
23 Reviews
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Stark Fear (1962)
Difficulties, heavy and serious.
21 October 2021
The sixties changed the private Life: Mrs. Winslow has trouble. Mr. Winslow, Jerry, too.

He has them in the Job, she has them, because she was offered a job. He seems jealous, because - for him, there ist just one reason, she could want to work! He wants her to quit, to stay at home. Sehr promises. Thema she finds out some new things about him ...
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Spy (2015)
Let her entertain us!
21 October 2021
A great movie' with Melissa McCarthy. She ist the highlight, even there is Jason and Jude. This is t h e style of the spy movie, we like and love. Great cast, fantastic idears.
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Family Plot (1976)
Suspense in Color
26 July 2021
There is an elderly lady, who is having a seance with Madame Blanche, her occult advisor. She finds out, that her sister had a little boy. This boy wasn't welcome in the wealthy family, what now matters. The lady asks Madame Blanche to help her finding the boy, who is an adult man now. She promises.

But this isn't that easy. Even if Madame Blanche has help from an ambitious taxi-driver with many talents, the plan is about to be spilled, because of the two gangsters - a couple who isn't frighten kidnapping, blackmailing and theft.

Tipp: Better look in Black/White - Hitchcock-Fans know why!
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A brides nightmare, but as it sometimes happens ...
24 July 2021
The young and pregnant french girl, Katja, has found her luck in colorful Brasil. She is going to marry a wealthy young man, a son of a rich businessman with strong relations to power and politics. She has invited three of her best friends from good old Europe, to join her wedding party. Unfortunately, they didn't join her Bachelorette-Party ... but still a party ... and as french girls are, they did enjoy it perhaps a bit to much, because one has sex, another doesn't have sex ... well in the end there is one man down.

And then, they meet Katja and her new built live, which they are going to spoil immediately ...
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Sabotage (1936)
Early Hitchcock Thriller
24 July 2021
Sylvia and her little brother are situated at Carls place. She is working at the ticketshop of a cinema. As it turns out, Carls is a member of a group of saboteurs. They are responsible for the blackout of a near powerplant. The blackout is also concerning the cinema, where Sylvia works. Nearby the young Scotland Yard man Ted Spencer joined under cover a vegetable shop and makes contact to Silvia.

She and her brother get more and more involved in Carls schemings. One day, he sends Stevie, as Sylvia's Brother is called, with a bomb in his arms through London. He doesn't come back, what makes Carl and Sylvia to enemies immediately. This unspoken enmity leads to death and more destruction.
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A little romance within the suspense
24 July 2021
A (obviously well known) friendly fotographer (Eliott Gould) meets an amazing looking young woman in a poststation, where she and her friends spontaneoulsy show their ambitions as stand up comedians.

It turns out, that the young woman, Ms. Hofstätter-Kelly, and the others have to stay for the night in the south-tyrolean country-inn, because of a naughty avalanche. The next day, they reach the bus, than the train, ... they are on a secret escape-route through nazi-german-occupied-areas. It's great luck for Miss Hofstätter-Kelly (Cybill Sheperd) that she is accompagnied by Miss Froy, a lady taking care of her. But the lady disappears mysteriously ... and - because of different reasons, Hofstätter-Kelly worries, that she is disappeared "into thin air". Hopefully, she starts a search, makes herself some friends - above all the young fotographer - and a few enemies to, but gets some light into the fraud. But some different ideas into her weddingplans ...
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Lady in Action
21 May 2021
Consuelo, is the only one, who can take the command of the 'Santa Maria' after the death of the captain. Now she runs a sharp blade on the rides with the proud ship. But she is not the only one, who wants to have authority on board.
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Is Dr. Schreck in media business?
1 April 2021
Men meet in a train compartment. A mysterious man who carries cards with him is the last to get in. He will now lay the cards for you to find out their "Destiny". He does that too and in several life stories we learn about the men's backgrounds. The fifth card is the death card. And now the train disappears into a tunnel ...
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Count of eternal youth and eternal beauty
1 April 2021
Post-war situation in Europe: A narrator introduces the story and mentions that although the war was over, the killing had not stopped. Actors are performing tricks in a marketplace. One of the viewers seems so excited that he circulates an envelope that promises the actors 3 gold pieces if they give a private performance. They agree to it, but it quickly becomes clear that they are dealing with a dangerous lord of the castle who keeps some dark secrets.
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SiFi. Bewahre of decorative caps ...
27 February 2021
Young guys playing on a farm with a frisbee. But this one becomes some kind of UFO. And the authorities are on hand quickly and want to find out what it's all about.

Sam, Andrew and the others are dealing with aliens. aliens that can attach themselves to the body, push their tentacles into the host's brain and even chat with each other. but there is hope! One can stop this rapidly spreading infestation!
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Capricorn One (1977)
when psychiatrists are in charge
25 February 2021
It is the unspeakable: Space Nation #1 US launched a mars-mission. But in last minutes, the mission is stopped by the doctor. He has calculated again. The mission is too expensive. Now the crew has to take some faked clips to make the public believe that the USA went to Mars. But there is one man, who doubts about the happenings ...
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25 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An employee of a government department is assigned to deport people with little or no "productivity", for example to "New Eden". Sounds dramatic and it is, because it actually turns out to be a deportation to death. But now he is endowed with good qualities and does not want his "clients" to die.

