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Expectation: Twilight Zone, Reality: X-Men
2 July 2024
Not saying I'm completely disappointed, well maybe a bit, but I just to imagine it were that based on what I expected and speculated from the trailer and not some kind of interconnected stories with the climax at the final episode, it would have been more interesting to me. I have no problem with the CGI, for a non-hollywood production series it's kinda okay, though I agree it can be improved for the later seasons. Like all Joko Anwar's projects, it brought his seemingly untamable bias of some rigid acting and dialogue in some parts by some of the actors. Scoring is fine and the plots are as usual: slightly better in concept than execution. But without Joko, who would be so brave and competent enough to pull this off in Indonesia? All in all, I'm satisfied and not feeling a little bit of regret spending my time finishing this series off in one go

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Enjoy the nonstop action sequence (minus the slow motion) like in part 1, still generic tho
28 April 2024
It seems like I suffer from what I call "Post-Dune Effect", in which every sci-fi/space opera I watch or gonna watch after I watched both part 1 and part 2 of Denis Villeneuve's adaptation of Dune becomes kind of generic, and this movie is no exception, tho I admit I kinda enjoy the action scenes in both part 1 and part two of the Rebel Moon franchise. Like there's no difference between this series and the entire Riddick franchise aesthetically (except maybe for the amount of slow motion lol, and more modern CGI too), whereas Villeneuve's Dune creates its own style with some "Lawrence of Arabia" polishing. There is almost no stake at all, thanks to the plot armor that amplifies the fighting prowess of the good guys (even though most of them are not built for that) while at the same time, dumbs down the supposedly well trained bad guys (tch, classic). Snyder is said to have a plan for at least 6 movies of this series, but the overall first two movies are enough for me to move on and demand Denis Villeneuve to give me Dune Messiah already.

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Grave Torture (2024)
Joko Anwar's answer to Jacob's Ladder (1990)
18 April 2024
Probably not the best Joko has produced as some have pointed out, but it's the most enjoyable to me so far. Pacing's good, not too fast, not too slow. The story's pretty understandable too, well at least 80% of it without the help of forum and discussion. Open to different interpretations? Yep, it's not Joko if it's not. Funny thing is, the movie doesn't feel like religious to me (from one particular religion) if you think it through, as it has a universal message of humans in the face of death as they lie dying rather than it is about people finding out one particular religion is right, or in other words: More psychological than religious, more human than supernatural, a spiritual journey and reflection about the end we're all gonna face one day, even for those who don't believe.

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Should've been split in 3 parts (or a miniseries)
4 March 2024
A grandeur spectacle, I agree, but alas, I have read the book. That's why the chopping of the contents of the story doesn't please me at all. I understand Denis needs to put a lot action into this so as to not make general audiences fall asleep (or to boost up ticket sales) besides ramping up the story, but in doing so it kinda kill the pace for me. Part 1 is an excellent example on how to worldbuild while giving the audiences time to immerse the story in their minds, but part 2 feels like the story is going from arc to arc because the studio only have a budget for a two-parter movie shot back-to-back, it's just kinda hard to focus on and almost leaves no room for build-ups. But overall, for non-readers out there, you'd most likely end up liking it, but for book readers like me, well, it should've been a three-parter.

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Again, I have to disagree with everyone
29 December 2023
Just like the case with "Godzilla: Minus One" but in reverse, in which I kind of not actually like the movie that everyone loves, this time I like the movie that everyone seem to see as a mess or a dumpster fire (a dumpster of fire lol). The inspiration from "Seven Samurai" is pretty clear, CGI is nice, story or plot-wise it's clearly not as captivating, heavy, or complex like "Dune", but at least it lies somewhere around the level of the original Star Wars, if only it got more fleshed out (maybe that's everyone's problem with this movie?). Still like it tho, thank God I have learned (still learning actually) to not have reviews or ratings from both the general audiences and critics from obstructing me to watch or enjoy a movie that I hype about and really want to watch. Feel free to bully me or calling me names for this, I don't care, I just love having an independent thought, free from the fear of everyone's judgement and view.

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Not actually a minus, heck I doubt it's even a zero
29 December 2023
Sorry to say that I have to disagree with everyone, this movie felt less than what a 'Godzilla' supposed to feel like to me. It brings about half or less than the goji vibe the original 1954 movie delivered, the very same movie this one got inspiration from the most. CGI is good, just a little less than the standard hollywood in flow and smoothness, which is already impressive for a non-hollywood or non-western, less budgeted production. Unfortunately, the story or plot doesn't quiet captivate me, maybe it's just a matter of duration, I'm sure it's gonna be much more fleshed out had it been at least a half hour longer with more screen time of the big guy.

