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The Batman (2004–2008)
I have mixed feelings about The Batman...
30 July 2020
I recently picked up the streaming service DC Universe and saw The Batman was on it. I grew up with this series as a kid and decided to go back and watch it. Before I really get into my thoughts I will not compare it to Batman TAS.

First, I will try to look at this show as fairly as possible. One of the biggest complaints I have with it is character design. I really like some of the designs such as Robin, Batman, Clayface, Poison Ivy and Catwoman. They deviate enough to be unique but they're still obviously the same character. I think on the other hand you have characters like Joker, Riddler and Bane who just look strange. Riddler looks like Marilyn Manson, Joker is hard on the eyes and just doesn't measure up to other re-designs and Bane doesn't even look like bane and is just extremely ugly looking and once again just strange looking.

Next, the voice acting, story telling and art work all have their highs and their lows. I'm completely fine with the voice acting and deviating from the obvious choices for the actors. But I feel like some of the voices just don't feel like the character, my biggest complaint being the Joker at some points and Batman, especially during the episode where he gets poisoned and can't stop laughing, he sounds like 2 completely different people and its really high pitched. The story telling is suitable but at points becomes villain of the week and overarching stories are pushed to the back. The only consistent and important story line early on was Clayface and it was honestly the best the series I got in my opinion. Outside of that it ranges from weak villain of the week story telling to relying on the joker as the main villain and occasionally Catwoman or Penguin. Finally the artwork looks good and is different from the norm which I like. But its never super dark, gritty or insanely interesting to look at. But its a C+ overall.

Finally, I want to talk about the character archs. It feels like there's a lack of character archs or progression except for the main heroes and villains. The only characters to even get an overarching story or more added to their characters are the ones who show up every other episode, which is both a pro and con as mentioned above. I really enjoyed the story of Clayface and how he changes overtime. I enjoy how Batman changes and adapts in his actions and thoughts as more villains get introduced. The rest are either unimportant or weak (The Joker specifically.)

My conclusion is it's for what it is. You get a mix of everything early on but by season 2 its the joker show and fewer characters are introduced and it feels like fewer characters are recurring outside of the main cast. I still enjoyed it despite the flaws and would recommend giving it a chance and trying it out for yourselves. Finally, I did feel like I was sold some Batman action figures while watching.
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Both violent and sh*t...
29 November 2019
Another violent sh*t movie and the weakest in my personal opinion. This film has a spectacular U.S. release by Reelgore which it really doesnt deserve. If you liked the previous films in the series for high body counts, cheesy gore and a story that has no plot then this film takes it and f*cks that up. First the body count is surprisingly low, compared to the other films in the series, from what I remember, those films all had higher body counts and could at least present a few excessive kills. If you're wondering if the filmmakers could make up for that with some unique kills, the answer is no. The kills are generally worse than the rest in the series and the closest we get to a unique kill is a guy getting is genitals cut off, which has been done before including on tv, ex: Sons of Anarchy. Maybe the film still has a loose plot where the butcher just kills people, nope. They try, and the important word is try to turn this film into a giallo, it went about as well as the time Jason Voorhees got turned into a slug in Jason goes to hell. Also the film tries to be story driven and tries to be a straight up giallo but it never works and there's no suspense in the entire film. Finally one of my biggest gripes is that the film seemed to have a larger budget than the rest of the films but the camera work is some of the worst I have ever seen. They try to incorporate the the bright color of giallo into the film with a green tone, it doesn't work since the film is super over exposed and everything is really bright or really dark. The camera work in the first one was better. Also seemingly unironically the camera man always has a close up of a characters face when their talking to the point all you see is their face, or the characters face is halfway out of frame, also not to mention a few dutch angles. The movies only saving grace is a few lines that aren't even meant to be funny but the delivery by the actors is so bad it makes you laugh and the soundtrack is really amazing. Only see this film if you're a completionist of the series and don't spend money on it if possible, unlike me, who is sadly a series completionist and likes to own a physical copy.
