
12 Reviews
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First half amazing...then it goes off the rails
15 April 2023
The first half of this movie was fantastic. The set-up, acting, visuals, soundtrack, just phenomenal. I wish they kept it as the mystery/thriller with supernatural elements it began with, because once it attempts to delve into horror it becomes painful to watch at times.

The second half becomes so messy and repetive. It's the main character freaking out over the same horror elements/tropes over and over again, repeating the same "horrified" expression. The tension they were trying to build fell apart, to the point I was counting down the seconds for the scene to end. The twist I could see coming a mile away, but the reveal all the same was rushed and just poorly executed.

Anya Tayla-Joy and Matt Smith are spectacular in this movie, Thomasin McKenzie's performance is uneven and over the top at times.

Overall, 10/10 first half, 3/10 second half. Should really be a 5/10 rating but the start was just so good I gave it an extra point.
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Scream (I) (2022)
I wanted to like it, I really did.
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My expectations weren't that high, but Scream 2022 would have to be my least favourite of the franchise.

What I liked: Some of the humour, though some fell flat for me. A few of the newbies gave decent performances and likeable characters. Wes & the twins being the standout.

What I didn't like: .The motive of the killers was stupid and surface level. The killers themselves I picked from the beginning, but even so, their characters weren't very fleshed out so the reveal/betrayal didn't hold any emotional weight.

.Every reference/easter egg felt very on the nose and shoved down your throat. It just seemed as though they grabbed every opportunity to paint in red bold letters "REMEMBER THIS FROM THE FIRST MOVIE?!" and "GET IT? THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT SEQUELS, REBOOTS, & REQUELS BECAUSE THIS IS A REQUEL?! CLEVER RIGHT?!". I'm surprised they didn't break the fourth wall tbh.

.There was no tension whatsoever. I forgot this was meant to be a horror/thriller movie and I think the makers of the movie did to.

.In the trailer, I actually got excited because it looked as if Dewey and Ghostface were going to have an all out 1 v 1 face off sort of thing. But no, they did not. I'm fine with killing off Dewey because one of the "legacy" trio had to go eventually, but his death was pretty pathetic. They really could have made that a violent, tension-fueled fight/chase/whatever.

.The main character's (Sam) acting was bad. The whole Billy's daughter thing had potential, but the visions of Billy and her acting really took me out of it. I wasn't believing any of it for a second.

Final Thoughts: Though the first Scream was obviously the GOAT, I'm comparing Scream 2022 with the franchise as a whole. Scream 2, 3, and 4 had their flaws but managed to find that balance between comedy, horror and thriller. There was tension, emotional weight, and twists and turns. Scream 2022 didn't have any of these elements that make the Scream movies as entertaining as they are. It was a pretty predictable and forgettable addition to the franchise.
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7 episodes in...
29 September 2020
I feel like this show is a hit or miss with each episode.

Episode 1 showed some promise with interesting elements of horror, mystery and race. Episode 2 was a complete nose dive, so much random exposition and lore from all different angles that really didn't mean anything and was just confusing. Episode 3 was probably my favorite in terms of horror, mystery and character development. It set the tone of what the entirety of the series should be. But again, as the series progresses we're thrown a bunch of lore and exposition that doesn't hold much weight. The pace at times is either way too slow or fast. Episode 6 serving a backstory filler was completely different in tone, yet I really enjoyed it as it had the perfect mix of horror, mystery, lore and character development. After that one episode I really cared for a brand new character, more than some that have been featured in the series since episode 1. Episode 7 was okay until the acid trip of a plotline kicked in.

The soundtrack is decent, but jarring at times when the songs don't match the time period.

Overall, the series feels disjointed and isn't sure where to go and when at times. I'll still continue to watch because of some interesting and complex characters, decent script, and good horror and mystery elements (sometimes). It needs to find its' footing and decide what its' main focus is going to be in regards to plot, because right now it's a bit all over the place.
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The Captive (I) (2014)
A bit messy but intriguing and enjoyable
17 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie can be a little jarring in spots, as it constantly flips between 3 or 4 different time periods that the same story is taking place without any warning. However, I found myself on the literal edge of my seat through some scenes, which doesn't happen often. The way the story all eventually comes together is quite clever. I was never bored.

I wonder however, if the story had been portrayed through a linear format, would it have made a difference? I just felt like all the time jumping was unnecessary to the plot, and was more of a distraction. Speaking of, there were a few minor plot holes, like how the girl was taken in a matter of two minutes in broad daylight without being seen by anyone or leaving any tyre tracks in the snow? Or how the detectives treated Ryan Reynold's character (the father). I get they have to investigate all possible suspects but I just can't imagine a real investigation being handled the way that they did in the movie in regards to the father.

