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Doctor Who: The Devil's Chord (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
I've been watching Doctor Who for a long time.
11 May 2024
I've been watching Doctor Who for a long time. Most of my life, in fact. When I was in my late teens, Chicago's PBS station, WTTW (channel 11) would, on Sunday nights at 11:00 pm, show classic Doctor Who episodes in their entirety. They would use judicious editing to show entire stories in one night, so we wouldn't see "part one" and "part two" and the repeat of the ending half minute of the previous serial. It was the best way to watch classic Who. The fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, was current at the time. When they had shown all the available episodes with Tom Baker, they went back and showed us all the Jon Pertwee episodes in order, and then the Baker episodes, until such time that Peter Davison took over the role.

And then later it was cancelled, and then there was the very Americanized TV movie, and then another long hiatus. Eventually the current series came along with Christopher Eccleston. Sixty plus years of television history, and I've watched almost every bit that survives (some was destroyed by the BBC because they couldn't imagine anyone would want to watch it so many years later).

Why am I bringing this up? Because after all these Doctors - 15, at least, more if you count the Valeyard and the War Doctor and the fugitive Doctor - I've never, ever, EVER seen an episode like this one. It's worth watching for this reason alone.
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Astrid et Raphaëlle: Golem (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The story here is solid enough: a mystery involving Hebrew mysticism and artificial intelligence, making for one of the more unusual television plots I've seen in some time. But this is not the reason I've rated this episode a ten.

This episode is really about romance. Raphaelle has been seeing Mathias Forest, a prosecutor of dubious morals with whom she'd had a relationship some fifteen years prior, but she's not happy. He has made it clear they're not a "couple" and she's beginning to notice this isn't what she wants. Meanwhile Astrid is starting to become attracted to Tetsuo, which is a huge advance for her, given she's autistic and folks who are autistic can find relationships terrifying.

"Golem" deftly depicts the dichotomy between Raphaelle's situation and Astrid's. One of the hallmarks of a great series is the depth of the characters, and while the ancillary characters (like Nick, Arthur and the Commissioner) haven't been fleshed out as well, our two main characters are three-dimensional and very appealing. I find that I regard these two as people by this point, and I can't wait to see what happens to them next.
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Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road (2023)
Season 1, Episode 0
26 December 2023
Well, Doctor Who is back with a new doctor, a new companion, and an old show-runner. There are many things here we haven't seen before, such as our favorite time lord bursting into song, but mostly this is a return to form after several years of being lost.

The last few years has seen Doctor Who being treated as a serious program, sometimes involving tragic events, sometimes involving deep science fiction concepts, and sometimes making heavy-handed commentary on issues of human rights or historical wrongs. Viewership has, not altogether surprisingly, gone down. Since the return of Russell T. Davies as show-runner, it's pretty clear effort has been made to restore the fun.

This is fun television. Instead of being targeted to youth, it is designed to appeal to the youthful feelings in all of us. Ncuti Gatwa, the 15th and latest doctor, is nothing less than joyful here, and his new companion, Millie Gibson, appears to be happy to be along for the ride.

Joy is appropriate for the season, after all.
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Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
That Which Was Missing is Returned
27 November 2023
It should be said that Doctor Who, as a show, a TV program, isn't just one show. There is a basic premise, that of a rogue time traveler with companions who has adventures throughout time and space. But the show reinvents itself over and over, and it has since the 1960's. Every time there is a new doctor it becomes a new show, with it's own appeal and attractions... or it fails to attract.

Consider that the era of the second doctor was a bit more whimsical, that the era of the third doctor saw him as an action hero, that the era of the fourth doctor was as much comedy as adventure, and so forth.

The thing is, through no fault of the actors playing the doctor recently, it has not been attractive for a while. The humor felt forced. The 12th doctor felt like an incomplete character and during the time of the 13th doctor, the show got a little too preachy for me, and for many others. It's a wonder Doctor Who, as a recurring program, survived.

