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The Natural (1984)
things you notice, watching a film 10 times in the same week, in a fuselage
9 June 2024
I don't know what makes a good sports movie, I do know what makes a good movie...this would be the latter. I watched this movie, the first of 10 times, on a flight going to Australia in 1984. The first time I saw it, I really enjoyed it...Little did I know that the next 9 flights ( I had over the next few days) would all be showing this film as the inflight show, oh boy...The nuances you pick up on.... Before CGI, actors had to rely on great lighting to look 15 years younger...Now of course they all have Botox. Another little subiltisim, besides Barbara Hershey's crazy (brown eyed) lady vengeance...come on, every player in this film has blue eyes.... I don't know if that was intentional, but after 10 viewings in a Boeing cylinder, it is something you pick up on...
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The Twilight Zone: Nothing in the Dark (1962)
Season 3, Episode 16
14 May 2024
If you only watch one episode of Twilight Zone this should be it. Then maybe as an appetizer, look at "Little girl lost" (later made into the Hollywood blockbuster... rhymes with Boltergeist). Gladys Cooper, fantastic actress...I'm sure Serling was able to procure her talent for the basic 1960's working actress's wage. Lucky for the studios and fledgling black and white tv, old school (brilliant) theater actors...needed work. And a lot of them were able to shine in the Twilight Zone series. In this particular episode we get ... Heartbreaking scenes between the desperate, isolated old woman that the world no longer has use for and the beautiful young man that let her know....she was always more than worthy.
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The Vanishing (1988)
Ted Bundy wrote this
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The fake arm break lure. Totally Ted. What was cool, the multiple young women in this 80's story that were able to see through the bad guys fake. (The Ted) trying to suck them into his evil lure, yet, his many potential victims had the savvy and intelligence to tell him to sod off...for a variety of sane reasons. The "vanished" ...the sweet girl... of course...she would be the one that was picked and taken. My problem with that, what makes No Sense (with this almost perfect terrifying movie)... NO Freaking Way that the very methodically perfectly planning psychopath would ever, ever, ever, pick the most populated rest stop, truck stop, 10,000 people a day site to abduct someone from, it worked in the film, but not so much in the real world. That's why I can't give this brilliant and terrifying film a 10.
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Feud: Masquerade 1966 (2024)
Season 2, Episode 3
The 60's, from the rest of us...alive back then
8 February 2024
Terrific performances by Tom Hollander, Naomi Watts, Diane Lane...As far as not meeting human being standards, Truman Capote was one of the original scumbags (for sure) That being said, still funny as hell!!...I think the "swans" knew that. They used him as well. That New York elitist crowd in the post Eisenhower era would have loved having the power to puppet their little (bought) darling into attacking all of their true or imagined adversaries. So...the big disconnect...This is 2024, and sorry producers, Millennials that love "The Real Housewives" are not going to care about the actual "Real Housewives" from 60 years ago. We all get that those gal's were really just spoiled, entitled, forgettable, self absorbed little b*****s... and most significantly they were just...dull...
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Fargo: Bisquik (2024)
Season 5, Episode 10
Bisquick absolution
17 January 2024
Absolution does not have to be instructed to say 5 Our Fathers and an act of contrition. It can come in the form of receiving a warm, delicious biscuit from someone who made it with love ( and buttermilk). Deputy Witt, someone who went into law enforcement "To protect and serve" (especially our heroine). Not to kill.....hmm. Unfortunate. Redemption for a couple of other characters, unlikely, but nice to have happened-- led to a sweet moment between Dot and her stepson. So...The next few years (or decades) will be interesting for Sheriff Roy. Big thanks to Lorraine and Karma for that!! Btw, Thank you Fargo for the correct pronunciation of Ole Munch. I'd been referring to him as Ol' (rhymes with) Crunch.
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Fargo: The Useless Hand (2024)
Season 5, Episode 9
a tiger by the tail
11 January 2024
I have to turn my heater up to watch this series...Power to the people that live their winters below zero!!!! That frigid, ever enveloping fog is it's own character, it should get a series credit maybe(?) So... Ole Munch finally understands and appreciates Dot's humanity. Like when the Grinch recognized the Who's selfless, generous and forgiving state of disposition. As far as Gator.... In the end, Who punished him more severely.... Ole Munch or his daddy? Me thinks the latter. Btw, Joe Kerry's performance, on point! Y'all let us feel a bit of empathy for repugnant Sheriff Roy's unfortunate prodigy.
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Fargo: Blanket (2023)
Season 5, Episode 8
Don't let me down
3 January 2024
First, let's get this out of the way, why would Danish go into that psychopaths lair alone? Clumsy, too easy, and ridiculous, writers you can do better... come on! Dot, love you girl. Should she be nominated for political office? That's not what she wants... Good lord, She only wants to be a soccer mom...I think that could and should happen... but maybe only and unfortunately in television life. The perfect song to wrap up this season- would be the Beatles Don't Let Me Down. That long, deliberate walk Sheriff Roy took to release his anger (I'm sure his steps were counted for some reason) Um, did we all not want to see him trip and dive into pig slop?