It moves - 170 Reviews at the moment don't lie.
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would you trust him?
25 February 2021
Sgt Ryker is to be executed if it is the will of some military who see him as an evil traitor. In the war against Korea he was sent behind the fine lines and now that there is no record of it and the former commanding officer is dead, things get tight for him when it is learned that Ryker has good friends among "the Reds" . Great movie!
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The Outsider (2014)
Where debt ratios become an ethical problem
25 February 2021
Walker is an energetic man who can assert himself. When he learns that his daughter has passed away, he investigates, although every possible means is to be prevented. It is bricked up in the industrial, financial and sex milieus in which she apparently hangs around. It is dangerous terrain that he is entering. But half as dangerous for a "seasoned man" as for a young girl ...
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Socialist realism: often we think, it couldn't happen anymore.
25 February 2021
Lea grows up with foster parents. She is very ambitious and wishes to go to university to study medicine. Your foster father thinks it's a "crazy idea". He says she should be careful not to know too much. But the father dies and apparently (a little later) his wife too. Now Lea is on her own. She tries in St. Petersburg, but has to get a yellow note because her papers are not accepted. She registers under a strange name ...
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Algorithm (2014)
Great Movie, awful Topic
25 February 2021
A hacker receives an order. He is supposed to hack a private TV network. He succeeds in doing this with the support of his friend Hash. But Hash is kidnapped. Now it is a matter of getting the man out of the custody of the NSA without getting into trouble.
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gone by the flowers
22 February 2021
A very wealthy man, Mr. Denimore, dies unexpectedly. His relative, Mr. Bishop (Robert Mitchum), finds him but too late. He informs Dominique, Denimors ex-wife and arranges a funeral. Soon after, the a policeman shows up and beginns to ask questons.

Then another man becomes important, he has received a letter from his lawyer in Vienna. The lawyer wants an official statement for some reasons.
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Thrilling, but there is still potential for the final
22 February 2021
1959. A man (Liam Neeson) enters a house and seduces a blonde. Shortly afterwards, a man storms the scene with a rifle and shoots everyone involved, including Tony's friend. But they escape the guy who catches a policeman in a blind rage.

After that, he was apparently released from the police force and he works as a private detective. He's accepted an assignment. There is a law that allows divorce if adultery occurs. Now he has just developed a scam. He smuggles his wife in, then there's a photo, and finally a divorce is hit. It's illegal.
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Virus (1980)
A bit too lethal, but very impresiv
22 February 2021
Men juggle a virus, MM88. Comes from an American genetic engineering laboratory. Multiplies quickly and combines with existing viruses, it is highly dangerous. The booth is stormed. The virus gets lost in the snowdrifts of the mountains. But it doesn't take long before the virus claims a great deal of human life. In the USA there will soon be 7 million deaths, hopelessness and resignation are spreading. He's going to Antarctica, where there's still life ...
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Happy Story, until it gets really bad.
17 February 2021
The fun-lovin' Patsy (Marcia Rodd), who gets to know a young photographer Alfred (Eliott Gould) on the edge of an argument. She has longed for a relationship, so it is she who seduces him into various activities. He gets to know her parents too. At some point he asks her if she would like to marry him. The ceremony is accompanied by a disillusioning preacher (Donald Sutherland) who tries to free them both from romantic ideas about their marriage. All the while, Patsy and her parents, later also Alfred, are being called by a loudly breathing and otherwise silent stalker, who only starts talking, when Patsy got shot.
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Missing Wife!
17 February 2021
A man with a mysterious background, Mr. Mellory, whose thoughts are dark, lives a slow life with his wife, which is sometimes accompanied by murders and dinnerparties. At the same time, he is afraid of being killed himself. One day, when he returns, he notices, that his wife is not at home. She told him, that she perhaps would leave him one day. But he is not the type of letting her go - he begins to look for her.
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Alien Thunder (1974)
Hidden motivation ahead
15 February 2021
The Canadian Sgt. Dan Candy (Donald Sutherland) leads a carefree life. He and his colleague (Kevin McCarthy) are assigned to find a man who has slaughtered a cow from the herd. But this cow was owned by the queen. And that is why the butcher to be found in the circles of the indigenous peoples is found.

Meanwhile, of course, the assignment is discussed in the family of Malcom Grant. Dan, who holds the rank of uncle to Edouard (James O'Shea), Grant's son, is integrated into the family as if he were a member of the family. But a misfortune occurs and Grant (Kevin McCarthy) is shot. Dan promises to hunt the killer to the end. It takes quite a long time and the widow (Francine Racette) is already asking Dan to end this merciless hunt, because she notices how Dan Candy is beginning to change.
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Quicksand: No Escape (1992 TV Movie)
Quicksand - the architects nightmare
15 February 2021
An architecture firm has a financial problem, but there is hope. However, there are still real problems on the horizon. Then there is an incident on a street. Apparently the near-accident opponent knows that the pockets of the commission were filled by his company in order to get orders. Reinhardt acts stupid (or is simply clueless) and receives a few slaps. However, the opponent receives a hook that puts him out of action.

The next morning a dead person is found in front of the neighboring house - and tire tracks. Then Reinhardt is approached by a man "Doc" in the bar, who knows a lot about him and calls him "Cop Killer". He tells him that it looks bad for him because all the evidence incriminates him. He wants money from him. He looks really rich too, says Doc ...
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