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The Bubble (2006)
A very complex very two-faced piece of propaganda
7 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film is one of the most perplexing pieces of propaganda ever made. This film despite many of its characters is a pro-occupation film from an ultra liberal hedonist Tel Aviv centric viewpoint. Part of the propaganda designed to paint Israel as a legitimate democracy albeit one with some problems. The latter is not admitted in most of the output of said campaign. This is wear this film succeeds and exceeds beyond all others. We love the characters, I loved the characters it is hard not to. We stand with them in the face of nastier bigoted Israelis. We root for them and we believe we are also rooting for the film and its purpose. Only the film does not reveal its purpose its true vile and disgusting message until the end. A message that is designed manipulate the audience onto the side of the Apartheid bigots.

This film came out in 2005/2006 cycle.

There were NO suicide bombings in Tel Aviv in 2003 There were NO suicide bombings in Tel Aviv in 2004 There were NO suicide bombings in Tel Aviv in 2005 There were NO suicide bombings in Tel Aviv in 2006 There were NO suicide bombings in Tel Aviv in 2007 There were NO suicide bombings in Tel Aviv in 2008 There were NO suicide bombings in Tel Aviv in 2009 There were NO suicide bombings in Tel Aviv in 2010.

The idea that a sensitive and enlightened educated young Palestinian secular gay man would turn suicide bomber on a dime is total bull and a disgusting piece of bigotry.
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25 August 2010
I shall not deal with plot but just to say that this is pure filmmaking in the finest and most sublime manner. Those of us who can still view or project 4:3 ratio with size go for the authentic in-camera US R1 DVD that is 4:3 the UK DVD is 16:9 this is an ACADEMY ratio film. Having read the on-screen credits I see no mention of Digital Intermediate... ...miracles...blessings...hoorah !! This film would look amazing on an IMAX screen. The compositional framing in an age of mostly fake DI scope presented films is what cinema should be and shows the superior composition that ACADEMY ratio allows for. The girls are wonderful, the eroticism never sleazy or porn like but genuine and sensual. The lead actor totally natural and compelling. This film has a beautiful aromatic feeling it is a revelation.

Wonderful !!
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The Most Courageous Film of the age !!
28 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My friend Jim wrote this and I totally agree in fact I go further I say this is a powerful call to revolt and an American movie would defend the corporate mouthpiece.

THE NEW PROTOCOL a review by James Neeley. October 26 2009.

Could the New Protocol be made in the United States? Could a movie be made with such an overt political ending stand a chance in a country that needs a hero, sex scenes , lots of guns, one liners, hidden conspiracies and the constant reaffirmation that we are still the "good guys? I think not.

Now Thomas Vincent would find an audience for this movie in America, bigger than an art house audience and smaller than latest torture porn of the Saw franchise. (Franchise not my word, but the current word of choice by the industry for describing these products). We are not complete idiots yet, although we are well on our way.

The movie begins in sub-Saharan Africa with two Europeans bringing vaccines to the local citizens, as ominous dark music grows in the back ground, and a bar code reader beeps with each reading of a bracelet as the children are vaccinated. The bracelet is much like the ones put on my children in the hospital where they were born, although for very different reasons. It was a sound I knew but couldn't place. One child, one bar code.

The question of a hero, in the New Protocol. Raoul Kraft, newly divorced, a hands on foreman with a logging company learns of his sons death in a car accident, questions the official line and is drawn into an action filled movie. So far this movie could be playing on any number of tiny screens at the local mega-plex. He teams up with Diane who recently lost her husband, who had a heart attack, after taking an approved drug. Get a large popcorn and refill the drink. He helps her, and she helps him. Mutually empathy, maybe and mutual selfishness, that too, both have lost someone they love.

No sex scene though, no embrace after the chase, no falling in love, no falling into bed. No wasted film time, no nude scene controversy. In American movies that is the cue that personal love will conquer all problems, if the couple is happy the world will follow. When Diane does kiss Raoul, it is from pure human compassion. They both need something, but it is not each other.