The thing that was missing was fun. It simply wasn't much fun to watch Peter Capaldi or Jodie Whittaker. This was not the fault of either actor. If anyone is to blame it was the show-runner(s). But Russell T. Davies has been restored, and he's brought the fun back.

Is it silly? Of course it is. Does it stand up to analysis? Of course it does not. After nearly 60 years of Doctor Who - this show is on it's third generation! - if you're not willing to suspend your disbelief you shouldn't be watching. Get the popcorn. Be prepared to laugh and occasionally cheer. The doctor is back.
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Gen V: The Whole Truth (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
This is not The Boys.
30 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Gen V is a spin-off of the popular Amazon Prime series The Boys, and it has several things in common with its hugely successful predecessor. First, there's a lot of blood. Second, people die in spectacular and twisted ways. Third, if you're in the right head space it's rather funny. Fourth, and most important of all to me, you never can be really certain what will happen next.

The Whole Truth, episode four of season one, started with a creative but apparently non-lethal comeuppance for a God U student who pretty obviously used his powers for sexual gratification. It ended with a stunning what-was-that moment which left me wanting very much to watch the next episode immediately.

I found myself not terribly impressed with the show at first, and I didn't find any humor at all in episode one. It has grown on me as I watched, and I have grown more interested and involved with the characters. I suspect that after I finish the first season, I'll go back and re-watch it, to see if caring about the characters makes these early episodes more fun for me.

In the meantime, I have really grown to detest reading these reviews and seeing the phrase "Lazy writing" over and over. If I cannot predict what will happen next, or who's gonna die, or who's gonna kill them, or who's gonna have sex next with what person - and what gender(s) will be involved! - this is not lazy writing. This is fresh and inventive television, which is why I fell for The Boys in the first place. I think I'm falling for Gen V too. I can barely wait for episode five.
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What did people expect?
31 July 2023
As of this writing, some 39,000 reviews of Secret Invasion have been submitted to IMDB. The sixth and final episode dropped a mere four days ago, and most of these reviews were submitted prior to that date. So, at the least, the great bulk of the reviews for this show were premature. I also think most of them were biased, and I will explain why.

I went in to this show without expecting it to be the greatest thing ever. I didn't expect Shakespeare or John LeCarre. I also didn't expect it to be the worst thing ever. I didn't watch it intending to find every possible fault and highlight it for the world to see.

I believe expectations play a great role in how we experience the world. I believe many, if not most, of the hugely negative reviews you will see here come from people who were expecting Secret Invasion to be terrible... and so they found ways to see it as terrible. People watched this with no intention of receiving it as good, and - no surprise - they're telling us all that it's bad.

I also believe a lot of people are experiencing a kind of MCU fatigue. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been with us for a long time now, and no franchise can maintain consistent quality. There will be ups and downs, and everything - and everyone - declines at some point. This doesn't mean Secret Invasion is awful on its own merits. It means comparing the latest offering of the MCU to the earlier offerings of the MCU is bound to create disappointment.

This was not a great TV show. This was not an awful TV show. It was fine.

There are things about Secret Invasion I found greatly appealing. I liked Emilia Clarke as G'iah, I liked Ben Mendelsohn as Talos, and I found myself looking forward to every scene with Olivia Colman, who steals the show as Sonya Falsworth. I admit that some things about Secret Invasion weren't as appealing: Gravik, the principal villain, could have been a more interesting character from the start and before the end gets more than a little over the top. But overall? It was fine.

Secret Invasion, on it's own, isn't a good enough reason to shell out hard earned money for Disney Plus. If, however, one is already paying for Disney Plus (as I was), it's a fine way to spend an evening.

Again, I didn't expect it to be horrible and so I permitted myself to enjoy it, on some level. If you will allow yourself to enjoy it, I think you just might. Just don't expect it to be awesome.

