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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Spielberg's "1941" better than Pearl Harbor
1 June 2001
I did not enjoy Pearl Harbor at all. The pacing of the movie between the action and romance did not mesh. A sign of this would be the soundtrack of the movie where it cues to every moment as being anti-climatic. The characters dressed the part but never embodied themselves to that history in time. I didn't care to see what happened to them either way. The action was your standard Bruckheimer fare - loud, big, and lots of it. But the problem was that the characters and plot were so badly developed that you just can't wait for the sappy cartoon romance to end and let the movie cut to the next action sequence. For a better Pearl Harbor movie, I recommend "Tora! Tora!" or better yet, the Spielberg classic "1941".
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Men of Honor (2000)
A Respectable Offering from 2 Respectable Actors, Goodings and Deniro
6 December 2000
A very inspirational movie about honor. Though the script was predictable, the cast delivered a fine performance. Cuba Gooding Jr. played the part bigger than anyone else could have. Only other actor that could have done as well would have been Denzel Washington (but he would be too old for the part). I was very surprise with Robert Deniro's performance as Sunday with the southern accent. I thought he would have phone this in but he was energetic and powerful as the disciplinary.

Men of honor doesn't aim too high. It succeeds in being a feel good movie but comes up short as a tear jerker. Most of the conflict dealt with Carl Brashear breaking the color barrier in the Navy as the first African American diver. So it goes that it is a man's integrity and courage, not the color of his skin, that warrants the respect from his mates. To go even further, Carl Brashear made a great sacrifice by risking his own life to save others in the line of duty time and again. Only for that kind of selfless action, he was deemed a man of honor.
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Sub-Par Snob of a Movie Masquerades as a Think-Piece
6 December 2000
The virgin suicides tries to be a thought provoking movie by being slow and boring. One might try to find a surprise conclusion as to why each of the daughters committed suicide besides the obvious fact that the parents were very strict disciplinaries. The odd thing is that normal teens would not be as submissive but instead retaliate such strict rules.

The character's never get fully developed and much of the questions are left unanswered. Why is the mother so deep into religion that she becomes out of touch with reality and the father so helpless to act. If suicide is the answer for imprisoned souls then it is indeed sad. But the problem is that there were not enough examples of the mother treating her children in such cruel ways to justify the imprisoning of their souls and gave them such hopelessness to drive them to sub-sequential suicides. Yes, we do see obvious symbolism to their imprisonment but badly placed such as the gas mask choke party held by the locals. Suicides were merely used as shock value because the director had no good ideas on how to develop the plot to a climax much like an action movie using explosions and car chases as a gimmick to further the plot. Because that is the only time that I questioned why in the beginning. Why did that girl commit suicide? Why the hopelessness?

In the end this movie is slow, boring, and amateurish. Slow because the characters did not act out the conflicts. Boring because nothing amusing happens but instead the director forces you to think by placing obvious symbolisms. If you want me to think, the director should at least offer me something amusing in return. Instead, teenage suicide became the only visual gimmick (which visually could have been so much more) that the director had to offer. This whole movie does resemble a scene in the thought provoking film, "American Beauty". The scene of the plastic bag twirling around in the wind because that seems to be the only essence that Sophia Coppola was capable of capturing much like her acting, amateurish. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give Virgin Suicides a -5 for being snobbish and -5 for insulting my intelligence. A total score of -10
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Moral of the Story
4 December 2000
Though I have seen many movies of the wuxia genre (think of it as the Chinese old west with some historical significances thrown in from time to time), I have somehow grasp the human drama for the first time. Behind all the great fighting sequences and posturing between two great warriors in a duel, the wuxia genre is always dramatic, noble and tragic. Yes, the fight is always between good and evil. The choice between our young heroine's responsibility to her family and her personal desires are embodied in the magical sword as the means to her freedom to choose. As the master Liu Mui Bai tries to teach her that the power of the sword resonates only thru the righteous owner that uses it with discipline. Whatever virtues one might be able to draw from such analogies, the story always contain a moral.

