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Dexter: Remains to Be Seen (2009)
Season 4, Episode 2
The 1st Transcendent Episode after long time
4 August 2023
S04 is widely regarded as the Best Season of Dexter, even among the Best TVs of all time. While we get to the 2nd episode of Dexter... its like ep 06 of S01 and whole S02 - where Dexter is on the Run.

And those kinds are the Gripping hour of episodes on television that Dexter can pull off. At this moment, we all know these characters and get to care for them. So when you put us in the middle of the action (or running away from), it sets up stakes higher. All I could think watching this episode was - BOURNE ULTIMATUM.

Since S04 is considered the Best, I am waiting what's more to come in following episodes. Also, there is another serial killer antagonist. Lets see how the Story Unfolds.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
The Cure is not on her Brain
14 March 2023
So, the doctor said - The brain is where the Cordyceps grew. But in case of Ellie, it was like she was born with it and became part of her body. Yeah, of course. We know that. We saw it.

Then, they proceed to say - That the Cordyceps on her body sends chemical messengers to other Cordyceps that she is one of them as well. And thats how they will save the world. Research the fungus on her brain, maybe even take it out and make the cure where everyone's body will send such chemical messengers.

Like no, Lol.

Theres no chemical messengers as such. Joel before killing Marlene should've said - Other Infected ones doesn't recognize her as such and back away. She was even bitten once/twice, and thats how other people came to know of her immunity.

Also, she was even chased by the Infected in (episode 4 or sth). Its not Chemical Messenger, its not the Brain thats the Cure.

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Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013)
Season 5, Episode 14
Walter White (Heisenberg) takes the Fall
16 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone can see - 'Hey, Breaking Bad episode OZYMANDIAS is 10/10 median on IMDb'.

You want to know why? You will... when you see for yourself.


The opening scene shows the early times for both Jesse and Walter.

Those were Season One times - Walt going out from home just so he could cook, and no one there to be scared of. Even Skyler not suspecting anything. Oh, such naive times.

Those scenes fade away to the present times. GREAT SHOT

Walt has always been strangled in mess straight from S01. But it was Jesse who is to blame for making things bad with Gus.

When Hank is about to be killed, Walt tries to save him. Nothing is more important to him than family. Now, when Jesse (whom he thought as family) was the one who led to Hank's death... he doesnt matter anymore.

He also tells straight to his face that he watched Jane Die. ( ONE ACT THAT WAS A GUT WRENCHING SCENE FOR HIS PATH TO BREAKING BAD, way back in Season Two )

#Scenes that are just memorable:

1) The fade away to Present Times is great from Opening Scene

2) Jesse and his eyes when Walt doesn't care if he is being condemed to torture and death, (I felt sad for him, FINALLY).

3) Walt did all this for family, but this is a House Of Cards that kept crumbling... down again and again, that his son Walter Jr. Look when he was trying to protect his Mom from his Dad. (Only if Skyler hadnt pulled knife on Walt)

Then finally, Walt himself takes the Toll... without mentioning his wife, Skyler being his partner in Crime.

HE TAKES THE FALL. He takes the Blame.

SAD ONE OF THE BEST CHARACTERS IN TV is always to go through Shakespearean Tragedy... early or sooner.


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House of Cards: Chapter 43 (2016)
Season 4, Episode 4
'Turned Over the Table'
9 November 2022
The Season Two (and One)'s storyline is brought back to a satisfying conclusion.

All these times, we see Lucas Goodwin get imprisoned, escaped, had his love life killed by seemingly untouchable Blo*dthirsty President (just Congressman and Whip at the s01)

The show makes us focus towards important matter at hands like - Claire causing problems with upcoming Election, Tensions with Russia (we are diverted however, from thinking of probable outcome from these two)

Also, Meechum is suspected and has loyaly questioned for a brief moment, Has heartwarming moment in front of painting (Confederate painting, which reminds me of his recent allegations with K*K and him with his 'ancestor' photo)-- (we don't notice because its out of nowhere, we always spent some time with Meechum and how loyal he is)

when Lionel meets Heather Dunbar and then gets rejected at first, ordinary stories would make them Unite after Heather wants to use the opportunity as she realizes him telling the truth after and Abuse of Power of the President...

There is just no way story moves either direction...

then story moves to unprecedented way-- Lucas comes at breaking point when he enters the school where Francis is for the Election Campaign...

Francis is Shot 2 times, Meechum dies and so does Lucas Goodwin in the process. Unexpected, but Earned.
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Hannibal: Sorbet (2013)
Season 1, Episode 7
"Nothing here is Vegeterian, Bon Appetit!!"
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was the 40 mins of pure succumbing to the world of the show. The predecessor episodes were great but nothing ever did for me than this one.