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another enjoyable Anno-style action flick
3 August 2023
This is coming from a non-fan, better known as normie: I think it's pretty enjoyable to watch from start to finish because the movie almost didn't give me room to breath like, dude it's full of action from the Toho logo to credits! Since I'm a non-fan, the things that bother the original fans so much pass me by like wind through canyons, so hey feel free to roast me if you want. CGI didn't bother me that much like in Anno's previous two shins, I mean I could still catch what's going on. Practical effect done rightfully even brutal in some parts, like blood splattering all over the place. I wonder if Anno already had plan to make another shin series of another Japanese IP after this. Shin-Super Sentai anyone?

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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Make atomic weapons scary again
22 July 2023
Another banger from the master of practical effect with his usual style of filmmaking that gives a massive middle finger to modern hollywood. Drama all the way to the end, yet the maestro manage to make it far from boring with the intensity and the energy not even today's action movies can compete, not even the fast and the furious latest film can make you sit down watching a three-hour movie makes you not sleepy as if watching a movie with only half the duration. If you think the atomic bomb here is scary, try to see the political intrigue that proceeds AND follows it, the very cost of being the modern version of Prometheus.

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We're in the endgame now
9 July 2023
Seriously, I really hope we're in the endgame of the franchise since it's been going for a little bit too long, Cruise getting old, and we don't now how long he can maintain his performance in the ever-growing need of action flick situation thanks to hollywood takin the political message spreading route no one asks for. As the first part of the franchise's endgame I pretty enjoy it very much, it's very much the Mission Impossible we know and love action-wise, story-wise, character-wise, twist-wise with the added distinguished feature of longer, if not time-wasting, humor and non-human main threat, or in other words, it's getting closer to the sci-fi genre than the previous installment without diminishing the importance of human element. Sure some scenes get a little bit dragged on but it's paid off with a satisfying climax and cliffhanger ending that makes us wanting for more immediately. I have no expectation for the second part, since I already know it's gonna be cool as hell as usual, other than expecting the challenge gets monstrously harder for our heroes and heroines here that it able to give us a satisfying ending, one with global impact on humanity as a whole at all aspects of their live, because I want the story to be much more significant than the good guys kicking the bad guys' asses then accepting the next mission without the environment even aware of what's going on around as usual, or in other words, Let it be Armaggeddon!!

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The Flash (I) (2023)
Another DC attempt at copying Marvel
25 June 2023
Controversies aside, this movie works pretty well for those who don't have anything to do or any other better alternative to watch. CGI is most of the time pretty PS3-like and only 3-4 jokes land well for me, among hundreds of jokes that remind you again of that abominable Whedon's cut. What Muschietti basically did in this movie is erasing almost entirely whatever remains of the Snyderverse to pave the way for the new overlord Gunn-verse though the latter still remains to be seen until perhaps the end of Aquaman 2 which gave birth to the despicable power creep. Some of the logic and decision making process by the main character need to met with heavy criticism or even scrutiny. The moral of the story being conveyed here isn't bad all, in fact, it's almost tear-inducing, at least that's a plus from me for this movie. Had it not for my cousin(s), I would never have left the idea of not seeing this or any other comicbook film since No Way Home, especially on the theaters.

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What a hard sci-fi should aspire to be
27 April 2023
A sci-fi with a heart, that's what all sci-fi projects should've been and should be, though it can't be denied many people dislike this movie for it's bonker and aspull science parts, probably the same people who also like star wars despite it's nonsensical physics. Just like those people who only see star wars from the lens of the actions, politics, religion, and philosophies (in which you can find much more of those in a much better franchise like Dune), I see the swirl of human emotions, faith, struggles, and a message of unity on top of the not-so over the top CGI and action sequences backed up by fitting ost. From this movie. Man, if only I had watched this on the theaters instead of my smartphone.

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The highest octane of action among the four
27 March 2023
Truly, the main selling point of this movie, that is the high octane action sequences, saves this movie from some, if not a lot, of its flaws. Just sit back and enjoy, rid yourself of the remaining little care you have for the world for the moment and witness what John must endure throughout the film that it would automatically drive you to think: "How the hell is he still alive ?". One thing that I found pretty funny about this movie is that it almost feels like a modern console action-adventure game, in which the story involves a side quest that John needs to complete to further the plot and get closer to its completion.