And for goodness sake, don't be swayed by people who passed judgment before the thing was even finished!
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Consider this a review of season one.
17 April 2023
I must admit that it never occurred to me just how empty my life has been without a heavy metal horror comedy, but I came to that realization less than twelve hours ago when I started watching Todd and the Book of Pure Evil.

I like being able to binge watch a show, especially a show with short episodes like this one. Each episode is about 23 minutes, so I was able to take in the entirety of season one (13 episodes) in a single night. And boy, did I have fun.

Todd, our main character, is a high school student, a loser, and a stoner. Curtis is his best friend, and together with two attractive girls they embark on adventures against all manner of evil. The show's formula is very simple: every week someone new activates the book of pure evil and our heroes deal with it. There is much gore and humor.

It's an absolute riot. It is decidedly not high-brow entertainment. It is not deep. It is not for the younger set. Do not seek meaning here. If, however, you're looking for good way to kill some time and you have a fondness for guitars, this is terrific fun.
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Babylon 5: The Coming of Shadows (1995)
Season 2, Episode 9
There is a LOT going on in this one!
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best episode to this point of Babylon 5.

The Centauri emperor comes in failing health to Babylon 5 on a personal mission to create a new era of peace between the Centauri and the Narn. Unfortunately, the political aspirations of some in high Centauri society along with the manipulation of Londo Mollari by Mr. Morden interfere with the dying emperor's hopes and instead a new war begins between the two races.

Mr. Garibaldi confirms there is a hitherto unknown race out there, which we know as the Shadows. Sinclair sends a message to Garibaldi about the existence of the rangers. Sinclair also sends a message to Delenn.

There's a metastory to Babylon 5, a grand space opera spanning the first four years of the series to begin with and then extended beyond. This episode is a critical piece in that grand story, an absolute must-see for that reason. It's also wickedly enjoyable.

The greatness of Babylon 5 for fans of science fiction is founded on episodes like this one. 10/10.
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Robot Jox (1989)
The first thing to be said about Robot Jox is this:
5 March 2023 simply isn't very good. I don't think it tried to be.

This is a very low budget film. The walls look like they're made of paper. I suspect most of the costumes came from second-hand stores like "Goodwill." The fights between the giant robots appear cheesy by today's standards, and believe me - because I was around back then - they were cheesy by the standards of 1989.

The acting is, by and large, absolutely awful, including in particular Gary Graham as Achilles, the main protagonist. He has had a long career since 1989, but mostly in supporting roles. He simply doesn't have what it takes to carry a movie, and this movie has a lot to carry.

The notion here is that nations have agreed not to fight wars but instead allow giant robots to duke it out to determine geopolitical objectives. It's absurd and shows a critical misunderstanding of why nations go to war and the human failings which permit such wide-spread suffering. But if you're willing to buy into the premise, then you're probably willing to forgive the heavy-handed messaging in the movie, the lousy sets, pathetic costumes, bad acting and predictable plot points and you might have a good time watching it.

Popcorn is absolutely essential to watching this movie, and the target age is most likely around 11, with adult supervision.
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The 355 (2022)
Okay. It isn't bad.
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's plenty of action here, and the ladies in the cast are quite nice to look at. The story is a rather typical Hollywood spy story: there's a McGuffin, this time a computer drive with the power to basically take down anything connected to the internet (such as planes and electrical grids). There's a ton of gunplay. There's a chase. There are plot twists and betrayals. One suspects the actual spy business is considerably less showy, less action-y, and a great deal more complicated than we see in the movies. But this is a spy movie, and what we have is basically what we would expect.

The trouble is that we have nothing new, aside from the fact that our heroes are heroines. This could easily have been a Mission Impossible movie, for all the originality shown. It seems that this movie was made solely for the purpose of having said we made a spy movie with women - and for no other reason.

