
52 Reviews
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Lift (I) (2024)
Not a terrible time
16 January 2024
Well 2024 has started off with a well thought out movie but the love interest between Cyrus and Abby I wasn't feeling it. Denton's character should've been on screen more. The opening lift was really good and the final lifts plan was even better. The performances were good however the bad guy Jorgensen and his crew weren't that interesting or intimidating. The action sequences were good although they could've been better. Overall this movie is your typical safe January release. It will however get better as more movies come out. I only hope the next heist movie just sticks to the basics and gives a good time. I definitely recommend this one.

Timothy Treakle.
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A shocking ending.
21 November 2023
Well what do we have here. Another hidden gem. Despite all the nudity (which isn't a bad thing) this movie supplied us with a twist ending that I didn't see coming. The characters and acting was very good. The direction was solid and I loved the story. Ursula and Dagmar are great characters in this slasher/horror film. While away on vacation after their father's death they are in fear of a killer who kills women who have lots of sex. So simple but a tremendous treat for all. I wish the movie was a little longer however the running time is sufficient. I definitely recommend this one.

Timothy Treakle.
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Not the worst Christmas ever.
18 November 2023
Look we all new what we were getting when we seen the trailer. Yes this feels like a Hallmark movie but with better acting . I liked the characters and story. Some scenes were actually funny. The movie is funny at times but could've been funnier. With a eighty minute runtime it felt all crammed together. This shouldi been 30 minutes longer. My favorite scene involved tree sap and a hand. Jason Biggs and heather graham were a odd pairing but it worked. It was cheesy and predictable just like a Hallmark movie. I did enjoy the ending but again cheesy. I do however recommend the movie. It's fine for a one time watch.

Timothy Treakle.
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Hilarious and Entertaining
4 November 2023
Finally I've gotten the chance to watch this movie and it didn't disappoint at all. The voice cast was great. The animation is gorgeous and this was a fun filled comedy for all to see. Two plumbers trying to start a business are accidentally sent into a world and are separated from each other. Luigi is captured and its up to Mario to save both princess peach and his brother. With the help of toad, donkey Kong and others they try to defeat Bowser. I loved the story. This movie made over a billion dollars and I just hope we get more!! This movie brought me back to my childhood and it was a blast. Definitely check it out.

Timothy Treakle.
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The Nun II (2023)
30 October 2023
Finally we got the sequel we most needed and it started with a bang. The opening scene scared the crap out of me and from there it was great jump scares and creepy characters. Sister Irene played by Taissa Farmiga was amazing. Love her character and the performances were fantastic. Valak is even better in this movie. The story and direction were on point. The special effects terrifying good. This is definitely one of the best horror movies of the year. The haters are gonna hate but at the end of the day these two movies are some of the best in the franchise. I can't wait to see if we get a third movie. So definitely check it out it's worth the watch.

Tim Treakle.
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A spooky good time!!!
5 October 2023
I'm a fan of the other movie with Eddie Murphy but this one is better in my opinion. Love the story and cast/ Characters. Jared Letto as the villain was a good choice. I especially loved the look of the ghost and the cinematography was a breath of fresh air. The mother son duo worked well. There were some really funny scenes most notably in the first half of the movie. It definitely could've been funnier and the run time was to long. They could've shaved ten or fifteen minutes off the time. Other than that I found this to be enjoyable for everyone and I highly recommend it. 🎃🎃🎃

Timothy Treakle.
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A slammin good time!!!!
4 October 2023
Broken lizard is at it again with another fun filled comedy. This movie has it all. The laughs, characters and acting are great. The direction is really good and I'd have to say my favorite character(s) was Dave and Donnie played by Paul soter. Loved seeing Micheal Clarke Duncan, Cobie Smulders and April Bolby. The customers played by will forte and vivica a fox were hilarious. This movie reminds me of Waiting. Shenanigans a plenty in this movie. Overall I found this movie to be very entertaining and filled with funny scene's. I highly recommend you check this movie out if you haven't seen it yet.

Timothy Treakle.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
10 September 2023
Here we are yet again with a Disney live action remake. I have to admit I'm a fan although not all have hit the mark but this one did. I love the cinematography,music, actors and characters of course. The only negative thing is the running time. The controversy aside this movie delivers what you want. Melissa McCarthy and Halle bailey steal every scene. This is a movie for kids and adults. The voice of Halle gave me chills. With that being said I highly recommend this movie. I'm glad they chose Halle to play the role of Ariel. People today are offended by the most ridiculous things.

