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Overly long, weak story.
24 May 2024
Weakest of all the post 2010 POTA movies imo. Too much ape politics, family life and philosophising and too little else. The original and Beneath the POTA are still by far the best two POTA movies for me, and all done without CGI. You can only be wowed for so long by how well the apes are rendered and for me that ran out of steam 2 movies ago. This movie seems to serve little purpose other than to set up the next one. Couple of nice flash backs to the original (the human hunt horns and the music when they encounter the scarecrows on the bridge) but other than that, an overly long, pretty forgettable movie with a lame story and script.
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Loot (2022– )
Too much agenda, too little comedy.
5 April 2024
A moderately funny, in a smile humour sort of way, show but watching rich people be stupid is wearing thin as a story line. Whole concept doesn't really work for this show though, a divorced millionaire who decides to start throwing money at the world's problems in an effort to find herself and give herself a reason to exist supported by an office full of staff whose primary purpose in life seems to have been to tick all the boxes on an inclusivity checklist, I mean it's really all there, and it's so obviously ALL there that it can make you think that was the whole point of doing the show.

The acting is pretty lame, the jokes mostly fall flat, the characters are all very shallow and one dimensional, their contributions being so mind numbingly repetitive it just gets annoying. Topping the list in that regard is Sofia, she has just one mode for like EVERY scene in EVERY episode, the sulky, scowling, disapproving, eye rolling, un-fun dork act really gets extremely tiresome.

I know some folks rave about Maya Rudolph and Michaela Jae Rodriguez, unfortunately they are both bottom tier also rans as far as I'm concerned so nothing to appeal there either, this show just serves to drop them both down to the bottom rung of the ladder IMO. A definite go woke or go broke attempt at a Ted Lasso reinvention that fails miserably and the type of agenda pushing garbage that is sadly the hallmark of too many Apple programmes.
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Manhunt (2024)
Too slow and too inaccurate.
29 March 2024
If this needed to be made at all it should have been a mini-series 3 parter or even a 90 minute movie. Obviously low-budget with just a passing nod to history this show is waaaaaaay to slow and plodding. Other than Menzies, the cast is pretty lacklustre, mostly out of work extras from the look if it, and the casting is really terrible. There's clearly a fair bit of equally low budget CGI in the and the script, my word, it's just dire, did anyone not bother to research how people spoke back in the day, or the likely mannerisms and behaviours? Clearly not. The portrayal of Lincoln as essentially a bumbling idiot is pretty tragic and I don't think anyone bothered to read a history book with regards to Stanton, or anyone else for that matter.

One of the most annoying things about it is the CONSTANT jumping back and forth in time with often no indication to the viewer that it's happened. It's not like it's obvious, going between older and younger characters, here its just a few weeks or even days, but why? A lot of movies / series use the time jumps to good effect and for good reason, 90% of the time this just jumps back and forth for the sake of it, no discernible reason and it certainly doesn't add to the story.

I'll likely persevere to the end in a "I've started so I'll finish" kind of way (about half way through now) but I expected so much more. My gut feeling is it's going to get a LOT worse. Will they throw the history book completely out the window? Not sure, the problem is, you really need to have such book before you can throw it out!
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Obliterated (2023)
Atrocious adult action / comedy series that falls flat
14 March 2024
Seriously, only March, but this has to be THE most cringeworthy series ever, Netflix at its worst. It's 20 times worse than Bravo Two Zero but with every last scrap of credibility removed. It also supports the FULL Netflix pc checklist:

Attractive, no good at parties, tough girl boss Hispanic lesbian sniper Tee-total Asian helo pilot OAP wannabe cool EOD guy that does his job listening to music Pair of male black / white beefcakes with way more braun than brains. Oh yeah, the black guy is gay or bi and the white wannabe way to cool dude is a momas boy.

