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Gook (2017)
Clerks meets Do The Right Thing.
26 May 2020
Gook is a simple story about two young Korean men who run a women's shoe store during the L.A. riots in 1992. A young 11 year old black gir ,Kamilla, (played wonderfully by Simone Baker) comes along and steals their hearts. As the title implies racism is the core. I love the throwback to independent 90's cinema. The low budget black and white production,unknown cast of actors and urban angst. It captures the essence of Jim Jarmusch,Spike Lee and Kevin Smith while not quite ascribing to the level of these revolutionary film makers. Perhaps one of the flaws of this film is that it tries too hard. Chon should have been more relaxed and just let things play out like the films of the 90's that inspired him. The film is predictable. The ending could have went one of two ways and it didn't disappoint by doing just that. By all means this film is worth watching. I hope this leads to bigger and better things for all those involved but most importantly writer,director,actor Justin Chon.
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Peopletoys (1974)
Kids Gone Wild
2 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is as bad as any 70's horror film could get. Sadly it could have worked if there was a little effort. What mars this exploitation film is not the bad acting (where some lines are mangled) but the continuity errors. Leif Garrets hair goes from his natural locks to a wig to a short haircut! I understand this had to be mostly re-shot but at least try a little. Were these kids from the van that crashes in the start of the film? It is that kind of editing that ruins the entire film. Even Sorrell Booke couldn't save this mess.

The only thing I found creepy in this film was Leif Garret's sexual fascination for Booke! When Leif is dressed as a woman you get the feeling he was a jilted lover of some kind. The only depth to any character and they don't explore it further. Watch this for laughs only.
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Columbo: Last Salute to the Commodore (1976)
Season 5, Episode 6
A surreal,off-beat and experimental Columbo.
13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off I would like to state for the record that I am a Columbo fan. Even as a kid I loved the show because Peter Falk made his character nonthreatening,friendly,silly and simplistic. Very rarely did he raise his voice or show his gun. The best season for Coulumbo would be the first. Great direction,dialog and acting. Subsequent seasons would see Falk polish his character to the extent we know it today.

Most episodes followed a formula. The murderer and the motive for committing his/her crime was revealed during the prologue. Our hero would not arrive until 10-15 minutes into the story allowing for plot and character development of the guest stars. However one episode in episode 5 would buck this trend and bring the show into an almost avant-garde style.

"Columbo: Last Salute to the Commodore (#5.6)" (1976) was directed by Patrick McGoohan (of The Prisoner fame). A good friend of Peter Falk and frequent guest star of the show (there was always great chemistry between the two). The episode followed formula for its prologue. When Colombo enters the scene the show goes off into the Twilight Zone. Falk appears lethargic(as does the pacing of the story). It is clear that he is improvising. While no stranger to this method of acting (after all his best friend was John Cassevettes) many fans would be put off by this severe departure. I wasn't. While not the best episode it was nice to see something different in a time when such experimentation was rarely allowed in television. I am surprised NBC allowed it. The lovely Diane Baker plays it straight in this show when everyone else seems to be having a field day doing their own thing. It was fun to watch Robert Vaughn keep a straight face when Falk was obviously trying to trip him up. Another unique feature of this episode was it departed from the norm and went with a "whodunit". Soon we learn our antagonist (Vaughn) is murdered and must guess who the culprit is. The climax is both odd and amusing as Falk goes over the top to solve his crime.

I can understand how Colombo fans may hate this episode.In some ways Falk seems to be mocking his very character (I was always under the impression Falk had some contempt for Columbo because it overshadowed all the other great things he did prior and after the series). What is surprising is that this episode didn't raise to a cult status because it bucked the trends of television of its time. This to me is an unheard of classic and sincerely hope that it's recognized someday in the annals of TV history.
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Naked City: Let Me Die Before I Wake (1962)
Season 3, Episode 19
A first for Jack Klugman
3 May 2009
It isn't until 39 minutes into the teleplay that Jack Klugman screams. This has to be a first in the career of Mr. Klugman.