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Scarecrows (1988)
Cult classic, or overrated?
29 November 2019
I finally watched this film after years of hearing about it. I won't include any spoilers but instead I'll look at the pros and cons of the film. The film has 2 really amazing elements. 1. The atmosphere is perfectly set. And through the atmosphere the film's rising tension is palpable. 2. The special effects are what make this film great. Every single effect still holds up and were done practically. Honestly a film with such a low budget shouldn't have such good effects. The film does have issues though. First the film over explains almost every detail and when it doesn't it feels accidental, making really cool concepts fall flat. Also I read that the film's first third originally had almost no dialogue so the film makers went back and added in all of the talk over the radio. I feel like it would have been better if they didn't add in all of the radio chatter and would help the first con seem not as obvious. Next the mixing of action film and horror doesn't really work very well and feels like the most generic of the action genre and the horror is bland outside of the two pros. Also the film moves at snail's pace and even though its only 80 minutes it feels like two hours. Finally at points the acting can be extremely sub par, one of the actresses seemed like she was reading from a script. Would I recommend this movie? Yes and no. I would say for any horror fan especially those who like slashers should see it once. For anyone just into cult films and not the biggest fan of horror i would avoid it. Finally if you want to see this film there's an amazing bluray release by scream factory and a good dvd release from 2007. Check it out if you dont have anything better to do.
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Decent German splatter...
5 November 2019
I recently viewed this movie on its US release. When I first started watching this movie I was pretty excited since I heard it was on the extreme side. That's not incorrect it's in some aspects one of the more extreme movies out there and gorehounds won't be disappointed. A brief synopsis of this film goes like this, the film opens with the title villain having his laboratory invaded by the nearby village where he has his tongue removed and is buried alive, this is done because he was doing research of immortality using the body parts of the dead. The film cuts to a title card and we meet the young adults of the film. They got tickets to go to a rave and have a day or two drive to get there. As they head towards their destination Dr. Wolffenstein awakes from his burial. The teens car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and the film gets going.

Now I will discuss what the film succeeds and fails at. First the film has a pretty good score, that is if you're into really light punk music. Next the film fits perfectly as a German splatter films. This leads into the gore, which ranges from really bad to good and the film makers mixed CGI with some of the deaths which was a little bit disappointing. Next there is a lot of nudity, it's the most nudity I've seen since "Salo or 120 days of sodom". The film also features some ironic and try hard humor mixed in equal amounts which is mostly a let down. Finally the killer of the film is cool and his "pet" is an interesting addition. Now for what the film fails at. The acting sucks, most of the characters reactions aren't realistic and the performances are phoned in. This leads into the characters who are the most disposable part of the film and none of them you really care about. The other problem is the kills, at first there are some seemingly Hostel or Friday the 13th level kills but by the time you get to the infamous massacre scene there is way too much repetition, sure the film has a high body count, around 50, but a lot of them are just there to boost the body count and are uninventive. Another big complaint is the cinematography, it serves the purposes of the movie but every outdoor scene is extremely overexposed and looks way too bright, at least for the scenes taking place in modern day.

My final thoughts on the film. First if you're or gorehound, enjoy splatter or slashers or aren't feint of heart for an extreme film then I'd recommend it. Most of the problems are manageable and its weakest points are the characters and some of the kills. But none of this is too unusual for a lot of horror films. Its still above average in it's genre at least in my opinion. My only major let down was the massacre scene which didn't do too much and the film is also too long. Outside of that would highly recommend if you find a copy.
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I still don't know how to feel...