This episode was all Hannibal, and of course neither the character nor Mads let the guard down at all, even for a second. It was pure entertainment. Finally, we see his cards-list for him to help in his Culinary. That moment with his previous psychiatrist, and after him being all alone was a great one. He himself went to visit Will Graham then.

The music was very very good. Thats one aspect that sucked me totally this episode. Almost feeling like a great euphoric moment the whole episode. Also, the Double entendre here and there just like the title to tease us.
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Dexter: That Night, a Forest Grew (2007)
Season 2, Episode 7
BuildUps and PayOffs
10 October 2022
First of all, we have gotten to a point where Dexter feels like he has finally gained control.

This episode shows how you can weave intricate webs and storylines to have a great payoffs and moments within the series mid-term. Like :

The scene that started the storyline of Maria starting to believe Doakes being instable lately with the 2 shootings within 6 months... tied with him tailing Dexter for few months.

Another one with Rita and her mother being so controlling to reach the dramatic point this episode which makes Dexter between him viewing what is Contol and be Human and inclusion of Lila which leads to the last moment in the series- - and my favorite one so far which I will talk about at last.

All these storylines with Buildups over a season or almost that gets paidoff when Dexter confronts Doakes and frames him. Also, the moment where Dexter says - "They are still playing my tune. It's like I'm conducting a final symphony - requiem for demonic Dexter." He frames Doakes, makes whole Department dance in his tune. But here comes a moment - "Hey, you got your light fixed" Lila, the one who made Dexter feel in Control can control him without any suspection as she said ... she will always get what she wants.
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House of the Dragon: Driftmark (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
8 October 2022
House of the Dragon entered the 7th Episode and it is geared up to high tensions and great drama.

The pace never lets you go for a moment and that doesn't mean that you only have high octane scenes in terms of action. There was an example during the 3rd episode which it felt unnecessary to involve a action just to end an episode.

But it isn't needed all the time. Scenes like action can go without fire, blood and death. Aemond riding the dragon was just beautiful scene from start to finish making you bond as well as gripping. Scenes where the feud between family escalates and Alicent pulls knife on Rhaenerya was the climax of the episode and it was god'amn amazing. I have always loved Rhaenyra as a character and at the end finally to know that she didn't commit the crime and let someone go, I was like - "There you go!! My Rhaenyra would never do it...."
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Rick and Morty: Final DeSmithation (2022)
Season 6, Episode 5
felt like MEESEEKS or sth
6 October 2022
Just when I thought Rick and Morty couldn't have got this much interesting. Even last season - it was the 1st episode with Nimbus that was great. The finale was too, but that was mostly them closing arcs from few seasons in one episode, Relationships closing with Morty and time with 2 crows or whatever felt like such rushed job.

Also, them being like - now the fans can shut up felt the Show being not interested in being genuine with itself at all. But now with Season 6, its back with Solariks which was such a great opener which bottled the last season's ending. Then last 2 were good as well. This however felt like the old days. Like Meeseeks. Whole episode was a great ride. I felt terrified at parts, and very much gripping from front till end. They did some creative things with the sleep dynamic during action sequences --good gracious and didnt coped out in the middle when you have such great concept.

Seems people are weird out over Rick not being supergod like with S03 and S04. Well you know what? I'd rather now with S01 and S02's Rick than the later. Speaking in terms of power-level. Of course, he is still same intellect (and be in peril) even when sharing screen time with all family members evenly.
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House of the Dragon: We Light the Way (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Wedding in Westeros
19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Never Have I thought that I would love House of the Dragon this much.

Gathering from the promotional trailers, I thought this would be just dragons and battles without serving any purpose, just more in quantity. I had some faith, yes. But nowhere near as much subtle but gripping TV reminiscent of the first four seasons of Game of Thrones.

First talk about the atmosphere. As much I'd have hoped from first 2 episodes that King's Landing be more colorful and vibrant like in S02-S04 of GoT, it has retained the scope of King's Landing as this huge city to house Half of Million with narrow streets and poverty and crime. Glad to see it was shown, and also managed somehow being great at maintaining the world to be such atmospheric as always despite my doubts.

Another 2 things that made the world of ASoIaF great were - Dialogue and Characters. You just can see it in the first day celebration of the Wedding. Oh my, it was just as great with characters' banters and their eyes telling what or who thinks or is plotting something. The culture of their world, food and drinks were marvelous to glance and stakes risen high with great pace and I want to say one thing - Wedding in Westeros never goes well, ... again.
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House of the Dragon: King of the Narrow Sea (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Great, great... GREAT!!!
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We are in HotD episode 4 and the characters the dialogue and the atmosphere is sooo moving and beautiful that 1 hour just went by.

