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Skull and Bones (2024 Video Game)
I love how people gave it such a poor score but refuse to review it to say why
17 February 2024
I'm enjoying this game and can't stay off it. How you set up your ships weaponry (type and where you place them on ship makes all the difference). It's far more complex than one would initially think.

Yes, you do go ashore so it's not strictly ship-based. You have to go treasure chest hunting among other activities that requires going ashore.

Is any of it repetitious? Yes but that pretty much goes for any game nowadays.

For the people that claim it's a mobile game put on console is so diminishing what the game actually handles. A cell phone game could not handle this. Not at all.

You can apparently still play a trial. Try it!
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The I-Land (2019)
I found this to be very interesting.
23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like a cross between LOST, Maze Runner and something else. The people saying that the characters are unlikable must really have high expectations. Yes some of them needed to go but they all weren't bad. Moses, KC, Chase, Cooper and Blair.

Yes they did some messed up things, well most of them did but they seemed like they could be redeemed. I didn't understand KC's reasoning for doing what she did and I thought Moses giving her a reasoning was weak. I had thought she was gonna kill someone else. Someone who deserved it a hell of a lot more.

This show was very interesting as was the ending. Would a Season 2 be interesting? Yes. But its not necessary.
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How are people saying there's no ending?
18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There is one. It's not a cookie cutter ending. Its obviously set up for a sequel. I know who the killer is. They gave enough clues to who it was. The neighbor knows a lot more than she tells and the store clerk knew something as well. American audiences suck cause they always complain when something isn't spelled out for them. It's obvious the last shot of the movie is hinting at a potential sequel or at the very least the events happening at the house are not gonna stop.
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
I knew once Clayne left the show was dead. Rated 10/10 until Clayne left.
12 July 2019
I also heard an audio conversation with Clayne. I believe you can find it. They way the studio got rid of him was pretty douchebaggery. I didn't even watch the 3rd Season. I knew it wouldn't last to a 4th season. What pissed me off even more was that Damon Wayans, the main antagonist in getting Clayne Crawford fired chose to leave the show after. They should have fired him initially and kept Clayne. Clayne was a better Riggs than Mel and I love Mel. But with a tv show you could really delve into the character more and Clayne really got it.
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There are some things that people have forgotten about this world.
2 July 2018
1. It was established in Jurassic World no one is shocked by a dinosaur anymore. Every few years they have to come up with a new one or park loses numbers.

2. With 1 being a reality, 10m for a dinosaur isn't so far of a stretch. To us in our world yes 10m seems a little low. But this isn't our world. This is their universe with their rules.

3. Could this movie have been better? Yes.

4. Was it good? Yes.

5. Was it a safe movie? Yes. And it admittedly didn't take many risks which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

6. Was it a remake of The Lost World? Uh no. This is a much better movie than The Lost World and while some things are similar the plot is different.

7. Is this a movie that works as beginning middle and end movie? Not quite. I found this movie a transitional movie. While the previous films minus the third movie was about corporate greed, this is about human greed. It also was a movie that admittedly doesn't add much to the story but works a film that is transitioning the events from Jurassic World to Jurassic World 3 set to come out the 28th anniversary of when the original film debuted in the theaters.
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Middle-Earth: Shadow of War (2017 Video Game)
Great game so far
17 October 2017
Regarding the loot boxes. People don't understand how this works. You do NOT have to spend money on the game more than you already spent. Do you need to do online vendettas and online fortress assaults to get spoils of war to get legendary orcs? Yes. But this is in game already. The people rating this 1 without actually understanding its not a requirement are ruining it for other people making them believe something that just isn't true.

Now that that is out of the way. The game is far better than its predecessor. They took everything that worked in the first game and tweaked it to make it better. The orcs can also cheat death which makes it for a more difficult gameplay. You also got watch who you recruit and kill. If one happens to a be a blood brother of another they will avenge the death of that brother whether they are a follower of you or not. They will turn against you. Also you have to be careful about hitting your follower captains. They can get tired of it and switch back to the other side. Others will switch back for various reasons and once they do you can't get them back. So that really only leaves one option. You can also be ambushed so be careful. I don't feel I am really that far into the game but I think a lot of things opened up now.