17 October 2019
This film is definitely the most different of the series. I mean first with the undertones and secondly with how Freddy decides to go after teens. I'm going to skip a synopsis since other people have done that plenty of times before but instead go over where this film succeeds and fails. First Freddy is still somewhat scary in this film and not goofy yet and in my opinion it is the best looking make up for Freddy of this series. Next the film has some very progressive undertones as in coming out and homosexuality, despite being disputed by the creators. Next I liked the atmosphere which was solid throughout. Finally the acting was decent overall but not super above average. Also the kills are still somewhat creative and there's some interesting body horror in it. The film does fail at a few things despite some creative kills there are definitely some that are just filler. Next the dream sequences are some of the weakest of the series. I also feel like the direction of Freddy taking over bodies in this film was a horrible one off idea, which thankfully was only in this film, unless you count Freddy possessing the stoner in Freddy V Jason, which was also bad in that film. Finally the film feels confused with where it wants to go, but luckily that problem doesn't arise again in the series until later in the films. Overall you should see it, especially of you're a completist or can find it for cheap, which is easy and it's included in a few different Nightmare box sets.
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Masks (2011)
A future classic of the giallo genre
17 October 2019
Note: 9.5 if I could rate it that This film hits every single mark of the giallo genre and gives a true homage to the genre. This film feels like if Argento was still around and created a new film. First the synopsis is what you would expect for a giallo it's nothing too crazy but as an analogy it does what Suspiria did for dance that this film does for theatre. The film follows an actress who is trying to become famous on stage and soon begins to fall into a cult like group. That's as deep as I'll go to avoid spoilers. I also want to mention what this film succeeds and fails at. First the atmosphere gives off a true 70s vibe and perfects the depth and feel of a classic giallo. Next this film has a beautiful tone that feels surreal, artsy and whimsical but still extremely dark all at the same time. The cinematography is also some of the best I've ever seen it's shot almost like a continuing music video, which is good in this case, and it also doesn't cut away or censor any of the violence portrayed. Next the gore is amazing, it's very effective and used wisely with nice pacing. I would also like to mention this is the best acting I've ever seen for a micro budget film, even though i don't speak German the emotions show through spectacularly. Finally the film leads in an unexpected way, no spoilers. The film does have a few things I don't like. First it has dutch angles more frequently than I would like, but it's barely noticeable due to how engrossing the film is. The only other thing is some character decisions don't make sense and there is a lack of character development outside of the lead, I get it's a horror film but being almost 2 hours long I was a bit surprised. I would recommend this for horror fans who go in with an open mind and don't have the film spoiled for them. I would also recommend it for hardcore giallo fans. Though for an average film viewer it might not be you're cup of tea and at times the film is a bit of an acquired taste. The other thing that a lot of people mention is that the film seems to be style over substance, but I would disagree and say there are underlying themes and I've read many different opinions on what this films message is, for some, if any. If you do decide to check it out it can be more than a bit difficult to track down in person since it got an extremely limited release in the U.S. at only 3000 copies, but amazon still has copies left at around 18 dollars each and they contain the blu ray, DVD, soundtrack and booklet all to accompany the film which is a steal at that price. Overall check this film out its well worth the time in my opinion.
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Nostalgic and true to the previous film, so happy I saw it
16 October 2019
This film is really nostalgic for me since I grew up with strike back and clerks. This film stays true to the series. The humor is what you would expect and isn't for everyone, but is definitely for me. Its also really cool to see the return of some big name actors and so many guest appearances. I would highly recommend this film if you didn't get the chance to see it earlier tonight on the 15th then go and see it the 17th if tickets are still available. I also believe that this film is great as a parody, you'll understand if you see it and has some of the best jokes of the series, I was non stop laughing through the entire film. Go see it now!
