
21 Reviews
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The Last Duel (2021)
A brutal spectacle, yet amazing
26 October 2021
A great movie indeed. Everyone who graced the screen were incredible in their portrayal of the characters.

This is definitely a movie to see on the big screen. It is a long movie. However, it's worth your time to go and see the movie before it leaves the theater.

I've always been an Affleck fan. And, the more I see Adam Driver, the bigger fan I become. But, as I said, every actor/actress were incredible.

It's a shame that the movie didn't do as well as should. It deserves an audience.
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In the Earth (2021)
Not scary
14 October 2021
I want to start off by saying this isn't typical horror. I didn't find anything scary about this movie.

It tries to induce fear by atmosphere and tone. There were some moments that may make some turn away from the screen. However, I just didn't feel scared.

I love slow burn horror films when the build up is interesting and there is payoff at the end. This slow burn was slow without the interesting. And the ending wasn't good.

It wasn't as good as I'd hoped and I won't ever watch it again. It got a 3 because the visuals were nice and the actors were good. But that's all.
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Trick (II) (2019)
Enjoyable and fun slasher
14 October 2021
This is a fun slasher! I'm not sure why people are taking this movie so seriously. It's a horror movie people! I know movies are subjective, but the nitpicking is a little ridiculous.

The acting was solid, the kills were violent, and the blood and gore were great. It has all the elements of an awesome slasher. Has it been done? Sure; but there was a little twist here and there.

Put this on your list of Halloween movies. If you don't take it seriously, and you enjoy a good slasher, you will have a blast watching this movie.
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The Same as the First, but Much Worse
26 July 2021
This movie was terrible. The escape rooms were not original. What was suppose to be the plot twist was not only uneventful, but downright stupid. I didn't expect originality, but being entertained would have been nice. It's not even "it's so bad, it's good". It's just bad. Don't waste your time. Watch the first one if you are looking for a way to spend a boring day. This one isn't even worth a boring day. It's a worthless, cash grab.
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Synchronic (2019)
What an awesome movie!
26 October 2020
What a treat to see a movie that can blend the tired Sci-fi genre with a mix of drama, some cool death scenes and a dash of comedy. The less you know the better, so I won't give details. However, I do highly recommend this movie. It's strange, but in a good way. The acting was incredible and it was shot beautifully. What a shame that a movie like this didn't get more publicity. I didn't even know about this movie until I was looking for something at the theater I haven't seen before. Please get out and see this one. Not only to support the movie theaters, but because you won't be disappointed.
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Intruders (2015)
28 April 2020
The movie was ok. I only watched it as a fan of Rory Culkin. Overall, I was entertained and Rory Culkin was amazing as usual.
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Rabid (2019)
Decent Remake
24 April 2020
I love the Soska Sisters. I love their movies and I liked this movie. They definitely have their own style. Probably recommended for fans of the sisters. If not, you probably won't like it. Don't compare this movie with American Mary. That's the problem with a lot of these reviews. Just watch it as it's own movie. It's not the original which is hard to beat. But I don't think it deserves to be ripped apart. Watch both movies and don't compare it to American Mary. There's blood and violence. It's horror. What does everyone expect? I was entertained and there were some cool scenes, so I got what I wanted in this movie.
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The Grudge (2019)
How Not to do a remake
12 January 2020
Remakes are hit and miss. I think maybe Nicolas Pesce should have looked at Evil Dead or The Hills Have Eyes as how to do a remake of an already terrific movie. It's obvious he didn't watch those remakes and made this a miss by doing everything wrong. Heck, it's like he didn't even watch The Grudge remake which is, in my opinion, a great, effective horror film. I had hopes since Pesce did The Eyes of My Mother, which was a decent movie. It was a worthy effort and slightly disturbing, but watchable movie. So, based on that, I ignored the reviews and watched it. Please don't ignore this review! It is not worth your time or money. It has predictable jump scares, and I use scares loosely since they weren't scary. It just wasn't scary at all. I'm a horror junkie. I know a lot of people claim that, but I have watched hundreds, including foreign horror, and I typically can find something interesting, even if it doesn't scare me. Believe me, there is nothing scary nor interesting about this movie. Pesce, please go back to doing what you did with Eyes and Piercing. You are better than this. I gave it a 2 only because I love the always amazing Lin Shay, who did the best she could with what she had. I'm a huge fan. And I am also a fan of John Cho, Andrea Risenborough, and Demian Bichir. With these actors, it could have been done so much better. It wasn't. So, if you are curious how bad it is, wait for Netflix or Amazon. You'll thank me.
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Bad, bad, bad
5 January 2020
Don't watch this trash. I'm so sick of dumbed-down remakes, or dumbed-down horror in general. I wouldn't even call it a remake. I would call it trash. I personally enjoyed the 2006 remake and I love the original. So, just stick to those Black Christmas movies. About 20 minutes of this movie was cut to appeal to a main stream audience. That should have been our cue to skip this mess. I'm not sure the extra minutes would have made the movie much better, but at least we could walk out saying it was bad, but at least there was some awesome blood, gore, and/or violence. But nope!! It's PG 13, but I don't think a 13 year old could enjoy this. please stop making cheesy horror as a cash cow. How can you do movies like Upgrade, Get Out, Split, Insidious, and even Happy Death Day (a decent PG13), then put out garbage like this sorry excuse for a horror film. The plot was changed, the acting was a mess, and it had feminism written all over it. If I want politics, I'll watch the news. I don't want it in my movies! And I'm a women! Seriously, skip this mess. The word horror does not apply, unless you are talking about the movie itself and not the genre. What I saw was horrifying, but in the sense that it was a bad, bad, bad movie. And BTW, Cary Elwes, you are better than this!
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Terrified (2017)
Scary Good
1 January 2020
What a great, scary movie! It is refreshing to see a movie that actually scared me.