Now for the villains, are they Louise Verneuil and Pleynel?

The audience is conditioned to the evil corporate monster, looking out from the top floor, the conspiracy hidden through murders, threats and payoffs. A naive assistant, a file down loaded as a key is inserted into the door. A bad apple in an all American apple pie. The system itself can not possible be tainted or bad, just the current leadership. They write the fine print we don't read.

Are the the multi-nationals the villains? If you can get the right laws passed, you will not need to break them. There are no hidden conspiracies because no laws are being broken. If you want treatment check here on the release, otherwise go elsewhere. Remember its a free-market.

Are they a public scared to death of getting old, depressed, anxiety ridden, over weight, stressed out, under sexed, over sexed?

We know, deep down we have it better because others have it worse. The market is the velvet glove of the army said Arundhati Roy. But I don't believe that some boomer needs to get an erection until he's 70. I do believe world health takes priority. If you ask the people in churches, grange halls, community groups, non-profits, around dinner tables, you'd get the same response.

If The New Protocol was made in the United States, the villain would have been a rogue corporatist. He would be the benefactor, not the share holders. He would have covered up the mistake. And it would be a mistake, not a five year growth plan. The proper authorities would finally believe Kraft at the last minute, the villain led away in handcuffs. Kraft wrapped in a blanket. His ex wife would be waiting for him, the lights of a police car engulfing them.

But it was not. There will be no sequel.

When Pleynel tried to pacify Raoul with her presentation. And it was a sales presentation, without power point but the same intention. The intention to sell Raoul something he doesn't believe. He believes, because he wants to, needs to. But that handshake he sees on the hotel TV screen. That handshake that says we're all on the same page. We are not.

I liked the ending. It was true.

The hero, if we can call him that, is handcuffed, his son took a placebo, and so do we everyday when we think we are not part of the problem.
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Very good but some missed opportunities
22 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The film is very good not as great as it could be if the director had completed certain key moments and use digital techniques to illuminate things. But overall it is very good and deserves to be seen by as many people as possible. His film-making style is like a very good 1980's TV Movie a bit plain but solid and very watchable. No cinematic auteur just a good rock-steady hand of a director. It suffers sometimes from budget limitations but at those points they cut to real-life news footage to make up for what their low budget could not afford to create. So with some limitations and some criticisms of lost opportunities I still say well done and it is worth buying either on DVD or BD. For me a simple addition could have made all the difference. They do have infamous footage of the CEO of STARBUCKS talking while attending a basketball game about the fact that his store(s) in SEATTLE has had its windows smashed and cannot do business that he describes as "an injustice" at this point the director/film should have used clever digital graphics to illuminate the truth about the STARBUCKS model. That at the point in history at which STARBUCKS had convinced the consumers to pay more for a cup of coffee than they had paid at any time in history in both numerical and value real-terms price/cost...the price being paid to the Third World peasant farmers who grow the coffee beans had reached the ALL-TIME lowest price in real-terms in the history of the coffee market. The failure of the director to juxtapose that fact with the CEO's audacious use of the phrase "injustice" boggles my mind. That simple fact would have explained so clearly to the audience what the protesters in the movie were fighting for and about. That in real terms the growers were better paid back in the 70's when a cup of coffee was 50cents (or less) than in the Clintonite 90's when a cup of STARBUCKS could be as much as $6:50. Boiling down the WTO issues to that could have been a great help for those people watching the film who don't know this stuff. So on that score the director missed an opportunity. As I say though over-all the film is very good and well worth getting the DVD.
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The Visitor (I) (2007)
A response to some of the message board people
2 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I find it deeply disturbing that so many people writing on the message board could show so much callous insensitivity toward the characters. I also find it horrifying that these Americans with a so-called democratic education should have such hate for immigrants, love for authoritarianism and no mental distinction between normal immigration procedure and the Gitmo-isation of Homeland Security internment. According to these people "illegal immigrants" should be treated as "terrorists" with no due process no lawyer no appeal no access to their families nor their families to them. No matter their positive contribution to society or the dangers they face if deported. Sadly Obama seems to be maintaining this complex we have yet to see any change on this. Just remember that a hundred years ago people travelled around the world without even a passport. One cannot overstate how less free the world has become. As for the movie story the point should be obvious the American is a man with a stale life that is given new purpose and feeling by the people who come into his life. Without these new people he would have continued a life of the undead until death itself.
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UK issue BLU-RAY is a must
26 December 2008
The ICA a cultural institute in London has released SOPHIE SCHOLL on Blu-ray. It is an outstanding disc with stunning sound and picture quality and will playback on any BD player in the world. You can get it from It is how BD should be done (BD50 dual layer with PCM audio) and should be for not CGI laden action junk starring no-talent cave-men. This is great cinema and the BD is a reference standard. Blu-ray is now very affordable as player prices have fallen down below the two hundred mark. We need more people to buy titles like this on BD to show to the industry that the BD catalogue needs greatly expanding away from macho popcorn rubbish. Why the big studios always presume that people who are discerning about technology are non-discerning about the cultural integrity and artistic merits of content is both baffling and frustrating.
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comment on comment
22 May 2008
A much needed word of warning about some of the other comments here. There are many fascists in Northern Italy and elsewhere who always take the side of the police-state against the urban warriors who stand with courage against global injustice.

