
153 Reviews
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The Homeless (1974)
Feels like movie never really get a purpose
9 October 2022
This movie is a slow starter, which is not really always a bad thing. But unfortunately it does not really go anywhere seriously. A lot of plot points are started but not really explored or dealt with in any meaningful way.

To add that there is very little character development in the 2 of the 3 main characters. No real purpose of the 2 of the characters. Shintarô Katsu carries the movie, but even his talent cannot replace a story.

Ken Takakura has a role that even his charisma cannot make interesting. Being completely uninterested in everything is rarely interesting.

The ending made me feel like I had just wasted 1½ hour of my life. I could see why it could end this way but why try to tell a story and end it that way. So even though a lot of screen time for 3 actors I cherish I cannot recommend it to other people than those that like to make up their own story.
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Na Cha and the 7 Devils
18 September 2022
First I am not really sure who the target audience to this movie is. But it is a lighthearted fantasy movie even though the subject is to stop 7 devils that run havoc in the mortal world.

Start is a bit implausible in many ways. But if you can live with that and don't mind this is a movie with magic/divine powers then it may be entertainment for you. Fighting is nowhere realistic even compared to normal martial arts movies.

You will not see anything groundbreaking here. But if you just want to click off your brain and be entertained without too high demands then it may be for you. It did succeeded in giving me a good time on a very bad day.
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Started good but running in the same track all the time
26 August 2022
I was actually enjoying the movie in the start, but I found the story kept running in circles and the same fight too many times for it to be interesting. Cast is good enough though but story and character development should have been a bit more in focus.

I did not find the martial arts in the movie exceptional. It was fine and ok but nothing I have not seen more interesting. I cannot say too much about the camera work and so on as the copy I saw was quite poor.

So if the movie is on a tv screen in front of you then give it a chance. Otherwise it is not a movie I would spend time looking for.
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Fine and entertaining martial arts movie
25 August 2022
A bit different martial arts movie maybe with more moral dilemmas than actual fighting. But I did like it and found it better than the average martial arts movie. I can absolutely agree with the other reviewers here that it is worth seeing even though it is hard to find. But still not close to a 10.
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Virgin Nightmares (2004 Video)
Partly erotic horror from Japan
6 May 2022
As a quite short movie it did not outstay its welcome. But I found it is neither erotic enough for those looking for that, or scary/eventful enough for those coming for the horror.

The start of the movie was quite good in my opinion and made great promises for the movie. Unfortunately it went back to one of the classic stories and did not in full extend use the good start of the movie.

In the end I was a bit disappointed feeling it was something I had seen many times before without anything really to excite me.

I would rate it like if it is on a late night at a streaming service then it may be worth your time if hardcore horror fan. But not anything worth spending time looking for.
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Caged Heat (1974)
not terrible but not Japanese standard
20 January 2022
After reading the reviews with many praising the movie to the skies I have to assume most have not seen the Japanese movies that have been made about women in prison before this one. The ones I assume must have inspired this.

Unless you think subtitles are terrible I would look into some of those instead. I guess this is a somewhat okay movie but not anything I will see again. There was some interesting ideas in the movie but they felt a bit unexplored.

But there are at least some nice shower scenes for those that enjoy that.
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Prequel that does not offer much new from the first two movies
11 January 2022
The new things you have not seen earlier that had some kind of interest could have been done in around 15 minutes instead of a lot of jumping back and forth. Nothing did really lead anywhere. Very few extra info things that really have any interest.

For me nothing new from the 2 first movies. Felt more like you got the toilet breaks explained rather than what and why of real interest happened before. No noteworthy news for me about either Dominion or the main hero from the first 2 movies.
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Zombex (2013)
Where is the sequel and why should I see it?
22 August 2020
I think some parts of the movie are fine and I did think the set-up was okay even though far fetched. But again the start was the best part and not really that special even for a B/C-movie.

But the for me unfulfilling end really made me feel I really wasted my time here. Maybe they hoped to make a sequel. But more likely they could just not decide what story they did try to tell (which they did not really do a good job doing either) Only recommended if you want to see all "zombie" movies ever made.
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No satisfying end that made me wonder about what the point the movie was.
21 August 2020
I know I am most likely not intellectual enough to understand why this movie was made. But this movie does not really portray how terrible war is or anything.

It does follow a group of soldiers and their life in some kind of civil war I will guess. Problem in this is neither the war settings are interesting nor any of the characters we follow. On top of that I found it very annoying that the storyteller suddenly looked at the camera and talked to the viewer once in a while.