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Three-Body (2023– )
A fine adaptation of the book
16 February 2023
Give it to the Chinese themselves to adapt the work of their most beloved sci fi author to the silver screen almost word for word that they need 30 frickin' episodes to tell the whole story. I myself appreciate greatly the effort they pulled that you can see the love the directors and writers put in this project, contrasted to what their western counterparts do when it comes to adaptation these days. Need to work a little bit on the cgi parts tho, hope this show kills it at least in China so they may get the movie budget if the studio greenlits the adaption of the next two books, which I really hope they do. This is quiet frankly a fine alternative to the self-insert, politically driven hollywood projects, and yes, I have no intention at all to follow the netflix version of the adaptation no matter how much they put their budget into it (well, maybe just the trailer).
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It's a pretty okay/fine/alright (pick one) sequel
16 December 2022
Which doesn't say much since I expected more from it, but at least it's a pretty fine movie if you want to spend some quality time in this holiday season with your loved ones and has nothing else to do better than laying around and scrolling through your social media feeds in your home, cause that's what this movie is all about: family, without having the need to autistically tell it to the audience like Dominic Toretto always does every single time he's on screen. CGI's pretty hollywood standard to me, nothing special, the messaging is simple, not to politically lean to either side of the spectrum, draggy at some parts, dialog's okay, the interactions and the dynamics between the characters sometimes felt too rushed despite this movie being more than 3-hour long. It's pretty clear from the ending and the mystery box Cameron put in this movie that there will be a third movie, though I'm not pretty excited for that (dunno, hollywood fatigue maybe?) and I think the first movie is still better in delivering the story and the worldbuilding aspect, this one overall feels like Cameron needs to tell you what happens after the first movie without so much expansion on his Avatar-verse.
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Yeah I'll just stick to the canon
16 November 2022
This is the last One Piece movie for me, if not the Last One Piece product I enjoy. I have no problem with all the sing-a-song along, well maybe little, but really it doesn't deliver how the movie was first teased or how it's marketed in general: It teased one of the most mysteriously interesting character in the series, only to be sidelined for the end, I mean, even the title should've referred to him! Yet the writers proof us that bait-and-switch isn't only happening in the western hemisphere of the entertainment realm. Better-than-average animation helps a little in my opinion, well you know, all those Dragon-ball-esque flashy effect they also apply in the One Piece animated series to distract from the fact they stretch the pace 3 episodes per manga chapter (Why you ask? Dunno, money I guess). But I give it 7/10 for getting me interested more than anything hollywood spewed hundreds of millions of dollars for in the year, and oh yeah for making me to just stick to the original source material that is finally about time to be engaging as the author himself has promised his fans: the manga.
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Shin Ultraman (2022)
Very fast paced, still enjoy it
1 November 2022
5 episodes crammed into almost 2 hour of duration! For a non-fan and first timer (meaning first time watching the original ultraman or it's modern reincarnation) like me, it's quiet annoying and confusing since it doesn't give us much time to know, root, or sympathize with any of the characters. But for the fans of the original series (the 60's version), it's quiet probably gonna be a nostalgia trip with all the namedrops, the designs, and even the fight choreography that pay homage to the original source material. Love the fact that the Anno made sense some of the elements from the original series to appeal to the updated modern science and technology while making sure the movie doesn't lose its fantasy status. It's always a win to a science enthusiast like me everytime a filmmaker gets the science right or at least sounds plausible to audiences with different levels of science comprehension even though it's beyond applicable in real life.

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Action-packed, generic story
11 September 2022
I'm fully aware this movie gets a lot of hate, though I can't understand why, it's within their right to have such feeling. Personally, I enjoy watching it. 2D animation will always be a better alternative but this 3D graphics isn't bad either, I have a good time watching the full action scenes which almost doesn't give us any room to breath, the choreography is excellent too. Story-wise nothing special about it, the ending's kinda cliche too, well I mean, Dragon Ball cliche, it wouldn't be a Dragon Ball movie without such ending. The villains somehow are a little bit underwhelming, without so much of a character development, but it's nice to see both Piccolo and Gohan get the spotlight sometimes, so not so bad at all, but not great either.

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Joko Anwar raises the bar again, others but few might not be able to catch up!
5 August 2022
Bigger, braver, more brutal, Joko Anwar sets new standard for Indonesian horror visual storytelling with each release of Pengabdi Setan's installment. But as usual with Joko, some parts work really well, others seem to be unfit in a 2-hour movie medium that are sometimes hard to ignore. But other than that, it's an excellent alternative for those suffering from Hollywood fatigue, thanks to all those homages towards 60's - 80's horror movies, the period where Hollywood still knew how to make movies, including horror/thriller

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Mission Impossible: Maverick
8 June 2022
Hollywood, take notes, this is how you "remake" a classic movie for modern audiences, this is how you diversify your casts, this how you tell your old audiences to be aware of how time has changed, this is how you should do it!

Classic yet modern, sad yet hopeful, Top Gun: Maverick proves that the old 80's movie formula still works in the middle of woke ideology messaging in the modern western entertainment. In the middle of fresh and young faces, Cruise almost does not waste his time telling the young kids he's still the boss around here. Though I have to say that by coating it with the vibe of his Mission Impossible series, I'm afraid his action flicks for years to come would bring nothing new to the table. Still, I hope for Dead Reckoning Part One and Part Two, he'd deliver something special as a love letter to long-time fans the way this movie does, or the way Infinity War and Endgame did for MCU fans.