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Cannibal holocaust with zombies and an evil scientist
10 October 2019
*6.5 if I could give half stars* This is a really weird movie and I feel a bit undecided on my exact rating. This film is shown as an exploitation piece and is similar to cannibal holocaust released the same year but they differ in a few aspects. Now there are other reviewers who have covered the synopsis so I'll go over what this film succeeds and fails at. First this film has really cool atmosphere and the tone flows nicely, same with the plot leaving only a bit of down time which i liked. Next this film has amazing gore and i really liked that aspect it's even a film I can suggest for gore hounds. Next i think the characters were unique but a lot of them were stereotypes and archetypal of what you would expect but it's nothing new in an exploitation film. My issues with this film starts with the acting and some actors are okay but the majority are subpar. Also the jungle the cast is in looks really fake, there are a few scenes where it looks better and some that look worse. Also from the box cover the zombies look a bit weird and in the film they still don't look that great in my opinion but then again there's a twist that explains a bit of it. Finally I would recommejd this film for gore hounds, zombie fans, exploitation fans and horror fans in general. Finally if you want to see this movie you can get it on DVD at reasonable prices and its included in the zombie pack vol 2 with 2 other really low budget but good zombie films which you can get as low as 15 dollars I believe.
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Could've been significantly better
10 October 2019
I think this film made a lot of mistakes and feels like the creators behind it didn't know how to handle 2 of the most famous slasher killers. I feel like almost all of the mistakes come from behind the camera but there are many mistakes arguably ruining what the film could've been. There have been plenty of other reviewers who have provided the synopsis so instead I'll go over what the movie succeeds and fails at. First this film has an amazing opening and the credits, for that time were well done. Next, no spoilers but i really enjoyed the ending and it left it open ended enough for a sequel, which sadly never came. I liked a lot of the kills and the gore was well done, there are a few kills that are lame though and I wish they could've been more creative with these two famous slashers being in the same film. I also feel like the atmosphere is well set up and I enjoyed the dream sequences. Next i want to get into what this film fails at, its hard to avoid spoilers so this is a half warning where i go over not spoilers per se but things you might want to see for yourself. First the tone is really weird and I wasn't the biggest fan. Next i hated how they replaced Kane Hodder with the guy who he killed in the 8th film as the actor aka a WWE star. I also was sad with the lack of kills Freddy had, he felt really weak and underwhelming in this film. I also disliked the CGI in this film outside of the credits since the CGI was bad even for back then. My other complaint is child Jason and how he's scared of water, literally one of the biggest detractors and completely out of character. Finally the actors suck in this one, the worst of the series, except Robert Englund who always does a great job. Overall I'd recommend it if you're a fan of either series or a completionist, just know nothing special here.
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One of the greatest slashers of all time!
10 October 2019
If you're a slasher or horror fan and haven't seen this film, where have you been for the past 35 years? This is one of the greatest slashers ever released and it's not one of the earlier one but it still brought new concepts. I will avoid the synopsis since over 700 other reviewers have gone over it, so instead I'll go over what this film succeeds and fails at. First the acting is some of the best in the genre with Robert Englund who was fantastic and it also has the debut of Johnny Depp. Next on Freddy Krueger this is the best he's ever been and is before he went really goofy. Next the kills and gore are amazing and the practical effects, right from the get go you can tell this film is something else. The music is also really good and also is the origin of one of the best horror theme songs of all time. The atmosphere and tone are also amazing and can't get much better. This film also has more suspense than any other films in the series. The only problem i have with this film is the ending, no spoilers of course. Overall check this film out it's widely available on DVD, blu ray and streaming services.
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On par with the first
9 October 2019
If you saw the first film and wanted a more bloody version or if you tried watching the first one and couldn't get behind what it lacked in special effects this is the slightly superior sequel for you. Or if you know nothing about either film then this is more or less a stand alone film from the first. Plenty of other reviewers have provided a synopsis so instead I'll go over what the film succeeds and fails at. First the film succeeds at gore effects from the opening kill the gore is good and well crafted. Next the atmosphere is still wonky as in the first but you will get used to it but the tone is slightly improved. Now onto what the film fails at. Surprisingly (or maybe unsurprisingly) the acting is significantly worse in this one. Next the killer looks worse than in the first and looks a bit ridiculous, not a big fan. Next the convoluted twist won't give any details but there is one and it was really dumb also a dues ex machina that makes no sense and comes out of the blue which also doesn't work. The only reason to see this is if you're a hardcore slasher fan and if you're into somewhat gory films. I wouldn't go out of the way to see this and it's funny based upon the first and this sequel where what they succeed and fail at are almost the exact opposite making me scratch my head and wondering if the creators tried to fix the mistakes from the first by switching what they focused on. It is available for free off of YouTube and is free with subscription off of Amazon.