In the end I am not sure if this was a buddy movie or what story it was trying to tell me that I have not seen done 50 times better already. I just waited for something to happen here that would justify my time spend here.But nothing ever led anywhere.

Would I recommend this movie? Not really, as I did not find any of the characters interesting or with any depth which can be a problem for a buddy movie. Neither did I find it described the world or war in any insightful way. You can do better with most low budget movies out there.
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Would have been better as a series and ends open ended
17 August 2020
Story: seemed fine enough and could have been good for a series. I liked the supernatural setting. But honestly I felt there was too much for a movie.

Acting: Well it was not hamlet but they did okay for a low budget title. Lets get back to the main rule. Do not watch low budget if you do not like it :-)

Make-up/costume: Well it may be because comic book inspired some of them were a bit green and stuff. Or there may have been an explanation we did not get in the movie. It did sometimes look a bit C grade like. But other costumes were just fine.

Action: I found most of the combat OK. I have seen it both better and worse in high budget movies.

Would I recommend this movie?: Not really as it does not end the story line. If you are the kind of person that likes to think your own endings it may be okay. Had there been a sequel then I would most likely have watched it sometimes.
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Echo Dr. (2013)
Modern movie robot check - mobile phones nope
7 July 2020
I found the story snail boring. I found none of the characters just a tiny bit interesting. So why should I care what happened to them? I was baffled when the house phone was down that they did not just grab a mobile phone and call. But no why would they have mobiles when they have invented robots? I have most likely seen worse movies than this. but I will not see the last 20. And I suggest you skip the first 50 to make up for my lost time :-)
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After Death (2012)
Strange and hard to review movie
6 July 2020
A dysfunctional group of siblings gather at their childhood home after their dads death. All their old conflicts resurface and they try handling each other and their own past and try to find out how to move on.

The ghost of the dead brother also takes an active role in the movie. But not in a scary way. But really much a movie about coming to terms with what happened and their own reactions.

Would I recommend this movie? That is a hard one to answer. I did enjoy it a lot and I think it was a refreshing and sweet movie.. But if you are not to slow movies then stay away. Also a movie that is not really too serious even though serious subjects like loss. If you have an open mind and some imagination I think you can enjoy this movie a lot. I am not sure it really is a good movie for younger people though.
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Why do people watch low budget movies just to hate them?
30 June 2020
Is this groundbreaking in any way? No

Is this story new and innovating? Nope done many times before. But I have seen plenty of famous top budget movies with less plot. Lets face it is is by now it is hard to make up with a story not somewhat done in a book or movie. Some did also find it hard to follow. There are a lot of characters at different places back and forth, but I did not really have any trouble seeing who was the good and bad guys at any time.

Is the acting great? nope - but still not worse than many blockbusters.

Is there any character development? Not really a lot. But I did not expect a movie called Starship Rising to be the new Hamlet.

Was I bored while watching it? Hell no. I had a pretty good time watching it. it is by no way a great movie but for me fine enough to relax my brain and just enjoy.. It is maybe not a movie I would search for, but if on a movie site or telly near you then click play without expecting anything big.
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Ok if you can live with low budget movies
27 May 2020
What I found most interesting about this movie was the new take on the soul is for aliens to feed on. All in all a good mix of aliens and demons and religion.

Acting was not impressive but quite adequate and I was entertained throughout the movie. What I found the weakest part of the movie was the end part but still a good experience and a movie I felt at least tried to view the alien abduction thing in a bit different way than normally.

But if you want high budget movies with nice CGI then find another movie to watch instead. I will also have to add I watched a version with running time 1:47 and not ::25 as noted here
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Exaella (2011)
of course I am not anime expert but
21 May 2020
I did find this very long and at he same time very dull colors. I did not really get interested in any of the characters in the story and I may believe the long an extremely boring start without a hint what was happening did lower my general interest as well.

I am sure you can find more exciting anime out there to watch than this.Or skip the first 40 minuttes and I do not believe you will miss much. Without really cutting anything this could have been an hour shorter
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Man-Thing (2005)
If you want to see the Man-Thing or a passable horror movie look elsewhere
11 May 2020
I often wonder why well paid writers do not spend 5$ and a few hours reading the source material. This movie have absolutely nothing to do with Man-Thing.

I hate when movies claim to be something it is not. When you just want to make a horror flick and not use the story call it swamp monster or whatever.

