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Killing Eve: Hello, Losers (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
What a cop out!
24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole fourth series is truly awful!

I stuck with it as I Ioved the first series. Liked the second one and the third well, hoped the fourth would be better.

Sadly, it wasn't, it was just a heap of mumbo jumbo that I just couldn't follow.

What was all that with Villanelle and Jesus? Made no sense and added sweet FA to the storyline.

What was Pam there for? Also added nothing, just padded out the series to 8 episodes.

Who was Gunn and where did she spring from, or did I miss something? Just something else to pad out the story like most of it.

Then the ending, WTF!!!! The writers obviously didn't care how we the audience felt about Villanelle, killing her was totally unnecessary and rushed. I didn't care about not seeing who the 12 were, it didn't matter but there was no explanation as to how Caroline knew Villanelle would be on the top of the boat at the right place to have her shot. Are we not supposed to think about that?

Seriously bad writing.

Thanks to Jodie and Sandra for superb acting but were sadly unable to rescue a dire script. At least we won't be subjected to a fifth series.

I feel robbed, one star is just not low enough.
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Quantum Leap: Disco Inferno - April 1, 1976 (1989)
Season 2, Episode 2
Who's the Guitarist?
27 February 2022
Well it certainly isn't Kris Kamm, all the close ups of the fretboard are of someone who can really play, any of the guitar pickers in Nashville could do it.

Then when you see the long shots of KK it is so obvious he can't play a note just moving his hand up and down the fretboard, laughable!

Other than that a good solid story.
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Kavanagh QC: A Family Affair (1995)
Season 1, Episode 3
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, this is well scripted and acted by all concerned.

It's just, well, just when you think at last the father wins the day, he doesn't because all fathers are bad and all mothers are good and of course fathers should be prevented from seeing their children.

I hate the reality of these situations and I hate they are perpetually being shown on TV dramas.

Soapbox over.
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Taggart: Evil Eye Part One (1990)
Season 6, Episode 1
Ah Maggie I Had to Laugh
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Taggart before Mark McManus died, it was okay for a few years with Jardine in charge but tapered off after he left.

I like this one particularly as my old friend Maggie Bell had a short but sweet appearance as the Gypsy matriarch. You died well my love LOL.

Nice to see a couple of young faces that have gone to greater things like John Hannah. And David O'Hara.
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Vera: As the Crow Flies (2022)
Season 11, Episode 4
I Love Vera
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with a previous reviewer that the culprit is easy to pick out, it's always the least likely suspect. I had two theories very early on in the plot. The other school teacher and the daughter, the others are always red herrings put in there to divert you from the real one. However, if you are a seasoned Vera fan (not just Vera but nearly every over crime series) you will also be able to pick them out.

Other than that gripe, the acting as ever is superb. I've watched Brenda Blethyn since the days of 'Chance in a Million' with the other top actor Simon Callow. Sadly I think this might be the last series, at time of writing there are two more episodes to go, as I am not sure she can get away with how old she is.

I really miss Paul Ritter as Billy, he left a long time before his death and I still miss him. Paul Kaye is a worthy replacement, Mr. Personality personified!

I'm looking forward to the next two episodes.
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Stargate SG-1: Emancipation (1997)
Season 1, Episode 3
Far from the best
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am just re-watching this, the first time since it was first broadcast.

You can tell it was written by a woman, the poor hard done by sex with the nasty men who suddenly see the light and change centuries of misogyny, as if. Typical feminist drivel, no wonder it's usually skipped on re-runs, shame it wasn't here.

The series however, is generally 8-10 stars.
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CSI: NY: Tanglewood (2005)
Season 1, Episode 13
Another cat walk detective
6 January 2022
I could only face half of this episode, I'd never watched this series before and stumbled on it whilst channel hoping. I will avoid it at all costs in the future.

What with wooden acting, even Gary Sinise was poor and I normally like what he does, still he doesn't write the scripts with cliched phrases like 'You're going to sing-sing' seriously?

