
19 Reviews
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Fifteen-Love (2023)
Good show, but...
3 November 2023
It's a bit stereotypic, which is pretty obvious from the first few episodes. You can see where this is going. Perhaps not a surprise since its created by (angry?) women who wants to make a statement?

The show is good, the acting is good, the characters are interesting and well played.

One thing is terrible though; the typical issues when making a show about sports. The scenes when they play tennis...why didnt they just skip those? Its terrible! It looks like a bunch of amateurs playing, with a cheering crowd which would have booooed for much less. If these were the ones qualifying for the grand slams, this show would be a total disaster.

Watch it though, and forget about tennis scenes.
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Love at First Sight (I) (2023)
Cute, but no...
16 September 2023
Not very original, and not weird to fall in love at first sight when you're scared, inexperienced, just turned 20 and going on your first international flight - where you pretty much fall in love with everyone who seem like a friendly creature.

The characters doesnt even seem to be in love. Perhaps its because of the poor material they have been given. Will they end up or break up? Well, you decide...

A cliche movie which you've probably seen a 100 times already. But its cute on a hungover Sunday, if you got nothing else to do. Dont forget popcorn and cleenex, if you're above average on the sentimental scale.
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The Staircase (2022)
A mysterious man
17 June 2022
The casting in this show is really good. I had to go back to the original documentary and compare and I doubt they could have done a better job with casting and the acting than what they did in this HBO series.

Colin Firth does a great job in acting itself, but if you have seen the documentary, you might agree that he makes Mike Peterson look much more "normal" than he actually is. The way I "know" Mike Peterson, I cant believe a word that is coming out of his mouth. He always seem to put on a show, with his body language, facial expressions and so on. I just have a hard time trusting him. I am sure he is a loving father and a grand father, and his family really loves him (except the obvious ones). But seen from the outside, its really hard to trust that guy. This is just my observations of course, and people read people in different ways. But if I was to decide whether he is guilty or not, just based on his character, I would find him guilty.

No matter how much I try to see this as an accident, I just cant get it to work. That scene at the bottom of the stairs looks like someone had been butchered, not someone falling down the stairs, hitting their head and someone trying to help. Even his 911 call seem weird, to say the least. The sad thing is that the truth is lost, no matter what. Only one person know the truth and he is not likely to admit anything. If he is guilty.
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Sully (2016)
Tampering with truth
21 April 2022
Clint Eastwood really has a way with creating more drama when it should not be needed. The story itself is dramatic enough, and all this NTSB stuff he is adding in this movie is flat out false. Plus all these other cozy moments he is adding. Its a shame, people watching this movie may think its what really happened. They should find a good documentary instead, not this "Hollywood" soap opera. The only true thing in this movie is that they actually landed in the Hudson and everyone survived.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Just. Terrible. Nonsense.
1 February 2022
Perhaps the show gets better after episode 4, but I gave up after 3. Hugh Dillon (the creator) must be a world champ in swearing, it is perhaps the only thing he is good at. He does it here, even more than he did in Yellowstone. Maybe he think he sound tough when he swear ALL the time? And its not only him. Everyone is swearing. ALL THE TIME. It just sounds extremely stupid and lame.

I have no idea how these guys ended up being the big bosses of this town and its prisons, located in a shady, dirty office with a hot secretary, it just sets the standard of a very poorly written mafia book. There is absolutely no red line, just a bunch of random things going on and they have to be the fixers. Middle men between the prisoners, cops, SWAT teams, lawyers and God knows what else they run. But how they do it, no one has a clue.

Kyle Chandler and Jeremy Renner must have been bored to death during covid to agree to join this show. Sadly, they dont do much to save it anyway.
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1917 (2019)
Beautiful boring
7 February 2020
Some nice scenes with beautiful (yet fake) light and some cool sound effects. Thats pretty much it for me. Obviously I belong to the minority since the average score is well above 8. But for me, this movie was extremely boring. I had absolutely zero connection to any of the characters and I just couldnt care less if they lived or died. The dialogue was completely flat and didnt create any emotions in me. At least not sad when I was supposed to feel sad. At times it felt like a mix of Saving Private Ryan and Lord of the Rings. It just lacked all the drama and great acting. It jumped to conclusions way too fast, and the main characters just didnt build a relationship to their audience. Its actually beyond me if this movie win a single award. I just cant understand what that should be for.
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American Son (2019)
All the cliches in one movie
8 November 2019
If you want to make a movie about racism, to portray racism, to show what racism feels like, I cant think of a more cliche way of doing it than this movie. Or hey, maybe I just dont get it since Im white (...). But this is the cheap way of showing it. That lady reminded me of some people Ive seen at the grocery store, post office, DMV, or you name it - they are playing the racism card no matter what you do to help them. They have already decided that they are victim of racism the second they entered the building. Yelling, being rude, blaming everyone and everything and of course throwing the "how can you possibly know, youre not black" card at you.