I can see why the movie wasn't successful. It's not because the women involved couldn't carry the movie. They absolutely can, and did. It's because the movie was made to be lightweight. This cast surely could have carried more. But I predict that the next time someone suggests an action movie led by a female cast, the rich and powerful will point at this, and say, "See? We gave you girls a chance and you blew it."

Which is sad. Not a bad movie, but disappointing in the sense of what might have been with a little more imagination.
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The Legend of Vox Machina: A Test of Pride (2023)
Season 2, Episode 9
Grog's backstory
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All the characters in Vox Machina are likable, to one extent or another, and some of them are very interesting. Until now, Grog was not a terribly interesting character. I pretty much thought he was only around as comic relief, for he has indeed been quite comical.

But now the introduction of his backstory makes his character much more real and far more interesting. Grog's history reveals a dark past, as he was part of a murderous "herd" which rampaged villages and countryside alike, killing innocents as they took whatever they wanted. Strength through force, as they said.

Now I see why in earlier episodes this season, Grog was asked where his strength came from. I knew the answer would be forthcoming, and in this episode we see his growth and understanding of who and what he is.

Bravo. This is an outstanding cartoon, not afraid of being a good old fashioned cartoon for adults instead of children - or perhaps for fully grown children who don't want to let go of everything associated with their youth. Vox Machina is a terrific adventure series with more than a touch of D&D and humor.
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Eureka: Mirror, Mirror (2012)
Season 5, Episode 11
It seems like every sci-fi series...
19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like every science fiction series, or every science fiction adjacent series, has to have a storyline which involves evil duplicates of one or more key characters. Our hero, or heroes, have suddenly become villains and one or more other characters on the show have to discover the subterfuge and save the day. They did it on Star Trek, the original series (Kirk's body is taken over in Whom Gods Destroy), on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy and Faith exchange bodies in This Year's Girl and Who Are You), during season 3 of Fringe, and many times on Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. There are other examples as well, I'm sure.

Now they're doing it on Eureka. And while I have really been enjoying the program, it's a bit tiring that they've gone back to such a familiar trope. Given that it has been such a creative show, I'm disappointed. Oh, I'll finish watching the series; I've invested so much time already. And apart from this disappointment, we just got Holly back and now she's a villain. It hurts, somewhat.
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
28 November 2022
There are a lot of reviews already for this movie, so it is unlikely anyone will read mine. But I feel like I have to weigh in on this movie.

This is the most fun I've had watching a flick in a very, very long time. This movie is a riot! It isn't quite as clever as it thinks it is. Most of the surprises weren't terribly surprising; off the top of my head I can identify at least three that I saw coming. But I don't care.

It was fun! It was funny and engaging and I found myself simultaneously rooting for both sides. There is no shortage of action, the dialogue is peppy, and - unlike almost everything else I've watched lately - it's never boring.

Do yourself a favor and don't analyze. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Movies don't have to be life-altering.
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A product of its times
13 November 2022
Comedies have changed quite a bit since 1980, for good or ill. The Blues Brothers is a movie which really couldn't have been made in any other era without suffering somewhat. Much if not most of the humor is at the expense of authority, a common theme in comedies of any era but especially the late 70's and early 80's. The audience laughs at car crashes and the humiliation of police officers and the wealthy. These things are not the reason the movie holds up after all this time.

It's the love. The people who made this movie clearly loved American music in all forms, from gospel (The Old Landmark) to jazz (Minnie the Moocher) to classic R&B (Shake Your Tailfeather and Everybody Needs Somebody to Love) to rock and roll (Jailhouse Rock) to of course blues (Sweet Home Chicago). There's even a country tune! This movie is a tribute to all American musical forms either created by or molded by African Americans and the affection for the music pervades the film.