Inside the prison cells where protesters were kept the police sang fascist songs and even chants praising Chile's former fascist dictator General Pinochet.

Politicans from a fascist Italian party set themselves up inside police headquarters and took political control of the police operation.

Subsequent trials in Italy revealed in no uncertain terms that the police planted weapons to frame protesters, that they had agent provocateurs dressed like protesters to instigate trouble and that the police as was evident at the time launched a campaign of mass brutal violence in which hundreds of people picked at random were beaten bloody.

The city of Genova collaborated with the global gangsters of the GB and built a zone with a wall and fence that said from the get-go that the people are the enemy and the gangster rulers of the world must not be bothered by the sight of the people.
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Until When (2004)
the human face of a people denied by Western media.
18 April 2008
Along with other Palestine themed documentaries such as "encounter point" and "promises" this simple and most effective and heartwarming work entitled "until when" brings to viewers a personal humanity of the Palestinian people that is so absent from the American/British/Canadian and other Western media. The total contrast between the racist contempt shown toward the people of Palestine by the current US candidates for President on our current TV screens and the undeniable humanity and personal integrity of these Palestinian people revealed within this 2004 shot documentary.

When Hillary Clinton visited Israel-Palestine during the time of her Senate race she boasted to her voters in NYC that "I refused to meet with those people!" .

Here are in this documentary "those people" that not one US candidate for President is willing to visit and sit in a living room or kitchen with and listen to their experience, issues, hopes, needs and pleas.

The notion that any of the current candidates should be allowed to parade themselves as "peace-brokers" without being laughed out of the room, is one that reflects the total unreality of the American and Western political mindset.

Buy the DVD of this documentary...for the record it is NTSC and ALL REGION so it will play on any DVD player on the planet.

Here are in this beautiful documentary the human beings that have their right to humanity denied by the bigotry and slander of the television news media.
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King Kong (1976)
the only version of Kong that matters !!
6 April 2008
This is the best version of Kong by far. It is the only version of King Kong that has something relevant to say and it has sensuality like no other and it does so with a full range of moods and emotions.

I get the feeling that "irony" is an alien concept to some of the other reviewers here. It has a magnificent John Barry score, a great cast and a billion times more soul than any CGI crap !! The prior DVD issue with the correct cover from the original poster is still out there if you look. The image shown here is the cheap re-release cover.