Nerdy tough talking chick tech girl

It's totally cringe worthy in every single way. Crack SF team happily doing MDMA at a party that they threw using government money, way too much testosterone hose down and in the absence of any story let's just thrown a bunch of rock tracks at everything oh yeah, let's have everyone screw each other at the party and then feel bad about it, but polish it off with a bunch of double entendres porn jokes and then let's have a top secret intelligence meeting on Zoom. SF / CIA elite, "The best of the best" as the President declares seriously, you wouldn't this bunch of jokers in charge of an ice cream store that you wanted to go broke.

They did manage to tick several other boxes too though Second rate actors Third rate acting Rubbish script Zero depth to any character Rubbishy unfunny jokes Cliche use F bombs used as failed humour substitute Style over substance Way too much testosterone

Yep, this is where uber cool falls FLAT on its face.

It's hard to fathom what the intended audience is for this garbage?
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History the way Spielberg wishes it had been
3 March 2024
Started off well then dropped off a cliff after episode 3. The Pacific paled compared to Band of Brothers but this is so much worse. I guess there's only so much story you can get out of a war based series where the only time in action is when the crew are in the air, it's very well done but once you've seen it you've seen it. It seems the writers get that too so it starts to dive off in all sorts of directions after a few episodes and that's where it really falls apart.

Firstly you have the typical Spielberg / Hollywood "God bless America" rubbish, complete with the anti British sentiment plus of course if history didn't happen the way you wanted it to, just make stuff up right? There's more plot and and historical holes in this than every flak round fire throughout the war could have made. In an attempt to give the story some meat we get downed pilots trying to escape (threads that just seem to get forgotten), a crew crash in Scotland, a bunch sent to a convalescent centre and, heck why not, more downed crew trying to escape.

The acting is also pretty second rate with a solid line up of out of work extras all trying way to hard to be uber cool / tough. There's nothing to like about any of them, indeed it's hard to form any attachment to any one of them let alone find anything to care about.

Overall I think it's a cash in on the first two series that put all its eggs in the basket of the first two episodes and now there's nothing left. Maybe Spielberg should stick to real history rather than just making stuff up, it's actually far more interesting than this "I wish it had happened this way" gung ho drivel. You only need to look at IMDB to see the justified panning this series is getting.
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Napoleon (2023)
So much of a let down!
3 March 2024
I had really high hopes for this movie, knowing how Ridley Scott can do historical if he sets his mind to it (Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator). OK he can play fast and lose with historical accuracy on the characters and even the technical details, but by and large I find his movies very good overall.

Enter Napoleon and seriously, like WTF? The focus of the movie was on his relationship with Josephine (a story that didn't need to be told if ever there was one), meanwhile doing a whistle stop blitz tour through the history of France during his time, paying scant attention to any detail, to say it's superficial is an understatement! Militarily, aside from the dates and countries involved, Scott hasn't played fast and loose this time, he just threw the books in the bin and made it all up! Again, none of the key characters that impacted him from the military are portrayed at all. In fact there is virtually zero development of any character in the whole movie. It's just a montage of stuff featuring Napoleon, some of which happened, some that might have and the rest, total fantasy.
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Utter garbage!
12 January 2024
This has to be the most garbage series I've EVER seen and I've seen some crap! A monster series without any monsters. A bunch of second rate actors with a third rate script and THE most garbage story ever. It's more like a sulky teen drama that literally jumps about all over the place. Add into that they dial in the latest trend of making the story multi lingual (Japanese seeming to be the latest trend!) so you have vast amounts of subtitles to play through or, in my case, fast forward through. By the time I got to episode 9 I really couldn't give a damn what happened to the world or any of the characters. If that's how a series can make you feel it's a damming indictment of the state of modern TV and of the people who make and churn out this utter garbage. If it wasn't for Kurt Russell and Anna Sawai I'd give it 0 stars. Utter garbage!
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Double O dumb!
15 November 2023
Absolutely atrocious! Bond only in terms of the occasional bursts of backing music and the themed settings. Cinematography and locations are great but the best, and only really Bondish thing about this, is Brian Cox as The Controller but even that wears thin quick. He must have been scratching his head thinking "Seriiously?". The rest of it is a REALLY nothing more than a 3rd rate reality show where the objective seems to be ticking as many PC / inclusivity checkboxes they can while at the same time fielding the dumbest contestants they can find (and 'fick really is the order of the day) to hand-hold them through a series of limp challenges to find the simplest 'questions', made all the worse by the least dumb of each pair explaining their answer rationale to their dumber partner (e.g. Let's choose Romans cos I don't know who the Huns are but oh no, they have to be before Christ right, let's choose Huns, I mean FFS!). How on earth Barbara Broccoli signed off on this I have no idea, may be some extra cash why they ponder what to do with the Bond franchise. Binned. Rated a 2 merely for the locations!
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Echo 3 (2022–2023)
Just terrible!
19 February 2023
Dire show. There is just so much wrong with this show that the list would take forever to write.