This is one of the finer episodes of Naked City that I have seen. Naked City is probably one the first film-noir TV shows and the episodes still stand up almost 50 years later. Yeah it has the polished good moral cops who have no flaws but it still brings many elements of noir to the small screen. Another interesting aspect is the violence in many of these episodes. While tame compared to todays standards there is lots of (bloodless) killings and other mayhem. In this episode a young girl is hit by speeding moving truck intended for Klugman. I am sure this didn't sit well with a lot of people back then.
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Super Size Me (2004)
Michael Moore waddle over. There is a new biased liberal in town!
16 March 2005
A Michael Moore wannabe,Morgan Spurlock decides to smear the fast food industry. This moron(who's girlfriend is a vegan chef-this should tell you something right there)decides to go on a 30 day diet of nothing but McDonalds food. Throughout the course of this film you get to watch Morgan whine,puke,whine some more and get very sick(or so he says). Spurlock clearly has a liberal agenda. He is anti-corporation and feels the media is run by evil capitalists(like McDonalds) who are out to brainwash our youth.He clearly supports the law suits against McDonalds for making people obese(since the release of this film a law was passed that people can longer sue fast food joints for their self inflicted problems). This idiot even equates the old days of tobacco advertising to to the fast food ads of today. In the end the film was really much ado about nothing. The only thing it may have accomplished is that McD's have stopped there Super Size deals. Big whoop! People are still eating fast food in droves and putting money in the greedy capitalist pigs pockets. Left leaning Spurlock gets his point across in the very first 5 minutes of the film. He should have quit then!
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I never knew Billy The Kid was a wimp?
26 June 2003
I am not big on Westerns but I always thought Billy The Kid was a cold-blooded killer. Not in DIRTY LITTLE BILLY. Instead we are treated to pug nosed Michael J. Pollard as the title character who is nothing more then a wimpy little punk. Don't get me wrong the film is not bad but don't expect to see the life of the real Billy The Kid here. In this rendition Billy is a gangster wannabe as he latches on to pimpdaddy Goldie (Richard Evans) and his hooker/lover Berle(Lee Purcell). One can't help to sense the homoerotic bond between Billy and Goldie. It is not a stretch to picture Billy becoming Goldies lover/hooker when Berle is killed in the climax. One interesting tid-bit here is that one of Berles customers is Dick Van Patten! Watching a bare chested Van Patten having sex with Lee Purcell was almost to gross to watch. To and insult to injury Purcells character then makes whoopie with Pollard! No wonder this poor actress never made it big. Can you picture her resume: Had sex with Dick Van Patten and Michael J. Pollard in the same scene!
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This film needs an Exorcist!
15 November 2002
Whatever talent Kim Bassinger may have shown with L.A. CONFIDENTIAL is now totally gone. The acting is as bad as Jimmy Smitts' toupee! Just what we need another ROSEMARY'S BABY/EXORCIST/OMEN/ rip-off. Pop-eyed Rufus Sewell is a good actor in a bad movie. The sad thing is he doesn't even realize it! At least Bassinger gives subtle signs like "what the hell am I doing in this 'let me throw my career in the toilet' film" throughout.
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A Gangster/Road/ Film Destined for Classic Stature!
22 July 2002
It is almost uncanny how Tom Hanks can keep pulling off compelling film roles. This great actor does it again as Mike Sullivan. Probably Hank's darkest character yet but with depth and humanity. You probably know the storyline by now so I won't go into it here. Kudos also goes to Paul Newman ,Jude Law and Tyler Hoechlin as young Mike Jr. Oscar nods will surely go to Hanks(once again) and Newman. I wouldn't be surprised to see Law get a nomination as well. Anyone that can personify evil that slyly deserves an award. This film as all the workings of a masterpiece; directing,cinematography,mood,editing are way above the top. I can't say it is better then THE GODFATHER, as one reviewer has, but it is on even ground. This film is destined for a Classic status.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
Jack Nicholson is so un-Nicholson like in this riveting film (SPOILER)
20 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Sean Penn defies formula by taking a story with a familiar premise and making it original.This is Nicholson at his best.

Jack Nicholson plays a cop(Jerry Black) who, on his retiring night, decides to take on a homicide. A 7 yr old girl is brutally raped and murdered. It is Black who makes the decision to tell the parents of their murdered daughter. He ends up making a promise to both God and the mother that he will find the little girls killer. It is this very pledge that leads to a blind obsession. In the end it will rob him of his dignity and his sanity. Unlike a more conventional film Jerry Black does not wind up the hero. The audience,however, gets to see he is. We get a look beyond what he can see.Jerry Black is more like a real life person then someone from the screen. He is flawed and his obsessions become costly. Nobody or himself gets to see the fruit of his efforts. If he(and others) only knew his pledge may have been fulfilled. Then again he may have been chasing nothing at all. Not like traditional thrillers,the little girls killer is up for interpretation.It may be the Indian with criminal past or it may be the preacher. Or it could be neither. Penn isn't trying to go for a whodunit here. He is above and beyond that. It is not drawn out for you. You have to do a little work.

Along the way in this film we get to see some great cameos by the likes of Benicio Del Toro(is he in like every film out in the theaters)right now?!),Mickey Rourke,Tom Noonan and Sam Shepard just to name a few. Sean Penn is doing more then telling a story; he is painting a picture of characters and landscapes. I respect that. However even I found the film to be a little long in spots. I am perhaps trying to find some fault in an otherwise flawless film. This picture is Oscar worthy. Nicholson is so un-Nicholson in this role that this very well could be his best picture ever. A must see!
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The Cell (2000)
Pretentiously artsy
1 September 2000
THE CELL has it moments but thats about all. Jennifer Lopez in the lead female role is not right to say the least. She is a pretty face with a hot body but nothing more. Vince Vaughn as the protagonist FBI agent is wasted in this film.There is nothing to go on with his character. He is just there for facial expressions. The only one who deserves credit is D'Onofrio as the demonic villain.There is also a sub-plot in this film that is underdeveloped and thrown out for a quicker ending. Director Tarsem Singh must have watched a lot of music videos and Ken Russell films before embarking on this project. It shows. At least when Ken Russell makes a bad film it comes from the heart. Singh just pretends.
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A Simple Plan (1998)
Think-Of Mice and Men,doing Very Bad Things, goes to Fargo written by Stephen King!
14 July 1999
A great film. Sam Raimi does it again. It is nice to see an original film for a change. Even though it had elements of Fargo, Of Mice and Men,Stephen King and the brothers Coen, it still held up its own.It was good to see Raimi take a somewhat different approach then his usual fare. Although classic Raimi elements still showed through from time to time Thornton stands out in this film as the borderline retarded brother,who isn't as stupid as he appears to be. It would have been nice to see more of Coles character,but what little screen time he has he makes an impression. Of course the whole cast in this film stands out. A must see!
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