
7 Reviews
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Goldstone (2016)
Much better than many, more popular movies
16 April 2021
This film is definitely better than most. It's sort of a modern noir film. I know, it's not all dark settings as many films noir can be, but the story, the feel of the whole thing and the themes are definitely along the noir strain. And it's very well done. From the score, which does a great job of setting moods and tone, to the filmography and the sets and views, to the acting and editing, it's all very good. Personally, I think it's just a tad better than Mystery Road, which is very similar and also good. They're both worth seeing, and maybe more than once.
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Disappointing, dumb film
15 April 2021
After seeing the 6.4 rating I expected a decent movie. Was this a TV film? Predictable, clumsy and just plain stupid. Anyone with an IQ over 100 should avoid this waste of Scheider's talent.
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Paydirt (2020)
Not even watchable
29 November 2020
I've sat through some pretty mediocre stuff because it cost less than 2 bucks via Redbox, was free online or because I had nothing else to do. But this piece of crap wasn't even worth leaving it turned on. Who wrote this, a stoned 12 year old? And it must've been produced by the same sort of person. Meaningless, pointless, stupid and inconsequential barf. I am never this critical but if you're going to create something, at least have the pride and integrity to TRY to make it good.
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Hugo (2011)
Good for the kids, not so much for adults who've seen the classics
27 October 2020
This film gets a lot of praise, and while it is well done and surely entertaining for the younger audiences, anyone who has seen a fair number of films besides the usual latest pop stuff at the theaters will recognize that every single thing about the film is taken from earlier movies. "An ode to the earliest days of cinema" it may be... in fact, every idea, premise, theme, every mood evoked, etc. has been used before. And that gets pretty boring after a while.
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Wetbacks (1956)
Low budget quickie with a few high points here and there.
16 October 2020
Seems like a rip-off of The Breaking Point (1950), which is an excellent re-make of yet another film, To Have and Have Not (1944). Both of those are very good, with their basic plot elements being shared but with plenty of difference between them above that basic foundation. In other words, watch both of those films, and only watch this one if you really are curious about it and have nothing else to do!
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Decent film ruined by immensely stupid error
25 May 2018
There are a lot of worthwhile elements in this story and it is reasonably well portrayed. The actors do a good job. However, why is it that no one anywhere near the production of this film knew that it is not only completely, hugely stupid to walk with traffic on a road, it is also illegal in many states. Why on Earth would you want to have your back to traffic that is barreling towards you at 50 plus miles per hour, as you walk in the same direction and therefore cannot see what is coming? Why on Earth would you not want to face the traffic, walking against the traffic, so that you can see what is coming and get the hell out of the way if necessary? Astoundingly bad. Hopefully no kids saw this insanity.
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Wind River (2017)
Engaging film, good story and acting, misses the bull's eye on a few points
17 May 2018
Here you have a not terribly uncommon theme, really. A young woman runs from some clearly very bad dudes, and we come into things as the investigators are trying to figure things out in the aftermath. For much of the film I was intrigued, and I like the fact that they did a pretty good job of setting the story in environments most of us know little about. Here and there the dialogue is a little pat, and is obviously written to evoke a desired emotion from us, the viewers. There are other problems; for example, did I miss something, or was there really a reason for her to try to run through miles of bone-chilling cold? I mean, all those drunken dudes came crashing in on her and her boyfriend. Um, did they walk there? Took the bus? In other words, surely they would've left a couple of trucks or ATVs or something outside, and considering their hazy condition and the remote location, I'd bet big bucks the keys were in at least one vehicle... while they were involved inside couldn't she... well, you get it. There are other points I could make but overall it's a good film that, while entertaining us, manages to also communicate an important message about the condition and fate of many native folks, especially the women.
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