15 Reviews
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Girls and baseball what could go wrong?
8 January 2019
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A league of their own was certainly in a league of it's own. The actors did stupendous, the directing was good and the cinematography was great! Watching this movie reminded myself of an experience I'm not found of but I'm personally not a baseball fan. I stilled enjoyed this delightful film and hope it brings a semi decent entertainment to your family soon.
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Race (I) (2016)
Yes, I watch the movie. "Why didn't you tell me?" You never asked.
14 December 2018
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I enjoyed the film presented to me during my class. I would have never thought to watch it outside of class but it is something I'd be willing to watch again because the over all plot was about an oppressed runner who fights for his family, civil rights finds a way to jump over all of the walls place on the track. Jesse(JC) Owens is an Olympic runner who brought home four gold metals in the year 1963; which was hosted by the Germans while Hitler was in charge but not yet doing concentration camps. The historical accuracy of the film is questionable because of the treatment Jesse(JC) Owens by his coach, while being treated equally from him is a main focus. The coach trained him with same energy and focus at the others in the show but the coach standing up for him in different situations due to his race is unclear. If true it showed the coach understanding and listening to others then other white people. This brings great strides in the racial differences showing we are all human and deserve to be treated no differently due to idiotic ideals. This movie brings great inspiration for the future and equality, we can just hope the people who watch this make a huge difference and break through the past. Jesse, JC, Mr.Owens, you are a grand role model for our future, more people and situations should be recogonized.
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When did he loose a tooth?
4 December 2018
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This film is a heart warming, underdog tale. It shows a man go from everything to nothing and then back to the top. The main character lives through the great depression and it shows the power that love can bring people to. He looks for a better future with his kids the best that he did was fighting for milk. During the hard times he worked with a broken hand and made sure that his kids were taken care of only he hoped that he wouldn't have to send them away but his wife did that all on her own. The historical accuracy of the film is mostly good I think. It is good entertainment. The based on a true story is amazing to see such an underdog in real life power through is just bewildering me.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
GUYS! How about we slow motion every cool battle that Wonder Woman does?
15 November 2018
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Fallow the story of an Amazonian queen and Zeus love child while he other child throws a fit over man kind. Dianna is the love child who learns mans true nature that helps her save the world when she watches her boyfriend(?)... Let's say boy-thing do self scarifice which gives her the strength to kill her brother. This does have some breaking news how the war is going while it's based on the time during World War 1. Dianna is very wide eye, child inocence learning stages of her new life, this is a quote from her "Is this what it's like when wars not happening?". Decent entertainment but I am a Marvel fan not DC.
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Iron Jawed Angels (2004 TV Movie)
Be sure to get in your force fed runny eggs through your nose in the morning!
9 November 2018
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If you're passionate towards feminist movements this is a very good movie for you. Watching this I felt like I needed to get registered to vote because of all the sacrifices these women suffered through so then I have the right to vote as well. The women risked their lives in multiple ways and watched as they couldn't have a voice. The women in this historical film did it based upon the same reasons as America gave Britain: LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! I bet this has many accurate events with inaccurate timing.
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Newsies (1992)
Who knew batman could dance?
9 November 2018
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Watching this musical for the first time was interesting I am pretty sure that the riots are accurate but the songs and dances not that much. I was entertained but it's just not my taste. I didn't enjoy it very much but if you're looking for a historical film that shows some amazing choreography then look no further.
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I bet that if they removed all of the chase scenes this movie would only be 45 minutes.
23 October 2018
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Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid go to show that bank robbing guys try to find more to life then just riding and watching out and riding some more. The movie showed the moving and dedications to planning and the time put into a scheme but it took just as long in real life as before. If not showing the montoge of endless bank robbery then by the endless chase scenes that fallowed. Historically I think that this was not very accurate I think that they would have done more. The death scene where the movie ended is probably the most accurate thing I have come across in this film. I do have to give a 'way to be" on the set designer. That I liked. The rest didn't spark my interest.
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Far and Away (1992)
Just another chic flick.
15 October 2018
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Far and Away is a story of two Irish immigrants who go to America to do the Home Stead Act. There are a lot of stereo types in this movie. It is decent entertainment but I am not afraid to call out it turned into a chic flick and tried to make you cry. Anyway the two run away hate each other at first then fell in love via the travel and time spent together but over all in the end "love beats all" showed up and I personally think that is unrealistic and not worth the ratings given to it. The historical accuracy to the film is questionable but over all it's not bad; I have seen about the different historic dramatics. Over all if you want to watch two people fall in love over hating each other but needing each other to survive then this is the movie you're looking for now if you need me I'll be watching something that isn't this.