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Bloody Murder (2000 Video)
Is it okay if I kinda like this movie?
9 October 2019
Now I would only recommend seeking this film out if you've seen just about every other slasher and you're a bit of a hardcore horror fan. Though I've seen this film twice and I walked away with a bit of an appreciation for what this film attempted. Now I'm going to skip a synopsis but get into what this film succeeds at and fails at. Now first the movie succeeds at going through every single horror trope but having fun with it. Now for most horror films a bunch of tropes and clichés would be bad but in this film it almost works and the reason being it is very purposeful in the respect of the creators wanted a bunch of tropes. Next I actually didn't mind a lot of the acting especially the killer, who despite his character's psyche not making the most sense really put in his all. Also some acting really sucks but it's kind of whatever. The film also makes frequent horror references which I found fun since I'm a bit of a horror nerd even though most of them were pretty shallow. The atmosphere and the tone are also a bit wonky but after a while you kind of get used to it. Now this movie does have one of the biggest fails a slasher can have, a lack of gore, literally there is hardly any blood, despite the special effects being acceptable for the time there is almost no blood. This film could've been pg-13 with how little bloodshed there is but there is also creative with a few of the kills but it makes you wonder what the director or effects guy was thinking. I also have to bring up how the killer is a bit of a rip off of Jason Voorhees which you can see from the box cover but that's not all he also uses the same weapon as Leatherface and finally has the same clothing as Michael Myers making me wonder if the killer saw a few too many horor movies, got confused and turned out a bit of a hacked together costume of everything. I like it and everytime I see the killer it makes me laugh thinking about that. But check it out if its free for you or you want to see something a bit strange its also free on amazon prime with subscription and I believe someone also uploaded it to YouTube.
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FleshEater (1988)
B movie fun, especially during Halloween
9 October 2019
This movie would seem like your average low budget zombie movie when you look at it but it's much more. It's surprising that a movie with only around a 60,000 dollar budget ended up being so good. It also feels like if Night of the Living Dead met exploitation with slasher vibes thrown in for good major. The plot is really simple, teens go into the woods for a hay ride on Halloween and the guy running the hay ride accidentally awakens a zombie. The obvious result spreads from there and that's the plot. Now i will tell you what the movie succeeds and fails at. First the main thing is the gore, this movie is meant for gore hounds and the effects are for the most part good, there are a few scenes where with a keen eye you can see how the effects were achieved but I'm a big sfx guy so I notice it a lot easier than most. The film also has a crazy good atmosphere where it feels like combination of horror genres, also the sound track and music is mostly a repeating synth like sound that actually helps the film, this surprised me quite a bit since it's in the background a lot and it adds a fair bit of tension. There are also frequent gratuitous nude scenes if your into that you could even make a drinking game around it, take a shot for every nude scene. The movie does also fail at a few things, this isn't a spoiler but the ending isn't much of a shock, it didn't ruin the film but is a detractors. The acting in the film also ranges from slightly above average, to average to really, really bad, but it almost adds to how much of a B movie it is. Finally the sound and film quality is subpar on most but I feel like a remastered cut with a bit of editing could really help it out. It may seem like I'm giving this movie a high rating with all of the detractors but this film in it's respect is extremely underrated and often misunderstood and should become a mainstay of the zombie films, especially during Halloween. If you want to get this film there are a lot of versions mostly on dvd but my recommendation is the most recent dvd release or blu ray but if you want a bit more bang for your buck you can get it in the zombie pack volume 2 with 2 other zombie films and I see the set as low as 10 dollars on ebay. Definitely check this flick out you might be surprised at what you find.
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Best slasher from Nova Scotia!
