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The best version of the "Green Mile" in Turkish
5 July 2023

I literally have no words to express my feelings about this movie... literally amazing and cryable in most scenes. The plot is basically the same as "The Green Mile",but that's not just it .The movie actually showed a better version with one the best endings you will ever see in the history of cinema. The casting tho was cool, turkish actors speaking in their mother language and actually helping the plot moving forward. Damn you Turks tou actually did it and showed what you are really capable of doing in a drama movie...In my opinion, definitely a must-watch if you ever have the opportunity to see it in your life,you won't regret it trust me!
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Speed (1994)
Underrated yet enjoyable good old 90s action film
5 July 2023

"Speed" is honestly s little underrated for a 90s action movie. I mens ueah it follows and maybe copies a lot of things from other action movie,such as Die Hard 3,but still you can't doubt the fact is actually good and enjoyable with every aspect of it. The cinema wasn't something way too amazing it was just normal for an action movie,maybe the only thing that actually stood up in this movie was the casting and maybe the acting of the main characters of Annie Porter(played by Sandra Bullock) and Jack Traven(played by Keanu reeves) and specifically the main villain of this movie Dennis Hopper(played by Howard Payne) who actually I liked the most,maybe of his jokes and his sarcasm as a villian. If you haven't seen it already go and watch it it's actually worth giving it a shot.
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Maybe a little ovarated,but still slaps fo a sigma movie
3 July 2023
Yeah the plot was good,maybe a little too goofy and meaningless st the ending,but still after way too msny rewatches,I kinda began to hate it. The soundtrack was very good and actually fitted with the movie. The casting was very good and I am really sure that Christian Bale actually showed ehat he was actually capable of as an actor. Easily rewatchable snd the movie doesn't lose it's point after actually understanding the "secret" plot twist. Go and see it if you haven't already it's actually worth it,or maybe read the actual book for a better experience...I think it's not a must-see one but still it's worth your time and your attention.
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Unexpectedly good for a first Batman sequel!
2 July 2023

Damn Tim Burton chill out! It's actually amazing how he could actually make a great sequel that the audience will actually like. Personally,I liked the environments and enjoyed the darker tone "Batman Returns" had. Danny DeVito's and Michelle Pfeiffer's was actually interesting and maybe way too goofy for a Batman film,well at least rhey actually tried to make a good one at least. The soundtrack was good and the plot was actually interesting,i never knew about penguins backstory. The ending was once again promising and I have to confess I actually was too disappointed they never managed to create a third one and finish a whole trilogy...damn so much pottential was actually wasted.
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Batman (1989)
For a first Batman movie it's literally the best start
2 July 2023

I ain't gonna lie watching Batman (1989) may be a once in a lifetime experience. It may be a little ridiculous for a Batman mivie if we actually tske a look on Christopher Nolan movies but if we compare it to Joel Schumacher ones,Tim Burton's actually rock! The casting eas way too good for a movie like this one and yrah they actually proved worthy of s movie like this one. To be honest yrah I liked the environments and was hooked on the movie just feom the intro with rhe iconic soundtrack... can't wait to actually see the second one. The whole movie can actually be a very memeable snd laughable one,but for a first Batman movie we have to give oure respects to Tim Burton.
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The best animated movie yku could possibly see
21 June 2023

I guess I was wrong about this movie and I truly underestimated it way too much. Its been maybe 2 years since I saw it for the first time and I actually didn't like it. Now after my rewatch I truly liked it and could possibly give it 5 stars easily.

The animation of "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" was honestly peak and I would honestly fight for how amazing it actually was in a debate. The comic style animation truly blended with the movie and actually made it look like a real comic book movie coming to life experience. Amazing can't even imagine how hard it actually was to even complete it and how difficult the process was to make it. Literally peak could easily be one of my favourite animation styles ever.

