
7 Reviews
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Elizabeth (1998)
Not bad, but not brilliant
15 August 1999
An enjoyable and engrossing historical drama it is, but Elizabeth is full of flaws. The worst is Shekar Kapurs direction, which is always trying to make its presence felt. Its almost as if the camera is one of the actors. Kapur cannot seem to keep his camera still on a single conversation that lasts more than a minute. His standard tricks (shooting ceilings, etc...) expose him as an amateur. The screenplay does well in encompassing a lot of plot points, but it doesn't have sufficient clarity, so that a second viewing is probably required. the acting is unever. Christopher Eccleston puts far too much into a nonedescript part and this has a negligible effect, Kathy Burke is badly miscast and Joseph Fiennes is soppy. The best performance is from Geoffrey Rush, who is effortlessly suave. Cate Blanchett gives a good, subtle performance but has little charisma or humour. She is nowhere near as flamboyant as Glenda Jackson was. She does however leave a strong impression.
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Entertaining but overrated
29 May 1999
I don't think this film deserved all the praise it received, but it is entertaining nonetheless. Alan Bennetts screenplay has plenty of witty strokes, and Nicolas Hytner's direction is at least brisk. Nigel Hawthorne is quite stunning, one of the few actors to successfully transfer their stage performance to film. Ian Holm is equally fine. What spoils the film for me is the atrocious performance given by Helen Mirren who is my least favourite actress of all time. Her accent varies from line to line, let alone scene to scene, and her acting style is remarkably unsubtle, at least as shown here. I can't believe she was oscar nominated.
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A disappointment
23 May 1999
Some superb talents are utterly wasted in this witless spoof of murder mysteries. I was expecting it to be brilliant as I normally love Neil Simon films, but the jokes are very crude and obvious, the direction non-existent and the players given little chance to shine. Check out the similar "The Cheap Detective" (also scripted by Neil Simon), it's much much funnier.
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A disappointment
23 May 1999
Some superb talents are utterly wasted in this witless spoof of murder mysteries. I was expecting it to be brilliant as I normally love Neil Simon films, but the jokes are very crude and obvious, the direction non-existent and the players given little chance to shine. Check out the similar "The Cheap Detective" (also scripted by Neil Simon), it's much much funnier.
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a treat
17 May 1999
I wasn't expecting much, but the critics are wrong. This is one of the funniest comedies ever, and even though some of the sight gags are stolen, they are perfectly integrated with the rest of the film. Ryan O Neal is embarrassing and Streisand isn't at her best, but it doesn't matter a bit. The film makes me laugh whenever I see it and it has many classic set pieces (especially the chase and the scene at the dinner party). There are brilliant supporting performances from Austin Pendelton, Madeline Kahn and especially Liam Dunn as the judge, and stay tuned for the Streisand's sizzling rendition of Cole Porters You're The Top at the end.
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A neglected gem
17 May 1999
This is one of the most entertaining musicals to ever come out of Hollywood. Light and witty, sweet and subtle, it's almost as if Lubitsch made it. The songs are a joy, the dancing a treat and the story deliciously simple. Janet Leigh and Jack Lemmon shine, but the true star is the glorious Betty Garret, who should have been much bigger than she was. Please check this out, it's a charmer
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THIS is comedy!!!
17 May 1999
A glorious treat that knocks spot of modern "comedies" such as As Good As It Gets. Monty Woolley gives the performance of a lifetime and the rest of the cast, including Davis, are heavenly. See it and weep for a lost era.
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