9 October 2019
This movie was filmed in Nova Scotia and is my favorite film from that location, though not of Canada as a whole. I'm going to skip the synopsis since plenty of other reviewers have gone over it but instead go over what the movie succeeds and fails at. First the film succeeds in the practical effects and gore throughout. The film also has great atmosphere. The plot of this movie has done plenty of times before with a killer coming back on a certain holiday but this is one of the originators. It also has some pretty decent acting which was enjoyable and kept me engrossed. The film does fail at a few things. First in retrospect this movie is somewhat a standard slasher with a few standout parts. The film also has many aspects that have been done better in other movies ex: The Prowler. Overall the film is good but avoid the R rated cut since most of the gore has been cut and is much worse. The film is available for free off of amazon with subscription but its the R rated cut. Overall i would still highly recommend it.
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Rabid (1977)
I enjoyed it and I now have "rabies"
8 October 2019
I enjoyes the film and it is definitely a great sophomore film by Cronenberg. My main problem is how dated the film feels and how compared to other films by the same director its a bit lackluster. Plenty of other reviewers have gone over the synopsis so I will focus on what the film succeeds and fails at. First the film has a good but mostly average atmosphere. The plot is rather basic but serves the needs of the film. The acting is above average and the characters are believable. The rabies that turn people into zombies is pretty cool and adds a weird factor to the film. My main problem is the gore which I thought would be better done and nore prevalent but its only a mild flaw. The film also feels very dated but its not a major detractor. In retrospect this film is solid but missing some of the later Cronenberg charm and body horror. Overall I'd recommend checking it out.
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The Prowler (1981)
Outstanding classic!
8 October 2019
This film is a classic of the slasher genre amd for slasher fans should be viewed at least once. I will skip the synopsis since other reviewers have covered it in-depth but instead I'll go over what the film succeeds and fails at. First the films atmosphere is amazing and immersive. The films plot and pacing is also above acceptable even though the plot of this film is a bit standard. The gore effects are also amazing and stand out, Savini really worked his magic here. The characters are also decent and the actors seem to be giving it their all for the most part. My main problem with the film is most versions or at least the versions I've seen still have grainy footage but the cinematography is quite good. The film's pacing is good but a bit slow which some might not be a fan of. Also a bit of the side note the killer has one of my top 10 favorite looks. Overall highly recommend if you're into slashers and it's also currently free on amazon with subscription.
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When slashers became stagnant this film stands out
8 October 2019
Quick note: R rated: 8/10 Unrated: 9/10 I'll explain the above in a second but this film stands out above other horror movies at the time since the genre had started to become stagnant. The other thing I love is the similarity to the second with the continuation of the dark comedy. I'm going to skip the synopsis since plenty of other reviewers have already done it but instead get into what this film succeeds and fails at. First the same actor for Angela reprises her role from the second and does a stunning job again. The dark comedy is one of the best parts and kept me engaged. This one also has some of the best pacing and atmosphere of this film which shows how secluded the characters are at times. I also am a big fan of the actors and the characters are really strong despite some stereotypes, but I feel like that's purposeful. Next depending on the version you watch the kills are either really good or really bad. Thats the weakest point of the R rated cut, the kills are too censored and results in a huge detractor for the films versus the unrated where the kills feel complete and makes the film feel like a true slasher. If you want the quickest access to seeing this film the R rated version is free on amazon with subscription but the unrated version is also available for 20 to 25 dollars which for me is worth it. I would highly recommend this film for fans of slashers, horror or dark comedies.
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I'm a happy camper!
8 October 2019
I enjoy this film almost as much as the first and I feel the second and third entry of the film have a tone shift that works. This and the third film are very comedic unlike the first and later entries. Plenty of other reviewers have gone over the synopsis of this film so instead I will focus on what this film succeeds at and fails at. This film succeeds at a lot of things including the dark comedy that had me consistently laughing. It also has some really cool gore effects. Next the new actor for Angela is amazing and is my favorite actor for her. The other actors also do very well and shows through with their characters. The atmosphere is also very good. The pacing from the get go is fast moving and strongly executed. The film has few failures but my main problem is the film sometimes goes off on tangents that seem only there to boost run time. If you want to watch this film the quickest and most accessible way is through Amazon prime video where it is free with subscription. I would highly recommend this film for fans of slashers horror and dark comedies.