The English voice acting tho wasn't actually bad I mean yeah I liked it and I enjoyed hearing the actors voices,but I honestly remembered and expected something way too cool and maybe better since the 2 years I watched it for the first time. There wasn't a greek version tho so yeah it was very good but not the perfect one.

Did you actually enjoyed a CaRtOoNiDh sTyLe sPiDeR-mAn MoViE? YEAH OBVIOUSLY!!IIt was amazing!!Even tho i rewatched it and actually remembered maybe the 80% of the plot and the story I actually enjoyed it and I honestly can't wait to go and see the sequel...oh lord please good... Anyways,yeah I actually liked and enjoyed it.

The plot could easily be a 10 out of 10 honestly but I'm not really sure if I actually was amazed by it or anything I mean yeah the plot twists were amazing,the main plot was amazing,but as I mentioned before I actually remembered a lot of these so I wasn't actually shocked,but if it was my first watch I would easily gave it a 10 out of 10 without a single doubt.

Come on movie you were supposed to be the perfect animation film don't destroy everything with a simple ending and nothing to talk about it. Yeah it was a very good ending,but come could obviously do way better than that and I actually believe you can do it in the second film.

Even tho I rewatched it I wasn't actually bored yeah I remembered the most of the film but I was actually interested in it and never lost my interest. I liked how to plot was keep moving and was simply waiting for the end.

The writing was very very good could possibly be the best written Spiderman film ever but honestly the movie actually based the most of it on different variants of Spider-Man and that's when I literally believed that this particular movie isn't the best one. Apart from that,it was very very good almost peak for an animation film released in 2018.

The casting wasn't anything to be amazed about,just simple good and actually good.... Ayoooo Nicholas cage was casted in this movie?!Now that's why I thought that something bad was in this movie...

The animated environments were honestly very good,not a fan of talking about them but as a simple viewer yeah I liked them and honestly the animators did a very good job a huge bravo to them and to the whole production for this movie.

Ahhhhh the soundtrack my favourite part of this film. To be fair,I am not actually a fan of the the new rap style but I really don't wanna talk about it. My main point of why I actually liked this movie's soundtrack was the original soundtrack...Damn bro Prowler's theme has to be my new ringtone just to scare literally anybody around me...Damn boy the chase soundtrack,the fight soundtrack literally everything from this was perfect,but as I mentioned before I am not a fan of the new rap style and I actually have to give thr soundtrack an 8 out of 10...

(I actually think i underestimate this movie for the second time and I am actually sad about it I really try to like and give it a 10 out of 10 but I think I would overrate it...I really don't know I think it's my own perspective and can't do something I don't want to just because this movie is a masterpiece for the rest of the people.)

To summarize,"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" is actually a masterpiece and a well done film I would easily recommend it to anybody who hasn't seen it yet which I think it is kinda impossible... who knows? I didn't like it as just as I wanted and I think I can't do anything about it...I can't give it a 10 out of 10 maybe the second movie will actually change my mind and make me like the first one more, who knows. I will probably go and see the second one today I literally can't wait for it!
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The Big Short (2015)
An interesting yet a seriously good film about the American economy
17 June 2023

I literally tried to watch this movie 3 times without even finishing it,so I decided to see it from the beginning until the end for the very first time. Yeah it was very interesting and kinda educational at some point,a clever one one and would recommend it to anybody who is maybe interested in American economics and economy at a basic level.

The cinematography of "The Big Short" wasn't actually perfect but for a movie with a plot like this it was very promising and good at a certain level.

The acting of literally every actor staring in this particular movie was truly good and had me hooked up while watching it and thinking "Damn this movie is actually really good" I wasn't expecting that. I have to give a little bonus for that. Also I hella enjoyed and kinda learned new things about he economic collapse and things I truly wouldn't learn in school by literally any chance.

The plot was amazing,truly based on real life events and honestly a very useful one for the viewer. I kinda liked how they just casted random celebrities like Selina Gomez, Margot Robbie and Anthony Bourdain actually explaining the plot in a ridiculous way but it kinda helped me truly understand it on a basic level. Also, I liked the fact that the movie actually broke the fourth wall to talk with the viewer for things that actually happened(like not understanding the plot or what the actors were saying at all),it kinda gave a better and more interesting tone into the whole movie.