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The Real "Multiverse of Madness"
19 May 2022
If I can sum this movie up, it's about a mother who goes throughout the multiverse just so she can tell her father that her daughter is a lesbian.

Jokes aside, watching this movie is a really wild ride, more "Multiverse of Madness" than the movie that claims to be it by putting together all the wild fantasies about the different universes the filmakers have in mind while developing the script only to tell us that maybe, just maybe, the ordinary and mediocre life we have right now is the best one we can ask for out of the infinite multitude of choices we could have made, be thankful with what we already have right now, accept what and who our loved ones are along with their flaws. Thought it wouldn't be as simple as that in real life, taking the first step to improve our lifes will always be the best direction anyone can move towards.

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A deeper story than the previous one
14 March 2022
And I can quiet confidently say it's deeper than all of the previous movies, which is understandable since this is a part of Kenshin's origin story. Not too draggy or boring, the romantic build up fits the runtime it is given though it's still pretty unclear how it could happen. Fight choreography is still as good as the last one yet sadly the most anticipated fight (perhaps) in this story arc, which is shown briefly in the anime and therefore supposed to happen, is not happening at all. Still we need to remind ourselves that this film is less about the fight and more about a monster who throughout the story undergoing a process of change along with the world he lives in

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The Batman (2022)
Less than a Batman that I expected
4 March 2022
I get that this is the caped crusader's second year in his heroing career, but still, seeing the world's greatest detective being outsmarted and played time and time again feels so weird, he weaker and and less energetic compared to the character's previous versions. So, sorry Robert, love you man, but in this case, Bale's version still reign supreme in all aspects. Alfred is also less than what he's supposed to be (Jeremy Irons version is still better), and I think Gordon is too. Catwoman is fine I guess, so is Falcone and Maroni. And the greatest casting this movie did goes to both Paul Dano and Collin Farrel, Both really capture the spirit of the characters they play, especially the former, like something out of the Batman Arkham game series brought into life. The political message delivered so subtly yet doesn't go unnoticed even from the first viewing (Matt, you sneaky b***ard you). So there you have it, my unpopular opinion, though you may still gonna like it, even wanna watch it a couple of times on the theaters after watching it once, but I don't, once is more than enough.

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Marvel with a touch of Jackie Chan and some wire fu
20 January 2022
I'm pretty well aware that I'm late to the party because I wasn't interested at first, but the more I think about its high ratings and scores, the stronger my urge to think like "Well, there's no harm watching it once, is there?". Well, to honest, it's pretty decent. MCU with a touch of Jackie Chan's "Police Story" series with some elements of wire fu that you can find in 2000's "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" and 2002's "Hero", because, you know, all of those ancient China settings. It's pretty intense at first, gets a little boring in the middle, then becomes action-packed again by the third act, though it's going a little bit too rushed. The CGI is pretty standard, MCU standard, which means good, not great, not terrible. Love Simu, he really looks like he's having fun with the role he's given; Awkwafina's character isn't as annoying as I had thought it would be; and as usual, like I've been saying about the MCU: some of the jokes are cringey or don't land very good at best, but it's just me tho, I don't know about you guys, maybe you'll find it funny you'd laugh your ass off, or just smile a little, who knows? Find it yourself...

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A Visual Love Letter to the Cinematic Spidey Fans
16 December 2021
Wow pretty much enjoyed watching it, really had a good time after so long not cheering, clapping together with fellow movie enjoyers thanks to the pandemic. The movie itself is intense at some parts, yet draggy at others, full of nostalgic fan service, not all the jokes land well, many of them are pretty cheesy (well, it's still MCU after all lol), but over all you most likely gonna love this, not just for spidey or general comicbook fans, but also for general viewers and movie-goers. So yeah, go watch it. Don't forget the health protocol tho!

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Two and a half hours felt like just an hour
24 October 2021
And guess what, I watched it on my smartphone, not some IMAX theater where it'd be undoubtedly the best way to experience it, because this movie is not about the story or the plot, it's also about world-building, philosophy, score, cinematography, and the best colossal starships CGI you can get. So far the only problem I have that it should've been made as a miniseries/tv series with the same quality of production so it may gives time and space for audiences to be invested in each of the main characters and, not less importantly, the world they live in as it is told and described in the novel. Denis definitely didn't waste away the big names of the casts, they fit and play their roles pretty good, but sorry to say I still can't accept his absurd reasoning of gender/race-swapping one of the most important characters, well maybe it's not entirely his fault, it's hollywood's. Can't wait for the second part!

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