And don't get me started on the cat/street walker detectives with trout lips, the last time I saw lips like that they had a hook in them. Sorry but are we supposed to talk her seriously? Women like that don't become detectives, at least none of the ones I've met do. Only in La La Land it would seem.

Terrible, just terrible.
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Call the Midwife: Episode #11.1 (2022)
Season 11, Episode 1
I miss Miranda
5 January 2022
Here we are again with the ever so schmaltzy Call the Midwife. The main thing I like about it is there aren't really any bad people in it. No nasty character running through the series that you want to see end badly.

There is nothing really new here, they manage to cover all kinds of situations with the new births, it has the feel good factor and I like it.

The only problem I had with this episode and it's only a small one, they have a good balance of ethnic characters which is true of the East End in the 50/60s. But, it is unlikely that there would have been a female detective sergeant back then.

I seen the BBC have commissioned another 2 series, let's hope they can keep up the high standards and I think the best actor is the boy who plays Reggie I believe he is the son of Leslie Grantham, talent runs in the family.
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Landscapers (2021)
4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If this was a fictional series it would be bizarre enough but the fact that it is a true story makes it even more so.

To tell the ending at the beginning of the very first episode gives the game away. Olivia Colman plays, well, plays herself which she does in everything, I note it was written by her husband, David Thewlis does a fine job of playing Christopher. The actors playing the police were awful, as previous reviewers have pointed out the lead detective's constant swearing was distracting and unnecessarily over the top.

The first episode is okay by setting the background to the murders. After that it slowly descends into a weird world so bizarre it's difficult to remember it is based on a true crime, the last one with the cowboy scenes especially so. I presume it was meant to represent the fantasy world that Susan in particular, lived in.

I thought the story could have been told in 3 episodes, I don't recommend it.
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Biased towards the duchess but still well made.
30 December 2021
When something like this is written by a woman and directed by one you know there is going to be a heavy bias towards the woman's point of view.

Not much can be changed, unless you want to distort the truth but this is seen from the Duchess' point of view, making the Duke look like the bigger AH than her. I thought it was more six of one and half a dozen of the other. They both had affairs and behaved appallingly, he just got in first.

The leads played their parts well with a great script.

I've read a few rumours of who the headless man was, interesting, Google it, you may be surprised.
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Dolittle (2020)
Best thing on Xmas eve
25 December 2021
My wife and I saw this by accident on Xmas Eve whilst channel hoping. We missed the first 5 minutes but thoroughly enjoyed the rest.

What's not to like? Well there was RDJ iffy Welsh accent, that may have contributed to the one star being knocked off but i didn't find it annoying, at least he tried. I read on this site that Nicholas Cage had been offered the part first. I thanks the god of cinema that he turned it down, his accent would have been pure La la land. A one dimensional, one character actor who has been terrible in everything I've seen him in. He must thank the powers that be for nepotism. I liked everything else.

The CGI was excellent, the storyline was very good and the performances by the human actors the same. I didn't recognise. I didn't recognise Antonio Banderas, or realise he was in it until the credits rolled.

I've never seen the Edie Murphy versions so can't compare and it's been 50 years since I saw Rex Harrison murdering the songs but think I prefer the RDJ version.

I was entertained, after all isn't that what matters?

Would I watch it again? Definitely!
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P.O.W. (2003)
Should have been series 2
23 December 2021
Loved this series.

A previous reviewer complained about mistakes in military procedures, who cares? It's escapism. No pun intended LOL.

There could easily have been a second series which I would have loved to have seen.
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Like watching paint dry
20 December 2021
It couldn't get much slower, so much so I kept falling asleep.

Who would rent a house, no matter how cool, with a list of 200 things you couldn't do? I mean no books? That would have been a no no for me as I read constantly.

So 2 stars for the acting, good to see Bed Hardy after seeing him in Bo Rap.

The rest was like watching paint dry.