But anyways ignore the lootbox bs. I get a lootbox every time I complete an online vendetta and those give you gear on or around your current level. They can also give you legendary gear. I have got one full set so far. They are apparently 54 legendary gear/weapons, in the game that constantly can be upgraded if you fulfill the challenge requirement. This also goes for the Epic Sword of Dominion you could have received with a preorder. Starts at level 5 weapon and I have it up to 30 right now. Keep in mind you can't recruit orcs/trolls higher than your current level. There also seems to be no inventory limit. There is legendary loot boxes that you can get once you have accumulated enough spoils of war which you get for online vendettas and online fortress assaults. You get more for the assaults so you choose which way you wanna go about it. Believe the lootboxthing isn't nearly as negative if it really is at all as people are making it out to be.
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What I find funny...
6 October 2014
Whether liberties were taken or not, everyone is basing the history of the Bonnie and Clyde off of hearsay said by other people. This was a story actually focusing on Bonnie and Clyde and not what others had said about them. People claim Ralph Fults has said he never killed anyone. But he was a criminal just like them and oh so many criminals tell the truth. I don't understand people's love for the 1967 movie which was fantasy too saying it was more historically accurate. Um...Why? Were they in the backseat with Bonnie and Clyde during the events? No. They don't know what happened. And we will never know what happened between Bonnie and Clyde. What truly happened. Blanche was a criminal too. Can we really take statements made by criminals known for being dishonest truthfully? Come on, people.

Again whether or not this story was more true or not, I don't know but to say that Bonnie wasn't an instigator when we have no evidence to prove that she wasn't. In fact the TV movie even covers that the papers were printing that Clyde was the more ruthless of the two and she was merely along for the ride when we don't know whether or not that was true or not, cause we weren't there. I am more willing to believe she was the instigator. It doesn't make sense for Clyde to be comfortable robbing mom and pop shops and gas stations and then all of the sudden want to do bigger jobs when he was fine with the small ones.
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yes it deviates from the book but so what
9 January 2014
I am a fan of Tolkien. And thus far in this trilogy I have not been disappointed. People are complaining about Beorn's section being shortened. Umm, it wasn't very important in the book. It was a stopping point for the dwarfs to rest and then they move on.

Just before they enter Mirkwood Gandalf leaves as was done in the book. The Spiders of Mirkwood was actually shortened and done better for cinema. Also how the dwarfs came upon the elves was done better. If they would have done it as done in the book it wouldn't have been as good. There are some things that work better on paper than visually. Things had to change.

The love triangle Evangeline Lilly apparently didn't want but was done in reshoots. The Kili and Tauriel thing was there from the beginning. But the Legolas wanting her was added in later. I don't find a problem with it. Jackson said that there will not be a romantic angle between Tauriel and Legolas. Legolas may want her but I think Tauriel seems him as more of a brother than anyone she would want to be romantically involved with. I also think that Tauriel may die in the next movie as to explain why she isn't in LOTR. She is being used I think to actually have Legolas's tolerance of dwarfs be increased and explains the drastic change between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings of how he acts.

I also think it is better to have the orcs in constant pursuit of the dwarfs than to have them just show up at the Battle of the Five Armies. I think it makes more sense. And I also want to see The Battle of the Five Armies. That was the one part of the book The Hobbit that disappointed me. When you mention The Battle of the Five Armies. Don't just mention it and say its over and then tell me who lived and died. Have me experience the battle. This was probably going to be rewritten as the orcs pursuing the dwarfs. Since Tolkien was rewriting the Hobbit when he died it would be nice to know what he would have possibly changed. I do think the Dol Goldur and Necromancer stuff would have been added instead of the footnote in the final chapter of the book.