The ending was actually good and kinda answered my question about what actually happened to the main actors of the movie after the economy collapse...Moral of this movie pay your rent and be careful of the economic system at any cost.

Although the movie confused me a lot I never got bored while watching. Actually I had a lot of fun and the movie's pacing was really good and it managed to keep the viewer's interest even tho the plot could be easily confusing.

The writing of this movie was actually good we had characters that were actually very well written,I couldn't find any plot holes or writing mistakes so they can easily anger me and make me abominate it I literally can't hate it...Yeah it was very good and I gotta say I liked it even tho I mentioned it again.

The casting was literally peak the best actors collab I could ever imagine in a movie like this Christian Bale is a mad man finding holes in American economy system,Ryan Gosling kinda trying to be the main character, Margot Robbie casually explaining the plot in a bathtub,Steve Carell actually showing what his acting is truly worth,Brad Pitt casually speaking facts...I literally don't have anything to say about it the perfect cast for a movie like this one.

The environments as well as the soundtrack wasn't something way too cool just very good thet served their purpose and helped the movie moving forward and finish... nothing more to day about them.

To summarize,"The Big Short" can be easily a confusing movie but in a weird way it actually is fun and very entertaining. The cast is amazing and the acting is truly good would actually recommend it just for it. The plot is actually good and interesting if you actually are interested in economics this is the perfect movie for you to watch.
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Following (1998)
Not bad for a first film Christopher Nolan
16 June 2023
Interesting fact about this movie: -Christopher Nolan came up with the idea for the film because he had his home broken into and wondered what the people thought as they went around looking at his belongings.

Review: 7.4/10 To be fair, it wasn't that bad but it was pretty ok for a first Christopher Nolan film it kinda made more sense after watching it.

Starting with the cinematography, yeah it was very good for a first movie kinda beautiful and amazing in my first watch but it was just a casual you can literally find in every first movie made by a teenager or a fil student. But the best one for a Christopher Nolan film but for a first one it was very good.

I can't say I liked the casting of this particular movie neither their acting they simply served the plot and kimda helped the viewer truly understand the characters of this the way I hope I'm not the only one but why Cobb(played by Alex Haw) sounded and acted exactly like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho?...

I kinda liked this movie and I was kinda hooked on it from the beginning until the end of it and had a fun time watching it. Also,the writing of it was very good and kinda interesting. I honestly liked it and kinda gave the actual beginning of Christopher Nolan's career in the whole filn industry.

The plot was cool nothing way too complicated just house thieves stealing things and money with actual meaning to the owners,which I have to admit is not something you can possibly admire but for a 1 hour and maybe 10 minutes of a filn it was very good and kinda helped the movie not getting too boring.

Th environments and also the soundtrack were nothing way too amazing just casual environments woth a simple melody nothing way too noticeable but yeah they only helped the plot and the movie moving forward to the end of it.

The ending was literally wow unexpected and also mind-blowing if you rewatch it you kinda see every action from the characters woth a different perspective and that's actually a very common thing I actually like in every Christopher Nolan film,the rewatchability every movie of him has.

To summarize,"Following" even tho it was Christopher Nolan first actual movie and not a short one is actually good and cool rewatchable tho but not very interesting comparing to the rest of his filmography.
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Chicken Run (2000)
A good and rewatchable children's film
5 June 2023

Found it somehow while looking for new movies to watch...I mean it can't be that bad right?....

I kinda miss this animation style from DreamWorks and yeah it was good in many points and kinda liked it,not the best animated style you can see in a 2000s children's film but it was good to me.

The voice acting st least the greek version of it was very good and entertaining,to be honest I never heard the English version eith Mel Gibson but I don't think it can be that different in this particular creteria(at least between these two languages).