Can't be bothered with the rest, I don't care if it is a slow burner, the flame went out for me about halfway through.
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Calamity Jane (1953)
I was so in love with Doris
20 December 2021
I first saw this film on TV back in the late fifties or maybe the sixties, it was a long time ago after all. At the time I had no idea who Calamity Jane was, nor did I care. I thought CJ in the persona of Doris Day was wonderful. I thought she was such a beautiful woman, even at my tender age I fell in love, something that has never diminished over the years.

The image of her during those years when she made those light comedies stayed with me and I love the Hitchcock film with James Stewart.

Do I care this film has nothing to do in reality to CJ? No I couldn't care less, I watch it for Ms. Kappelhoff and the two songs alone.
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Loved it, until......
19 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The ending.

I love alternate history, time travel films like this. It got a bit confusing with so many different time lines but I managed to keep up. Nice cameos from Penelope Wilton, John Thompson and fab to see that Confessions star Robin Asquith.

However it was wonderful right up to the last minute when he gets off the train to meet, well who did he meet? I'm sorry but I found that just a bit too frustrating. Was it Roger? Was it Sue? Was it Father Christmas? Grrrrr so 10 Stars for everything else, 3 stars off for the ending.

I'd still watch it again though, Michael Sheen is fab.
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14 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I gave the three stars for the acting, especially the one who played Hero.

What's wrong with it? Well to start with it's too long, could have been done in 3 episodes.

Secondly I can't believe any judge would have let him ramble on for so long, at least 2 days.

Also in his speech he is digging an even bigger hole that he is already in. Buys an illegal gun then uses it to shoot a pimp that's probably 20 years alone.

Now the last couple of minutes, he's guilty, no he's not, then, well we just don't know as we're left hanging waiting for a verdict that we don't get. I suppose the writers thought they were being edgy, they weren't.

Not impressed, that's four hours of my life I won't get back.
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The Equalizer (2021– )
9 December 2021
Some reviewers here think Denzel was the original Equalizer, not so, check out Edward Woodward, the original.

I don't mind a woman taking the part, despite male parts being eroded because they can't write something new for women so steal a male role, watch the new 007 become a woman, I'd put money on it.

So why doesn't Queenie work? She just isn't convincing as a kick-arse fighter, someone younger and slimmer would have but I think Queenie is a producer so had chosen the role for herself.

I got to episode 4 but to see her facing off a gang of hoodies was a bit moe than far fetched.

Can't believe it made a second series.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
3 December 2021
Some reviewers here think a comedy drama is supposed to have funny lines ever 30 seconds. Thankfully it didn't I could have done without a canned laughter track. It's the situations that are comedic not so much the lines.

The casting is brilliant. Especially Christopher Walken who is one of the best bits in it. Perhaps in the hope of selling it to the Yanks, not sure they will get the humor. I didn't recognise Eleanor Tomlinson at first and. Jessica Gunning from Law and Order UK was brilliant as the frustrated wannabe police officer.

Loved it, I understand series 2 is already in the can. I wonder if it will just carry on from where this one ends or is there a new set of 'bad guys'.

Whatever, I am looking forward to it.
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Monstrosity (1963)
Probably the worst I've ever seen
20 November 2021
So why the ten starts you ask?

Well, my wife and I love bad "Horror" films and this really takes the Oscar. From the nonsense plot (plot? What plot?) Brains being transplanted with no signs of surgery, acting worst then 5 year old's school nativity shows and how many times does someone walk up and down the stairs to pad out the timing?

This makes Plan 9 look like a real best picture Oscar nominee. We laughed all the way through it, I'm not surprised Bradford Dillman denies his involvement, despite his brother being the original writer.

Would I watch it again?

Nah, you can have too much of a bad thing.
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Midsomer Murders: Happy Families (2021)
Season 22, Episode 3
Annette Badland please don't go back to Eastenders!
4 October 2021
Yes please you are worth so much more than that. I'm always happy when I see you pop up in a drama or a comedy. In this your are perfect.