All in all while yes the movie deviates from the book but I think it had to. There was a plot, the plot was actually in the action. So the people saying there was no plot need to rewatch the movie. Peter Jackson has followed the book closer than people realize. Yes there is more action but so what. That really is the only thing that deviates from the book. Tauriel and Legolas were not in the book but they very well could have been in the rewrite. The Orcs in constant pursuit of the dwarfs wasn't in the book but it should have. The dwarfs trying to kill Smaug wasn't in the book but maybe it should have. And its not an insult to Smaug to make him not very intelligent. There is no evidence in any works that Smaug was particularly intelligent. He was greedy and he was lazy.
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I thought it was good.
14 September 2013
I think people are forgetting it is based off a graphic novel. A French one to be exact. So it kinda plays out like a graphic novel. I never read the novel but the movie definitely had the feel of one. Believe it or not the movie kinda reminded me of Sin City. Nowhere near as good but it was never meant to be. I don't know how old the graphic novel is but if it is old, then wouldn't the clichéd stuff make sense? Either way I enjoyed the film. It is escapism as Stallone has said. It was not supposed to win any awards. They say it was a disappointment in the box office but I don't think it was necessarily because it was a bad movie but because it didn't have a real great marketing strategy so not that many people even knew about it and therefore didn't go see it.
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Risen 2: Dark Waters (2012 Video Game)
I found this game done extremely well.
30 July 2013
I for one thought at the beginning the combat was very very very basic and kind of a turn off but once I got further I found I enjoyed the game more the longer I played it. I thought it was actually a very well put together story. For the other person complaining about having to pay 500 dollars to kick someone, that's not what it was called. It was a part of sword fighting. Either Riposte or something else. Yes things that would seem natural you actually have to spend money to learn. That is how rpg works. That other person obviously has no concept of that. As for the graphics coming together all the time. That depends on the graphical settings. I don't know if that person was playing it on a console or pc but pc looking pretty damn beautiful. Not as good as the new Tomb Raider but still.
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This movie set out exactly what it wanted to and did it well.
31 January 2013
I found this movie great. I went in not expecting a great plot but a simple one. I went in expecting the lines to be kind of cheesy and they were. But I didn't care. I thought it was great for many reasons.

Did they accomplish what they set out to do? Yes Did they do it well? Yes Did it have the best dialogue? No. But was the dialogue saved by the delivery of the lines? Yes. Was the ending great? Yes. Does it call for a sequel? No. But that is a good thing. It set out exactly what it was meant to. There is no need for a sequel. It would be extensively repetitious. The movie is 88 min long. That is great. It doesn't drag on and its not too short. It accomplishes what it set out to do. No less no more.
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The Traveler (I) (2010)
The things people say negatively about this movie isn't necessarily what almost ruined it.
18 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
****************************** SPOILERS ********************************

The problem I had with this movie is that there was too much slow motion and ridiculous moments. Like when the chick is meeting her end and they keep firing and banging on the window to get into the car when its obvious there are powers beyond their control making the car impenetrable. It goes from pistol shots to shotgun and with each bullet, the bullet shatters and not the window. There was a lot of stuff like that.

What I came to the conclusion of by the end of the movie was that yes the drifter was actually guilty but what the cops did to him a year ago also was wrong. You don't treat a suspect that way. They were in the wrong. He got revenge which in sense he really didn't deserve since he did do it but at the same time he did. It was one of those on the line things.

I found the movie entertaining but the things I mentioned above as they weren't the only times they were done needed to change. I gave the movie a 7. It was interesting which saved the movie from being a complete failure.
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Sand (2000)
A movie I found with so much potential and it failed.
27 November 2011
I thought the movie story wise had a conceivable plot. It was just executed poorly. I thought Norman Reedus did a great job with what he had but it wasn't much. The character development was bare little to none which didn't leave the actors with much to do. Michael Vartan was not a good lead for this movie. He was very wooden. Also with the little amount of character development it didn't leave you caring about any of the characters including Kari. I have thought about buying this movie so I could rewrite it and give more character development and depth. My favorite scene was actually the scene that involves Reedus and his friends confronting the two brothers after his sister is nearly raped. It was shot well and acted well. Beyond that, everything else was subpar.

The movie just had so much potential and it was executed poorly.
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Good, but really does drag on after boot camp.
18 August 2011
The boot camp stuff was great.

POSSIBLE SPOILERS Follow but I don't really give specifics on who.

Some of the stuff following it was alright and how the 3 or 4 guys that got shot at the end with the sniper was just stupid.

I understand the squad leader sucked and the squad had no respect for him but that was just ridiculous. One guy gets shot three times before one guy even heads out there. The second guy gets shot. And then a third guy goes out there. Luckily he is a little more intelligent. But that was just really stupid.

I had been told Full Metal Jacket Boot camp stuff was great before I watched the film and I had seen bits and pieces of it before actually watching the movie from beginning to end all the way through. My opinion, the movie overall is about a 7 as it is well acted and the boot camp stuff was great. But after that the movie just loses something and I felt like my time was being wasted. Watch the boot camp sequences and then turn it off after that.
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The Dilemma (2011)
This is not a comedy, but that doesn't mean it wasn't good.
21 May 2011
I think it was wrong to advertise this as a comedy. It was not. But I felt it was real. The argument that those two women wouldn't be interested in these two people is ridiculous argument. Its done in Movies all the time. But this really was NOT a comedy.