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A true classic that everyone who enjoys horror should see once
8 October 2019
I love this film and the series more than most slasher series. I found this film to be very enjoyable and have a twist even M. Night Shyamalan couldn't think up. There are plenty of synopsis already written by other reviewers so I will instead go over what this film succeeds and fails at. I'll make it brief this film succeeds at everything literally nothing wrong. But if I had to complain about anything a bit of the child acting is kind of weak and some of the naivity of characters can be distracting. I want to make this review short if you haven't seen this film and enjoy slashers oe horror in general you should see this film. Easiest way to view this film is from Amazon prime video where it is free with subscription.
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Oh god...
8 October 2019
I'd avoid this movie like the plague. There are a few things that are good but mostly this film is horrible, no pun intended. This movie lacks in plot all that's there is people go diappearing and it feels like the town is covering up and then we are introduced to a group of adults who are going to this town but not staying in the town but staying in a cabin in the middle of the woods. I will now go over what this film succeeds at and fails at. This movie succeeds in some gore effects thats it. The film fails at a multitude of things. The cinematography truly sucks and is a huge drawback. The charactars are weak and no strong acting is provided by the actors. This film also falls into a multitude of horror tropes that are way too overdone in this film and others. The film also fails in it's plot, the atmosphere is surprisingly weak and the tone is lackluster. This film isn't so bad it's good its just bad. I found myself not caring most of the picture and almost falling asleep. If the pacing was good I might have been more interested but the pacing also sucks. There's a reason this film is straight to DVD. Oh god save me from the hour and a half i lost of my life. Please don't watch this i have a written a multitiude of reviews of other films that are better than this that you should watch instead.
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Rob Zombie's masterpiece
8 October 2019
This is the best zombie has to offer in my opinion. Before viewing this film you should watch "House of a Thousand Corpses" since this film is a continuation of that film. Also warning to viewers this film is as zombie as it gets and if you aren't a fan of his other works you may want to avoid this one. If you like zombie you know what you're into and this film goes to the extremes in everyway. I will avoid a synopsis since other reviewers have covered it a ton of times but instead I will focus on what this film succeeds at and fails at. This film succeeds at gore, sleaze, intense scenes, cheesy scenes and the likes. The acting in this film is something special and in every good ways, the characters are also strong and stick to who they were in the film before this. My favorite character being The Captain played by Sid Haig (rest in peace). The atmosphere is also amazing. I can't really complain about anything except maybe a few pacing issues and a few unrealistic scenes but thats not what this film is really about it's more meant to be a fun ride for the whole family, except the kids, may not be appropriate. Overall couldn't recommend this film more.
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I wish it was better...
8 October 2019
This is the third and final film in the slumber party massacre series and by far the weakest. I don't know what the thought was trying to mix the first and second but whatever it was doesn't mix well. For a brief synopsis, actually forget that there's a major lck of plot without revealing spoilers and I'm going to keep this review spoiler free so instead I'm going to go over what this film succeeds at and fails at. First this film has the most even and best flow out of all of the films in the series, though at times it feels like other slashers. Next the film still does succeed in undertones of feminism like the rest without it feeling too overpowering and the gender flips are still unique. The film also has some really good gore like the rest, but in this one it's a bit cheesy. The film does fail at a lot though. First the characters are the weakest in this one and fall into the most tropes. The actors are also somewhat subpar. Did i mention tropes this film came out in 1990 and follows every slasher trope you can think of. This film also fails a bit at being a slasher focusing more on a who dunnit and mystery aspect in the first half which felt weird. This film also tried to mimic the second one throwing in comedy but most of it falls flat. One of my biggest gripes is that in every version I've seen of it even my favorite version it still has very grainy footage that seems to have never been cleaned up. If you do want to view this movie its the hardest to find of the series with the least amount of versions but my favorite is the 3 film collection with the other 2 included the only problem is it's out of print and on amazon will cost you 70 dollars and ebay at least 35 dollars, I would still recommend the collection since its the best it has ever looked and has some cool extra features that other releases don't include. Overall recommend it if you like the first 2 and are a completionist
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Best of the series?
