
15 Reviews
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Mulan (2020)
Beautiful and enjoyable movie
1 June 2021
I really liked this movie. It is a feel good one and since I haven't seen the cartoon I didn't make any comparisons or had certain expectations except of being entertained. And I was. I enjoyed it fully and lived the emotion. I think in the end this is the point of this movie.

I was lucky enough to be able to watch the movie on a big screen (in my home theater) which is the way this movie should be watched. So I think it lost a bit by being shown only in streaming. But nevertheless, I really recommend it as a beautiful and enjoyable movie.

PS: if it would be to make a comparison, I would say that I liked it more (much more) than 47 Ronin, a movie in the same vain.
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The Sentinel (2006)
Reasonably entertaining with a good cast
8 November 2020
A good for entertaining and alert tough otherwise simplistic action movie with a very well playing Michael Douglas, a very well looking Eva Longoria and a very beautiful Kim Bassinger. Although I watched it on my home theatre big screen, it is actually a TV movie so it does not worth buying a ticket. Very good for restoring a good state of mind after watching another movie you really did not like (as I did).
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What an... english disappointment.
8 November 2020
After seeing Notting Hill (which I really liked) I decided to give this film a try. Especially being such a praised one. But what a painful disappointment proved to be and what a waist of an hour (that much I resisted). A wanting to be nice romantic story mixed in a ghastly english idea of humor made out of even more ghastly english jokes based on vulgarities and sex obsession spelled out by mostly ugly people. Really painful... 3 stars instead of one. One for Andie McDowell (she has a nice smile but a poore performance) and one for Hugh Grant (though I wonder how much he got paid to take part in this...and for using the f... word so many times that I thought is the only word he knows). So...stay away from this succetions of weddings. Value your time. PS: After an hour of this 4-1 thing I had to cure myself with an otherwise stupid but alert action movie with a very well playing Michael Douglas and two very well looking Eva Longoria and Kim Bassinger. To help me forget the pain...
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A terrible waste of time and talent
11 October 2020
I decided to watch this movie in my home cinema and thus give myself a relaxing and funny Sunday evening. What a disappointment! This movie is a pretence of a comedy (or parody of a comedy) and an atrocious waste of Zeta-Jones' beauty and Clooney's talent. I did not even understand why did they took part in this. Zeta-Jones is kind of managing it (her role helped her) but Clooney is...I really want to forget seeing him in this...thing. 😬 So if You think about seeing this movie, forget it. Watch the trailer, admire Zeta and move on to something else or another movie. 3 stars for the Zeta-Jones and Clooney. And nothing more than that.
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Still amazing after more 29 years
6 October 2020
This movie is the kind that once you have seen it you will want to see it over and over. It never wares out even if you know it by heart. This is why it's a perfect collection movie. I personally love the first part more than the second because of some absolutely memorable scenes. I strongly recommend to watch the director's cut (is this version I am lucky to have in my movie collection) with important missing scenes from the theatrical cut in. They give sense to the movie and to how the Terminator and its relationship with John and Sarah evolve and also help to really understand the relation with the first Terminator movie. But no matter which version you have, this is a movie to absolutely have and to watch from time to time.
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Perfect for a relaxed and funny Sunday movie evening
4 October 2020
The already typicall romantic comedy where the to protagonists who start by loathing each other end up falling in love for each other. As usual Catherine Heigl is beautiful and funny and I have to admit she was the reason for watching the movie. Gerald Butler is kinda in an unusual role but he gets it quite well making one think that maybe he should play in comedy instead of action movies. In the end is a funny and relaxing movie that will make you laugh, perfect for a Sunday home cinema evening.