Short version: Poorly scripted and totally unbelievable story about a yuppie wannabe elite solider starting a small war in order to rescue (though for the life of me I can't think why) his dullard, dreary and terminally miserable wife at the cost of countless lives. What makes it worse is that the CIA let, and even help, the two gung-ho bafoons wreak havoc. I don't think the story could have been worse even if they tried

The only blessing is the end, not because it's good (it's crap), but because it's finally OVER!!
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Dragging now (s3)
21 February 2022
I didn't dislike the series or the, admittedly not great, lead actor ad seasons 1 and 2 I actually thought were good (S1 having the edge) but season 3, OMG! Talk about slow!! Every episode takes forever for something to actually happen and even then it's dull. Rest of the time you're just watching characters reminiscing, tripping or just boring each other to death. Struggled to episode 4, not sure if I've got the will to progress to the end. Pity.
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Couldn't see it through
25 November 2021
From all the very high ratings I was sure this would be quite decent. Instead it's dreary story with an unlikeable lead that focuses way too much on boring domestic drama and drudgery in an ultra boring town. Got to about episode 4 then realised I couldn't summon the enthusiasm to watch it anymore, or stay awake!
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Boring CGI garbage
13 November 2021
CGI fest with a second rate human story to accompany it. Fell asleep twice only to be woken up with nuclear holocaust monster battle scenes that were about as interesting as watching paint dry. The only emotion the movie managed to stir was 'God will it ever end?'.
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Shaft meets the Wild West
6 November 2021
Seeing Idris Elba was in this I thought it would be pretty decent, sadly I was mistaken. The wannabe Tarantino references are very apt but Tarantino this ain't. Takes ages to get going but even when it does everything about it is so superficial. It's sole purpose seems to be to create an ahistorical 'whites were the minorities' version of the West in these times but for what purpose I don't know. It's promoted as a modern Western but pales next to other modern Westerns such as The Hateful 8. The rubbish and out of place soundtrack doesn't help. Really glad I didn't pay to see it.
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Totally boring!
7 October 2021
This show is really the pits. Second rate actors working with a third rate script. Basic post apocalyptic story where much of the world population (and all but one male) have died because of some virus or whatever.

The initial story centres around the next in line for the presidency and the panic stricken, largely incapable, bunch of women that surround her. Her son turns out to be the last surviving male; sadly for the world he's also a selfish, immature little drip who thinks of nothing except himself, trying to find his girlfriend and chasing his pet monkey around!! Seriously the world would have been better off with the monkey than this useless excuse for an individual.

The other also rans include a female special ops agent with all the charisma of a plant pot (and even less acting ability), the wife and child of the ex-president (along with his daughter) plus other sundry losers. The one thing binding them all together is that it's really hard to give a damn about any of them. Even when they are trotting out the endless boring monologues accompanied by the dreariest soundtrack ever. It's not deep and meaningful, it's just dull.