8 October 2019
I really like this film as a slasher of the 80s era. This film had me laughing and had some very interesting undertones. I'm going to avoid a synopsis since it has been done plenty of times already instead I'm going to go ver what this film does well and what it fails at. First the movies undertones of sexual desire and feminism is very strong and somewhat similar to the first, but is still not overpowering. Next the characters are all enjoyable to some degree and the gender flop on roles is also very cool and unique. The films killer is also a joy to watch and the actor who plays him has gone onto making his own recording studio company and has worked as an entrepreneur wince this film on many different projects. Next this film has the best gore of the series and goes over the top with the special effects. My main complaint with this film is the pacing and thats where this film falls apart. If you can look past some of the pacing issues then this is a true pleasure to watch. This film is a guilty pleasure of mine so my score of the film might not represent the general viewers reaction to it. If you want to view this film its free on amazon with subscription. If you want a physical copy you have a few to choose from but my personal favorite is the series 3 film collection on dvd but since its release has gone out of print and is a bit expensive since the lowest on amazon is 70 dollars anf the lowest on ebay is 35 dollars. I would recommend checking this gem out if you're a fan of slashers.
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A slasher ahead of it's time
8 October 2019
This film is one of the few slashers that comes in with a different perspective during it's time. This film is also a slasher that follows a feminist perspective and does very well in doing so with dialogue and imagery and isn't overpowering in it's views. There are over a 100 reviews on this movie that give an amazing synopsis so instead i will go over what this film does well at and what it fails at. First this film has some of the best imagery you can hope for in a movie, the underlying message is also expressed well. Next the atmosphere throughout is on par with others of the slasher genre but in certain scenes it truly excels. The films characters are also very strong and having women in generally male roles is very unique. Next the killer is generally intimidating and gives a very solemn performance. Next the story and plot run smoothly through the film. Also a big fan of the gore in the film. I can't say the film fails too much at anything. The weakest part of the film is how naive some of the characters are and some standard slasher fare but most of that can be expected with a film of this era. Overall there really isn't much you can complain about. If you want to see the film it is available for free on amazon with subscription. If you want a physical copy there are plenty of versions but the best is the 3 film collection with the other 2 films in the series, sadly it is out of print and does cost quite a bit, the lowest on amazon is 70 dollars and ebay ranges but the lowest i say was about 35 dollars including shipping.
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The Hitcher (1986)
"Can I catch a ride"
4 October 2019
This film is a mixed bag for me. I picked it up since it was cheap and was listed as a slasher. This movie is not a slasher and barely a horror movie I would consider it more of a thriller than anything. A lot of other reviewers have already provided an already more than adequate synopsis of this film so instead I will go over what this movie succeeds and fails at. Right from the beginning the movie keeps your interest and has a great deal of suspense. I like where the movie heads during most of the film. The acting is also really good. The cinematography was also really solid and there were a few amazing shots. The atmosphere was also kept a nice constant and enjoyable, the film does also fail at a few things. For a R rated film there wasn't a lot of gore or bloody violence and minus a few shots it could've been PG 13 not necessarily a bad thing. The film also has the main antagonist be an unstoppable force and if the film had built him up like a Hannibal Lector type then it would've worked but in this film it didn't do that and felt a bit forced. Overall check it out if you're into thrillers, it's certainly not a slasher so if you came looking for that like me it's worth seeing but most likely not what youre looking for. If you can find it for cheap check it out.
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