The Blues Brothers also holds up because of the many, many cameos from faces familiar and faces rarely seen. In short, it's a fun way to spend a couple of hours, and even if you don't laugh - you probably will, but even if you don't - you'll almost certainly be tapping your foot oryour fingers.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
I tried. I really did.
3 October 2022
I managed to watch 8 episodes, but after that I gave up. I finally watched a couple videos on YouTube which revealed enough of the season one storyline that I can feel confident in skipping the rest and moving on with the next Netflix/MCU show, which is The Defenders.

I got to know Danny and Joy and Ward and Howard and Colleen, and ultimately decided I didn't care enough about any of them to decide if I liked them or not. I did decide that Finn Jones, while pretty, doesn't look a bit like someone who spent fifteen years in rigorous martial arts training. He looks soft to me. But again, I find it hard to care.

This show isn't awful. It just isn't very good, and I consider my time too valuable to waste on it. After thoroughly enjoying Daredevil and Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, I'm disappointed.
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Dune (2021)
You must watch Dune.
19 September 2022
If you're a science fiction fan, you must watch Dune. If you're a fan of epic filmmaking, you must watch Dune. If you have an appreciation for grand story-telling, vast in scope and breathtaking, then you must watch Dune.

It is not a perfect film. There probably never has been a truly perfect film. But it is close.

Some have commented that the pacing is at times slow. This is true, but this is necessary for the kind of epic Dune represents. Lawrence of Arabia, one of the most beautiful movies ever (and itself a must-see) is slow paced at times, too. You need to luxuriate in the story, to allow it to wash over you, to truly appreciate the scope. To take in the beauty, you just can't rush through it.

If there is a flaw it lies in the depiction of the mystical aspects of the story. These are critical; Dune is grand science fiction but also has occult themes. The movie perhaps overdoes these scenes.

But I nitpick. This is a wonderful experience. Watch it, and do yourself a favor and watch it on the largest screen you can.
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Silly, yes, but loads of fun
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Agents of Shield stopped being a serious show after season three, if one could even call it serious then. From season four forward, it has gotten a little crazier every season until now, the final season, where it's pretty clear everyone involved is simply having a good time.

This episode is absolutely chock full of 80's references and I added an additional star for the scene when one of the robots called out, in gloriously cheesy tribute to one of the greatest sci-fi shows of all time, "Exterminate!"

How could you not love this?

One side note, it turns out Jeff Ward (Deke Shaw) is a truly awful singer, unless he was that bad on purpose, in which case he's an underrated actor.
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There's a rule in storytelling.
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If it doesn't advance the storyline, or reveal something about character(s), you leave it out.

Jemma and Daisy acting stoned added absolutely nothing except, perhaps, humor, if one likes stoner humor. I was embarrassed to watch two fine actresses reduced to acting like they were high. This subplot about the hallucinogens wasn't needed at all, and in a better program would not have been included.

Aside from this, the episode was fine. The relationship between Fitz & Enoch was advanced and the threat posed by "Sarge"/Coulson gets more real all the time.
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The cancellation of Firefly was a crime.
15 August 2022
A crime against art and a crime against fans. I have thought so for 20 years now. This documentary shows how fans came together to enable the movie "Serenity" to be made. If you're not a fan already, skip this. If you do love the show, you may wish to indulge in this celebration of one of the best sci-fi shows ever.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Him (2002)
Season 7, Episode 6
The last ten minutes...
15 August 2022
...are worth investing the rest of the time. This isn't one of the best episodes of BtVS, not even close, but the final act is quite funny. Memorably so, in fact. It's the thing about this series: even when it's not at it's best, it's still going to implant permanent memories in your head.

That song, by the way, is called "A Summer Place."
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: World's End (2017)
Season 4, Episode 22
Reviewing all of season 4
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have mixed opinions about season 4 of Marvel: Agents of Shield. On the one hand, I really enjoyed watching it. There was a lot of fun to be had here, and we feel Mac's pain when he loses his beloved Hope. The introduction of Ghost Rider is well done here; the embarrassment of the Nicholas Cage movies is only amplified when we see the character get the treatment he deserves. Episode 15 (Self Control) is possibly the best single episode of the series so far. Aida is a character I won't soon forget.