Boring, slow, and generally as dull as dishwater it's a show that's just not worth the investment of time IMO. Better off reading a telephone directory.
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25 September 2021
A movie that had I known what it was going to be like I wouldn't have bothered watching. The story was boring, never seemed to get out of first gear and even when it did, it flopped about trying to fathom what story it wanted to tell. None of the characters were interesting, none of the acting was that inspiring, I wouldn't even call it OK to be honest. Wish I hadn't bothered, only saving grace is I didn't pay to see it.
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Negative (I) (2017)
Reasonable (Ex) Spy thriller ruined by the male lead
25 September 2021
Not a bad movie, typical 'on the run ex-agent' movie with a reasonable storyline. The acting is a bit one dimensional but, at least where Katia Winter is concerned, that seems more down to the script that has her talk like an automaton for the first 75% of the movie. I get get it, she's supposed to be a ruthless professional but it sounds too strained. The single most annoying thing that really spoils the movie though is the male 'lead'. Seriously, a more pathetic excuse for an individual you've never seen, immature, gutless and pathetic he literally does nothing but whinge and bleat throughout the entire movie. Obviously the story needs this individual to be 'normal' and in awe of Natalie but his 'total 24/7 wimp' persona was way overdone and makes him outright annoying to the point of spoiling the movie which would otherwise have been OK, but no more than OK.
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Capone (2020)
13 August 2021
Proof that even a great actor can't turn a garbage movie into a masterpiece (or even anything remotely interesting).
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Too long, too dull.
25 June 2021
A movie that would have been OK if it was only 30 minutes long. As it is, it's snore-fest watching a family that can't make any noise but which has more plot holes than a string vest. The sequel I shall definitely avoid!
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Tenet (2020)
24 June 2021
This movie desperately wants to be so much better than it is. Pretentious, hard to follow and confusing for the sake of it. Most of the time you don't have a clue what's going on, the poor acting and bad script make it so you don't really care. I've seen reviews saying you need to watch it 2-3 times, trouble is, I'd rather read a telephone directory than sit through this garbage again.
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Mission of Honor (II) (2018)
So it was the Poles after all!
5 June 2021
After all these years. I thought it was Hollywood that won the war but it turns out it was the Poles.

Anyone who has any knowledge of the history will need no convincing of the bravery and courage of all of those who fought in the conflict, including the Poles. They definitely won't need this garbage.

A second rate movie with third rate actors, a rubbish script and the worst CGI ever. The movie plays to some I'll placed belief of those making it that there's some wrong that needs to be out right and attempt to do so with some highly exaggerated stereotypes and atrocious acting.

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Had to bin this.
13 May 2021
Only a few episodes in but there's just too much that's annoying. Rubbish script, lame acting, too many facial close ups, intense speeches and camera shake / edit shots. The 'spying for Dummies' explanations of what the FBI are doing add little. Story is predictable and the plots totally implausible. Pass.
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Just terrible
11 May 2021
This would have been a boring and slow movie if it was just 80 minutes long but at 2.5 hours it's just torture.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
2nd rate acting with a 3rd rate script
9 May 2021
While this in some ways could be classed as a passable action flic there's no getting away from the fact that it's a bunch of second rate actors going through the motions with a third rate script. The plot telegraphs its intentions well before the story unfolds and the frequent insertion of cringe-worthy 'talking tough' sound bites copied from way better movies doesn't help. The woman that plays Lt Cdr Greer is one of the worst examples of mis-casting I've ever seen. A limp movie that's definitely worth passing on..
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Outlawed (I) (2018)
13 December 2020
Lousy acting, lousy script, just a complete waste of space. Whatever budget this movie had would have been better spent on a hamburger!
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Outlander (2014– )
Too slow, too boring & too much pointless porn
24 September 2020
Really don't get the rave reviews over this. Nothing but a slow plodding period drama with long drawn out episodes with nothing happening, a whiny constantly whingeing female lead who seems to just want to get her boobs out at every opportunity, pointless long valueless sex scenes and way WAY too much gay porno sadism. Truly dire.

Amazes me to see people saying seasons 1 & 2 were great but then it tailed off, jeez I'm only at the end of season one and it's garbage so I dread to think how bad the rest are.
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