
15 Reviews
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Pretty sure ,this movie wants to be silly...
12 February 2021
I can understand, why this movie get´s some hate here... It´s quite stupid and silly; childish and blatantly awful;

But it really seems to be on purpose!

Don´t you take this serious! Were back in the 90´s, were everdays television was full of childish silliness!

And this movie really catches this moment.

Well, this doesn´t make this a good movie, no! But it´s still slightly more then OK. I partially enjoyed it!

So six stars from here.
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Hercules (I) (2014)
The second half is blatanly stupid!
17 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, but I can´t really give this movie a good rating, although it starts quite well...

First half was nice, not gonna lie!

But the "plot-twist" is just so badly written, that a lot of small details don´t make any sense!

Like; why doesn´t Rhesus take his time and to spread the truth about Lord Cotys? And what nonsens is the the "raided village" scene now? Was it all faked? This makes just too little sense at all.

But the real bummer is the showdown! This is so ridicilous and so plain stupid! Why do Lord Cotys men even follow him at all, although he just revealed his true evil face?!? Are all of his men mean, bad, bloodthirsty bandits? I thought they were farmers? How can they follow a lord, that literally shouts out his evil plans?

The second half was just breathtaking awful and idiotic!
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Decent, but still OK
28 April 2020
Wow! There are so may bad reviews here. I don´t know why... OK, this movie is a bit too long... It has a few flaws... But it´s still OK. Story, characters, scenes, camera, everythis is OK. Not a big Blockbuster, but still worth a few buck for rent or buy.

And nice to see Mel Gibson in a believable major movie role again.

So here´s my 6 out of 10!
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This is just bad
25 April 2020
While the first Deathstalker movie still has some unique "trashy style", the second installment is just plain stupid. I couldn´t even make it through the first 45 minutes.

Just a complete waste of time.
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Deathstalker (1983)
Just know what you get here...
24 April 2020
The strange thing is; once there was a time, whenthis piece of trash was meant serious!

Although I´m old enough, I still can´t remeber! Lucky me, I guess!

For now, I like it! It´s trash, really bad trash! But I knew it before, and it was just what wanted, and it was just great!

Nearly 40 years after its release, its finally enoyable!
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17 April 2020
The acting isn´t worth a word. The story is predictable. The action is lower then the avarage. Only the CGI is mediocre. Did the original book have the same poor story, too? Not even beer and popcorn can save this move.

It might be satisfying, if you are 8 years old... ... but I think, eight year old children are not allowed to watch this movie.
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15 April 2020
Not quite boring, but we´ve seen it all 100ed times.

Evil company and evil guys betraying our good heroes.


I have seen this so many times.

Lost interest after the "suprising turn" at the middle of this movie.

Come on, writers! Find something new!

And by the way?!? How on earth could anybody give this movie ten stars?!?! I mean, there surely are some people to disagree with me, but how can anybody give this lame mediocre movie a full ten stars? There must be some kind darknet payment for reviews here.
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Midway (2019)
Why I only gave 6 Stars?
27 January 2020
For everyone, who fought in this battles, or had family members fought there;

my deepest respect!

But as born as an european, I can´t come up with all the history knowledge.

So just taken as for Hollywood cinema?

The movie tries very hard to be an good "action movie", which disqualifies it, to be a well made "documentary". But on the other hand, it is just too confusing and not straight enough (without knowlegde) and is way to fast in changing scenes and battles, to be a really good blockbuster.

So it´s neither of both.
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1917 (2019)
21 January 2020
Well, the Story is quite simple; the script is OK; of course, the actors are just great;

but what makes this movie so very special is the camera!

Just fantastic work! If this would have been WITHOUT the impressive camera work, I´d say its a 7 out of 10 stars... But they just packed the 9 stars for "forcing me to watch without blinking"! It´s been very long, since I was so impressed.
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More "Art" then movie
8 September 2019
I still kinda liked this movie. Although I don´t know why. It creates great images, has a wonderful camera and Mr. Jarmusch has a good eye for details.

But still it lacks for something very important: ENTERTAINMENT! It´s like a 90 minutes tour though a good museum. It can be interesting, but you don´t need popcorn.

And I got promised some popcorn here... Damn you, "ART"!
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The Bad Batch (2016)
23 May 2019
This was a disappointment for me.

I really don´t know, what was going on with these professional movie critics, or maybe I just don´t have a mind for modern art; but this movie was just a strange puzzle of pictures.

Well, it did have a plot, but there was no real story...

The scenes where once colorful, then pychedelic, but just not entertaining.

Although it´s not a "bad" movie, but just way way way too much "a picture" and too less "a movie".

Don´t watch this, unless you are either on LSD or really have a big knowledge about modern art.
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Battleship (2012)
Way better then I thought!
24 September 2018
As for the rather low amount of stars, I had rather low expectations. But as I gathered some popcorn and opend up a beer... ... I just had no time to eat or drink!

It was very entertaining! Very enjoyable movie! I just stopped right after the big finish... I just didn´t want to ruin this with a boring and much too many happy ending!
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Robin Hood (2010)
Call it "Noname Nowood" and you'll get a decent action movie
9 November 2017
After I saw this movie, I was so terrible disappointed... It was just so...


...but after a few minutes I thought; what's my big problem with this movie here? Simple answer; there is no problem! I had too high expectations!

If you just forget: 1.) who directed it, 2.) who acted in it, 3.) and what's the story about;

then it's still an average action movie about some guy in medieval England and still quite entertaining for 2 hours 30 minutes.
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A bit disappointed...
4 November 2017
I did expect more of this...

Well, Hellboy 2 is still an entertaining action movie... But it misses everything, that made Hellboy 1 so special.

It's not very cynical, no "very bad language" and is filled 100% political correctness.

It means you could easily change the main characters into the ones from "Spiderman" or "Thor" or "Captain America" or whatever... It wouldn't make a difference.

So for me, this is just another superhero movie. I mean, it is not a bad one, but just one out of a hundred. That was simply a bit disappointing.
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Mad Max (2015 Video Game)
Don't expect too much, then you'll be surprised!
2 November 2017
I'd like to keep it short...

This good piece of work is VERY underestimated!

This game was giving me about 100 hours of good gaming time. The graphics are up-to-date (about 2015/2016). It's easy to understand, the game mechanic easy to learn. And I like the kind of storytelling (it fits quite well into Mad Max lore).

And most important; It's just fun to play!

So I think, it became a low-price title with a decent good content. You'll get a lot of fun, for just a few dollar.
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