Racism is real. Racism is far too important than this movie could ever portray it as. This was a terrible attempt in showing everyone what racism "feels like". Instead of addressing the real issues, they went for the "angry black lady" who's never going to be satisfied, no matter how hard you try she will tell you that the whole world is against her.

And what was the point with her white husband?? They even made him look like a racist. Heck, even the black police officer turned out to be a racist for not supporting her yelling.
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What was the point
6 November 2019
My 3 stars are based only on some cool scenes, nothing else. And I hate giving it 3 because Breaking Bad is my all time favorite show.

So... Was it fun for the crew and actors to meet up again and make this movie? Yes, Im sure it was. Was it fun to see some of the characters again? Yeah, kinda. Although it never gave me the chills. Actually it didnt give me much at all, to be honest. Did the movie answer any questions I might have had after the show ended? Not at all. Did the move make any sense at all? Nah, not really. Was it a good movie? Well, if you havent watched the show it makes no sense at all watching this movie. However, it didnt make much sense to me either, so just give it a shot, and then watch the show. To answer the question, not its not a good movie either way.

There are some amazing shows out there, and I get it - both the fans and the creators and actors are really sad its over. But its like having the greatest party ever and then trying to redo it the next weekend. It never works. Just let it go and remember what was.

This movie was not needed.
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Unbelievable (2019)
Netflix did it again - Brilliant
14 September 2019
Just excellent, from start to end. The acting, the story, the directing, the start and the end. Brilliant! I found myself rewinding many scenes just to watch them again due to great acting and dialogue. I usually never do that since it kinda mess up the episode (Im picky), but couldnt help myself.

Keep up this kinda work Netflix, and Disney wont have a chance.
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Scarface (1983)
Good back then? Parody today.
5 March 2019
Perhaps if I watched this movie in 1990, I would give it a better score, but now its just a parody of everything you can imagine;
  • Al Pacino yelling and screaming and angry every second of the movie (exhausting, give us a break, Al!). He is even worse than the many who made a parody of him when he is, exactly, angry and yelling.
  • Bad guys with machine guns. Very scary!
  • Undercover cops, who's not even a cop. Or are they? Good one!
  • Miami (enough said)
  • Greed. Yeah, it's not good for you...
  • Sniffing coke and making bad decisions, then regret when you're back in real life. I saw that one coming...
  • One million bullets and still standing and yelling, angrier than ever (grrrr!)

This review is just as bad as the movie, but what are you gonna say. its just terrible.

Oh, and I did not check the Yes-box for spoilers. Everyone knows that Pacino is...yeah, angry.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
3/10 far
7 October 2016
I was looking forward to this show. But I think Kiefer should have kept his word when he said "no more TV shows for me after 24".

I have never seen anything with more clichés than this one. The acting is awful (yes, Kiefer too), the story is thin and the stereotypes are all over the place.

Check out the scene in the 1st episode, when Kiefer is listening to his kids while they are in their bedroom and totally scared;

  • Do you think dad is scared? - Dad is not scared of anything...

Kiefer looking down, listening to his kids, blushing, a tear on its way. Oh my gosh, heartbreaking. Not. Cliché, YES.

I don't even know where to begin. Terrible. Cliché. Boring. Awful acting.
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Easy (2016–2019)
Enjoyable everyday life...stuff
3 October 2016
Its not a show that will end up with awards and all that, but its quite enjoyable and pretty perfect for a Sunday chill on the couch. Either alone or with your boyfriend/girlfriend. If you're single you may be glad you are after watching this. If you watch it with your bf/gf you may end up having a discussion about...well, you'll see...

Each episode is 30 minutes and (more or less) has a story of its own. Mostly about dating, love, sex and relationship struggles - in other words, everyday life stuff. The acting is good enough and the stories are to the point and short enough so it never gets boring or too cliché.

If you're a fan of Togetherness, you may like this one.
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The Program (II) (2015)
Documentaries are way better
24 May 2016
If you have watched this movie, or thinking about it, its probably because you are more than average interested in the Lance Armstrong story. And then again if you are, you have probably watched the documentaries as well - and they are far better than this movie.

For example "Stop at Nothing The Lance Armstrong Story" - which this movie seem to be a poor copy of. Its as if they watched that documentary and thought "hey, this is a great story, lets make a movie about it!". Just too bad the story was already told in a far better way, with the real people involved.

Say what you want about Ben Foster, but all the scenes he was involved in in this movie has already been done by Lance himself in the documentaries. And what could possibly beat that?

The only thing that impressed me about this movie was Jesse Plemons. He actually looked like a pro biker. Unless he was photo shopped!

Watch the documentaries instead, this is a waste of time.
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Making a Murderer (2015–2018)
The kind of movie that makes you want to become a defense lawyer
28 December 2015
First of all, huge credit to the film makers for following this story for more than 12 years. Amazing work and the end result is second to none. Or hopefully we have not seen the end yet.