Timothy Treakle.
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Better than expected
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well I never though id see the day when a childhood favorite of mine was made into a slasher film. That being said this was better than I thought it'd be. The story was good along with the kills. The acting was atrocious and yes there was a scene that ripped off Halloween kills. The look of piglet was terrible and Pooh looked like one of the clowns from killer clowns from outer space. The fight between Pooh and the hillbillies was the rip off scene from Halloween kills. All that aside I do believe this movie will have a cult following eventually. It's not as bad as people let on. It's just a overreaction to what is a childhood favorite turned horror. The fact that there was no final girl and only Christopher survived makes me wonder what the intentions are moving forward. Will we see rabbit and owl and the others? Poor eeyore.

Tim Treakle.
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Terrible movie
29 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since jaws came out studios have tried to recreate it. They have failed most of the time and this garbage dump is the latest example. The characters,story,direction and acting was atrocious. The only good shot in this movie is what they spoil in the trailer. The shark has hardly any screen time and the rest is filled with over acting and terrible dialogue. I'm glad I didn't have to pay to see this cause I'd definitely demand a refund. The idea was good but it didn't deliver anything. It's like making a Friday the 13th movie but have Jason only in a few scenes instead of being the main character and attraction. Definitely skip this movie.

Tim Treakle.
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More than meets the eye!!
7 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of these movies and I must say I was really excited to see the maximals!! There's a New villain and of course my favorite transformer Bumble Bee!!!!!! I loved the new human characters and seeing mirage,wheeljack and arcee was fun to .brought back a lot of good memories. The best thing about the movie is not a lot of slow motion action shots compared to the earlier movies. The direction was solid and the comedy was on point. I love the transformers franchise and I really hope we get a crossover with GI Joe!!! The ending has got me excited!!!! So definitely recommend you watch this movie.

Tim Treakle.
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I'm gonna watch it again.
6 August 2023
11 movies in this franchise and 3 are good including this one. This being the 2nd remake of the Stephen King original classic. The little girl was creepy but the other kids were soft. I like he who walks and the kills were really good. The story I like how they changed it up from the original movie. The final girl was good as well. I loved the ending credit. There was some nice jump scares. Overall a nice addition to the franchise. I would've like to have seen some characters from the original movie in this. Nonetheless i do recommend you watch it for yourself. It is worth the watch and just remember have fun with it.

Tim Treakle.
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The best in the trilogy!!!
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The guardian's are back for one last ride and man it was a hell of a good time!!!! From the opening sequence showing us rockets back story to quill still grieving over gamora and the others trying to get along and finish what they started. The villain in the movie is by far one of the best in the MCU. I have to admit I cried when we almost lost one of the character's and for a minute I thought drax was going to be gone. I love the beef between nebula and the end of the day though the way it ended with each character doin there own thing was a great way to send them off. The new guardian's looked good to. Great movie and I highly recommend it.

Tim Treakle.
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Seven Samurai (1954)
5 July 2023
I was anticipating something great, something historic but what I got was three and a half hours of nothing. This is a movie that could've easily been told in 90 minutes. Instead it's drawn out with pointless scenes and dialogue not to mention the samurai were boring. I can't believe this is considered one of the greatest movies of all time. This was a snooze fest. The characters weren't interesting the story ,direction wasn't good. For the most part I hardly ever agree with rotten tomatoes and again I strongly disagree with that 100% rating. This was very disappointing and I'm glad I don't have ever watch this again.

Tim Treakle.
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Hot Pursuit (2015)
That's no underwear. That's a diaper!
19 June 2023
Sofia Vergara and Reese Witherspoon were hilarious. Are they the greatest buddy cop duo? No but they are in the top 10. This was a 90 minute crime action comedy for the most part worked. It had its funny moments while delivering a good but somewhat predictable story. The ending could've of been better but it was easily predicted by myself except for 1 twist I don't see coming. This movie while bashed by tomatoes of rotten failed to appreciate 2 good performances. The chemistry between the two was on point and by the bloopers it looked like a good time. So go into the movie with a open mind,a bucket of popcorn and sit back and enjoy this movie. I recommend it.

Tim Treakle.
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Bayi Ajaib (2023)
Shocking and horrifying
16 June 2023
Wow what a instant classic. This movie was excellent and filled with great jump scares and kills. My favorite being a bathroom scene. The story,direction and character's were great. The little devil child is played brilliantly and the special effects were on point. These are the types of movies we need in the horror genre. I love the way the movie ends!!!!!!! The more jump scares the better in my opinion. There's not much else to say except I highly recommend you check this movie out. It's one of the best of the year in the horror genre and in my top 5 horror movies so far this year.

Timothy Treakle.
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Evan Almighty (2007)
Great casting with a mediocre story
6 June 2023
While I love most sequels or spin-offs this one was a tough call. You have a tremendous cast lead by Carell but with a story that isn't all that interesting. Morgan Freeman is a delight returning as God but he even isn't that interesting or funny. The script needed a retooling in my opinion. I do however think it isn't as bad as people say it is. The CGI doesn't hold up that well. The third act is cheesy and predictable but still I couldn't help but smile. Still the movie has its good parts that surely out weigh the bad. So I definitely recommend see the movie especially if you have kids.

