
17 Reviews
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Moonhaven (2022)
Addictive Show
23 July 2022
I'm dumbfounded by the number of poor reviews posted here. They almost look to be posted by the same person, using separate email addresses. I can't understand what their/that person's legitimate gripe is. I find this show to be compelling, intriguing, exciting, other-worldly beautiful, well written, with first-class plots and acting. The sets and scenery are breathtaking. I look forward to each episode and if it was possible, I'd binge watch the entire season as fast a I could.
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Very Interesting and Intriguing
23 July 2022
Too bad they can't feature everyday, poor to middle/upper-middle class individuals on this show - rather than wealthy celebrities, who can afford to have this done on their own and get a lot more information about their ancestry roots than is even shown in this program. Is the bottom dollar viewership numbers? Anyway, interesting show, if you want to catch-up on the ancestral backgrounds of celebrities.
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The Witcher (2019– )
I Gave Season One 10 Stars, But Had to Give Season Two 8 Stars.
4 January 2022
I loved Season One, but Season Two, for me, was less intense; the plot, storylines, writing and character development lacking in depth and complexity. And, it would seem, Henry Cavill didn't desire to work out to keep his physical appearance at the amazing peak as seen in Season One, ergo, remaining completely covered up for the entire second season. All rather a letdown, after waiting so long for the second season to air. Still, enjoyable. I binge watched the entire season in two nights, but it left me wanting much more from this season.
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Loved Jason Mamoa
28 September 2021
Not what I expected, but entertaining nonetheless. Great cinematography, great action, bad guys you wish to hate, good characters you wish to cheer on. What I strongly dislike is the fact that they used trip wires to bring down the horses. Such trip wire usage is illegal in the USA, as it can cripple and/or kill a horse. I hate to see this barbaric practice and for that, I give the movie only 5 stsrs.
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Rebel (2021)
11 June 2021
I can't believe this show was canceled! Look at the ratings for the episodes! I loved this show, the writing, the characters, the story lines, the actors! Everything about it was engaging, interesting, fun, and exciting. What a shame. I'm hoping some other channel will pick it up!
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More Speculation Than Verified Truth
10 June 2021
Seems like a lot of speculation, rather than verified medical findings specific to the celebrity's cause of death. While there are verified medical facts given in relation to each celebrity's autopsy, there is more speculation, guessing, and indirect information thrown around which is not necessarily relative to that person's death, at all. If I was a family member of the celebrity featured in the show, I'd be appalled. Then there is the embarrassing fact that Dr. Michael Hunter repeatedly mispronounced the words metastatic and metastasis. He is supposed to be an expert with a long line of cases he has worked. Why did no one correct him? How did he not know the correct terms and how to say them?
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New Amsterdam: Pressure Drop (2021)
Season 3, Episode 11
Podcast Appropriate
13 May 2021
The material in this episode, along with at least three other recent episodes would have been more appropriate for a podcast. I'm not negating the need to address certain political and environmental issues, but the way is had been done in these episodes is overbearing and monopolizing what has been, in the past, an excellent hospital and medical drama, with well-rounded characters and storylines. If I wish to delve into political and environmental issues, I would do so somewhere else, like a podcast or local and national news shows.
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Pooch Perfect (2020– )
Sadly Disappointing
1 April 2021
I am not one for"grooming" a dog in the manner in which they are doing on this show. I may have missed it, but where do the dogs come from and where do they go after the show? All of the dog's being groomed seem overly calm, as if medicated. I hope this is not so. The people dressed in dog costumes was rather creepy, as was the sexual innuendo chatter between the show's host and the contestants. I can't imagine the dogs feeling comfortable going home or wherever they came from heavily painted up, with feathers, glitter, costume jewelry, and sequins. If these dogs have no forever home, I hope every effort is made to get them adopted. I'd like to have seen money being generated from the show to be given to needy animal rescue organizations instead of giving the groomers $100,000 dollars. My heart goes out to the dogs being treated like guinea pigs, purely for human monetary gain. So much more could have been done to focus on the dogs' welfare and the strong bond between humans and canines, and the many ways dogs contribute to making this world a better place for us because they give their all for their human, with unconditional love. And because of that, what is being done to the dogs on this show is denegrating and hard to watch or give validation to.
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Beecham House (2019)
No 2nd Season???
23 July 2020
I just read that no second season is planned for Beecham! Are you kidding? This show is beautiful to watch, great story line, fantastic acting - every character full of personality and complexity, and there are SO MANY more stories yet to unfold and be told. Why the decision to end it with only one season? When the first season ended, I was very sad, but held to the thought that a second season was coming; something to look forward to. Surely there are other fans of the show who feel the same...
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NOS4A2 (2019–2020)
Can't Stand the Show, but the Main Actress Gives it Life
29 July 2019
I tried to like this show. I LOVE Zachary Quinto and just expected it would be great with Zachary in the lead role as bad guy. Not so, I'm putting the onus on the writers, perhaps the director, as well. But there is one shining gem in this sadly tragic mess - Ashleigh Cummings. She is simply spell-binding and delightful. She reminds me very strongly of a young Jennifer Grey, as she was in Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueller's Day Off
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Midsommar (2019)
Director's Cut To Be 30 Minutes Longer - PLEASE, NO!
13 July 2019
One would most certainly enjoy this movie after having sampled the same drugs that the characters in the movie ate and drank - otherwise it was a wasted 2 hrs and 27 minutes.

I would never have put this movie in the horror genre - nothing scary or frightening about it - unless the whole experience, as a viewer - was abysmal; which is certainly was - then, yes, it was a horror.