But on the other hand, we have the "our heroes replaced by identical robots" meme, which is such a tired theme that it was mocked decades ago in Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey! We have the "alternate universe" meme, done by Star Trek Discovery in a long stretch of season 1, by Fringe in much of seasons 2-4, and in episodes of pretty much every other science fiction series which has been on for more than a single year. And more than one movie.

The trouble with the alternate universe meme, here represented as a virtual universe, is that the show is kind of stuck in the other world until the storyline is over. The direction the show can take is dictated by the setting, and this remains the case until the story arc resolves.

So, this creative show kind of put itself in a box this season with these familiar science fiction motifs and I believe this kind of inhibited the creativity. On the first hand, again, I had one heck of a good time watching it! I like these characters and I care what happens to them. Overall, I recommend season 4 for those who enjoy escapist television... but be prepared to roll your eyes occasionally, because you've seen some of this before.
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Extremely intelligent science fiction
7 August 2022
The technology shown in this movie is horribly dated, and the style is, well, quite out of style. But this remains a really smart, well thought-out thriller about a small group of highly trained and skilled scientists dealing the the threat posed by an extraterrestrial microbe. Once seen, The Andromeda Strain will never be forgotten.
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It has been said, a bit unkindly, that...
1 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Godfather is a movie about power.

The Godfather Part II is a movie about the price of power.

The Godfather Part III is a movie about three hours long.

The trouble is that the standard set by the first two films is so high that meeting it would by necessity be impossible. The film would likely have been better if Robert Duvall had been willing to reprise his role as Tom Hagan. Sofia Coppola has shown herself to be a terrific filmmaker, but her performance here was substandard compared to the uniform excellence of the performances in the first two movies. The story of corruption at the Vatican is compelling but shrouded in mystery; it isn't really clear who's behind what and why in the final act. After the first two installments, this is a mess.

However, viewed without trying to compare it to the first two installments, it is far from horrible. Al Pacino was nominated for a Golden Globe for his performance in all three movies; I think this is only time in history an actor, male or female, has received three such nominations for the portrayal of one character. This is worth watching if only to see how the tragic story of Michael Corleone ends.
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True Cinematic Greatness
1 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So much has been written and said about this movie that it's a bit challenging to write something new. There is, however, something that most reviews miss about The Godfather Part II.

One hears it called more of a continuation than a sequel, hence the "Part II" in the title. But it's something more than that: both the Godfather movies of the '70's are studies in dichotomy. The Godfather, the original film, brilliantly shows the contrast of these warm, loving family men who were simultaneously stone cold killers. Part II goes even further in showing dichotomy, as we watch the rise of Vito Corleone contrasted with the struggles of Michael Corleone to retain power.

We see Vito Corleone toy with a landlord to make the man lower the rent for a friend of his wife and allow her to keep her dog, and at roughly the same time we see Tom Hagen offer to keep Senator Geary's fingers clean in the savage and brutal killing of a prostitute the Senator favored. We don't have to be told to realize Vito's family would never have sacrificed an innocent to gain control of a politician. We can see the contrast between a beloved Don and a feared Don.

And that's a single example. Watch the movie again and you'll see, from scene to scene during much of it, how contrasts are drawn. This movie is a masterpiece, a work of art. Not quite flawless, but very close. It isn't quite as good as the original, but it kind of improves the original in a way. The acting is stellar. The cinematography is legendary.

There is a reason students pay to study these two movies at universities. They're that good.
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I just love low-budget science fiction movies...
31 July 2022
...when they're done well, and Melody on Earth is done well. It's sweet, kind of funny without making you laugh out loud, and, well...

The word is endearing. This movie really couldn't have been made with a big budget; it's too weird. I'm really glad I watched it. If you can spare an hour and a half, you might be glad too.
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