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Fargo: The Tender Trap (2023)
Season 5, Episode 6
Season 5's b.b. meanies
20 December 2023
Lorraine: Iniquitous. Her only redeeming feature...She is certainly not a wilting lily, she's a take no prisoners kind of gal. Still trying to pin down that accent...Kind of Grey Gardens with a splash of (somewhere) southern, spoken through clenched teeth. Sheriff Roy: Odious. The writers seem to be having great fun with this character. His evil is a bit cartoonish, a Boris Badenov-Tommy Udo amalgam. On a physical note, Roy seems to be fused from head to tailbone. That barrel chest and overstuffed hat are always stiffly in unison. Ole Munch: Not a true or born villain. More a robot like slave, made to do the bidding of the "paying" repugnants over the eons. You have to dig his 70's punk meets Braveheart fashion aesthetic.
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fargo 2016
30 November 2023
I went through Fargo in 2016, it was dark and cold and then (in reality) this horrible event happened that winter, the first time in 126 years,..After that, the next few days that were spent in in Minneapolis were very gloomy... certainly did not get any MTM show vibes. I was there supporting my kids college interview. I do get why the Coen brothers picked this bleak landscape to showcase the nuttiness of Americans. I am not sure where all of the 16th century witch, crossroads demon (?) and weird nipple situation thing is going and why...seems a bit sybaritic. The sun that bleak November day rose cheerless over .... of ....
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This show had alot more to say
15 November 2023
This story did have so much more to tell. Interesting characters, very well acted and one of the first shows to intelligently engage in centuries old indigenous injustice . I think that all of the turmoil that happened during COVID changed how good storytelling was appreciated and/or maybe was then given up on. Unfortunately cheap reruns and reality shows will always hold interest for the desperate viewing masses.. For those of us that did grow up in the wild wild west and the new frontier--we will always appreciate the diversity and brilliance that the PNW and lower mainland B. C. has generously bestowed upon us-- the old school folks and the newly inductees by choice!
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The Visit (I) (2015)
hansel and gretal 2 point hmm
27 October 2023
Fun premise, deliberate delivery. Sorry, no cap's, i'm too tired. Super cute kids... the older sis-- protector (unfortunately overly accommodating) and the younger brother formed from the very male writers prepubescent id-- quirky, pampered and suffering from ocd (not sure that's a bad thing). Loved how much fun the older actors must of had fleshing out these crazies when their middle aged writers were telling them, now remember "this is your motivation"... and of course there was still time to insert "mom guilt"...for lords sake mom's you all must realize by now taking vacations from your kids will only lead to a horror franchise.
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Kendra Sells Hollywood (2021–2023)
Kendra has always been cute
28 April 2023
It is seems to be, if you watch LA flipping shows anyway, that you only need to be over botoxed, much fillered, and bleach blonde to have the ability to sell million dollar properties. Not just this show, but ALL of the LA phony's. For those of us that have been "flipping" houses before that was even a term ( like 1986), this is hysterical. If you buy the saddest house in a good neighborhood and put some sweat equity into it, plastic surgery is not needed, you will make a profit and make another family very happy. Kendra is super cute and her kids are even cuter. When you are still young Kendra, maybe get out of that vampire vacuum and move out of Hollywoodland!
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CA can purchase anything
14 March 2023
So Tarek gets Izzy and Christina gets Jeff, do they all work for anyone else? Financially you do not need to. The amount of $ that have paid for the filler injected into the faces of these very self obsessed crazies could support any 3rd world country. This will all self implode in a very short time. Fun to see, maybe not, it's just sad that we are given this crap and told that this is what we we want to entertain...The leads tell us how much they LOVE their kids, but they are using them for ratings...i.e. $, if you even like your kids, do not do realty shows that only support your selfish ideology.
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Yellowstone: Watch 'Em Ride Away (2022)
Season 5, Episode 5
Beths new bestie
5 December 2022
I think Beth and Summer kind of realize they are the same person. They may have been groomed in polar opposite universes (equally crazy!) But they are equally tenacious, have overwhelming personalities and are singularly maybe obsessively driven to fulfill their lifelong missions or die or kill trying!

Loved Rip's "Love of my life" speech to Beth. Shades of Jack to Wendy in The Shining. Very funny.

Beth's "liquid" diet must be adding more scars (this time to her liver) to what her poor outer body has collected, from past wars. She is literally turning into The Portrait of Dorian Gray.

It was nice to see Monica have something to have a giggle about.
