
15 Reviews
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Very Well Executed
23 April 2021
After watching the biopic film 'Notorious' portray Tupac in such a disrespectful and pathetic manner, 'Unsolved' was refreshing to see. They done a very good job in representing both Biggie and Tupac and included a lot of details that are both common knowledge and mentioned in the songs of the late legends.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
One of two series I've been able to binge this year
7 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really like how wide and detailed the storyline/directing was for Umbrella Academy Season 2. So many small details that set it apart from most series. I felt like Leyla being one of them and having powers wasn't brought in smoothly enough though. It seemed too sudden and brash and just felt a bit lame at one point, like I get that they implied it when she faced off with 'Five' in the first few episodes, but they needed to do more. That was a big let down for me. But apart from that I thought the season as a whole was very good. Excellent humour too, love the dad!
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Black Lightning (2018–2021)
18 April 2020
My true rating for this is 7.5 but 8 will do. Very interesting characters especially the villains. I love the blackness, it's hilarious. Can be a bit corny at times but overall it's very enjoyable. Fight scenes are good too.
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Messiah (2020)
16 January 2020
Unlike anything I've ever watched before. Impressive how they manage to keep it quite unbiased to any one religion.
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Shaft (2019)
They paying people to hate
27 July 2019
I can't understand how anyone could not enjoy this movie. Great directing, great screenplay, the mood was hilarious, especially Jessie Usher. Samuel does carry this film, but I found Jessie very funny also. It is very politically incorrect, not that I'm complaining as I believe real life opinions should be reflected in films. Ending was a bit of a joke, but apart from that great film.
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Baywatch (2017)
Are the haters being paid to trash the film?
26 May 2019
I thought it was a good film. Plenty of funny scenes and Dwayne Johnson plays his role extremely well.
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Good film
23 May 2019
I can understand all of the complaints about racial bias, but this is still a pretty good film. Much better than the first (contrary to other opinions). The first had bad acting and bad directing. This one is much better. Good fight scenes, and interesting characters.
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Very Unique And Creative
4 March 2019
Great film. They've done very well for a follow up film. Loved the creative directing and script.
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Dissapointing overall
16 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Weak cliche storyline for most of the film. Along with unexplained factors like why and how the villain happened to gain an army of one million with high end battle technology. It also had a poor musical attempt to be like Guardians Of The Galaxy. I was gonna rate it a 4 but the twist in the end made it more interesting.
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Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018)
Dragonball is Life itself
12 February 2019
I love this anime to the core. The plot can seem ridiculous when they manage to surpass the power levels of their foes when their life is at stake, but it has taught me in real life that whenever a powerful foe/circumstance arises, I must Look to God first of all but to also look within the wonderful mind He has given me to overcome and work out how to defeat every opponent. This is the only anime that has actually genuinely brought me to tears. Many of the other Anime's try way to hard to be emotional, they force it and it just makes me sick. Dragonball is a natural! However, i do have a bit of discontentment with how powerful some people become. People have been achieving in one day what it took Goku and Vegeta to achieve in about 20 years!!! ( I calculated these years given how Gohan was a minor in the Frieza Saga). Please stick to the rules Dragonball writers.
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Dragon Ball Z (1996–2003)
Dragonball is life itself
12 February 2019
I love this anime to the core. The plot can seem ridiculous when they manage to surpass the power levels of their foes when their life is at stake, but it has taught me in real life that whenever a powerful foe/circumstance arises, I must Look to God first of all but to also look within the wonderful mind He has given me to overcome and work out how to defeat every opponent.
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
Good concept but not my cup of tea
12 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not really a fan of human flesh being depicted as it is in this series. I also didn't really like the fact that his trump card is turning into a giant
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Very good. Spooky as hell
12 February 2019
Awesome show. You won't be able to sleep well though lol
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Fantastic so far
12 February 2019
Really good. They've also captured the 80s theme really well . Great script, great acting, great directing.
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Good film with Potential
10 February 2019
Good film. I particularly like the fight scenes, the shots and the style of directing. Dunno if the role fully suits Fassbender, but he done a good job nonetheless. There's a lot of potential from this first film for great sequels. Looking forward to the next one.
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