
20 Reviews
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
A very difficult watch but well worth it
29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I binged this over 2 days because while its very difficult subject matter it's almost impossible to walk away from. The acting is brilliant, you feel for every single character. Donny definitely made some dumb decisions and at times you just wanted to scream at him but when he finally breaks down on stage you really get the pain he's been through. The part where he confesses to his parents is gut wrenching. The only thing I didn't like was him going back to Damiens apartment toeqrds the end, that felt so icky and I wish it had shown a bit more of his healing after a few months/years to know that he's doing okay. It's definitely not an easy watch but well worth it.
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Saltburn (2023)
Nice to look at but what was the point?
24 April 2024
This was recommend by someone whose taste I usually appreciate and having loved Promising Young Woman I was excited to finally get to watch it. But this film is weird and gross for no reason. I physically gagged at the bathtub scene and found myself checking my phone too often during its too long runtime. The cast is excellent and there are some witty one liners but the "twist" is pretty predictable and it makes no sense. There's no real motivation for why Olivers character would do this to this family.. just so he can be uber rich and dance around naked in this giant house? Really just fell completely flat for me in the end. Pretty visuals but overall a disappointment.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
As others have said.. why?
10 September 2023
Falls short in every way except for Melissa McCarthy. The CGI is pretty bad, it's too long, the new songs are mediocre at best, the acting is fairly meh. It just doesn't deliver so it begs the question why even make it?

Every memorable scene that they try to recreate from the original feels so forced its eye roll worthy and the animal characters and all the under water scenes fall flat. McCarthys Ursula is one of the only bright spots.

I didn't have super high expectations but really was hoping to be pleasantly surprised, unfortunately it just isn't that good. I'd rather rewatch the cartoon version..
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Looks great, falls flat
19 June 2022
Well acted and well made but the big twist is anything but and after that it just trudges along to a bland ending. An easy watch but nothing special to see here.
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Not convincing
31 May 2022
I read the book a few year's ago but I feel like 85% of the series is not in the book.. The series is neither good nor bad, strong performances, nice to look at, but why base on a book and then change 85% of it? Means the book wasn't that great to begin with..Which being a fan of Liane Moriarty I will say it wasn't her best so no need for this series..
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Strong start but limps across the goal line
26 March 2022
One of the strongest pilots I've ever watched, truly, but by the end you just want it to be over. Too many weird twists with no payoff and the last episode is more of a yawn than a hook to come back for season 2. Strong performances all around but just too weird and all over the place to stay engaged.
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Life & Beth (2022–2024)
Is this a comedy?
22 March 2022
There are very few laughs in this so called comedy and at times its downright cringey but scenes with Michaeel Cera and a few other supporting characters offer some redemption and in the end as much as I wanted to walk away I kept coming back for more.
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Younger (2015–2021)
How did this show get so bad?
27 June 2021
Started out as a cute guilty pleasure but got steadily dumber as seasons went by. The last season is for the most part unwatchable. The character of Quinn is awful and ruins the whole show.. The end sucks. Darren Star really just fell aslewp at the wheel on this one..
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Who greenlit this trash??
13 March 2021
I feel like this is a really serious subject that deserves attention and this movie absolutely spits all over it..horrendous on every level...
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Radium Girls (2018)
Read the book
7 February 2021
Powerful piece of history but the movie is bland as could be. Skip this and read the book!
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The Prom (2020)
Why the hate?
19 December 2020
Campy fun, catchy songs, great dance numbers, great performances, really can't understand the Corden hate here at all.. It's light, fun and uplifting. Stop being a negative Nancy and just enjoy!!
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The Undoing (2020)
In the end a law and order episode and a bad one at that
30 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So much potential but the last episode sucked, turns into a jumbled mess of bad acting, bad writing and just bad. So many "twists" that mean nothing so many "clues" that go nowhere...what a disappointment...
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Cats (2019)
Is it the weirdest thing you've ever seen?
29 November 2020 it the worst? Definitely not...the whole concept of Cats, back to the stage show, is bizarre but if you go in with no expectations and just enjoy the music and the performances its really not THAT bad...
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Hard pass..
15 November 2020
Ive never read the book or seen other versions but I can recognize a bad movie when I see one.. And this is it... I think its supposed to be suspenseful but I just couldnt wait for it to end... Looks pretty but it's just not good...
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Parasite (2019)
Man is this overrated
8 May 2020
I don't understand how this movie won the academy award for best picture? Its okay at best..the whole we're trying to make a statement about the rich and poor needing each other to survive is nonsense..these were bad people it had nothing to do with them being poor. If this had been an English speaking film it barely would've gotten a second look...
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After Life (2019–2022)
I laughed so, hard til I was crying even harder
5 May 2020
Just a Brilliant show. Every actor is brilliant from the main characters to, the paper stories subjects. Its so heartfelt, moving and funny. I stumbled upon it on a whim and binged the whole thing in one sitting and now cant wait to watch it again. Don't miss this one!
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
Literally the best series I've watched in years
4 November 2019
I laughed, I cried, I loved every minute of it! Please come back for a third season!!
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What/If (2019)
So bad it's good until it's just plain bad
26 October 2019
Such potential but no this is just bad TV. Totally cliche totally overacted totally nonsensical subplots.. Find something else to do with the 9 hours you'll waste on this nonsense...
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Wine Country (2019)
Such a waste of talented women
18 May 2019
This movie is simply not good. There is no real plot and very little to laugh at. I chuckled maybe 3 times and by the end had fallen asleep. I love all of these women and really wanted this to be good but it's just not.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Good not great
15 May 2019
The show is good but not as great as some of these reviews make it sound. The story is entirely predictable and simultaneously drags in places while skipping over important details which would add a layer of complexity to the characters and the story. Cardellni gives a strong performance while all Applegate does is drop the F bomb. I'm no prude but the amount of gratuitous swearing really was off putting... its worth a watch but I dont think it's all it's been made out to be..
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