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The Alamo (2004)
Not impressed. :l
9 October 2018
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Watching this movie for a history through film class for showed the war of the Texas territory. Originally land owned by Mexico then given to the people for free to then have revolting and asking America to work towards gaining the land for America or at least let it remain it's own free state/country. This is historically accurate minus the graphics. This movie is personally not my cup of tea, I was personally bored while watching it I do realizes that I will much rather watch a movie that isn't so serious and reading a page texture but rather a movie that is more open and mystical with the way the world and humanity is or at least one that will make me laugh.
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Pete's Dragon (2016)
Tarzan boy with his green Clifford (that has wings).
1 October 2018
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The original Disney film set high standards that were not met. The wacky characters songs and other enjoying pleasantures by the first film were lost in the direction of the remake. This film should be ashamed of the giant green dog with wings that resembles nothing of Elliot. The basic plot line is Elliot coming to help Pete get out of an abusive home and into a good one this had him raised as a second Tarzan sent into civilization. This film didn't work towards the recreation of the original songs but yet played one knock off repeatidly. This movie should feel bad about itself for the let down it was.
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Whale, hello there.
24 September 2018
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The heart of the sea is not for the faint of heart. Watching the graphic whale blubber collection and discussing of cannibalism isn't usually a fancy I take to but this director did it in a not horrible way. The actors did extremely well for the task at hand, showing starvation, dehydration, and madding men at a scale level that seems as though the director put them through this experience. Compared to other movies I have recently watched I feel as though this one was meant for the adventurers who would dream of this while reading the book this was based upon Molby Dick. The over all historical content was there in the actions that stranded men would resort to in the last moment. The whale of the show is still under question. I feel as though I enjoyed this piece but it wouldn't be my first pick when Tom Holland goes into the blow hole of the beast.
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The Crossing (2000 TV Movie)
18 September 2018
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For my history through film class watching this movie aids in gaining new perspective of the movie. Washington is placed between loosing the war and fighting a true battle of nature. Battling against the cold and wet winter figuring a way to cross the Deleware and fighting for the liberty withheld from the colonist. I feel this movie does have some historical accuracy.
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Movie Class
10 September 2018
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I watched this for my history through film class. Johnny Tremain is a boy from the 1700's working hard to get a place in the world. During the first few minutes of this movie he was an apperntance for a black smith, he burnt himself working on a pitcher burning his fingers together this made him need to search for a different job. His new job was for the Sons of Liberty giving messages to various people in the head of the company(informing when meetings were). He did that to carry out the movie being a special part in our "history". I do think this movie has some historical accuracy about someone running around town informing of the next meeting but I think that it was more possibly an older man with more of a say in the group. My overall opinion of the movie is it's fine. It has the story and the plot but it was very strict and less in depth with the meaning of what the up rising of America was. I am a veterans daughter and grand daughter and I personally am very patriotic but this movie just didn't really connect with me. A person from 1957 probably was head over heels in love with the movie's view and felt Uncle Sam feeling proud of them. I didn't feel that way I can take it or leave it in the furture.
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The New World (2005)
A story retold.
30 August 2018
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I was watching this for my History through Film class. Although, within the first section of the movie my attention was captured by the camera angles, back story and plot. The main story line is third person version of Pochantas (Rebecca later on is her name). It tells the story of her meeting John Smith and some time together there. Then she moves on to just being a colonist loyal to the king after being disowned by her father. Later she meets John Ralph and mothers a child for him. I noticed the camera angles and sets design was all on purpose to try and set certain moods for the various areas. The area where the natives lived showed more of a free flowing movement that creates a peaceful, calming, natural approach. The area of Jamestown was harsh and pitiful in the start but mellowed out with time. England showed an idea of sufistication and poise; not my cup of tea. I question the historical accuracy with the rituals shown of the native tribes, I'd like to know if that was correct for that time period and time continuing on. John Smith meeting her as Rebecca isn't true. A connection I saw in this with an other movie was I saw a raccoon and my first thought was Meeko from the Disney movie Pochoantas. I enjoyed getting to watch point of view that for shadowed many different sides to the settlers, natives, and English. I disliked the time jumps that weren't exactly pointed out it looked like weeks when it was years. Overall a movie that should be appreciated instead of out cast. The directing was different and enchanting. Moving forward anyone who sees this film should see the world differently then prior.
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22 August 2018
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I was watching this film for my history through film class. The movie started with men planning and starting plans to go to the moon. They continued to do so and made it to the moon. Once there they came across stars and aliens before going back to earth. Once they returned to earth as heroes they were celebrated. The time period was before knowledge of the moon beingun and
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