What I want is a restoration edition as some of the sensual shower/ waterfall scene has been sliced down/off no doubt so to get access to big retail outlets in Christian Fundamentalist areas of the USA.

Do not allow the high-school mentality peer-pressure to convince you against this film.

This version of King Kong can touch you like no other !!
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a masterpiece
27 March 2007
This is one of the finest documentaries ever made. It is essential for Americans and Europeans to view this work about our crimes and mentality upon and toward Indochina and its nations and peoples, the focus here being Viet Nam. The gathered archive footage is superb and this work in itself has languished unseen for decades now restored on DVD. Which comes with a very well written booklet essay by Douglas Kellner who illuminates the differences between how Emile de Antonio approached the subject versus the establishment media. The latter always presenting the world with that "voice of god" narrator that is entirely absent from IN THE YEAR OF THE PIG.

One word of caution, understand that the events were still going on during the making of these interviews and there was facts about goings-on inside the oval office under Eisenhower, JFK and LBJ (the film is pre NIXON admin ) that were not only not known to journalists but even Whitehouse or admin employees who were out of the particular loop. Facts that have since been revealed in declassified documents or candid confessions of top tier insiders.

This is particularly true about JFK and the blinding light of the post assassination mythology that made even down to earth journalists reluctant to attribute blame to Kennedy. So my tip is when you watch try and see through their reluctance to blame and willingness to imply and believe a wonderful world that would have been...if only on that day in Dallas...remember there was no Vietnamese conflict prior to Franco-American imperial interference in Viet Nam. It was not a Vietnamese made conflict it was an imperial one made by external hands.
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Whitewash of Western crimes
19 February 2007

I wish to stress that I do not have a problem with the Iraqi people in this documentary they are delightful and fascinating, a few are not so but most are. My complaint is with the documentary exterior editorial elements.

My original posting as follows:

This documentary pretends neutrality but in fact there are so many glaring omissions that in the political sense it cannot be taken seriously. Furthermore the questions asked of people are so bland and even to highly educated people the questions being bland assure bland answers. All the major elements of US/UK harm done to the country is omitted. The more than a decade long of US/UK bombing of the country and the even more devastating genocidal economic sanctions that cost 1 million Iraqi lives and cemented Saddam's power and provided the regime with an assurance of a people too ill and hungry to do the over-throwing themselves. In the section on the North Kurdish region there is no mention of the rewards given to Saddam by Thatcher and Bush senior after the chemical genocide nor any recognition that on the other side of the boarder in Turkey throughout the 90's Kurds were being slaughtered and ethnic cleansed by a NATO nation with the full backing of Clinton/Major/Blair and an endless flow of arms from the USA/UK/Israel to Turkey. Do the Iraqi Kurds feel nothing for Turkish Kurds ? Watching this documentary you would think so. I don't believe it however. In regard to the uprisings in the South in 1991 there is no mention of the US forces blocking anti-Saddam rebels from ammunition storehouses or US helicopters flying over and simply watching Saddam's helicopters and ground forces slaughtering people or that Bush senior told the Pentagon to let Saddam's Republican guard pass through coalition lines on their way to putting down the anti-Saddam rebellion. No mention of the origins of the Baathist regime and Saddam's history with the CIA. And why does the documentary say 24 years for the period of time lacking free speech. Is it not more? Saddam took control without the title of President in 1968 and the Baathists were installed into power by the Kennedy administration in 1963. Then Saddam had his power made formal with the Presidency in 1979. The documentary shows very real footage of barbaric crimes of the Saddam regime but shows nothing to counter one man's foolish idea that the victims of American torture are all evil, when in fact we know that it has been quite the opposite, countless innocent people rounded up by both American troops and government security forces and Blackwater thugs and thrown into prisons and tortured.

Who directed this....Condi Rice ?