If you have watched the TV show Rectify and think that is messed up, you will be furious after watching this.

For some, a 10 episode and 10 hour documentary may seem too much, but once you start its almost impossible to stop. I had to take a break after the 6th episode though, not because I was tired but I was getting frustrated and angry. I am sure you will feel the same way sooner or later.

Am I 100% sure that Avery did not kill the woman? No, I am not. But you can pretty much tell he is innocent by the way he is behaving both right after she went missing and during the trial. Unless he was a cold blooded monster with no emotions what so ever. You cant act like that without being a sociopath, psychopath and pathological liar. And Avery does not seem to be any of that. And if he was, he would probably be way smarter than to kill a woman and burn her in his own back yard shortly after being released from prison serving 18 years for something he never did.

Obviously, the scary part in this documentary is how the law works. Or does not work. It is absolutely terrifying to see how the prosecutors and the judges and the rest of the apparatus is doing everything they can to win the case. They will lie, they will smear, they will do anything in their power to "prove" they are right. Besides the fact they are all trying to save their own skin, it is pure evil. I simply refuse to think that all the detectives and lawyers and judges involved really think Avery is guilty. Therefor, I was very happy to see that one of them got what he deserved in the end. And my suspicion about him being a total (beep) was correct.

It takes 30 seconds to read the Miranda rights, it may take a lifetime to prove you are innocent. If thats not scary, I don't know what is.
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The Counselor (2013)
OK on a Tuesday night
30 January 2014
Well, well, what to say? The plot is interesting, the acting is good and the dialogue is above average. So where did it go wrong? Im still trying to figure out two days after I watched it.

In short; I never felt a connection to any of the characters, which is a must in a movie. It was never really exciting. Some of the scenes lasted too long without adding much to the story, which explains why its 2hours 15mins long. Its listed as a Crime/Drama/Thriller which is a good combination, normally. The only thing I recognized of those was the crime.

At the end, I was like "hmm, OK" - I guess that explains how I felt about the movie. Its not one of those you tell your friends "Ive seen it at least 15 times". Once on a Tuesday night should be enough.
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Be inspired
22 January 2014
Thats the main goal with this movie. To inspire people to find their own way. Its not all about finding THE right food, THE right vegetable and what not. Its about being hungry for change. If this movie doesn't trigger your mind to make a better life for yourself, Im afraid you missed the point. You could ask any multi billion dollar company for a comment regarding the so-called healthy food they are producing and their answer would be like it always is; we have no comment. Just because they don't give a .... about you. Its all about profit. The people in this movie has walked in your shoes, they know what its like and they know whats working and whats not working. Its up to you who you wanna believe. Either you're hungry for change, or you're already on your way back to your doctor for another dose of addictive drugs that do you no good.
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A bit disappointed
18 July 2010
The longer you wait for something, the more disappointed you (might) be. And that turned out to be true for me regarding this one.

Some movies keeps you glued to your seat, but after an hour or so, I didn't even bother hitting the Pause-button when going for another cup of coffee. Not sure if it was the movie or staying up late all weekend which made me sleepy.

The plot, the cast, the director - all the ingredients indicated that this would be a good one. Where did it go wrong?

In my opinion I think the story was too thin. The dialogs, specially between The Ghost and Lang's wife had some cheap points and they never seemed to hit the nerve. The extra's (those who talked of course) were real bad, which also removed the last part of any kind of drama. Even Brosnan was not that good. He didn't strike me as a typical Prime Minister and he did not add any "juice" to the part. The music didn't seem to fit in and made me think of anything but a thriller.

Oh well, all these small (annoying) things, but when I add them up, I ended up with a pretty boring movie. The only person who really looked like he was in a political thriller, was McGregor. He played his part well. Unfortunately, his effort alone was not enough to save the project.
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The Limey (1999)
1/10 boring.
30 April 2007
I don't even know why on earth I completed this movie. I should have turned it OFF after 20mins. I don't care if there's a good point in the end or whatever he tries to tell us by *******spoiler******** at the beach in the end. There's not a single nerve in this movie, its boring, you don't care whats happening, you don't believe the characters, they try to be cool but are NOT. Oh boy!!. I could go on forever.

I could make a really BAD and BORING movie, but would a good point in the last minute save it and make you think "Oh, thats a good point, good movie!"...? If you think so; WASTE 90 minutes of your life and go see this one.

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16 Blocks (2006)
Really caught my attention
13 September 2006
First of all, I don't really like to give a movie 1-10 scores.

Depending on what category, a movie can be either very funny and deserves a 10 and a true story drama can be even better and should maybe get a 12, if possible. So, if you compare this movie to the very best you ever seen, it might not get a 8 on the score. Anyway, this movie really got my attention from the first second, which is a good sign. I was actually on my way out and just started the film to get a first impression. I called my friend and said; I'm going to be delayed, see you later. And thats a good friend, so go figure out. Either I'm a bad friend, or the movie is just as good as you hope for. Go see it!
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