It has a creepy atmosphere and very effective scares. I often enjoy foreign horror because they usually aren't afraid to take risks. This definitely lived up to my expectations. I watched it alone in the dark (is there any other way to watch horror :) ) thinking it would be like every other worn out idea, but I was wrong! Which is amazing!

I highly recommend this film. Any lover of horror, even those like myself who are bored with the same ole thing, will enjoy this.

It's available on Shudder. If you don't have it, get your 7 day free trial and watch this movie. I think you'll find this movie satisfying.
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Inside (2007)
8 December 2019
I had to rate this after watching the unfortunate remake. This movie is incredible. It is bloody, gory, extremely violent, suspenseful, terrifying, bleak, and one of the best movies I've ever seen. Watch this one only! If you don't like subtitles, please put those feelings aside and watch this movie. All the descriptive words above are not exaggerations, so be prepared. If you decide to watch one of the worst remakes ever, please watch this first. It is truly amazing.
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Inside (I) (2016)
Terrible; another remake ruined
8 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just FYI, not really a spoiler, but a small reference to how the ending was done, but not the actual ending. Just want to make that clear.

So, the original is by far one of my favorite foreign films, one of my favorite films of of all time, not just foreign. Bloody, gory, violent, and not afraid to be what it extreme yet amazing film. Seriously, one of the most brutal movies I've ever seen. I praise it as my top 3 foreign films of all time. I keep saying this because this remake was a terrible, unnecessary mess and should be avoided at all cost! It is a tame, almost made-for-t.v. movie. The acting was awful. The ending was ridiculous. Everything that made the original AMAZING was completely removed from this movie.

Why did they even bother? If American filmmakers are going to remake extreme foreign films and make them nice and cozy, with happy, Hollywood endings, then don't remake them! Don't take excellence and ruin it by dumbing it down. This is exactly why I prefer foreign horror.

Trust me, do not watch this mess. It's very unfortunate if you can't handle the subtitles. Please, put your feelings of subtitles aside and watch the original. If you do decide to waste your time with this movie, don't watch this first. All the suspense and terror from the first will be ruined because this remake has none of that and gives everything away!