Timothy Treakle.
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A Worthy Sequel
4 June 2023
Look I get it. This movie isn't as good as the first but it's still a lot of fun. I love Lucy as one of the villains in the movie!!!!!!!! This is a simple story but for the life of me I get the hate. Shazam is a child like superhero and we all know that. So for me I just sat back and had a blast with this movie. The ending and credits were the best part of the movie!!! Still I love the character's,music,cast and direction. Unfortunately it looks like we won't get a sequel because of the bad box office numbers. I don't think this is the last we'll see of Shazam. So if you haven't seen it check it out!!!

Timothy Treakle.
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Oh Hell No!!!
16 May 2023
I love a good parody film. Airplane and hot shots are to great examples. This movie is right up there with the greats. Marlon Wayans delivers another gem . The jokes were on point and the scenes with him and Kali were hilarious. There's so many to talk about but the one that stands out is a flash back scene involving Florence Henderson. I also enjoyed the other scenes making fun of other movies most notably magic mike. I can't understand why this movie has a 4 % on rotten tomatoes. This is exactly why I don't go by anyone else's opinion on Movie's. This is 85 minutes filled with laughs and I highly recommend you watch it.

Timothy Treakle.
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A perfect movie!!!
5 April 2023
Wow I just finished watching this movie and man did it deliver. The acting was superb,the story was amazing and the cinematography was gorgeous. This really hit home . The love between a mother and son just... I cried. That third act really hit me hard. Liam neeson as the voice of the monster was a excellent choice. Lewis macdougall should've won a Oscar for his performance along with Felicity Jones. This movie is definitely in my top 10 for 2016 and could possibly crack my top 10 of all-time. There's nothing more for me to say except check this movie out. It's a great watch and don't forget some tissue.

Timothy Treakle.
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Not that good.
4 April 2023
I've heard nothing but praise for this movie but to be honest I don't get all the hype for this film. It starts slow by introducing us to each character and gradually it improves into the second half of the movie. The performances were really good but the story just fell flat. The comedy part of the movie wasn't funny and the run time was a bit to long. True story or not I found myself bored with the movie at time's. If it wasn't for the cast in this movie it would've been god awful. Giving it a six is being generous. Even the ending couldn't save this movie. Nice seeing Robert de Niro.

Timothy Treakle.
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Hardbodies (1984)
Whatever happens don't stop playing!!!
26 March 2023
What can I say I love the 80's. Grant palmer Courtney gains and Jason Voorhees himself Kane hodder lead a nice cast in this sex comedy. 3 old guys hire Scottie to help them pick up girls. This movie has it all. With these movies there is nudity so if you're not into that then what's wrong with you lol. This movie has a lot of funny moments. The beach scene and ash playing the guitar is by far the best along with rounder and his jogging scene. Hunter is my least favorite character cause he's the douchebag in this movie. There's always one in these movies Grants other classics movie is killer clowns from outer space. Definitely check this movie out I own it and watch it several times a year.

Timothy Treakle.
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That Championship Season (1999 TV Movie)
Win Win Win
7 March 2023
What a good movie filled with good performances. The actors alone is worth the watch. You have a story about a highschool coach and his former players coming together to reminisce about the glory days of winning the state title in basketball. While at the coaches house other drama comes to light and all hell breaks loose. I loved the drama and stories of what each was up to and how their lives have been since winning the title. My favorite character was played by Gary Sinise and he was funny. Although I think the movie was to long and could've been shortened by 15 minutes this is truly a heartbreaking and heartwarming tale about friendship.

Timothy Treakle.
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A very enjoyable 1980's Slasher.
7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well here have another hidden gem from the best decade for movie's the 1980's. Right away I was sucked into this movie. The characters were great,the kills were very good all though I'd like to had seen a little more of them but still very effective. The family is messed up but again from the very first kill seen on screen I was like holy crap we have us a slasher. Cynthia is a good final girl. I recognized her from meatballs where she played Candace. I'd say my favorite kill is the swing. It's simple but the anticipation of him falling made me sweat. Overall I recommend this movie. It has everything you want in a slasher film.

Timothy Treakle.
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Greed is the devil.
6 March 2023
Damn what a great movie filled with fantastic performances. A star studded cast lead by Paul Newman. It just goes to show you that money has a big impact on family and friends. In this movie we have a family get together lead by Paul who's a ex athlete a drunk. His father is overbearing with a lovely wife for whom he is mean to. Paul's wife he can't stand mostly because of a secret which I won't reveal. The other son and his wife are money hungry desperately trying to get all they can when the old man dies. Just a great dramedy with great characters and direction. I highly recommend you check this movie out.

Timothy Treakle.
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