Only hiccup I can find until now is the last Battle from 3rd episode. It seemed like Battle of the Basters 2.0, not in great way by means.

Was disappointed in the results of the Crabfeeders villain but now understand it was a mean to get to the point here.

Daemon returns to king's landing and the all murmuring about Rhaenyra's bride last couple years climaxes here. The 'culture' of Targareyn returns here. Just that it needed to be built up for a hour as charming, sometimes poignant rather than just tossing as side thing speaks volume what it means for her character, maybe her future. And what is for Viserys - her father, The Queen and finally The Realm.

(Also, Otto gets kicked out)
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The Office: Goodbye, Michael (2011)
Season 7, Episode 21
I cried... and I cried ... A Lot
11 September 2022
The last Dundies episode and the group's song about all those minutes Michael has been in the Dunder Mifflin made me weep. Now, I am just going to do that for entire time.

Michael meeting with Jim and only him knowing he is going to go today, and says - "You are the best boss I've ever had" had me crying.

Steve Carell teary eyes during the simple lunch break any other day wasn't just that for today. He was never coming as boss again and being in the office among everyone. His "you can call me anytime" as a Dad to Erin was just heartwarming.

Pam almost misses Michael and their last moment was last time it was tugging my heart strings.
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A Great Start
22 August 2022
The world of A Song of Ice & Fire has returned... Characters and the Atmosphere is great.

The scene between King and Queen talking about their baby was heartfelt knowing about their history and how the Baby was established as an immediate importance in this episode.

All that climaxing during the Birth was gut wrenching and what happened after that. Milly Alcock mirrors Emilia for me. I exactly know why and she was great as well.

What feels a little bothersome is how this world is treating the ominous doom of The Long Night to come, and we know how that went down the drain. But still, not this shows fault or the ASoIaF series... and Viserys Targaryen talking about it as a secret to his daughter was so well done, I dont mind it much. Another callback to Game of Thrones was Dragon flying over Kings Landing at the first scene -- not burning anything this time. And the text - 172 years before the birth of Daenerys Targaryen.
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House of Cards: Chapter 37 (2015)
Season 3, Episode 11
Best Episode of House of Cards
20 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let us see what great events happened -The Debate -Underwood pushes Jackie under the Bus -Dunbar says she doesn't need to play Frank's way and that gets respect from Jackie -Even she offers her nothing, hey "It is better to reign in Hell (heaven for her) than to serve in Heaven(Hell apparently) But those major moments are as high as it is, doesn't hold candle to what comes next: (The underlying emotions these characters have or always seem to have on them) -Freddy has somewhat always hinted he doesnt like Francis, now he flat out says to Remy "I had to *pretend to go to kitchen because I couldnt stand hear him talk for long" -Remy had been loyal, he outed too after Jackie did*

For Frank, he has something far more important for him -- Him and Claire as she talks about Seven Years and how much she cares of them *together.

And there's Doug and His Brother - Even though he refuses to believe, as all humans - *they need someone to care for them. He loves to live his brother's life. Actually who is not selfish at all and would just leave his work and find new one, if it meant spending time with his brother who needed him the most at that time. All that culminating in their "I love you brother" and hug to goodbye.
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There will be a time when you'll be remembered for the last time in the Universe
13 August 2022
All the episode, I kept thinking - It'll be a twist that Harrington was him all along - like Fight Club, y'know. But nope.

It is really what happens when you're forgotten forever premise and delivers harrowingly. It will chill to the core once it is finished.

Someone here said - "the astronauts got somewhere where mankind was never meant to go, and now they are being erased from reality for their actions." And yes, that is what happened but its not of the concern.
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Prey (I) (2022)
The Gun labeled 1715 suggests no-one made it out at the end, sadly
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Now catchy headline aside, talking about the movie. Finally, another Predator movie where I loved the characters, the setting and the music aside from you know - Meat and Potatoes of the film.

I loved the girl, the dog, her relationship with her brother, one scene with the mom knowing her son died(you need such scenes).

Everything setup comes full circle. She is resourceful, talking about this being at 1715 and... Might just have the badass kill of them all (Killing the Predator with his own Target). Just as powerful as saying "You one ugly -"

And talking about the headline, "The Gun labeled 1715 suggests no-one made it out at the end, sadly" Meaning : 1) Predator 2 has a scene where one predator give Danny Glover that same Gun 2) and there is Animated End-Credits in this film where bunch of spaceships show up right after the film ended (kinda like Thor:Ragnarok and Infinity War) Sad to know that.