If this horror movie then was anywhere close to enjoyable I could maybe live with it. Unfortunately it is not. It seems like a story written by a ten year old that have seen a few horror movies. An hour in I could not really justify watching it anymore and chose doing my dishes instead. That was surprisingly more entertaining than the movie.
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if you find non-endings intellectual then this is for you
9 May 2020
Well I did in the start find it interesting and ok acted and so on. But as time went on I had a harder and harder time finding out what story they really wanted to tell.

it simply got too complex for its time keeping introducing new villains and still not really showing with certainty who was the good and the bad guys. And what everyones goal was and their relationship to others.

They kept on introducing new players but no character development for anyone. As someone mentioned it seemed like they ran out of funds or time or whatever in the end and just hurried mixing something together.

For me the story seemed rushed and less and less engaging towards the end. The end makes me think I wasted my time here. So not recommended unless you love making your own ending.
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Reason and the end made me regret wasting time here
3 May 2020
I would say until approximately the last half hour the movie was promising enough.

The four lead characters did not really feel like they were friends. They did not share anything only bicker like an unhappy couple. I never understood why they were together.

Besides that I found the setup interesting enough and there was a very nice car chase. But after that the the movie lost meaning. I did not really see any reason for what was happening. And saying more would spoil I guess.

But actually the ending was even more meaningless for me. Pity as I think the actors did a reasonable good job here and a bit more conventional story line had improved the movie.
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OK B spy/action movie
21 April 2020
Well I did not expect great acting when I started watching this movie. And I did not really get any either. I did not expect to see a new and groundbreaking plot, and they use one used hundreds of times before. I would say kind of average in most parts.

There is a fair share of violence in the movie. but most is just shooting. I thought for an agent/hitman movie it was quite entertaining. I have seen far worse in I was entertained while the movie was playing.

Would I recommend it? If you are searching for great movies no. If you look for something to watch before you go to sleep that is not too mind blowing then it is a good choice. I was entertained, but I did not set my expectations high. I have seen far worse high budget action movies and also better.
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Not as good as Leapin' Leprechauns
7 April 2020
I did enjoy Leapin' Leprechauns! (1995) a lot but I have to say I think this movie was far too long time about getting started. In the first 45 minutes there should have been cut 20 minutes or added some content. End part was good though.

So would I recommend this movie? 0nly if you have a lively imagination and love fantasy creatures and are a bit patient.
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if you liked the two before it is fine
3 April 2020
It is more or less the same as the two movies before. You will not experience a cinematic milestone but an okay time waster. If you come across it on a bored day then you will see this time he gets into fights to protect a girl. It does contain a lot of fights.

As some of the fights do take place in a strip joint then you will see a few half naked women.

I was well entertained but it is a watch and forget movie
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Roughcut (1994 Video)
how can you dumb down an action movie script?
21 March 2020
Action movies are not known for their deep realism. But seriously what I am considering is Dumb and Dumber. Difference is in Dumb and Dumber bad decisions have consequences. A guy that places himself obviously to be kicked/hit in the balls 2 or 3 times in a row. Bad guys waiving a big knife driving through town like that would not attract attention. Simple everything happening is so unbelievably, like why did he do that?

It even make the action sequences seem retarded. Well some people may truly get some good laughs out of it. Otherwise just miss it
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Good start, very looong middle, good end
17 February 2020
I liked the start of the movie but I did find most part of the middle not funny and not really going anywhere. This movie should in my opinion had been an hour shorter or had some better content in the middle.

All involved did a fine enough job just far too long spent in the middle without being funny or moving the story anywhere. Had it at least been cut to 90 minutes that may also have made the remaining movie better paced. for 3 hours there are far too few fights in this movie.

So my recommendation is to find another Bud Spencer comedy instead of this movie.
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Woman of Fire (1971)
Entertaining housemaid drama
13 February 2020
Even though not my favorite type of story I did enjoy it a lot.. Especially the maid I found very interesting. Acting and so on is quite good but you will not see anything in this story you have not seen before in others of these kind of movies. But still i found it a bit over average and I was fully entertained for the duration of the movie. Maybe not a movie you should spend long time searching for but if it is on a channel near you then give it a try.
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Escape from the prison island
1 February 2020
The movie is about a gambler that takes a prison sentence for a friend because of his sick mother. Then he gets offered to join an escape from the prison island. At first he is not interested in this. But then he hear news that upset him...

I have to say my viewing of this movie was a bit disturbed by seeing it dubbed to some strange language but with English subtitles.

I did enjoy the movie though as the plot was not the same as always and acting and fights were quite good. Not a masterpiece by any way, but I do think it was above average in entertainment value.
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