I have to admit i kinda liked it and had a fun time watching it and remembering it,yeah it was really good and maybe in the future I could possibly rewatch it... which I don't think will probably happen in the next 5 years or so but who knows?

The casting as well as the soundtrack were very mediocre and nothing special to talk snd maybe compliment about,just normal and gave the tone "Chicken Run" should have as a family movie.

The plot of this movie was good,maybe kimda dark from an adults perspective but as a kid I think nobody eould possibly understand the true point, which is common for this kind of movies. I really liked it and understood it after rewatching it and it made obvious sense.

The ending was really good,happy and kinda unexpected. I couldn't remember how the movie ended because I misunderstood it with a different movie based on the same animated style "The curse of the were-rabbit".

The writing and its pace were at the same level and to be fair you can't be mean to it because it wasn't a long film nor it war bad writted fos kid's film...they were both just good a 7 out of 10 for the both of them.

Along with the casting and soundtrack I forgot to mention about the environments of this movie. They were also mediocre maybe a 5 out of 10 but kinda liked the realistic tone they had so I gave them a bonus just for it concluding to rate them a 6/10 both three of them.

Let's be clear now,"Chicken Run" is a kid's movie do don't expect very much from it,but if you look at it from a different point of view you maybe will enjoy it and have a fun time watching it. I would recommend it but not so easily due to the fact that it's not that good it's just a well done children's film... nothing more.
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Ryan Gosling carried the whole movie
4 June 2023

Can someone explain to me how in every movie Ryan Gosling's acting is so freaking good! Even in this one, which is basically a relationship between a mental ill character and a doll with which he has a relationship...

To be honest I wanted to see this movie just to understand the whole point and see what's the fuzz and the literally me memes about,turms out it wasn't a bad one but not a good one also something in between maybe mediocre.

The plot was very good tho and I have to admit I was almost ready to cry in some scenes but i could hold myself,I understood the meaning of it and why Lars Lindstrom was behaving like this and had trouble communicating with everybody I goota give my star for this movie you deserve it.

Damn the acting was way too good almost a 10 out of 10 but sadly the rest of the cast kinda made Ryan Gosling's acting less interesting to the viewer,apart from that Ryan Gosling was truly rocking in it.

Yeah the ending was unexpected but still was good and kimda likeable in my opinion and I think that many of you will actually like it. Also,it kinda explained a lot of things about the whole point of the movie.

The cinematography as well as the writing were very meh and not noticeable to everybody because there is nothing way too cool or recognisable to talk about them in order to boost the movie's rating.

I mean yeah it's a cringe and very awkward in many cases movie but I had a good time watching it and kimda liked the soundtrack of it and how the movie was keep rolling from the beginning until the end of it.

"Lars and the real girl" is a movie you won't be hearing from a lot and maybe after watching it you csnt be sure about making the right choice watching it only for Ryan Gosling and a plastic sex doll hanging around with him fkr the rest of the film. That's the reason why i think I can't actually recommend it to anybody because it's simply bot worth only for the sake of a very good acting and a well plot,but just in case anybody wants to just it just out of curiosity yeah it's a good waste of time why not?
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Kronk's New Groove (2005 Video)
Kronk is literally the gigachad of Disney universe
3 June 2023

Yeah remember when I was talking about Krank in "The emperor's new groove" yeah that's the movie I was waiting for...

When I was a kid I watched it way too many times and totally forgot about it...I thought this movie was a series of mini episodes like those ones on Disney Channel... turns out this was a MOVIE!

Damn what a movie,the plot was simple and pretty much the same as the previous film but still was very good maybe a better one.

The soundtrack was good nothing way too cool just good had fun listening to it and vibed a lot...i mean it's a kid's movie have some fun and chill while watching it.

The characters were hilarious and funny af i literally loved everybody in this movie and had a fun time listening to Kronks flashbacks.