Full of nonsensical visuals, dialogue, sets, and no discernible plot; "B-grade movie" acting; "nails on the chalkboard" soundtrack/singing/musical interludes. Cheaply made sets, costumes, "special effects," and annoying film location(s). Furthermore, I'm guessing - poorly paid cast and crew. The disposal of characters in this movie, again, ludicrous preposterous and lame. Howevere, the "mating" scenes did bring the theater patrons to rousing rounds of louder and louder laughter; which was repeated, to a lesser degree, through a couple of other scenes.

Upon waiting the nearly 2 1/2 hours for the film to conclude with an ending that would lend some credible understanding to the plot, the credits began to roll and the theater patrons began to roll out of their seats, with murmured comments of how terrible and ridiculous the movie was; what a piece of offal that was... waste of time and money.

And the writer-director is preparing to add 30 minutes more to this work of art?
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Such An Entertaining Movie
4 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You know a film is excellent when the audience vigorously claps as the show ends, and when they remain until every credit has scrolled down the screen. That's what it was like when we went to a late matinee. If you love The Beatles music, you will be pulled into this film, with joy. The movie was entertaining, funny, touching, thought-provoking, and much more. It was a great way to escape for about 2 hours, and come out smiling; happy. My only question was: Who played John Lennon??? Can't find a mention of him in the cast, though I have a possible answer: Robert Carlyle, or Damon Herriman. What a Marvelous Movie!
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
What a Marvelous Movie
1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You know a film is excellent when the audience vigorously claps as the show ends, and when they remain until every credit has scrolled down the screen. That's what it was like when we went to a late matinee. If you love The Beatles music, you will be pulled into this film, with joy. The movie was entertaining, funny, touching, thought-provoking, and much more. It was a great way to escape for about 2 hours, and come out smiling; happy. My only question was: Who played John Lennon??? Can't find a mention of him in the cast, though I have a possible answer. Also, it shows an actor played Ringo Starr, yet I did not see Ringo in the movie... Hm
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It is Alright, but I Prefer Whiskey Cavalier
22 May 2019
The show has a touch of sexual tension between the main characters; somewhat similar to shows like the new Magnum P.I., the Zorro movies (with Antonio Banderas and Catherine Zeta-Jones,) Whiskey Cavalier, Elementary, and on. Beautiful images from historical places. Some of the Indiana Jones, and the National Treasure (with Nicolas Cage) movies' feel of action, adventure, and the mystical. Sad to have to compare it to so many, mostly better works, but it is just about what it feels like watching this - rather as if the writers took a bit from each of the aforementioned and called it Blood & Treasure. Truly, what entertained me most was the Wilhelm Scream shortly into Part 2. I played that several times, just to get a good laugh. As it is season-end for most of the main shows until next fall, I'll likely watch Blood & Treasure, unless something else new comes along that captures my interest more keenly.
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I Can't Believe They Are Cancelling This Series!
16 May 2019
When I first saw previews for this show, I was thinking it probably wouldn't work; as it seemed a bit cheesy, gimmicky and too lighthearted. I love Laura Cohan from the Walking Dead, so I looked forward to seeing what she could do outside of the WD format. I don't remember seeing Scott Foley in anything, but discovered he mixes the lighthearted with the deadly serious seamlessly. As a team, they are perfect; like Mr. and Mrs James Bond, with a humorous element. They are both very physical characters, and they pull it off with the same martial arts-type zeal of actors in any serious crime drama. They are sexy, funny, smart, and compelling. The other characters are equally as interesting; their parts well acted - and they all mesh into a very entertaining show. A show I look forward to watching every week. I notice the ratings here for the show are high overall, as well as for each episode. Why is the show being cancelled? I'm hoping another network, or perhaps Netflix will pick it up.
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Well, It Was A Good Place to Get Some Sleep
5 December 2018
As much as I wanted to LOVE this movie to be wondrous - and I did want to, because the previous "Harry Potter world" movies I have richly anticipated and thoroughly enjoyed when they came out were fantastic - this one was not!

I went with my spouse and we were both expecting to be entertained with a delightful and wicked story. While I will give a "tip-top A rating" for the special effects, the story line was no where to be found. No matter how hard we tried to find the plot, we failed.

To top it off, understanding much, if not most, of the dialogue was impossible. I don't know if it was the theater's sound system, or a fault in the movie's sound track, but it was most frustrating.

The 3 stars I gave are for the special effects, only.
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Alpha (II) (2018)
I Have Waited a Year For the Release of This Move - It Was Worth It!
22 August 2018
Have you seen this? My husband and I went this last weekend. He said it was the best film he'd seen all year. I was locked-in from the first moments. This is where it all started - the bond between wolves and man; between dogs and humans. This is a very plausible way it could have all began.

The scenery is ethereal, majestic, and stunning. The storyline was well-thought out. The acting was top-notch. The cinematography was stellar. The wolf was regal, gorgeous and well trained - you did not notice the "cues" given to the wolf/wolf-dog, as you do to dogs in other movies.

Not one word of English is used, but it never once made the watching of the movie or the communication between human-to-human, or human to wolf, feel uncomfortable or annoying. The language used in this movie sounds as real as any language I've ever heard. Much like the Klingon language in Star Trek movies, the Elven language in the Lord of the Rings movies, or the language used in the TV show Vikings - it sounds undeniably genuine, not contrived.

This truly is a glorious movie to experience. At the end, the viewers cheered, clapped, and expressed great enthusiasm and joy for what they had just seen, and we agreed!
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