I think people are giving the movie a bad rap mainly for that reason. Not because it was a bad movie. Yes it made your stomach upset but that is because it was an uncomfortable movie.

I gave a 9 out of 10 because it wasn't perfect. But it was damn good. Vince Vaughn actually impressed me here. He usually plays an obnoxious prick. He was still kind of obnoxious but we got to see his human side as well which we don't see very often in his movies.

This movie was about the friendship of two best friends and "the dilemma" you can be put in when you find out the best friend's wife is cheating. How do you really break it to them. Its not just like a girlfriend. That may be easier to do. But a wife, and you know its gonna hurt.
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Beyond Sherwood Forest (2009 TV Movie)
Not as bad as they say. But not that great either.
16 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off, it was a TV movie so I am easier on it than I would be if this had been a movie movie. Acting was bad among a lot of the cast. Robin as a boy was horrid. His father was horrid. I didn't like how Will Scarlet was portrayed. He wasn't bad acting just his character didn't fit his history. The guy whom portrayed Little John needs to go back to school. That was horrid. Prince John's character was different but interesting, Marian, Robin Hood, and Sheriff and the Dragon/Elena were not badly casted and tried to save a interesting plot with horrible dialogue. Some scenes were bad with those actors. Robin Dunne when he yelled Tuck! was just bad and after he gets stabbed in the shoulder. Now better dialogue may have changed these scenes as perhaps those lines would have been changed. I was impressed Robin Dunne's accent though. A better sub cast, better script with better dialogue and perhaps longer, would have possibly made this a better TV movie. Nonetheless it was not as bad as they say but anybody whom says the movie was excellent needs to see more movies.
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The movie wasn't that bad...Actually thought it was pretty good
1 May 2009
The movie did feel rushed but there were many things I liked.

The credits sequence at the beginning. It was very quickly rounding up to meeting William Stryker which I thought was well done.

I think the escaping from the actual facility should have been longer but the action sequences that followed immediately after it made up for it.

It was darker than previous x-men films.

I did like the brothers storyline between Wolverine and Sabretooth. It did seem kind of like how brothers would act. Only I can kick your ass but when you need help I am there for you but don't expect me to stick around after. They still don't get along but it was well done.

I thought Gambit was great. So his eyes turn red when he is doing his powers instead of all the time. Oh well. That wasn't so bad. I didn't like his accent changing back and forth to where partly Cajun to nothing. But the way Taylor Kitsh portrayed him otherwise was spot on. I don't know where people were saying they gave him telekinesis and running on walls. He ran up the walls and kicked off them. So what? A Gambit solo movie with this actor portraying him would be awesome.

My major gripe is the ending about how Wolverine loses his memory. If you have a 300+ person in midair coming at you, a shot from a gun isn't going to make him go head over heels. If anything Wolverine would have landed on him. It would have probably been better to go with the original idea for him losing him memory.

Sabretooth...done great as well. I honestly would like to see his origin story too.

Overall the movie was good. It was rushed. But good.
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Saved by the Bell (1989–1992)
Billu42 I know this is 5yrs too late and you may know this already
18 January 2009
It appears there was a mistake with the releasing of the show on DVD. There was no 5th season. But there is a DVD package for the 5th season. This might clear up possibly why there was no episodes from the 4th season on that 3-4 season DVD set. It shouldn't have been done that way but oh well this should fix the issue. The graduation is on season 5 set and all the Leona Creel episodes I believe.