This remake is worst remake I've ever seen. I haven't seen the Martyrs remake yet (another excellent film that probably should have been left alone)! We'll see if I change my mind. But for now, this is the worst.
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Countdown (III) (2019)
10 November 2019
Decent horror for PG13. Not the best or worse I've seen. I'm a bit desensitized when it comes to horror, so I wasn't scared to death, but I was entertained. The movie relies on jump scares, which were pretty good if you like that. I'd say catch it on a discount night or on your movie any time card. I recommend because it's not as bad as it's rating. Acting is good and the characters were likable, well most were. You'll understand when you see it. And there is some good comedy relief. If you're looking for a fun, not incredible scary, but a bit creepy movie, this is it.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Fun and entertaining
9 October 2019
I'll start by saying that Alexandre Aja is one of my favorite writers/director. High Tension, remakes of Maniac and The Hills Have Eyes, Horns, really so many good ones to name. Is this his best work? I'd say not his best, but still a good movie. I found it rather tame in comparison to his other films. However, it did have some tense scenes and it was fun to watch. I'm writing this in response to the bad reviews. It sounds like some people took this movie a little too seriously. It's a movie! Who cares if she really couldn't outswim a croc; it's a thriller and a decent one. I say watch it, but don't be like other reviewers and take it so seriously. Watch it for what it is: a decent thriller with crocs!! Have fun watching it and's just a movie. If you like Aja, you'll like this.
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Terrifier (2016)
Excellent slasher
27 October 2018
I don't understand people saying it's pointless, no plot, cliched. It's a horror movie! People go into horror movies expecting a script with possibility of being an Oscar contender. Those people really need to watch a different genre...I don't even bother listening to their reviews because they obviously don't understand that slashers aren't supposed to be watched for their script; they are meant for blood, gore, kills; you get the gist. Now, as for my review, I loved this movie. You get all the above with pure brutality. Most horror movies lately dumb down the violence, blood, and gore to appeal to all audiences. If I watch a horror/slasher movie, I want to see that in all its glory and this delivered! It was refreshing seeing a filmmaker go back to the roots of 70's and 80's horror films. I'm one who loves practical effects in horror films and an excellent job was done in that department. The acting was good, better than some slashers. We're bad decisions made by the characters as others have claimed? Of course, but what kind of horror movie would it be if the characters made smart choices?! You can't go into a movie like this and pick it apart. The movie would only be 15 minutes if the characters made decisions like they were in the real world! Critiquing a horror movie based on character decisions is taking a movie like this way too seriously. Maybe these people need to watch a different type of film. I would like to give extra credit to David Howard Thorton who played Art the Clown. His portrayal of a sadistic clown was amazing. Seriously, he was really creepy. I don't give spoilers, but I'll hint at one particular scene when a character was hiding in a metal cabinet. When you see it, you'll understand. All I'll say is he must be a fan of Buffalo Bill. This says a little, but you can't fully understand the creepiness of it until you see it. Mr. Thorton deserves most of the credit for making this movie stand out. But as I said before the acting was good for this type of movie. I highly recommend that fans of slasher films watch this movie. Please don't go into this movie to pick apart every flaw like it's supposed to be an award winning film. Unless, of course, it's a contender for a Fangoria Chainsaw award. Watch it for what it is; a superb, hold back nothing, horror film. One of the goriest movies I've seen in a long time. Sure, I've seen gorier, but this is definately up there with the goriest films. Definately a must-see for fans of the genre. If you don't like slasher movies, blood, gore, violence, then don't see it just to give it a bad review. Fans only please.
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It (2017)
Excellent adaptation of a King novel!
12 September 2017
I have to say I absolutely loved this movie. Stephen King is an excellent and very detailed writer. Adapting his work is difficult, and as we've seen, has been done very poorly. However, there are some gems and, for me, this adaptation shines the brightest of them all. I know that's a bold statement after seeing great films like The Mist, Carrie, The Shining (3 of my favs), and a large list of other great horror films based on his books. I loved everything about this movie! The directing, the acting, the cinematography, everything done with a good eye for making this movie real. Not real in the sense that it could happen, but real and believable interaction between these kids and every other character in this movie. These children were nothing short of spectacular. Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise was amazing. He didn't try to mimic the great Tim Curry (regardless of some opinions, I thought Curry was also amazing); he really got into the mind of this character truly making it his own. I couldn't imagine anyone except Skarsgard playing "It". This movie was creepy, funny, and sad at times, but in all the right places and timed perfectly. I urge you to see this in the theater. This movie went beyond my expectations and I couldn't take my eyes of the screen. I'm actually going to see it again. In my opinion, this was a perfect movie.
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31 (2016)
I liked it
10 September 2017
It was what I've come to expect from a Zombie film. I actually like the things that most people don't like about his movies. I like the old school actors. I like that he writes movies resembling 70's B movies and that they have that grind house feel to them. It's no secret that he loves horror movies and he incorporates that love of the genre, while pleasing his target audience who love them as well. Everyone seemed to like Doomhead and I did as well. However, Sickhead was my favorite. Understanding the language, I loved his dialogue and his taunting, basically being sort of a bad a** regardless of size (just to be clear, not his wardrobe, just dialogue). SMZ was not annoying and doing some good work without over doing it. If I had to chose, this would be some of her better work since Halloween (and not 2)! I would have preferred more blood and gore, which I've come to expect from RZ, and for that, I knocked down my score just a tad. I heard there were several cuts made for rating purposes and I would rather enjoy seeing the movie again without the cuts. Overall, I'm glad I didn't listen to the reviews and was able to see it for myself. I wasn't disappointed. It's not The Devils Rejects, but it was still a great movie.
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The Do-Over (2016)
Entertaining movie
19 June 2017
I'm not a critic, so I won't pretend to be one. I just wanted to add a good review to this site because I didn't think it was a bad movie. Was is Sandler's best, no. But was it good, yes. The acting was good, had a decent plot, and what I felt was a decent ending. It kept my interest and made me laugh. I watch a movie to be entertained and escape from the real world for a couple of hours. It did that and that's what made it good for me. If you're watching for Sandler in hopes of seeing another Billy Madison, The Waterboy, or even The Longest Yard (3 of my favs), look to re-watching those movies because this isn't it. I started watching the movie not to see old Sandler comedy, but just to see Sandler, and Spade, and I wasn't disappointed. The comedy is a bit raunchy, but funny. So, without spoiling, be prepared. Just watch it and have fun like I did.
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Green Room (2015)
Excellent movie
16 January 2017
I watched this movie tonight because of the great reviews I'd seen, so I thought I would give it a watch. I was not disappointed. This was an excellent film. To briefly and vaguely summarize, these kids in a band get a gig and accidentally get themselves in a situation they have no idea how to handle.