But what I can say is Finally the worthy battle of the two - 1987 one vs the 'Prey' of 2022.
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TF was that? LOL
5 August 2022
I was laughing the whole episode... And whole 5 mins of an episode I mean Those chipmunks voices and the thing that starts the outbreak is hilarious, and how its escalates -- we've seen it, memorized it from 1000 Different POP CULTURE media. But all it culmunates to destruction of our World...

then Fart! That's how it sounds in the Universe.
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Prison Break: Bad Blood (2007)
Season 2, Episode 17
So much warm feelings amidst all this
29 July 2022
First of all, Yes... that freakin' dude got kicked in the face by Lincoln.

Already happy, lol 2nd, Sucre got with his love 3rd we saw Pope and some kind of rekindlement with Michael 4th is Mahone, I like Mahone. His conversation with Haywire before and now one scene with Franklin's daughter stands out here. He is very layered character.

T-Bag did right thing and that was hearbreaking. He is not just evil. But a very good villain.

And finally Franklin, I almost cried at this desperation at the end but came one thing - He decided to give up Michael. Lets see if he could've done without that or it was necessary.
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Prison Break: Tonight (2006)
Season 1, Episode 20
Those 10 mins or sth
24 July 2022
Every character we've been following this whole season have something to look forward to their escape. It comes with good intentions in the mind or worse.

We've seen them come this far, and now the clock's ticking.

How would Michael escape with his brother was kept in mystery, then he gives everything to hope that it works. This is where the episode ends.

Also, I love everytime Sara and Michael shared at the Medical Room. And now's the time she realized something too.
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Pulling your Heart Strings On and On!!
3 July 2022
Man, oh man... What a ride. It Shows they really poured their heart and souls IN THE SHOW.

Everything and I mean Everything was so... sooo GOOD!!!

I was there bitchin' like 3 or 4 times this episode. Man, did it make me laugh, cry and feel everything you can witnessing a Pop-Culture Entertainment. And this is what it is for.
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Zodiac (2007)
Great Movie Poster too
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a Great time All 3 hours I was living through 60s to the 90s, not even blinking through each evidences and details presented through the screen...

The character of Jake Gyllenhall (Graysmith) did a great job. All those victims and the people pursuing the Zodiac had their lives take turn due to him as well.

Even though it came that ballistics and handwriting donot match to Aurthur Leigh Allen, the handwriting could've been written by that guy from the cinema hall, he was near to Leigh wasnt he?

Even the guy who was shot did somehow identify the very guy. (@RYM)
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Spartacus: Kill Them All (2010)
Season 1, Episode 13
24 March 2022
When Crixus taps and whispers "Spartacus..." you know its going to be all hell from now on,

in a good way. All of the betrayals, relationships tie up to a knot in this episode and Blood demands Blood.
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The Mummy (1999)
Finally to 7.1
10 February 2022
A very fun movie with great sets and atmosphere Its what I think when I think of Mummy, Egyptian Tombs and the Music

The desert, the golden look... and the action set pieces are fun as well. What stands out are the lovable characters. Even the villain, on the same vein as the Bug from MIB - how he starts( just came into my mind, dunno).

The CGI was from 1999. Not have to look so realistic by today's standards. But still fits the movie. Like Fun action adventure thrill with some horrors sprinkled throughout.
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Not the Lion King at all
3 January 2022
The Kimba the White lion series isn't just stuck to one film from 1966, but is hundreds of hours of TV Series this didn't led to Lion King or anything resembling to it at all.

If you like to see for yourself, look it up for days or just see YMS video on Kimba The White Lion then.
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And the Secret Formula for Crabby Patty is...
28 December 2021
-Cut to Black-

also, P. O. O. P., which stand for "People Order Our Patties."

Back to back great episodes, but the Krusty Krab Training Video is the Best.
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This is a fun ride but with few problems
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The last battle looked flat and dark. Could've been visually interesting or even the team working together rather than posing once and just standing joking around.

Spider-Verse did Multiversal Travel so awesome that I hoped they would've done something when Tobey and Andrew arrived rather than them just walking through the Portal Ned creates (who by the way just apparantly knows how to do it, when the freakin' DOCTOR STRANGE had to train months and got sent to Himalayas) And why the hell couldn't Strange make people not remember 'Parker is Spiderman' rather than apparently vanishing even pictures or Birth Certificate or traces of Parker to make Peter never existed.

The only action scene I remember is the one with Doctor Strange. I came home to remember how much personality those 1st 2 Raimi films had. After seeing the teaser for Multiverse of Madness, I am actually excited for that one. I hope Tobey and Andrew come back for something in the future.
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