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Well...a 5 for the CGI and sound
1 October 2020
I watched it on the launching day on Netflix in my home cinema. Wanted to have a "premiere" movie night. Well...the big screen makes the movie look good because the CGI and sound effects are well done. Spectacular and frightening as they really give you the feeling of being into the storm. But I am not sure that it looks as good on a smaller TV screen. Otherwise the plot is not much, loaded with unrealistic ideas and obvious logical contradictions, with the usual american happy end ("we are strong, good and with faith we will rebuild") and with actors playing at TV series level. But if you have no other movie planned or you don't know what to watch give it a go. You might like it and find it entertaining. But do not expect a blockbuster. 🙂
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Funny and cute movie for teens
29 September 2020
I watched it out of curiosity as I used to love this kind of stories as a teenager years ago. As an adult I can say that, if one disregards the unbelievable (inserted out of political correctness) elements from "the scenery" that make a mixture of 19th with 21st century and the political references to today's England, the action is enjoyable and funny. Even if one doesn't especially fall for the movie it is the kind one would stay until the end to see how it goes down. Henry Cavill and Helena Bonham Carter give some good weight to the cast, but in not very obvious way, and Millie Bobby Brown plays very well the main character so in the end one has a nice film to watch as a brake from more heavier productions. In the end it was relaxing and I enjoyed it.
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A beautiful movie about passion and life
27 September 2020
I really liked this movie. A movie about passionate people who find ways to do what they love, how they love because they know that those are the things they have to do in their lives. And the movie succeds in making the viewer living this along with the characters. A special note of appreciation for the way Christian Bale portraits Ken Miles. Really, really liked it.
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Inside Man (2006)
Excellent plot movie
26 September 2020
First of all this is not an action movie. It is a plot movie that makes one watch it till the end to see how it goes down. Secondly, it requires some knowledge about history and present day ramifications to understand the plot and to see beyond what is actually told or suggested. Third, the line between the good and bad is very faint and do not expect to see good guys and bad guys clearly marked. Things are shown like in real life. Nothing is where one might expect it to be...or maybe is exactly there. It depends. Finally, the cast is very good, the actors play very well and the director is a master. All this added makes for an excellent movie to see on a Saturday night. I enjoyed it and recommend it. PS: it is the kind of movie to have in a collection and watch again after some time.
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A good movie
25 September 2020
Although it shows real life as it is (with bad things, with no happy endings in most situations and with people having weaknesses they fight with and not always win) the movie is good enough to make one stay untill the end to see the outcome. Good play from the main protagonists (Cage, Hudgens and Cusak) and a good '80s atmosphere recreation (context, cars, people). But I would have preferred an even better recreation in the way the movie is filmed. This constantly shaking camera effect is not suited in my opinion with the story (it is not an action thriller but a human drama and a difficult criminal investigation) and dilutes much of the chilling effect it has (not to say that is not very suited for big screen watching). It is an old story not a today breaking news event and certainly not a TV crime show. That is the reason the movie gets a 7 stars from me. Otherwise, I can recommend it for a after work movie night (as in my case).
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Good for an entertaining movie evening
23 September 2020
Funny and entertaining to watch. Since I did not read the book, I took the movie as it is and enjoyed it.
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The American (2010)
An "european" film
23 September 2020
A good movie with an unmistakable european feel. I felt like watching one of those classic european films from 40 or more years ago. And the ending is exactly in that style. I liked it.
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Knowing (2009)
I liked it.
23 September 2020
A very good choice for a home cinema night after a work day. Enjoyed it very much.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
One of the worst choices for a movie night
22 September 2020
This movie (if it can be called that) is something I would not recommend even if I would get paid to do it. The story is flat, soundtrack completely mismatched, the actors play badly (Cage included - a shame for an actor like him), the dialog is completely farfetched, is full of simplistic clichés and stereotypes. And I could go on... The first 40 minutes are deadly boring and the religious part is obvious and maliciously conceived. Typically for a propaganda production. Long story short, a very poor movie (and choice). I was lucky (to say) that I (difficultly) watched it at home. Otherwise, I would have demanded my ticket money back. Awful! 😒
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