But aside from a few minor issues like that, overall it was quite an enjoyable film with a satisfying conclusion, and had high tension with gripping moments. Pretty good thriller.
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I turned it off after 20 minutes...
10 April 2020
The soundtrack and cinematography pulled me in, but I found the acting horrendous, or maybe it was the script? Felt like they were trying to be witty, edgy and poetic but it came across very cringeworthy. Maybe it got better but the only horror elements I witnessed was teen angst.
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Swallow (I) (2019)
I kinda loved it
30 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THIS IS NOT A HORROR OR THRILLER, so I can see why people might be disappointed by the film if they were expecting that. It's more of a psychological drama if anything. As strange as the film was, I was never bored. I give major props to the lead actress as she made every scene gripping. You really come to understand her motivations and why she does what she does. I found the ending perfect, but I can see why it could polarize a lot of viewers. Overall, I adored the acting, story, and cinematography. A little strange but enchanting.
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Bloom (2019–2020)
Push through Episode One, trust me.
30 March 2020
I nearly wasn't going to continue with it after episode one, but I pushed through. I'm thankful I did. It wasn't a masterpiece, but a few characters gripped me, others did not. I think it could have been condensed into 4 episodes instead of 6, as a few scenes (the entirety of episode 1) dragged out and were unnecessary to the plot. Overall, I enjoyed it. I'm hoping the upcoming second season will be slightly better, but the story felt finished so I'm intrigued with how they will continue it. Good quarantine/self-isolation entertainment.
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Midsommar (2019)
Entrancingly eerie, won't be everyone's cup of tea.
14 November 2019
I watched the director's cut, so I'm unsure if it's overly different to the theatrical version. Despite being long (nearly 3 hours), I was never bored. The acting and cinematography was phenomenal. This isn't a typical horror movie. There are no jumpscares in sight. From the beginning there is a general unease that builds as the film progresses. The soundtrack was gorgeously eerie aswell. I quite enjoyed it, but I understand this movie wont be for everyone. There were parts that could have certainly been cut (hence being the directors cut).
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It was alright...
18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers

-Loved the opening scene, the homophobic threat of real people combined with the supernatural threat of Pennywise was really effective.

-The adult cast were well selected, resembled their child counterparts and were (for the most part) believable as the grown versions of their characters.

-Bill Skarsgard did a magnificent job as Pennywise, (duh)

-Liked the added information of Pennywise's/It's origins.

Cons: -This movie is not only looooong but you can feel it. It tended to drag, to the point I found myself bored in certain parts. Particularly when the group split up and did their own thing in the middle. I found myself most entertained when the characters were actually interacting, particularly with Ritchie and Eddie.

-There were lots of jokes that fell flat and broke up the tension. A few were well timed and gave me a giggle, but more often than not they weren't effective.

-It's true form was a bit disappointing (a clown head on a spider body?), at least with the mini series they committed to the alien arachnid creature.

-Lots of jump scares, yet not a scary movie. I think it failed to create the tension that the first movie and even the mini series managed to achieve.

-Henry Bowers, completely wasted. Might aswell not have been included. Again, could have used the character to create more tension, instead didn't really achieve anything.

-Probably a very unpopular opinion, but I found Jessice Chastain and James McAvoy a little dull (and I actually believe they're magnificent actors), maybe it was just the way they portrayed the characters or the characters themselves, but I actually found these two the least believable out of all of the Losers.

-Not much growth or character development, to the point I almost didn't care about the Losers fate in the end. (other than Ritchie and Eddie who were the most believable and I think really stole their scenes with the others).

As a whole, it wasn't a bad movie, but wasn't anything to brag about it. I found myself bored in parts, entertained by others, a bit fatigued by the end of it. I've heard rumours of a Pennywise origin story movie with Bill Skarsgard returning, which I think has the potential to be fantastic.
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The Society (2019)
Push through the first 3 episodes..
7 June 2019
I was so against watching this series. I can't stand riverdale and I couldn't get into the 100. But against my will, I sat through the first episode. I was rooting for none of the characters and only relented in watching another episode because the plot intrigued me and the acting was half decent. Still a bit iffy, I pushed through another, wanting to know how they got there. Then I found myself binging, caught up in the mystery and some of the characters. Sam, Grizz, Campbell, Elle to name a few have very interesting character arcs. Yes, there are a few plot holes, but I'm not expecting complete logic in a fantasy(?) drama show. Overall, I ended up being thoroughly entertained and pining for the second season. I want answers!!!! But seriously, push through those first few episodes as it finds its' footing, it gets better and better.
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Did I watch the same movie as everybody else?
29 May 2019
Just finished watching this movie. So many twists and turns, unique plot, disturbing imagery. Yes, this movie is vile when it comes to gore and other things, but it's not just to shock the audience, it is actually relevent to the story. If you're squeamish, wouldn't recommend. A rare netflix original gem. Two lead actresses were terrific. Not sure why there are so many negative reviews? Watch the movie and make up your own mind I guess.
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The Haunting of Hill House: Witness Marks (2018)
Season 1, Episode 8
I had to change my underwear...
9 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I literally made an account just to review this episode. I've never jumped that suddenly before from terror. THAT scene was so well placed, unlike the constant cheap jump scares you get with most horror movies/tv shows lately. This one was actually integral to the story. But damn, that got my heart going.
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