The show is great and I own all seasons including the college years. they weren't that bad. I think the episodes should have included Zack and Kelly's wedding as it was like a finale to the whole thing by it doesn't.
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The Departed (2006)
Great movie. Doesn't feel like 2 1/2 hrs at all. I wanted more.
13 October 2006
Everybody cries about the ending. Honestly I believe everyone got what they deserved to. Even the so-called good guys. They had a choice and they made a bad one. The ending was perfect. It brought complete conclusion to everything. Mark and Alec played wonderful off of each other. And the dialogue with everyone was just brilliant. If this movie is not nominated for best picture I would be shocked. Leo is starting to more and more show himself as an adult actor and doing some exploration with characters. I happened to see a preview for The Blood Diamond which looks good as well. This movie was very well done. I praise them all. DiCaprio, Nicholson, Walhberg, Baldwin, Sheen, Damon and Farminga. It was perfect.
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It was good.
6 May 2006
Okay. People it wasn't meant to be a fantastic movie but Jesus it deserves better than 6.6. I would give it at least a high 7 or 8. I liked it better than the others. Main reason. Teamwork had a bigger part in this one. You saw all the other characters about as much as you saw Cruise. Yes the story was centered with him in the middle but it was like the old TV shows. I mean the acting was good for an action movie. I also liked that there was about as much drama as action. Referring to the acting, Hey, Tom Cruise cried. Yes he has cried in others but this was an action movie. He briefly cried in Minority Report but this was different. The movie was well made and deserves a views
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Crash (I) (2004)
First off, whoever thinks this movie did not touch enough racism or oppression issues. Give me a "F"ing break.
10 April 2006
This movie wasn't supposed to sit there and say there is a lot of racism in the United States. WE know that as somebody already said. But, the thing it was trying to get across is that every single one of us no matter of race is racist. Yes, that means not just whites. We all have our prejudices and if you are really being honest with yourself you will agree. People talk about this saying that the oppression wasn't covered. It didn't matter. The point was blacks like everyone else can make a name for himself and not just on the criminal side. Terrance Howard's character was a TV director. Yes he had white people over him or whatever but the point is he made it there himself. That is why he makes the comment. You embarrass me. You embarrass yourself. Everyone goes through a metamorphosis in this movie. Every single person. Some went bad. Some went good. It also touches the black secretary got all offended with the comment that Dillon's character made to her. The actress's name was Loretta Devine so I don't my ass jumped into because i can remember the white guy's name but not the black woman's. You find out by the end she is just as prejudiced and racist as he is. The point is everyone is racist and if we take a step back and look at ourselves maybe just maybe we can do something about it. I hate all the racist crap but like this movie is actually trying to show you, everyone hates it. 99% of us including all races make absolutely no effort to do anything about it. All we do is whine and cry about it and expect someone else to do something or for it to fix itself. It's not going to. If we want all the bs to stop we need to do something. Whites, Blacks, Mexicans, Asians and all other races.
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Punk'd (2003–2015)
Nothing original but it is funny
28 January 2004
Well, at least on some. It is worth watching for a good laugh. Anybody who doesn't like this are looking way too much into it. It is supposed to be a kind of stupid funny. I mean all these people are just being messed with. I definitely liked the one they did with Katie Holmes or the Nude shopper, that was funny. it is just for fun and laughs. Probably more enjoyable watching if you are a little buzzed but funny none the less.
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25th Hour (2002)
I am not sure
28 January 2004
I am not sure how I feel about this movie. It was good none the less, but why was it good. I like Norton so I know that makes a difference. I have liked him since his first movie, Primal Fear, even though Fight Club was the first movie I saw him in. I went back and looked into his other movies. If you haven't seen Primal Fear, you should. His character in this movie is similar to his in American History X, a movie I actually only saw recently. The monologue in this movie was great and so true, no I am not racist, but a lot of what he was saying was true in that monologue and also in American History X. One was a little extreme view of the truth. But either way this movie is good and also a little bit weird, especially the night club scene with Anna Paquin, Rogue from X-Men. I gave this movie an 8 because some parts of it just didn't keep my interest all the way like the others did and it didn't really explain what happened at the end. Although I think that was so you could decide if he went to jail or if his father took him somewhere else.
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America: A Tribute to Heroes (2001 TV Special)
Good, at least the messages.
28 January 2004
I honestly only watched the messages said by the various people. The only song I listened to was the last one. I tried to listen to Celine Dion's version of the song she did and got p***ed because she made her own version instead of sticking with the original lyrics. I got a little emotional with some of the messages. Tears in my eyes. I am in the US Navy currently, and honestly it isn't for me. But it is for some people and I will not stand in their way if they want to join. But this still got me to have tears in my eyes. I am glad I watched it when my roommate was away so he wouldn't make fun of me, hehe. But, no, this was a very serious thing and I am glad they did it. I gave it an 8 because I what I did watch I enjoyed but that Dion woman ruined one of my fav. songs.
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Rose Red (2002)
It was good.
28 January 2004
I immediately connected it to the Winchestor Mystery House in San Jose, CA. I have been to it. Stories are similar, just one is fake and the other real. They even say in the making it is connected to the Winchestor Mystery House. If you have never gone to that house you should. The movie was good. Weird but I tend to like weird. Nancy Travis is so hot. hehe. I would gave this movie an 8, because the length made it drag a little bit.
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