To the story though, straight out of Agatha Christie with more twists and turns than a country road. All the PC bases covered, mixed marriage and gay relationship, neither add to the plot but they're there anyway. True-May was sacked because he said POC wouldn't live there. Maybe he was wrong, maybe he was right. I lived for ten years in a similar village, never saw a black face living in the area.

There was one gay couple in a village about 20 miles away but never the numbers you seen in this series.

Thankfully I don't really care as long as the plot and acting is good and this was.

And don't let Annette Badland go.
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Help (2021 TV Movie)
Disappointing ending
18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Both Jodie Comer and Stephen Graham were awesome but playing against type. However I found it both inspiring and depressing at the same time. Also Ian Hart who I last saw as the villain in 'Tin Star' gave a very strong performance.

Cameo appearances from Sue Johnston, Cathy Tyson, Leslie Sharp and Angela Griffin, blink and you miss them.

It was gripping up until the daft kidnapping and hiding out in a caravan ending.
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The Cleaner (2021– )
Different and funny
11 September 2021
I had no idea what to expect from this first episode. It certainly wasn't HBC.

Humor is a matter of taste, what I find funny many not be by others and visa versa, for example I found nothing to laugh about with 'The Office' and still find Mr. Gervais unfunny. I found this different and it made me laugh a number of times.

HBC was an unexpected guest star as I hadn't read about who would be in it other than Greg Davies, who I have always found to be funny. I'll certainly be watching more.
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Overlong, overrated but no women, worth ten stars for that alone.
27 August 2021
I have read a number of reviews on here from one star, over harsh, to ten stars, overrated.

The main complaint is it is far too long, something I have to agree with, it could have been cut to 2 hours without losing any of the plot and action.

Another complaint is the sand, lots of it, what do you expect from a film set in a desert? The forests of the Ardennes?

A number of reviews, mostly with female names, complain about no female lead or any women come to that. The day I see a woman in WW1 film fighting I'll do more than eat my hat. So where would a woman fit into this film? Answer they wouldn't, it's a war film and women were only good for handing out white feathers at the time. Crowbarring a woman into this just for the sake of having a woman in it would be absurd.

Peter O'Toole and Sharif are perfect, sure Alec Guinness playing an Arab might have been okay at the time but only looks odd now, at least Anthony Quinn managed to pull it off. I read on here that Marlon Brando was considered to play Lawrence, now that would have been a travesty, it would have been Brando of Arabia with his appalling British accent (See Mutiny on the Bounty for an example)

I first saw this film aged 11 in 1962, if I was going to be bored by it I would have been then. I was mesmerized by the sheer expanse of the super wide screen which almost made me feel as if I were in it. So much of that is lost on a small screen (TV) which doesn't help. So if you bad reviewers ever get the chance to see it in its 70mm glory you might just change your minds.

Certainly not one the greatest films ever made, but neither is it the worst. I think 7 stars is fair.
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Devil's Knot (2013)
7 August 2021
Yes frightening, not as a horror film would frighten you but the fact that it is based on a true story.

What frightens me is that in the late 20th century there are people in America who still believe that God, the devil and Satanism actually exist. The attitudes of the people involved, especially the judge and police sicken me. If this was a work of fiction you would say it is a bit far fetched.

I know American's are very insular and know very little about the outside world, but this frightens me.

I hope the trial sequences are based on real transcripts, if so the judge should be barred forever.

I don't know if they did it or not but as far as I can see, it was never proved that they did.
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Heartbeat: Sitting Off the Dock of the Bay (1995)
Season 5, Episode 14
LSD misrepresented
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have always like Heartbeat, nice to see it being re-run on ITV3.

But I need to correct an error re LSD, back in the day I experimented with it many times as did a lot of my friends.

Whilst I would not recommend anyone to take it it doesn't make you think you can fly, or that you're a paratrooper. Yes it distorts your vision but doesn't make you do things like that.
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