The voice acting even though it was in Greek it was pretty much amazing but i enjoyed and liked "Giannis Stefanopoulos" and the rest of the voice actors for giving this movie a funny to a guy like me.

To close this review,"Kronks new groove" is a movie you can see and enjoy without even watching the first film, iconic every way possible and nostalgic for the fans of it if you are you to this kind watxh this movie it's worth watching it the same thing applies for the first one.
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Peak 2000's Disney movie
2 June 2023

I honestly totally forgot I ever saw this movie before...damn what a movie honestly it was very good and kinda got me hooked up with Kuzco's personality.

The plot was simple and honestly good and well based for a kids movie released in 2000. Not the best one you can have in a era like this,but if anybody could have the opportunity to see it in the cinemas i would still envy them, because this movie is worth watching it.

The soundtrack as well as the characters of this movie were very good and gunny and funny and laughing tone to it,kinda helped it in many ways to continue the plot and the poor character development the characters had(poor according to many movies I say but a good one in a kid's movie,in which you can't understand many things after watching it for the first time.

I truly enjoyed and had fun watching this and I was honestly expecting this to be true,i mean come on you is impossible to be unsatisfied with a Walt Disney movei based on an arrogant emperor and a fellow villager being chased by a creepy old woman and a comic releaf character, which by the way had a solo film somehow...yeah let's watch this one also.

The animation was well and the environments also, nothing way to impressive and extraordinary to say about them,yeah they were well done nothing more.

In summary,"The emperor's New groove" is the perfect family movie and the best one you can see so you can remember it.
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Another underappreciated teen movie...
31 May 2023
Man I really hate teen movies,but this one way maybe a little cooler than the rest of them...I honestly can understand the huge lie behind them bit in this kind of movies you cant honestly expect something less.

First of all,the plot was very meh nothing too fabulous and still nothing eay too unexpected to see just teenagers like me way older than they are supposed to be dealing with romance and silly things.

The soundtrack was good and honestly I liked it in some scenes not one of my favourite obviously but still a very good one.kimda helped the whole movie getting away eith the romance cliché and helped it stand out.

The cast was unexpectedly good Heath ledger in a role like this kinda made me understand how good of an actor he really way the rest goes to therest of the cast, which I'm not afraid to say it but they have a better tone to this film.

Sadly,"10 things I hate about you" is normally a movie maybe your girlfriend would suggest you to see it msybe that's why the whole movie doesn't get the appreciation it was supposed to have.

Obviously as every movie in this pathetic world this one had some Deficiencies in many areas,its ending was completely predictable and it really alienated me too bad the movie followed all the clichés faithfully plus most of the time I found myself cringing at several scenes and getting bored by the end of the entire movie...I think it is not a film for everyone as it is aimed at a limited audience of a narrow age.

I admit I kind of liked the whole movie Despite how predictable and cliché it was it was good in quite a few parts and I'll give it credit for that...If you are a teenage girl around the age of 15-19 (at worst) you can watch it and you will definitely enjoy it now for the rest of the audience better stay away because the movie simple doesn't refer to them as an audience.
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Friends (1994–2004)
I literally have no words for this tv show
6 January 2023
Its was amazing, brilliant I will always love it for my whole life. The plot in every season was amazing,the cast is and eill be the most Unforgettable of all time...I really can't express how sad I am that Friends actually ended...Damn,even tho I was too late for finding about it I can't say it wasn't dissapointing at all. The ending truly made me cry and not only it the plot twists,the feelings this serie has,the symbolisms,the guest stars everything truly incredible...Out of all the characters for me my favourite were Joey and Chandler,truly amazing both as actors and characters. I hope i can find a tv serie like this one to hook me up and truly satisfy my life...Tha8to everybody that participated in making this masterpiece you made my life truly amazing for the last 5-6 months. God bless you! Too sad friends like this are kinda impossible to find after a certain age of your life and I truly wish to all of you reading this review will actually find a friendship like the characters actually had...Thanks Friends i will never forget you...
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