As journalist Robert Fisk always says if the primary export of Iraq were fruit and veg, Saddam would still be in power. The occupation authority was set up as a system of economic colonial rape. Only so far its not exactly working out as they planned. The idea that the Neo-Cons or the Clintonites were going to provide for the Iraqi people when neither provided for the people of New Orleans is simply a deluded farce.
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Bones (2005–2017)
A fine show ruined by NEO-CON stupidity.
23 December 2006
The sets and production design is superb, the ensemble cast is excellent the leads are very good and shine when the material is worthy of their characters.

Sadly what stains and ruins an otherwise good show with great potential that I now will not watch again with much regret is the pollution into it of NEO-CON Murdoch/Fox bigotry and ignorance. They set up "Bones" as a brilliant and enlightened woman and not just in terms of forensic science but in terms of her broader cultural though not pop-culture knowledge and sensitivity. Then in certain episodes they place into and from out of her mouth the most inappropriate post 9/11 Fox News line agenda crap!! The kind of crap that only people brainwashed by the mainstream corporate US media are stupid enough to think and believe. At the same time the show makes it very clear that she knows nothing of the kind of pop culture references that you get from watching precisely the kind of TV media her character does not have anything to do with.

I started watching at a good part three discs into the DVD set so my first impression was positive as I saw the Christmas and California episodes and they were very good, no problem. Then I got to start fresh from the pilot. Great start. Things set up very well. But I discovered a ratio of 50% good versus 50% awful episodes. The awful episodes tend to do that cruel reactionary American thing of ridiculing the underdog instead of championing or having empathy.

The worst episode concerned an Afghan man who is blown up in his car. It was not only a load of 9/11 Fox News Neo-Con bile but it totally betrayed the education and intelligence of the lead character who would know so much better than the idiot ignorance of the show. An ignorance that presumes Afghans to be Arabs as if people speak Arabic in that country. They are not Arabs and they speak Farsi (Dari) and Pashto. The lead character would know the difference between the phrases "Afghani" and "Afghan". But not the ignorant writers and producers apparently, who seem to have a level of education of other cultures in the ball park, of the has no clue George Bush jnr. It is particularly a sign of Neo-Con propaganda when there is an accusation of 9/11 invoking, terrorism made at an Afghan character. It is not considered convenient for the Murdoch media to emphasise or make the facts clear that there was NOT one single Afghan involved in 9/11 and that there was NOT one single Iraqi involved in 9/11. They were of course over 14 Saudis but pro-Bush US media does not want to make terrorists out of Saudi characters because the US/UK continue to support and coddle that regime. While we have destroyed the nation of Iraq in the name of a war-on-terror that Iraq had nothing to do with. Until of course we invaded, ruined what was left after a decade of our genocidal sanctions and turned the country into a terrorist university, where before there were none.

The character of "Bones" is written as being a woman of certain level of education and cultural awareness. She would know that our pre 9/11 sanctions on Iraq killed over a million people during the Clinton years. She would have neither any truck or affinity with either the Clinton or Bush camp as she would be aware of their shared river of blood and brutal harm upon the world including Muslim nations. She would not spout crap that implies an innocent USA was attacked by nutcases. Yes nutcases did attack but the USA is far from innocent and the death-toll caused by US imperialism both pre and post 9/11 pales the loss of life on 9/11. That does not make 9/11 right but nor is it acceptable to promote the fantasy of an innocent and benevolent USA/UK.
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Syrian Bride (2004)
Canadian DVD IS BEST
25 September 2006
I want people to know the following:

The link to the DVD brings you to the US issue DVD being sold on Amazon Canada regardless of the fact that the best quality presentation of this movie is the Canadian issue. Go to the main home page of Amazon Canada then enter THE SYRIAN BRIDE it will take you to two issues. The DVD with the YELLOW cover is the better Canadian issue the one with the BLUE cover is the American one. This movie is so wonderful everyone should own it. Get the Canadian DVD it is beautiful and if you replace the black DVD box with a super clear DVD box you can take advantage of its lovely double-sided bilingual cover. H S Marks Manchester UK.
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