I have seen this movie called horror, which I suppose it is, but not in the context of what is normally considered horror. If you are looking for slasher/ghost story/monster type of horror, this is not that type. It's horror in a more real life situation context. I don't want to give anything away. If you are like me, I like to know the least amount of information as possible because I like the element of surprise. Let's just say that there is blood, gore and an excellent story to go along with it. It is very well written, directed, acted, and it was refreshingly original. It kept me on the edge of my seat and it was a bit scary at times. I highly recommend this movie. It is currently streaming on Amazon (if you have Prime, there is no addt'l charge to watch). Take some time and please watch this movie. If you like tension and terror with blood and gore, you will not be disappointed.
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The Strangers (2008)
12 July 2008
I went to see this movie tonight and I had to comment. It was truly scary. An intense film that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The 1st 15 min. of the film gives you a little info on the main characters (but not much) then doesn't hold back. It is very terrifying. The best part about this film is that it doesn't rely on CGI and such to scare. The idea of being randomly terrorized is a scary premise and this premise is used effectively in this film The acting was equally as effective. I am a huge horror/thriller fan. They have been my favorite movies since I was a child (back when they made good horror/thrillers) and I have been disappointed with the recent so called horror movies (has anyone seen "The EyE"?). I came out of this movie with hope that there are still filmmakers that know how to keep true to the genre. I highly recommend this film. I do suggest that you see it with someone as I went by myself and I was afraid to walk to my car and I am still scared! But I loved it.
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Session 9 (2001)
Very Underrated Horror Film
9 July 2006
I had the pleasure of seeing this film by accident. I was channel surfing one evening and because nothing else was on, I chose to watch this film. I was glad I did.

I never even heard of this film and I wonder why. It was an intelligent film. Truly disturbing. In an age where horror is all about being chased by a madman or spirit only to end with blood and guts, I can see why this film was sadly overlooked. I am a huge fan of the type of horror I just described, but I also like a psychological thriller that makes me think and continue thinking long after the movie is over. This it that type of film. It has been a couple of years and I still think about this movie.

Although I don't think so, some may consider this movie to be slow, as you don't really know what is going on until the end. It keeps you guessing the entire time, which is what I liked most about this film.

I was very impressed with this movie. The acting was good and very convincing. Josh Lucas is in this film. He is a pretty big actor now, but he wasn't at the time. I saw his potential in this film. David Caruso was also good, but Peter Mullan as Gordon was the best.

This is not your typical horror film. If you are looking for a gore fest, this film is not for you. If you are looking for an intelligent thriller that stays with you long after viewing the film, rent this movie or consider buying it. You will not be disappointed. I am glad I "accidently" watched this film. It is one of my favorites.
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