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Yellowstone: One Hundred Years Is Nothing (2022)
Season 5, Episode 1
Beth & Jamie show, Posers and Puberty
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is very evident that Montanans, i.e. The writers, Do Not appreciate wealthy posers from blue states defiling what was once the unadulterated Wild West. The Beth/Jamie show-- I will destroy and humiliate you for all eternity-- Enough already, forgive move's becoming a joke.... No one (Jamie) is that much of a putz. He's attorney general, come on, that makes No sense. When there are kids in the cast and a new season begins, it's always fun to see them do what writers and producers Can Not control...hitting puberty! This has always been a really good watch. Another American tragedy. Montana's Corleones.
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This Is Us: Family Meeting (2022)
Season 6, Episode 16
Big 3 "plus" for Rebecca
11 May 2022
Alzheimer's is so cruel, it certainly does not care how sweet and lovely it's victims are. Watching a beloved parent slowly being taken can bring families closer, or, tear them apart. For Rebecca's Big 3 (Plus), it seems to be the former. Hopefully the next 2 episodes will not be as devastating as the last 2. The only thing cutting through the pain are Beth's witty quips.
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This Is Us: Miguel (2022)
Season 6, Episode 15
"Love is giving your heart without expectation"
4 May 2022
Miguel's complete devotion to his beloved wife, uplifting...Despite her (and his) declining health . It was nice to (finally) get some of Miguel's back story and his many struggles. In spite of some woeful periods he suffered through his life, he was able to stay so sweet and so patient for Rebecca- and she deserves that. Loved the music that was chosen for this episode, AND the awesome copper El Camino!
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This Is Us: The Night Before the Wedding (2022)
Season 6, Episode 14
getting to the end game
27 April 2022
Watching the last few very calculated episodes.... Getting to where the writers were going from the beginning. Rebecca saves the day again, besides her deteriorating health. The "Kevin's" will always get the breaks, deserving or not... Good luck! P. S. The T. I. U. Actors are so character identified with this show, it's going to be hard for them to move on to future roles without comparisons. I think after season one they all figured that out! Residuals Rock!!!!
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This Is Us: Katoby (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
If we could only live our lives backwards....
13 April 2022
If we could only do this.... and some other outcome would happen. Not so much. Sisyphus pushed the rock up the hill over and over again....same thing was always going to happen. This episode suggests that we might have the ability to ( 20/20 hindsight) fix stuff that was bound to not work out. Sorry that the writers seem to have made "Katoby" kind of cliche, especially for those of us that have lived that reality. The Kate/Phillip story feels expedited, like- lets wrap things up with all this unpleasantness, even if it makes no sense.
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This Is Us: Saturday in the Park (2022)
Season 6, Episode 11
8 April 2022
Baby Jack is ridiculously adorable, precocious...what a fun little person to spend time with. Yes Kate and Kevin are self absorbed....we were presented with that from day one. The big three protecting each other, awesome, maybe not... At some point we all need to put the family we create with our partner ahead of our parents family with their kids. Randall was always the responsible and devoted son. Rebecca (the perfect mom) deserved at least one of the "triplets" to give her unconditional love and protection. She saved the day and the baby, maybe for last time considering her declining health . Love Beth. She has the best lines, and does them so well.
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This Is Us: Taboo (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
9 March 2022
The holidays, super stressful for everybody, Love the mother daughter story, WE are getting why the Toby Kate thing is bound to happen, sad, it could have been resolved, but like a million other 20th century stories it was set in stone.
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Jimmy Kimmel Live!: Ringo Starr/Shaun White (2022)
Season 20, Episode 74
Ringo, let us know the vitamins you take?
18 February 2022
So much fun! Evidently Ringo stopped aging in his mid forty's! I would sell all my furniture to be able to listen to a few hours of the incredible stories he has to share. Love to John, Paul, George and Ringo... forever and always. Thank you Ringo for sharing your memories, especially uplifting after the past couple of years. Paul and Ringo we all need you to stay healthy please!
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This Is Us: Four Fathers (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
Loved the babies
19 January 2022
Loved Randall and Beth's initial and then thought out reaction to Dejas voice mail. Rebecca as a mom, floating above us all. We can not compete. She makes everything perfect for everyone, not fair for her. It was not in the stars for her to be compensated for her sublimity. Toby and Kate story line....still a stretch... how are you all going to make sense of this (?)
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This Is Us: The Challenger (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
Rebecca getting to the point
5 January 2022
Randall too sweet and caring for his own good. Kevin still a little clueless, hapless. And still so very self absorbed. But we love him. The writers are going to have to be very clever and careful in how the Kate sans Toby story line evolves... Rebecca's story has moved into the last heartbreak.
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Yellowstone: No Kindness for the Coward (2021)
Season 4, Episode 8
Get over yourself
21 December 2021
This series had to have a putz, it was decided that Jamie was that boy. Not super clever. Jamie's baby mama evidently is the 21st century Lady Macbeth, not very original. Writer's need to get past the sexy and live up to your pay grade! Please give us more real, less self indulging...Everyone liberal or conservative appreciates that.
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