (including obscure movies like 92 In the Shade). However, I'd like to say that this is a very well-made gangster flick that rivals Bonnie & Clyde in entertainment value. I actually prefer the action sequences in Dillinger to the famous ones from Bonnie & Clyde because they seem rougher, more natural and less self-conscious. The shooting sequences in Bonnie & Clyde seem too choreographed and slightly pretentious in comparison. Another selling point for Dillinger is that it contains wonderful performances by Oates and Ben Johnson. Actually, Ben Johnson almost steals the show as "G Man" Melvin Purvis. Even though they only have 1.5 scenes together, Oates and Johnson complement each other nicely here.
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Better Than The Wild Bunch
20 November 2001
Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia has the distinction of providing the finest part in the illustrious career of Warren Oates. He's incredible in this movie, exploring the whole emotional range of outrage, humor and defeat. He spends a good deal of the movie driving around with a severed head, talking to it and occasionally abusing it. And you wish you could be along for the ride. It's the best movie I've ever seen about a man trying to save himself, and it will bruise your heart. I don't agree with the naysayers who think the violence is gratuitous; beneath the violence, it's a very personal and emotional story about a loser trying to redeem himself. It's much more involving than Peckinpah's Wild Bunch, which is more famous but not as effective. If you haven't seen it, go to the video store right now!
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Love Streams (1984)
Cassavetes wouldn't be possible without Gena Rowlands
12 November 2001
There's an amazing scene in this movie where the character played by Gena Rowlands visits an animal farm and buys practically the entire stock. She's heartsick and probably insane, so she becomes ecstatic just because a dog starts licking her hand. This scene reminded me what a great actress Gena Rowlands is. I've seen all of her Cassavetes movies, and she's tough, smart and heartbreaking in all of them. She gets put through the emotional wringer in virtually every movie, but her reactions never seem phony. People might disagree over the value of Cassavetes' movies, but I think everyone could agree that he was very lucky to have her.
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Cockfighter (1974)
Nauseating but worth watching for Warren Oates
12 November 2001
I'm just glad I saw this movie on an empty stomach. The cockfighting scenes are too graphic and made me nauseous. It's not clear whether Hellman sees these guys as heroes or idiots. Maybe both. Still, I thought Warren Oates was amazing. He's the only actor I can think of who can make a mute, borderline-retarded cockfighter seem poignant, without being exploitive or gimmicky. He's one of the great character actors from the 1970s and 1980s, and he has good chemistry here with Harry Dean Stanton.

Piece of trivia: The videostore guy told me that Hellman rented rooms to hold the cockfights but neglected to tell hotel management about it.
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Pulse (2001)
Overrated and not scary at all
8 November 2001
I went to see this movie because I was impressed by Cure. But compared to the earlier film, Pulse is a big disappointment. I was expecting Kurosawa to say something interesting about psychological terror, which he did masterfully in Cure. Instead, Pulse is a not-so-subtle indictment of the internet and how it makes young people feel alone and alienated. Not exactly a fresh idea. Plus the acting in this movie really sucks -- the kids are pretty whiny, and I didn't empathize with them at all. This movie needed a stronger actor, like Koji Yakusho from Cure (who only makes a cameo here). Hopefully, Kurosawa's next movie will be an improvement.
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