Because wuxia always contain characters that struggles with those sins, the battle, therefore, is always between the good and evil. Indeed, the movie does apologizes for itself in the over-exagerated martial arts in a scene where Michelle Yeoh explains a heroes code of ethic to the young Jen. The fighting action sequences serves as eye candy but a good wuxia movie will always explore the main character's development as a human being to capture the audiences' endearment in a dramatic fashion.

The moral of the story is not hard to grasp. Much like the comic book hero Spiderman when he discovered his powers that "With great powers comes great responsibilities" which was only realized after the death of his uncle Ben. Thus, only thru tragic turns of events can the person learn the consequences of his/her wicked ways and that is the main point.

Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon should open up the wuxia genre to the American audience by a recognized director Ang Lee. I don't think this film is a masterpiece because it is not a timepiece of the human condition. This is a good action drama that might open the floodgate to already made wuxia movies much like the re-released Jackie Chan flicks.
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Caught Up (1998)
Best One-Liner Ever
25 November 2000
"Caught Up" had that low budget feel but the low key and well paced mystery kept my attention. Bookem Woodbine (Daryl) was refreshing as a ex-convict trying to go straight but every turn in the road ahead seems to lead him closer back to jail. Bookem Woodbine has a very deep baritone voice like Earl Jones, and his delivery is rough at times but he was genuine. I thought this movie was going to be a yawner early on until the part where Daryl barks "I ain't going down like no punk!" That was a delivery of a one-liner comparable to "I'll be back" by Arnold. Cyndia Willams (Vanessa) was very pleasing to the eye as the mysterious, seductive woman that plays Daryl as the fool. She is the other reason to watch this movie. Also, some other notable guest cameo is made the Candy Man, Snoop Doggy Dog, and Ll Cool J of "Deep Blue Sea" (who didn't go down like a punk).
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Hudson Hawk (1991)
Goofy and Campy Fun Of A Thrill Ride
8 November 2000
This movie is very funny contrary to what you might have heard. This movie is Bruce Willis at his best in comedy situations since moonlighting. This movie doesn't take itself seriously so neither should you. The characters are cheesy, campy, and goofy. The henchmen are named after candy bars and the good guys sing and dance like the 50's era. The lines are delivered with wit and complement with a fast action pace.
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A Rough Draft of A Movie
7 November 2000
The first Blair Witch brought horror through self fright by three lost individuals driving each other toward insanity. The appeal of the first film was that it concentrated on that aspect of horror which many horror movie today seemed to have forgotten with the use of CGI special effects. The plot was honest and believable. The film used the in your face interview of the local's take on the legend of the Blair Witch to convey that mystery which embody the whole Blair Witch quality.

Well, in the sequel, the same effects are employed, but it is a complete disaster! The first interview of the local made me felt that he was putting me on. Once that tone was set it carry out toward the whole movie. The movie is saying, " Don't take it too seriously and let us just rehash some of the old stuff and throw in some new stuff that make us look amateurish." In the end, BW2 did not do justice to the first because it is a complete sellout. You will also know why some films should not see the day of light. This film is definitely too rough to sit in your stomach and will make you puke after the first half hour leaving you with a wanting for some good old fashion Freddie Kreuger one-liners. Yeech!
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Best in Show (2000)
Eccentric Pet Owners Shallow
17 October 2000
This movie does not have any kind of a plot. The mockumentary is not funny at all. I think there is a lot of "mock" and mock my intelligence they certainly do. I find the pet owner's eccentricity borderline shallow and idiotic. Here is an example of: husband: "We're going to Philadephia and visit where they make cream cheese."

wife: "I really want to see where they make the lite cream cheese."

Huh? Was that suppose to be funny? A few of those lines I might tolerate, but the whole movie is filled with those lines from all the characters. Do all pet owner's act that way? Anyways this movie will constantly insult your intelligence, so if you are looking for intelligent, witty, and smart humor don't look here. All you will find is a mish-mash of shallow liners improvised. Unless you like improv comedy than this movie is not worth watching.
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